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Huge collection of useful projects and resources for COVID-19 (2019 novel Coronavirus)

COVID-19 (2019 novel Coronavirus) is a current epidemic as of today. Developers around the world are building applications for the public to get up-to-date and accurate information as quickly as possible. <br>

If you are interested to add an item to this list, please read the contribution guidelines first!


Get to Know

CoronavirusWorld Health Organization.
Novel coronavirus (COVID-19)World Health Organization.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the publicWorld Health Organization.
Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19)World Health Organization.

Open Source Projects


2409@disease-sh/APIAPI for Current cases and more stuff about COVID-19 and Influenza
2409@disease-sh/APIAPI for Current cases and more stuff about COVID-19 and Influenza
1605@ExpDev07/coronavirus-tracker-api🦠 A simple and fast (< 200ms) API for tracking the global coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak. It's written in python using the 🔥 FastAPI framework. Supports multiple sources!
1366@mathdroid/covid-19-apiCOVID-19 global data (from JHU CSSE for now) as-a-service
730@OxCGRT/covid-policy-trackerSystematic dataset of Covid-19 policy, from Oxford University
668@covid19india/apiMoved to https://github.com/covid19india/data/
412@M-Media-Group/Covid-19-APIThis is the code running in AWS Lambda powering covid-api.mmediagroup.fr/v1. The API provides realtime and historical data on Coronavirus COVID-19 confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered cases. This API has now been called over 40 million times, thank you!
326@amodm/api-covid19-inCOVID Rest API for India data, using Cloudflare Workers
255@marlon360/rki-covid-api🦠🇩🇪📈 An API for the spread of covid-19 in Germany. Data from Robert-Koch-Institut.
125@ryo-ma/covid19-japan-web-api🇯🇵 Web API to get 🦠COVID-19(coronavirus) information of each prefecture in Japan
123@Laeyoung/COVID-19-APIAPI Service for tracking the COVID-19
121@bizz84/coronavirus_rest_api_flutter_courseCoronavirus REST API Flutter Course
121@nat236919/covid19-apiAPI for exploring COVID-19 cases around the globe
85@pastelsky/covid-19-mobility-trackerGoogle Mobility Reports, reverse-engineered into a JSON / CSV API
84@rlindskog/covid19-graphqlCOVID-19 GraphQL API
77@ChrisMichaelPerezSantiago/covid19This API provides updated real-time data on coronavirus cases from the worldometers page, provided by the most reputable organizations and statistical offices in the world.
75@COVID19Tracking/covid-tracking-apiCOVID-19 Rest & GraphQL API for US data, using Cloudflare Workers
61@andreagrandi/covid-apiCOVID19 Api based on Johns Hopkins CSSE data
49@Covid-19-Response-Greece/covid19-greece-api🦠 A simple and fast API for tracking the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Greece 🇬🇷
43@yahoo/covid-19-apiYahoo Knowledge COVID-19 API provides JSON-API and GraphQL interfaces to access COVID-19 publicly sourced data
41@isjeffcom/coronvirusFigureUKA data crawler for geting COVID-19 figure from NHS official website
35@PotentialWeb/CoronaTabFree & Open source platform for COVID19 data. Dashboard - REST API - Browser Extension - Localised 🦠 😷
20@cinemast/covid19-atCOVID-19 Stats and Maps for Austria
18@COVID19-SARS-CoV-2/web-covid-api🦠COVID-19 Coronavirus 🔥Tracker Dashboard and 🚀Super fast API's (< 200ms) 🆕Updates every 3 mins
17@AlaeddineMessadi/COVID-19-REPORT-API⚕️🚑 COVID-19 API Service to keep tracking cases worldwide 🌍
15@ffflorian/api-clientsAPI clients for various services
13@mahabub81/covid-19-apiCovid-19 Data in Json and SQL format
13@yedhink/covid19-kerala-api-deprecatedDeprecated - A fast API service for retrieving day to day stats about Coronavirus(COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak in Kerala(India).
12@ExpDev07/coronavirus-tracker🦠 A live tracker and visualization of the coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Consists purely of a frontend written in EmberJS.
7@lkd70/coronapiA Coronavirus (COVID-19) tracking API (Bing data)
6@elias-garcia/covid-19-spain🇪🇸 REST API which exposes all of the COVID-19 stats for Spain extracted from the official spanish government daily reports.
5@slotix/COVID-19Coronavirus (COVID-19) open API
4@Spiderpig86/coronavirus-us-api🦠🇺🇸 A fast (< 400ms) microservice for live statistics on Coronavirus/Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2 impact on the US.
3@episphere/coronaExploring realtime interoperability with COVID-19 data
1@cityxdev/covid19GoogleMobilityJSONA way to transform Google's mobility data during the COVID-19 pandemic to a JSON file per country
1@AtilioA/COVID19-ES-Py🛠 API em Python para consulta de casos de COVID-19 no estado do Espírito Santo.
0@nsht/coronavirus_apiAn API providing various stats around the virus.

