


Ion.RangeSlider. Is an easy, flexible and responsive range slider with tons of options.



Key features




Add the following libraries to the page:

Add the following stylesheets to the page:


Use CDNjs or JSdelivr to get latest version of plugin and jQuery.

<!--Plugin CSS file with desired skin-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ion-rangeslider/2.3.1/css/ion.rangeSlider.min.css"/>

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!--Plugin JavaScript file-->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ion-rangeslider/2.3.1/js/ion.rangeSlider.min.js"></script>   

Install with NPM

Use NPM to download latest version of a plugin and install it directly in to your project.

Install with Bower

Use Bower to download latest version of a plugin and install it directly in to your project.

Install with Yarn

Use Yarn to download latest version of a plugin and install it directly in to your project.


The slider overrides a native text <code>input</code> element.

<input type="text" id="example_id" name="example_name" value="" />

To initialise the slider, call ionRangeSlider on the element:


<a href="https://jsfiddle.net/IonDen/uqs7njp9/" target="_blank">Experiments playground</a>

Here you can find bunch of advanced JSFIDDLE demos with different, non-standard use cases:


skindata-skinflatstringChoose UI skin to use (flat, big, modern, round, sharp, square)
typedata-typesinglestringChoose slider type, could be single - for one handle, or double for two handles
mindata-min10numberSet slider minimum value
maxdata-max100numberSet slider maximum value
fromdata-fromminnumberSet start position for left handle (or for single handle)
todata-tomaxnumberSet start position for right handle
stepdata-step1numberSet sliders step. Always > 0. Could be fractional
min_intervaldata-min-interval-numberSet minimum diapason between sliders. Only for double type
max_intervaldata-max-interval-numberSet minimum maximum between sliders. Only for double type
drag_intervaldata-drag-intervalfalsebooleanAllow user to drag whole range. Only for double type
valuesdata-values[]arraySet up your own array of possible slider values. They could be numbers or strings. If the values array is set up, min, max and step param, can no longer be changed
from_fixeddata-from-fixedfalsebooleanFix position of left (or single) handle
from_mindata-from-minminnumberSet minimum limit for left (or single) handle
from_maxdata-from-maxmaxnumberSet maximum limit for left (or single) handle
from_shadowdata-from-shadowfalsebooleanHighlight the limits for left handle
to_fixeddata-to-fixedfalsebooleanFix position of right handle
to_mindata-to-minminnumberSet minimum limit for right handle
to_maxdata-to-maxmaxnumberSet maximum limit for right handle
to_shadowdata-to-shadowfalsebooleanHighlight the right handle
prettify_enableddata-prettify-enabledtruebooleanImprove readability of long numbers: 10000000 → 10 000 000
prettify_separatordata-prettify-separator stringSet up your own separator for long numbers: 10000000 → 10,000,000 etc.
prettify-nullfunctionSet up your own prettify function. Can be anything. For example, you can set up unix time as slider values and than transform them to cool looking dates
force_edgesdata-force-edgesfalsebooleanSliders handles and tooltips will be always inside it's container
keyboarddata-keyboardtruebooleanActivates keyboard controls. Move left: ←, ↓, A, S. Move right: →, ↑, W, D.
griddata-gridtruebooleanEnables grid of values above the slider
grid_margindata-grid-margintruebooleanSet left and right grid gaps
grid_numdata-grid-num4numberNumber of grid units
grid_snapdata-grid-snapfalsebooleanSnap grid to sliders step (step param). If activated, grid_num will not be used. Max steps = 50
hide_min_maxdata-hide-min-maxfalsebooleanHides min and max labels
hide_from_todata-hide-from-tofalsebooleanHides from and to labels
prefixdata-prefix``stringSet prefix for values. Will be set up right before the number: **$**100
postfixdata-postfix``stringSet postfix for values. Will be set up right after the number: 100k
max_postfixdata-max-postfix``stringSpecial postfix, used only for maximum value. Will be showed after handle will reach maximum right position. For example 0 — 100+
decorate_bothdata-decorate-bothtruebooleanUsed for double type and only if prefix or postfix was set up. Determine how to decorate close values. For example: $10k — $100k or $10 — 100k
values_separatordata-decorate-both-stringSet your own separator for close values. Used for double type. Default: 10 — 100. Or you may set: 10 to 100, 10 + 100, 10 → 100 etc.
input_values_separatordata-input-values-separator;stringSeparator for double values in input value property. <input value="25;42">
disabledata-disablefalsebooleanLocks slider and makes it inactive. Input is disabled too. Invisible to forms
blockdata-blokcfalsebooleanLocks slider and makes it inactive. Input is NOT disabled. Can be send with forms
extra_classesdata-extra-classesstringTraverse extra CSS-classes to sliders container
scope-nullobjectScope for callbacks. Pass any object
onStart-nullfunctionCallback. Is called on slider start. Gets all slider data as a 1st attribute
onChange-nullfunctionCallback. IS called on each values change. Gets all slider data as a 1st attribute
onFinish-nullfunctionCallback. Is called when user releases handle. Gets all slider data as a 1st attribute
onUpdate-nullfunctionCallback. Is called when slider is modified by external methods update or reset

Description of data passed to callbacks (onChange and etc.)

Result is object type and passed to callback as first argument:

Obj: {
    "input": object,            // jQuery-link to input
    "slider": object,           // jQuery-link to sliders container
    "min": 1000,                // MIN value
    "max": 100000,              // MAX values
    "from": 10000,              // FROM value
    "from_percent": 10,         // FROM value in percents
    "from_value": 0,            // FROM index in values array (if used)
    "to": 90000,                // TO value
    "to_percent": 90,           // TO value in percents
    "to_value": 0,              // TO index in values array (if used)
    "min_pretty": "1 000",      // MIN prettified (if used)
    "max_pretty": "100 000",    // MAX prettified (if used)
    "from_pretty": "10 000",    // FROM prettified (if used)
    "to_pretty": "90 000"       // TO prettified (if used)

Creating slider (all params)

An example of a customised slider:

    skin: "big",
    min: 0,
    max: 10000,
    from: 1000,
    to: 9000,
    type: 'double',
    prefix: "$",
    grid: true,
    grid_num: 10

You can also initialise slider with <code>data-*</code> attributes of input tag:


Public methods

To use public methods, at first you must save slider instance to variable:

// Launch plugin
    type: "double",
    min: 0,
    max: 1000,
    from: 200,
    to: 500,
    grid: true

// Saving it's instance to var
var slider = $("#range").data("ionRangeSlider");

// Fire public method

There are 3 public methods:

// UPDATE - updates slider to any new values
    from: 300,
    to: 400

// RESET - reset slider to it's first values

// DESTROY - destroys slider and restores original input field

One more look on demos

All plugins options are covered in demos.

<a href="history.md">Update history</a>

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