DSL for writing PHP_CodeSniffer sniffs
Using this library you can easily write code sniffs for PHP_CodeSniffer. When you don't use this DSL you will find yourself writing lots of specific, never reusable code.
Say you want to create a code sniff that triggers an error if a PHP file contains an (auto-generated) doc comment at the top (this is called a "file comment"). You should first create a "matcher" for this specific situation:
namespace Matthias\PhpCodingStandard\Sniffs\Commenting;
use Matthias\Codesniffer\MatcherInterface;
use Matthias\Codesniffer\Sequence\SequenceBuilder;
class FileCommentMatcher implements MatcherInterface
public function matches(array $tokens, $tokenIndex)
$forwardSequence = SequenceBuilder::create()
->token(T_WHITESPACE, ' ') // space
->token(T_STRING) // namespace root
->quantity() // sub namespaces
->token(T_SEMICOLON) // end of namespace declaration
->quantity() // two blank lines
->token(T_WHITESPACE, "\n")
$backwardSequence = SequenceBuilder::create()
// the first new line is part of the PHP open tag
->token(T_WHITESPACE, "\n")
$oneBlankLineAfterNamespace = $forwardSequence->matches($tokens, $tokenIndex);
$oneBlankLineBeforeNamespace = $backwardSequence->matches($tokens, $tokenIndex);
return $oneBlankLineBeforeNamespace && $oneBlankLineAfterNamespace;
Next the actual sniff class is pretty simple:
use Matthias\PhpCodingStandard\Sniffs\Commenting\FileCommentMatcher;
class PhpCodingStandard_Sniffs_Commenting_NoFileCommentForClassSniff implements \PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff
public function register()
// this sniff will be triggered when the code sniffer encounters a T_DOC_COMMENT token
return array(
public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
$tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
// create the matcher
$matcher = new FileCommentMatcher();
// use the matcher to determine if the current token is a file comment
if ($matcher->matches($tokens, $stackPtr)) {
$phpcsFile->addError('File should not have a file comment', $stackPtr);