Statistics and Datasets

29275@CSSEGISandData/COVID-19Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
6927@nytimes/covid-19-dataAn ongoing repository of data on coronavirus cases and deaths in the U.S.
6888@covid19india/covid19india-reactTracking the impact of COVID-19 in India
5541@owid/covid-19-dataData on COVID-19 (coronavirus) cases, deaths, hospitalizations, tests • All countries • Updated daily by Our World in Data
3926@pcm-dpc/COVID-19COVID-19 Italia - Monitoraggio situazione
2894@ieee8023/covid-chestxray-datasetWe are building an open database of COVID-19 cases with chest X-ray or CT images.
1646@github/covid19-dashboardA site that displays up to date COVID-19 stats, powered by fastpages.
1326@nextstrain/ncovNextstrain build for novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
1233@pomber/covid19JSON time-series of coronavirus cases (confirmed, deaths and recovered) per country - updated daily
1153@datasets/covid-19Novel Coronavirus 2019 time series data on cases
1107@FoldingAtHome/coronavirusFolding@home COVID-19 efforts
1023@UCSD-AI4H/COVID-CTCOVID-CT-Dataset: A CT Scan Dataset about COVID-19
619@globalcitizen/2019-wuhan-coronavirus-data2019 Wuhan Coronavirus data (COVID-19 / 2019-nCoV)
540@turicas/covid19-brDados diários mais recentes do coronavírus por município brasileiro
481@RamiKrispin/coronavirusThe coronavirus dataset
436@openZH/covid_19COVID19 case numbers of Cantons of Switzerland and Principality of Liechtenstein (FL). The data is updated at best once a day (times of collection and update may vary). Start with the README.
435@GuangchuangYu/nCov2019query stats of infected coronavirus cases
370@covidatlas/coronadatascraperCOVID-19 Coronavirus data scraped from government and curated data sources.
288@opencovid19-fr/dataConsolidation des données de sources officielles concernant l'épidémie de COVID19
282@OssamaRafique/Covid-19-Statistics-Dashboard-Angular-9🦠Corona Virus / Covid 19 Tracker Dashboard With Awesome UI + PWA + NodeJS Scraper
267@trekhleb/covid-19📈 Coronavirus (COVID-19) dashboard to show the dynamics of Сoronavirus distribution per country
254@ActiveConclusion/COVID19_mobilityCOVID-19 Mobility Data Aggregator. Scraper of Google, Apple, Waze and TomTom COVID-19 Mobility Reports🚶🚘🚉
182@jihoo-kim/Data-Science-for-COVID-19DS4C: Data Science for COVID-19 in South Korea
154@artic-network/artic-ncov2019ARTIC nanopore protocol for nCoV2019 novel coronavirus
116@jianxu305/nCov2019_analysisAnalysis of 2019-nCov coronavirus data
111@ozanerturk/covid19-turkey-apihttps://ozanerturk.github.io/covid19-turkey-api/ Corona türkiye güncel dataset
106@yahoo/covid-19-dataCOVID-19 datasets are constructed entirely from primary (government and public agency) sources
77@tmacdou4/2019-nCovEfforts towards proposing a potentially highly active molecule against a target protein of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus
73@v7labs/covid-19-xray-dataset12000+ manually drawn pixel-level lung segmentations, with and without covid
61@sociepy/covid19-vaccination-subnational🌍💉 Global COVID-19 vaccination data at the regional level.
59@seandavi/sars2packAn R package with over 50 highly cited, read-to-use, up-to-date COVID-19 pandemic data resources
56@UniversalDataTool/coronavirus-mask-image-datasetImage dataset from Instagram of people wearing medical masks, no mask, or a non-medical (DIY) mask
50@virtadpt/exocortex-agentsA collection of sample Huginn agents I use to demonstrate how they're put together, and a little of what they can do.
49@coviddata/coviddataDaily COVID-19 statistics by country, region, and city
47@jmcastagnetto/covid-19-peru-dataDatos de casos confirmados, negativos, defunciones y recuperados, transcritos de los tweets del MINSA (https://twitter.com/Minsa_Peru), de sus comunicados y de su "Sala Situacional...".
47@alext234/coronavirus-statsAutomatically scrape data and statistics on Coronavirus to make them easily accessible in CSV format
46@RamiKrispin/coronavirus-csvCSV format for the coronavirus R package dataset
42@ml-workgroup/covid-19-image-repositoryAnonymized dataset of COVID-19 cases with a focus on radiological imaging. This includes images (x-ray / ct) with extensive metadata, such as admission-, ICU-, laboratory-, and patient master-data.
34@arnoudbuzing/wolfram-coronavirusWolfram Language code and notebooks related to the coronavirus outbreak
30@lazargugleta/coronavirusStatsTrack data for Coronavirus for your country.
25@cipriancraciun/covid19-datasetsCOVID-19 derived and augmented datasets (based on JHU, NY Times, ECDC) exported as JSON, TSV, SQL, SQLite DB (plus visualizations)
25@docligot/coronatracker-analyticsAnalysis and reports based on novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019) data.
18@xhluca/covid-qaA collection of COVID-19 question-answer pairs and transformer baselines for evaluating QA models (Official Repository)
18@joaotinti75/Coronavirusthis code uses a daily database to display data in the form of a graph and map using the libraries matplotlib and folium
17@cjvanlissa/COVID19_metadataInteroperable secondary data for research on the new COVID-19 coronavirus sars-cov-2
16@kalisio/covid-19Données cartographiques concernant l'épidémie de COVID-19 en France
15@defeatcovid19/defeatcovid19-projectThe aim of this project is to join together all the contribution that people around the world can offer to help everyone to overcome the devastating outbreak of COVID19
14@xyjigsaw/COVID-19-traces-Knowledge-GraphCOVID-19(2019-nCoV) traces data Knowledge Graph
10@rfearing/temp-covid-resourcesAvailable resources for those in need during the CoronaVirus Pandemic
8@sebaxtian/colombia_covid_19_pipePipeline to get data sources from Instituto Nacional de Salud - INS related to Covid19 cases daily report in Colombia to create datasets.
8@AlaeddineMessadi/COVID-19-REPORT-DASHBOARD⚕️ COVID-19 daily report dashboard of all cases worldwide ⚕️
3@ali-commits/COVID19-Datasetthe complete historical cleaned COVID19 data set
2@masdot/cdp-corona-data-projectThis projects plots and analyzes data related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany.
2@PhantasWeng/coronavirus-daily-dashboardCoronavirus daily dashboard. 新冠病毒每日追蹤
1@pranavmishra90/COVID-19COVID-19 Dashboard - Created by Dr. Pranav Kumar Mishra and Dr. Shekhar Mishra. doi:10.5281/zenodo.4394299
1@akshayajeevan/covid19-us-statesCOVID-19 cases of USA States from JHU CSSE in JSON format
1@cityxdev/covid19ByCountryA small dashboard providing country comparison on COVID-19 data
1@hmpandey/CoronaQsHTML renderable dataset of FAQs with label collected from various trusted resources like government, UN, WHO etc.


