

<h1 align="center">Togo</h1> <p align="center"> A crowdsourced directory for restaurants that are still <b>open</b> across the US during Covid-19. Plenty of businesses are in need and could use the help. If you have a business or a city not included in the list, feel free to submit this <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScElxT2N4BIneQ2joV8iGKbr6Dj7G4FOCfoiPCStdf-JmKxNg/viewform" target="_blank">form</a>. <br /> <p align="center"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Spiderpig86/to-go/master/images/splash.png" width="800"></p>


Built With

This project was my first attempt at using the JAM Stack (or mostly using it) with dynamically updating content.


Have a place in mind you want to add? Submit it via the form!