

Example Lotus blog application Build Status


This is a very simple Lotus example application to demonstrate the basics of the Lotus web framework. It contains the following concepts:

  1. Routing
  2. Repositories, entities and mapping
  3. Flash
  4. Parameter whitelisting and validation
  5. Reading and writing data to a repository
  6. Testing with Minitest
  7. Database migrations

For a guide walking you through this application, see http://arjanvandergaag.nl/blog/up-and-running-with-lotus.html.


Running this application locally is simple. First, make sure you have a working installtion of Ruby (version 2 or later) and Rubygems on your system. Then, clone the repository:

% git clone git@github.com:avdgaag/lotus-blog-demo.git

Use Bundler to install required aubygems dependencies:

% bundle install

Make sure you have a database to work with. The application comes configured to look for a PostgreSQL database called demo_development. You can change this configuration in config/.env.development. To create the database, assuming you have postgres running:

% createdb demo_development

Run the database migrations to set up the database schema:

% bin/sequel -m db/migrations postgres://localhost/demo_development

You might also want to create some records using whatever database tools you like.

To see the results, launch a web server:

% bin/lotus server

And see the results at http://localhost:2300.

Running the tests

Assuming you have the development server set up, all you need now is a test database. The project comes preconfigured to look for a PostgreSQL database called demo_test, but this can be changed in config/.env.test.

Set up the test database:

% createdb demo_test
% bin/sequel -m db/mgirations postgres://localhost/demo_test

You can now run the test suite with Rake:

% rake spec

You should see the test results now.