1376@neherlab/covid19_scenariosModels of COVID-19 outbreak trajectories and hospital demand
1125@lindawangg/COVID-NetCOVID-Net Open Source Initiative
945@ImperialCollegeLondon/covid19modelCode for modelling estimated deaths and cases for COVID19.
642@midas-network/COVID-192019 novel coronavirus repository
216@Yu-Group/covid19-severity-predictionExtensive and accessible COVID-19 data + forecasting for counties and hospitals. 📈
213@InstituteforDiseaseModeling/covasimCOVID-19 Agent-based Simulator (Covasim): a model for exploring coronavirus dynamics and interventions
136@pennsignals/chimeCOVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics
83@coronafighter/coronaSEIRSimple SEIR model Python script for the COVID-19 pandemic with real world data comparison.
59@HopkinsIDD/ncov_incubationEstimating the incubation time of the novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019) based on traveler data using coarse data tools
25@COMOKIT/COMOKIT-ModelA GAMA (http://gama-platform.org) model on the assessment and comparisons of intervention policies against the CoVid19 pandemics
21@funcional-health-analytics/covid19-analyticsAnalysis of the COVID19 outbreak in Brazil mainly through epidemic and hospitalization models, by the Health Analytics and Prospera consulting business units of Funcional Heatlh Tech.
15@healthbadge/episimmerEpisimmer is an Epidemic Simulation Framework for Decision Support. It is a highly flexible system that can be easily configured to help take decisions during an epidemic in closed communities like university campuses and gated communities.
13@epispot/epispotA tool for modeling infectious diseases.
11@p-j-r/covid-19Stochastic SIR models; adding age-structures and social contact data for the spread of covid-19. Lattice model for identifying and isolating hotspots. This has been further developed into a network(graph) of multiple clusters(lattices) and tracing the infection in such a population.
11@Mythobeast/epidemicmodelsSIR, SEIR, and beyond
9@Nu-AI/Livid-About-COVIDForecasting the spread of the novel coronavirus
8@microprediction/pandemicA 2d contagion model with commuting modeled as regime switching Ornstein-Uhlenbeck walks on the plane
5@mmahdigh/covid-riskAssess the risk of indoor gatherings, events and parties using Covid Risk Calculator.
5@daveselinger/covid-19-hackathonCOVID state-by-state analysis. Please look at by_state_covid_analysis.ipynb. It can be opened directly into Google Colab. See the readme below for accompanying video and summary result presentations.
1@inavamsi/Custom_epidemic_modelA simple UI to easily build and run custom epidemic models.
1@Elzawawy/covid-case-estimatorA daily and total number of cases by country estimators for the COVID-19 crisis in hopes to help the community survive this pandemic.


47@xyjigsaw/COVID19-KBQA-DEMOCOVID-2019 中文知识问答系统
12@jbesomi/Korono👑Korono: question answering platform for COVID-19 papers
4@assemzh/ProbProg-COVID-19Using Pyro for COVID-19 simulation
3@BNext-IQT/antiviralsFind antivirals for COVID-19 using machine learning.


323@stevenliuyi/covid19an interactive, animated COVID-19 coronavirus map to track the outbreak over time by country and by region for selected countries
178@BustByte/coronastatusAnonymous crowd sourcing of COVID-19 symptoms all over the world (with public data sets)!
165@etalab/covid19-dashboardTableau de bord officiel de suivi de l'épidémie de COVID-19
156@jakobzhao/virusNoval Coronavirus Infection Map
150@ncovis/choroplethChoropleth Map of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak.
87@reach4help/reach4helpWe are Reach4Help: a tech nonprofit connecting people in need with volunteer help in 38+ countries across Canada, the US, Europe and Asia
73@konradkalemba/korona.ws🗺 Coronavirus interactive map of Poland
47@antonlukin/coronavirusWuhan coronavirus outbreak
14@par6n/ncov-19A simple page featuring an interactive map presenting nCoV-19 spread in Iran
6@zy6p/covid-19-dashboardA vue3, echarts and leaflet covid-19 dashboard.
5@covidhospitals/covidhospitalsWebsite to locate Covid19 Hospitals in India on Map with beds availability, hospital contact details, directions to navigate.
4@0kzh/COVID-INCInteractive world map tracking the spread of COVID-19
4@ankitchouhan1020/coronaMap of confirmed coronavirus cases in India
2@yammadev/col-covid-19Seguimiento (Mapa y Estadísticas) del COVID-19 en Colombia / Tracking (Map & Statistics) COVID-19 in Colombia

