

Sample Exocortex Scenarios... constructs, as I think of them.

This repository contains a selected subset of my Huginn agent networks that are in production at this time. They are some of my simplest and earliest constructs to serve as examples of how Huginn agent networks should be structured so that they're easy to understand, debug, and maintain.

I give my agent networks persona-like names so that I can remember what they do easily. You don't have to be this idiosyncratic.

I put the name of the scenario in the title of each constituent agent as an aid to debugging, because sometimes I forget to associate agents with scenarios.

Where applicable, each scenario's agents use the {% credential foo... %} construct, which substitutes sensitive values (like API keys) so they don't have to be hardcoded.

By default, Email Digest and Email Agents send messages to the default e-mail address Huginn is configured for. There are a few agents that are configured to contact example e-mail addresses to show how it's done.

The sample scenarios are: