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CSV Data on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This repository contains data in (CSV format) which are scraped from reliable sources (e.g. World Health Organisation).

Aggregate sites

BNO News

NOTE: paused on 1 Jan 2021

Below are international stats, excluding China.

CSV direct link

Bar chart of the latest snapshot.

WHO & Government sites

From WHO (World Health Organisation) Situation reports

NOTE: paused on 16 Jun 2020 due to format changes from WHO.

Data are scraped from these reports which are in PDF formats. New reports are released daily.

Globally confirmed cases

CSV direct link

Stats from Australia

NOTE: paused on 10 July 2020

Data is pulled from Department of Health website.

Cases in Australia

CSV direct link

Stats from Singapore

Data are scraped from the MOH (Ministry of Health) local situation web page.

Cases in Singapore

NOTE: paused on 27 Jun 2020.

CSV direct link

From US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

NOTE: paused on 27 Jun 2020 due to format changes from CDC.

Cases in the US (data are scraped from here)

CSV direct link

CSV direct link

CSV direct link

Stats from China

This page has the realtime stats from China. Data are pulled several times a day by the pipeline.

All cases in China

CSV direct link

How it works


docker run  -p 8888:8888 -it -v $PWD:/stats -w /stats alext234/datascience:latest  bash 
pip install -r requirements.txt
jupyter notebook --allow-root --ip=


Repo status and stats

GitHub stars

Last update

Run notebooks and commit back data/charts