Applications and Bots

2118@WorldHealthOrganization/appCOVID-19 App
1519@mhdhejazi/CoronaTrackerCoronavirus tracker app for iOS & macOS with maps & charts
529@google/exposure-notifications-androidExposure Notifications Android Reference Design
484@phildini/stayinghomeclubA list of all the companies WFH or events changed because of covid-19
453@AaronWard/covidifyCovidify - corona virus report and dataset generator for python 📈 [no longer being updated]
361@alfianlosari/CoronaVirusTrackerSwiftUICorona Virus Tracker & Advices iOS App with SwiftUI
319@JohnCoene/coronavirus🦠 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tracker
255@julianschiavo/CovidcheckOpen source iOS app to track COVID-19 cases in a beautiful, easy-to-use interface
254@dsfsi/covid19zaCoronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository and Dashboard for South Africa
209@heremaps/here-covid-19-trackerUsing HERE Technologies APIs, fork and build your own COVID-19 Tracker. For a live version, see the website.
189@BrianRuizy/covid19-dashboard🦠 Django + Plotly Coronavirus dashboard. Powerful data driven Python web-app, with an awesome UI. Contributions welcomed! Featured on 🕶Awesome-list
148@GabrielTavernini/Covid19StatsA simple mobile app developed with Flutter to visualize Covid19 statistics 🦠
104@RamiKrispin/coronavirus_dashboardThe Coronavirus Dashboard
61@the-robot/covid19-updatesMonitoring service and bot to give updates about COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)
60@dstotijn/ct-diag-serverDiagnosis server for Apple/Google's (COVID-19) Exposure Notification framework.
60@hysios/coronavirus2019 nCoV realtime track system based Scrapy + influxdb + grafana + NLTK + Stanford CoreNLP
56@boogheta/coronavirus-countriesCOVID-19 interactive dashboard for the whole world
46@YogaSakti/CoronaNotifierWhatsapp Bot automatic notification & respond using MQTT, nodeJS & LowDB
44@aerogear/OpenVolunteerPlatformPlatform for building volunteer management systems dedicated for local gov and charity organizations
42@nthopinion/covid19Code vs COVID-19: Taking down a Pandemic using machines connected globally to extinguish a biological threat of a super virus.
39@yahoo/covid-19-dashboardSource code for the Yahoo Knowledge Graph COVID-19 Dashboard
39@duarteocarmo/coronabar🦠 A menu bar app to track coronavirus cases all over the world
26@helloworldkr/Bluetooth-ble-beamer-and-scanner-for-tracing-corona-virus-infected-individualBluetooth ble beacon beamer and scanner for tracing corona virus infected person similar to Trace Together app
19@LeafyCode/survive-together-webAllows people in countries that have a curfew to post what they need so whoever distributes them can find those in need. Also, distributors can post about their services.
19@Bost/corona_cases🦠 Coronavirus Information on Telegram Chatbot
15@stritti/covid-ampel-widget🚦 Ampel Widget, um die aktuellen 🦠Corona-Zahlen (Inzidenz) des RKI für die Landkreise in 🇩🇪 Deutschland auf dem Smartphone anzuzeigen
15@calpt/CoronaPandemicBot🦠 Yet another Telegram bot tracking the worldwide spread of COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)
15@iamrohitsuthar/gocoronagogocoronago website shows the latest COVID-19 stats in india
13@hissain/CoronaTrackerA full stack framework to trace possible close-contact candidates within last specified days for an already detected covid-19 positive patient
13@destructo570/CovidTrackerA minimal designed app to track current statistics of COVID-19 across the world and detailed state wise statistics of India. App also offers some useful information regarding COVID-19, along with helpline numbers(India only).
13@nploi/corona_tracker:bar_chart: Corona virus tracker app for IOS and Android.
12@MM-coder/coronavirus-wallpaper🦠 Application that allows you to update your wallpaper with the COVID-19 stats in your area
12@dabigjoe6/react-native-covid19A React Native app created to track COVID-19 cases and also provide users with important information
11@onl1ner/CovidKazakhstan🦠 Application to track number of coronavirus COVID-19 cases in Kazakhstan.
9@Druhin13/coronaCoronavirus Mobile Dashboard for India - Live Statistics (Refreshes every minute)
8@onlyphantom/coronavirusA Shiny Web App tutorial inspecting the COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) epidemic, data from https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/tree/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series
7@bluesquare-io/covid-19-appStarting point for a COVID-19 crisis app.
7@bluebillxp/android-covid19-reportviewerThis is the COVID-19 daily report viewer on Android presents data from CSSE@JHU open-sourced data repo.
7@cakebatterandsprinkles/whereiscovidCOVID19 tracking app made with React
6@booleanhunter-tech-blog/kartpoolCommunity driven delivery platform for the ones who need it the most.
6@soroushchehresa/iran-coronavirusIOS & Android app about Coronavirus in Iran built with React-Native and TypeScript
5@mayukh18/covidexploreexploring the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the world through data
4@Jxyme/covid-19-discord-custom-statusAutomatically adjust your Discord Custom Status with the latest COVID-19 Figures.
4@amitay87/corona_touch_trackingA system that will track touch in common surfaces in order to prioriotize the cleaning/disinfection of the most touched surfaces
4@aleskandro/covid19-charts-spreading-rapidityCovid19 simple charts, spreading, rapidity and acceleration
3@njoyard/coronaCovid-19 cases visualisation app using CSSE data
3@MG-ng/Virus-Ticker-WidgetSee the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in your country - directly on your home screen
2@expelledboy/bitbar-covidGet updates on covid 19 for your country in your status bar. BitBar Plugin.
2@Spiderpig86/to-go:ramen: Simple web app for aggregating open restaurants in US/Canada cities during Covid-19.
1@shaunsaker/covid-19-south-africa-appA mobile app that displays the latest COVID-19 stats of any country and sends push notifications when the South African stats are released👨‍⚕️
1@LuisReinoso/covid-19-community-trackerCheck if you are near of suspected cases of covid-19. Self-report. No data is revealed.
0@Coriou/easy-attestationPermet de générer l'attestation dérogatoire de sortie de manière rapide et automatique
0@varundeva/CoronaTrackerCorona Tracking App by Using Various Data Api Available on GitHub

Packages and Scripts

1153@datasets/covid-19Novel Coronavirus 2019 time series data on cases
122@koushikkothagal/coronavirus-trackerSpring Boot Java app to track coronavirus confirmed cases across the globe
44@nf1s/covidPython package to fetch information regarding the novel corona virus provided by Johns Hopkins university and worldometers.info
40@eebrown/data2019nCoVCOVID-19 Pandemic Data R Package
40@eebrown/data2019nCoVCOVID-19 Pandemic Data R Package
31@pdtyreus/coronavirus-dsJupyter notebooks and python scripts for investigating the 2019 coronavirus outbreak
5@benhur07b/covid19-load-qgisA Python script you can run in QGIS that loads the data from https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 provided by Johns Hopkins University CSSE.
1@zekinah/zone-pandemic-covid19A WordPress plugin that generates a shortcode that shows the covid19's live captured data around the world.
1@M-Media-Group/Coronavirus-COVID-19-WatchWordPress plugin integrating COVID-19 API
1@Coriou/easy-covid-dataA node library to generate easy to use data related to the Covid-19 pandemic
0@ffflorian/exposure-keysTemporary Exposure Keys (TEK) library written in TypeScript.


1858@ahmadawais/corona-cli🦠 Track the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the command line. Worldwide for all countries, for one country, and the US States. Fast response time (< 100ms). To chat: https://twitter.com/MrAhmadAwais/
961@sagarkarira/coronavirus-tracker-cliTrack conronavirus cases from command line. curl https://corona-stats.online/
277@wareneutron/covid19-tracker-cliA console-oriented COVID-19 tracker with real-time updates for your favorite terminal. 💻🌏😷
98@OpenGene/fastvAn ultra-fast tool for identification of SARS-CoV-2 and other microbes from sequencing data. This tool can be used to detect viral infectious diseases, like COVID-19.
89@garrylachman/covid19-cliCorona Virus (Covid 19) BASH Tracking CLI
46@MouadBH/coronapy-cliA command line tool in python to fetch worldwide data about COVID-19
19@anksh1997/covid19-cliA CLI for getting covid-19 coronavirus status of your district or state or country at lightning speed right on your terminal built using https://api.covid19india.org.
14@soroushchehresa/cli-corona📈 Track COVID-19 (2019 novel Coronavirus) statistics via the command line.
9@mixon00/cov19-cliCOVID-19 CLI Tool
2@aayush-jaiswal/covid-inA simple and fast command line app to get covid-19 updates for India.
0@xinyangyuan/c19A simple cli to get COVID-19 data with one command
0@aethe/coronaCLI for tracking the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19


1656@jcl5m1/ventilatorLow-Cost Open Source Ventilator or PAPR
793@makers-for-life/makair🫁 The world's first open-source ventilator tested on human patients. Mass-producible at a low cost (~2000€).

