


Coronavirus surface details

Wolfram Language code and notebooks related to the coronavirus outbreak

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Index to notebooks

Electron-microscope-image.nbimports an image of a cell surrounded by multiple coronoviruses
ExternalIdentifier-Coronavirus.nbexploration of WikiData topics related to coronavirus
GeoBubbleChart-Analysis.nbanalysis of virus spread in China itself
Mapping_Wuhan_Coronavirus_in_China.nbnotebook from Joffre's community post
Patient-Medical-Data-Analysis.nbanalysis on patient medical data
ResourceData-Objects.nbutility notebook to get the latest resource data object related to coronavirus
TimeSeries-Analysis.nbtime series analysis of epidemic data
Twitter-Analysis.nbanalyses mentions on twitter of 'coronavirus'; makes a wordcloud
WHO-situation-reports.nbimports PDF files as images
bno-scraping-code.nbdata scraping from BNO website
cdc-media-images.nbimports of CDC public domain images
china-geographics.nbgeographical plots for Chinese provinces
coronavirus-3d-models.nb3d protein models related to coronavirus
coronavirus-plots.nbvarious coronavirus related plots and images
dna-graphs.nbanalyse fasta sequence as 3d graphs
fasta-sequences.nbGenBank sequence analysis
genbank-sequence.nbGenBank sequence analysis
geographical-data.nbnotebook to create the animation for the global spreading of the virus
github-repos.nbanalysis of coronavirus github repos


Hospital capacity

Hospital capacity

Province graph

Province graph

Animation of global spread of Coronavirus

Animation of global spread of Coronavirus

Confirmed cases

Plot of confirmed cases of the Coronavirus

Plot of confirmed cases of the Coronavirus

Log plot of confirmed cases of the Coronavirus

Log plot of confirmed cases of the Coronavirus

Confirmed cases for 2/4/2020:

Confirmed cases for 2/4/2020


Image of Coronavirus

Another image of Coronavirus

GitHub topic wordcloud for Coronavirus:

Image of GitHub topic wordcloud

3D Models

Protease ribbon (source: https://3dprint.nih.gov/discover/3DPX-012893):

Image of protease ribbon

Protease surface (same source):

Image of protease surface