

🦠 Corona Pandemic Bot

@coronapandemicbot is a Telegram bot that tracks the worldwide spread of the Covid-19 disease and worldwide vaccination efforts.

✨ Features


You can use this bot in any Telegram chat without adding it by typing @coronapandemicbot [country].

🛠 Setup

  1. Clone this repo and install required Python dependencies:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create your own Telegram bot by contacting @BotFather.
  2. Rename the included file config.sample.json to config.json and fill in your personal bot token.
  3. Run the bot:
python3 bot.py

📊 Data

The worldwide case statistics are provided and regularly updated by worldometers.info. The data for the case timeline plots is provided and updated by Johns Hopkins University. The data for Covid-19 vaccinations is provided and updated by Our World in Data.

All data is accessed via the disease.sh REST API.

The case distribution maps are retrieved from Wikimedia Commons and accessed via the Wikidata Query Service.