Data Stream

35@SolaceLabs/covid19-stream-processorsStream Information & Example Applications for Processing JHU and CovidTracking.com COVID-19 data available as streams over Solace


Web Apps

coronatracker.comCORONATRACKER.com is a community-based project powered by over 460 volunteers from across the globe, ranging from data scientists, medical professionals, UI/UX designers, fullstack developers, to the general public.
coronavirus.appCoronavirus statistics by map.
coronavirusinfections.orgHealth information on coronavirus infections with detailed statistics from around the world. Data can be exported in 7 different formats.
thewuhanvirus.comCoronavirus statistics by the countries.
sgwuhan.xose.netCoronavirus map.
the2019ncov.comMap, data and timeline of coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
wuflu.liveReal-time updates and stats for the Coronavirus.
outbreak.myMalaysia outbreakmMonitor and live updates.
epidemictracker.comEpidemic Tracking and Data Science.
COVID19Japan.comJapan COVID-19 Coronavirus Tracker.
coronavirus.visualdatahq.comCoronavirus Tracker.
go.gov.sg/covid-19-dashboardOfficial Update of COVID -19 Situation in Singapore.
shiny.john-coene.com/coronavirusCoronavirus Tracker.
corona.rade.irنقشه‌ی مبتلایان به ویروس COVID-19 در ایران.
coronavirus.zoneOutbreak map of novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV.
talksub.com/covid19For US. Interactive map, per state data table, chart, news articles.
veille-coronavirus.frTableau de bord de suivi de l’épidémie de coronavirus en France.
opendatadpc.maps.arcgis.comCOVID-19 ITALIA.
alessiodl.github.io/COVID19DashboardCoViD-19 Dashboard Italia.
coronaviruslive.itSituazione Coronavirus in Italia - LIVE.
stayinghome.clubA list of all the companies WFH or events changed because of covid-19.
korona.wsKoronawirus w Polsce.
coronainusa.comCorona Virus Near Me.
covid19esp.herokuapp.comCoronavirus en Español - Panel de estadísticas en Español con los últimos datos recibidos.
italy.coronavirusinfections.orgHealth information on coronavirus infections with detailed statistics from Italy. The data can be exported in 7 different formats.
covid-api.comCOVID-19 Statistics API based on public data by Johns Hopkins CSSE.
CovidStatsCoronavirus charts and reports.
covidabruzzo.itCoronavirus in Abruzzo - I dati aggiornati.
Work From Home GigsA weekly updated list of work from home jobs during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Corona-trackerWeb app to track Coronavirus with primary focus on India.
Covid-19 statisticsWeb app to get covid-19 statistics around the world, built for french people.
Covid-19 PhilippinesWebsite to get covid-19 statistics for the Philippines.
Official Covid-19 PhilippinesOfficial government website for tracking covid-19 for the Philippines.
Coronavirus MonitorCoronavirus monitor, mainly for Germany.
Covid-19 in MoroccoMorocco COVID-19 Coronavirus Tracker.
CORONAFLASHWorld-wide Coronavirus stats and predictions, and a toilet-paper predictor.
California CoronavirusCalifornia Coronavirus Map.
COVID-19 World dashboardCoronavirus outbreak COVID-19 World dashboard. Data updated everyminute, for every country, state/region, province/city.
class4coronaTeach/learn during the global pandemic.
corona heldenPlatform to connect medical institutions with qualified helpers in case of health care system overload (prototype, oss).
GocoronaGoGocoronaGo website shows the latest COVID-19 (CoronaVirus) stats in India along with charts, maps and Growth Rate.
coronastatistics.liveGet the latest toll numbers for the Novel Coronavirus epidemic, see affected regions, stats, casualties and more information to track, stay vigilant and travel safe.
covidstatus.comCovidStatus - A location-aware app with clean UI that puts you at the center of local covid-19 news with realtime updates.
COVID-19 Tracker ItaCharts with the data on the emergency of Codiv-19 in Italy with data provided by the Department of Civil Protection.
worldcoronavirus.orgCoronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Global Information & Statistics.
worldometers.infoCoronavirus Live Update Stats.
COVID-19 Tracker For PakistanCOVID 19 Tracker For Pakistan.
Help with COVIDCOVID-19 projects looking for volunteers.
COVID19 statistics PakistanCOVID-19 Data Tracker For Pakistan.
COVID ExploreAssessing the different impacts of COVID-19 on the world through data.
contactracing.appNotify your friends & family (and their peers) if you fall ill.
CVOID-19 IndiaCovid 19 Tracker for India With Awesome UI + PWA, Made with Svelte.
rona19.liveWeb app displaying COVID-19 statistics and information.
covidtrack.netSVG map of Covid Data via John Hopkins & Covidtrack.com github.com/SeanQuinn781/react-maps-flask-covid.
australia-covid19.herokuapp.comUpdate of COVID-19 Situation in Australia.(Including New south wales situation)
The Cost of COVID-19Tracking the cost of COVID-19 across China, Europe and the United States in human lives and economies.
Flattening the curve - COVID-19 🦠A simple dashboard to track flattening of the curve by plotting the no.of active COVID-19 / Coronavirus cases over a period of time by countries.
covintern.comInternship cancellation tracker and remote internship aggregator for affected students.
COVID-2019.esSpain coronavirus tracker. Offers daily JSON data parsed from official government sources.
viruscovid.tech (COVID-19 Tracker)Track the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak in real-time for your country.
CoronaTabFree & Open Source Dashboard + Browser Extension + RESTful API
COVID-19 en PerúCOVID-19: Casos totales tamizados en el Perú
COVID-19 TürkiyeCoronavirus dashboard and map in Turkish.
