


This is a basic skeleton app with Bluetooth beacon functionality to assist easy development of contact tracing apps. The concept of human contact tracing using Bluetooth BLE beacons to fight corona virus was first introduced by the Singapore Government. This code repo can help other institutions and Governments easily develop such an app.

Link to TraceTogether app by Singapore Gov

Audi R8

News Coverage latimes channelnewsasia

Details of this Repo

What does this app do

When you launch the app, it assigns a random ID to the device which starts getting advertised around as BLE beacon. At the same time, it listens to nearby devices that are using this app and displays their ID.



Library Used

AltBeacon Github

Future possible optimization

Other possible ways to doing contact tracing as our understanding and their issues


Feel Free to share your ideas and you can always add more functionalities to code and do a pull request.


Apache 2.0 License