COVID-19 projects aggregatorCOVID-19 projects in one place
stats-coronavirus.comSTATS-CORONAVIRUS.com is an open source project that aims to collect data about the Novel Cornavirus. It acts as a portal for the public to keep track of the latest analytics and news development about the COVID-19
covidaid.chcovidaid.ch is an open source website that aims to help swiss companies and entrepreneurs to calculate the amount of state aid they can get during the COVID 19 crisis.
CoronaBoardGlobal dashboard for monitoring Corona virus(COVID-19) powered by StickyBoard open source project.
Corona Virüsü Bilgilendirme MerkeziCoronavirus dashboard and map in Turkish. Also include other informations.
Coronavirus Chrome ExtensionA chrome extension to help promote the W.H.O. coronavirus guidelines.
covid19dashboardsan accessible way for data professionals to share dashboards (that are updated with new data automatically) without requiring any expertise in front-end development.
Corona Info - IndiaCoronavirus Mobile Dashboard for India - Live Statistics (Refreshes every minute)
nCovid-19Real-time worldwide and India(state-wise) Covid-19 statistics along with map.
Covid Data LiveLive coronavirus dashboard. See data, maps, social media trends, and learn about prevention measures.
#StayTheFuckHomeA Movement to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Belgium vs CovidTaking Belgian data on Covid-19 and confront it to other sources. It contains stats on tests and stats from hospitals.
COVID-19 Italy MonitorReal-time eng/ita dashboard to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy, using the dataset provided by the Italian Department of Civil Protection.
COVID19 Tracker - IndiaReal time visualization of number of Covid19 cases across all state and districts in India.
COVID-19 By CountryThis is a comparison of the COVID-19 pandemic by country, weighted by population. Every data series begins on the day that the corresponding country reached the 100th confirmed case.
FOSS RespondersA website to help aid open source developers and companies which have suffered as the result of event cancellations or other impacts from COVID-19
COVID-19 FootprintA Chrome extension that brings you real-time global and regional data of the novel coronavirus pandemic.
WearMaskA web app to create awareness for people to wear mask due to covid-19. Mask chases when you move.
COVID-19 SA DashboardA simple COVID-19 tracker dashboard primarily for personal use by a South African citizen. Includes other countries statistics and timelines.
rkicasesdashboard(offline-capable) web application to display COVID-19 case numbers in Germany.
Covidstat.infoBeautiful interactive dashboard to know number of COVID19 case across the world, also country-wise data. Data updates every 3 mins from multiple sources
COVID-19 Ask Miso AnythingAsk questions, get answers.
PocovidScreenAn AI tool for early screening of COVID-19 & pneumonia from ultrasound recordings (POCUS).
Rt-INDIAR-naught stats for India and its states.
COVID-19 Pandemic StatisticsShows statistics, graphs and a heat map, as well as news about coronavirus from different media. Also allows registering and managing new cases of infected people, offering a real-time notification service to those users who are nearby.
mkvats.science/COVID-19डैशबोर्ड तथा स्टैट्स ट्रैकर - भारतीय राज्यों एवं विश्व के देशों के आंकड़ों का विश्लेषण (मैप, डेटा टेबल, टाइमलाइन, रिपोर्ट्स एवं चार्ट्स के माध्यम से)
SaveDemicView epidemic data graphically and with great quality, also see predictions for the future and export the data.
Covid19Monitor-IndiaA map-based, interactive web application dashboard that visualizes the spread of Covid19 in India and across the world.
COVID-19 TrendsVisualised daily stats by top-20 countries + Poland + Ukraine.
Postman COVID-19 API Resource CenterAPI Collections to Help in the COVID-19 Fight
Covid Markets DashboardCollections of Applications including Vaccine Tracker, Reopening, Travel, and more.
Pandemic Covid-19 TrackerA simple Web app and PWA compatible worldwide tracker of Pandemic Covid-19, with visualization of graph, table, and map.
Covid19 - Data Visualization RSOpen source Web app, about covid-19 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil.
COVID-19 graph controlsA web application that creates graphs using international Covid-19 data, which can also be run locally.
Co-ronaBD.infoInteractive Dashboard for Tracking Covid-19 Situatuion in Bangladesh.
COVID-19 DashboardCoronavirus (as COVID-19) web-application to show contagions, statistics and more. Made with Vue and Vuetify. Written in TypeScript.
covid-dashA web app created with chartjs and material-ui to bring covid data to the masses.
COVID-19 InfoA web app developed with angular and chartjs to show COVID-19 data for India, Germany & USA.
COVID-19 Gatherings Risk Assessment ToolCOVID-19 Risk Calculator For Gatherings in Almost 4000 Regions All Over The World.
COVIDPorPartidoPágina web para el seguimiento del COVID-19 según los partidos políticos que gobiernan en México.
covid19statsA web applicatiomn for showing map and graph representation for worldwide coronavirus cases.
Optimising LockdownsOptimise multiple lockdowns using a user defined cost function and disease dynamics.
HealthBadgeHealth management and verification system for communities during epidemic outbreaks.
NCOVDashboardNCOVDashboard is a COVID-19 Dashboard with graphs and data for the US, built with a python backend.
Plansafe.xyzPlansafe provides daily statistics and projections for COVID-19 infection surges and vaccination efforts in any county in the United States, as well as any territory in the world.

Android Apps

코로나맵100m코백 - 코로나맵 정보 알림 서비스.
CoronaVirus Tracker 2019-nCoVStatistics, map of cases.
Coronavirus Tracker - latest information and newsLocation based statistics, news, charts, maps based dashboard.
COVID-19 TrackerA Minimal Design application made with Flutter for checking current info on Novel Corona Virus Outbreak.
Corona TrackerOpen Source project of an Android App for tracking corona virus spread, using public API.
Corona FinderAn Android application with language kotlin and java that shows the statistics of people with corona on the map using public API and informs a person about corona with a questionnaire.
Reach4HelpConnecting Persons In Need with Volunteers in a simple and efficient way.
COVID-19 Tracker for Xamarin.FormsSimple Xamarin.Forms Application for COVID-19 statistics, it shows the differents statistics by countries. Application deployed in: Microsoft AppCenter.
MeFee Temp TrackerMeFee lets you easily track your temperature to build up baseline data so that you can get personalized early warning notifications if your temperature is out of your normal range.
Track a Virus: COVID-19 DashboardDashboard for comparing countries and analysing daily increases. Open for contributions. Has an extensive roadmap.

IOS Apps

Relief CentralCoronavirus (COVID-19) Updates.
HEALTHLYNKED COVID-19 TrackerCorona virus tracker.
Coronavírus - SUSO Ministério da Saúde lança o app Coronavírus-SUS com o objetivo de conscientizar a população sobre o Corona Vírus COVID-19.
Covid-19 TrackerA Chrome and Firefox browser popup utility to show countries and states stats with notifications related to increase in global confirmed cases
COVID HeroesA Ccommunity platform for exchanging needed materials using requests and fulfillments.
covid19-dashA fully updated, interactive dashboard to track the corona virus cases made using the dash python framework. Contains diferent page and layouts for India and World and a good structure for a multi-page dash application.
wildgrube.com - OutbreakVisualization of the Johns Hopkins data on the Covid19 pandemic build on SteelPHP, Javascript, React and D3.
Apocalypse TravelCOVID travel restrictions between US states and countries around the world.
COVID-19 HubCovid19 Hub is an information center providing covid 19 related stats, graphs and news in one place. It also has some additional features such as inspirational quotes as well as an activity generator for those that are in self isolation.

Education and Courses

450-free-coursesHere are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free.
Fighting COVID-19 with EpidemiologyThis free Teach-Out is for anyone who has been curious about how we identify and measure outbreaks like the COVID-19 epidemic and wants to understand the epidemiology of these infections.
RxCovea Journal ClubRxCovea is a 150 member open Source research group that gives weekly seminars on Covid-19. View the seminars here.



BotCoronaA bot that keeps track of the #CoronaVirus Data gets tweeted every 2 hours.
coronavchartsYour number #1 source on charts and “news” for #Coronavirus.
TrackerCoronaI am a bot that collects U.S nCoV data from John Hopkins University and the U.S CDC and makes graphs! I am still in early development so there may be some bugs.
COVID19Everything we do before a pandemic will seem alarmist. Everything we do after will seem inadequate -M. Leavitt, DHHS.
Coronavirus CoVid-19 UpdatesThis account will tweet the current confirmed CoronaVirus #Covid-19 #NCOV infections.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alerts#COVID19 (#Coronavirus) Alerts, News & Info from reputed sources. Updates & Verified Facts on #2019nCoV Research, Strategies & Cures. Only truth, no rumours.
COVID19 Updates in AsiaUpdates on #coronavirus #COVID19 #coronaoutbreak #SARSCoV2 #ไวรัสโคโรน่า #VirusCorona #코로나바이러스 #コロナウイルス in the Larger Western Pacific Region.
The COVID Tracking ProjectComprehensive US state-level coronavirus testing data
Corona Tracker BotCovid19 Global Statistics Tweets Each Hour and Replies Country and State Data When you mention.
GoCoronaBot IndiaBot that tweets the latest coronavirus stats in India.


SG Fight CoronavirusLet's Fight Coronavirus together in Singapore.
Coronavirus UpdatesInfo-sharing on COVID-19.
Coronavirus InfoToday's top stories regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Wuhan 2019 Novel CoronavirusA collation of Singapore News Articles on 2019-nCoV Wuhan Virus COVID-2019.
SG Wuhan Coronavirus Info GroupProviding news and updates on the Wuhan Coronavirus.
Wuhan Quarantine #nCoV #武汉封城点击标签查看相关消息:新闻 生活实景 求助信息 捐赠 应灾技巧 专家解答 辟谣 重要通知 疫情动态
CoronaTracker-PublicCoronaTracker-Public super group.
Covid19 live updateCoronavirus outbreak COVID-19 live situation update.
COVID-19 NorwayLive Coronavirus-statistics in Norway.
Coronavirus Germany ChatSuper-group for News, Informationen, Updates & Austausch zum Thema Coronavirus in Germany.
@COVID19NowBotA bot that can fetch information and numbers of COVID-19 cases around the globe. Available in 🇺🇸, 🇧🇷, 🇫🇷.
Covid19IndiaTelegram Channel for Latest Corona Virus Updates in India.
@coronapandemicbotA bot that gives you up-to-date statistics on the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 disease.
@CovidRadarCoronavirus Cases: statistics, charts and trends
@coronaworldstatsbotTelegram bot which gives you COVID19🦠 stats and Timeline graph when you share any location from around the world.
@covidtron19000_botTelegram bot that gives you up-to-date statistics about the spread of COVID-19 in Italy.


latest information about the COVID-19Gov.sg WhatsApp Subscription
WHO Health AlertWHO WhatsApp Subscription for COVID-19 related information
COVID19.GO.IDIndonesian WhatsApp Bot for COVID-19 information


Entraide CoronavirusForum pour favoriser l'entraide et la solidarité pendant la pandémie de COVID-19

Articles and Books

Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19)Secret Tested Ways to Protect YOUR Business From Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19)
101 Science-Based Tips That Could Save Your LifeFrom Dr. Wang Zhou and his colleagues at the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention comes a must-have guide for preparing for an outbreak of the coronavirus virus (COVID-19).
Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic Hits The USAThis is a story of a middle-class family that still has to work outside the home during the event while also observing the responses of the multitude of agencies involved in such an immense task at hand from inside the system and from their home sweet home.
Coronavirus quarantine/lock down/work from home adventureYou’ve wanted to make a change for some time, maybe wishing you could just escape to a retreat for a couple of weeks to get your head on straight. Well, it might not be Bali, but it’s a break, and you should take advantage!
The 2020 Coronavirus Recession Economic Crisis Series BundleBooks 1-4: How to Prepare for the Market Crash, How to Get Rich During the Market Crash, ... Guide (The 2020 Recession Economic Crisis)
Corona-Virus Wissenswertes und TippsWie Sie sich und Ihre Familie schützen; 50-seitiger Überlebensleitfaden (German Edition)
Medical Microbiology - 4th editionMedical Microbiology begins with a review of the immune system, focusing on the body's response to invading microorganisms.
Answers to Your Coronavirus QuestionsCovid-19 cases continue to be confirmed. By following some basic steps, you can help reduce your risk and do your part to protect others.
Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infectionClinical Overviews are easy-to-scan clinically focused medical topic summaries designed to match the clinician workflow.
Clinical Skills for Nursing - Skills checklist (Isolation Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment)Clinical Skills for Nursing provides the highest quality evidence for nursing practice procedures for nurses to care for patients.
Clinical Skills for Nursing - Skills checklistIsolation Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment.
Clinical Skills for Nursing - Isolation Precautionsersonal Protective Equipment.
Clinical Skills for Nursing - FAQbased the recommendations made by the CDC and WHO for nurses and patients.
Interprofessional Care Plans Guide - Fever — AdultThese Interprofessional Care Plans provide an evidence-based and individualizable Interprofessional plan of care to manage fever and the possible development of pneumonia, which is consistent with the presentation of this virus.
Interprofessional Care Plans Guide - Fever — PediatricThese Interprofessional Care Plans provide an evidence-based and individualizable Interprofessional plan of care to manage fever and the possible development of pneumonia, which is consistent with the presentation of this virus.
Interprofessional Care Plans Guide - Pneumonia — AdultThese Interprofessional Care Plans provide an evidence-based and individualizable Interprofessional plan of care to manage fever and the possible development of pneumonia, which is consistent with the presentation of this virus.
Interprofessional Care Plans Guide - Pneumonia — PediatricThese Interprofessional Care Plans provide an evidence-based and individualizable Interprofessional plan of care to manage fever and the possible development of pneumonia, which is consistent with the presentation of this virus.
Patient engagement resources - Patient Education document (Novel Coronavirus Infection)Patient engagement resources use plain language to support shared decision-making between patients and healthcare providers.
ScienceDirect ArticlesScienceDirect is a website based on explore and research about scientific, technical, medical and etc.
Coronavirus:Protect yourself and stand against racismThis Teaching Idea outlines the known facts about COVID-19 and gives students the opportunity to explore instances of discrimination related to this novel strain of coronavirus.
Coronavirus Tech HandbookThe Coronavirus Tech Handbook is a crowd-sourced library for technologists, civic organizations, public and private institutions, researchers, and specialists of all kinds working on responses to the pandemic. It is a rapidly evolving resource with thousands of expert contributors.
Response to COVID-19 with Probabilistic ProgrammingProbabilistic programming approach to (1) inferring parameters for COVID-19 simulation, (2) evaluating the efficacy of the COVID-19 policies, and (3) simulating policies considering the economic loss.
Disruption in the Chinese E-Commerce During COVID-19This study examines the impact of COVID-19 on Chinese e-commerce by analyzing behavioral changes observed on a large online shopping platform.

Research Outlets

The Lancet COVID-19 Resource CentreJournal page that aggregates coronavirus related research output.
American Society for MicrobiologyAMS search portal.
American Chemical SocietyFree issue of ACS with a focus on coronavirus.
Annals of Internal MedicineAnnals page showcasing paper submissions.
European Respiratory JournalERJ journal portal on coronaviruses.
Oxford Academicage of journal articles on the coronavirus.
Jama NetworkA variery of papers that span clinicians and researchers.
Springer NatureSpringer Nature campaign page.
COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19)Coronavirus papers in machine-readable (JSON) format.
COVID-19 Community Mobility ReportsGoogle's Community Mobility Reports aimed to provide insights into what has changed in response to policies aimed at combating COVID-19.

Interactive Applications

University of Virginia: COVID-19 Surveillance DashboardDashboard showing.
Johns Hopkins CSSE: Coronavirus COVID-19 Global CasesDashboard application providing interaction to global case data.
WHO Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) SituationWHO data visualization page.
WorldometerShowcasing coronavirus stats.
CoronalysisDashboard based on maps and graphs, along with scientific documentation.
COVID-19 DashboardCoronavirus outbreak dashboard.
COVID-19 Live DashboardResponsive covid 19 Live data Dashboard with time travel and predictions
ADSP: COVID-19 Live Dashboard - EnglandCOVID-19 Dashboard for England case data including maps
covid19-at: COVID-19 Live Dashboard - AustriaCOVID-19 Dashboard for Austria case data including maps
Coronavirus Country ComparatorRich web interface to control various d3.js visualizations of confirmed and deceased cases data reported by JHU CSSE in all countries.
Covid-19 ChartsVisualization tool for JHU CSSE Covid-19 data using EmberJS and Chart.js
Covid by region comparisonsCompare Coronavirus cases/deaths over time by state, county, and country. (Open Source)
Covid-19 UK and World Data Visualization Time Machine🧭 Interactive timeline for viewing worldwide historical data by country, with bar race animation.
Yahoo Knowledge Graph COVID-19 DashboardDynamic COVID-19 dashboard using 100% government and public health authority sources.
Japan's New Coronavirus Infection BulletinInteractive dashboard for real-time recording of COVID-19 outbreak in Japan.
The U.S. COVID-19 Testing GapThis is a website visualizing each state’s testing relative to their population.
COVID-19 Outcomes and Countries' BCG Vaccination CoverageAn interactive webtool to test adjusted correlations of COVID-19 outcomes like number of cases and deaths with BCG vacination coverage in different countries.
Turkey's coronavirus dashboardThis application updates data sets by scarping data from the web site of of Turkish Ministry of Health (https://covid19.saglik.gov.tr) every 5 minutes.


#BuildforCOVID19 Global Online HackathonThe COVID-19 Global Hackathon is an opportunity for developers to build software solutions that drive social impact, with the aim of tackling some of the challenges related to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
codevscovid19Create solutions to address COVID19 Challenges.
#WirvsVirus: hacking to fight the crisisThe Federal Government's 'Hackathon' has yielded lots of suggestions for solving problems to do with the Corona crisis. This was Germany's biggest digital competition of ideas to date.
Official COVID-19 hackathon in SwedenOfficial COVID-19 hackathon in Sweden. An initiative by The Swedish Government.
StudentsAgainstCoronaA Facebook group for students want to help about Coronavirus.
IBM call for code - COVID-19With the unprecedented effect of COVID-19, unite to help communities across the globe deal with the impact of the greatest crisis of modern times.
#hackfromhomeAn anti-viral virtual hackathon.
COVID-19 DREAM ChallengeA continuous benchmarking project to support testing analytic and machine learning hypotheses on clinical data without data sharing to rapidly discover and implement approaches for care.
Virtual HacksThis isn’t your ordinary Hackathon.. Join us over the course of 8 weeks to tackle some of the most pressing challenges that we are facing today.

Current Status

WHOWorld Health Orginization.
CDCCenter for Disease control.
ECDCEuropean Centre for Disease Prevention and Control


Statistics and researchThe international COVID-19 vaccination dataset that we make available on this page is updated each morning (London time).
Pfizer-BioNTechPfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Overview and Safety.
ModernaModerna COVID-19 Vaccine Overview and Safety.
Johnson & Johnson’s JanssenJohnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Overview and Safety.
Vaxzevria (previously COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca)AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Overview and Safety.
COVAXINBharat Biotech's COVAXIN official information and update page
Sputnik VRussia's COVID-19 vaccine official page


Contributions are welcomed! Read the contribution guidelines first!