🦠 CoronaBar
🦠 WARNING! The API supporting this App no longer works. This repository has been archived. If you like this project, go ahead and submit a PR. Would welcome more maintainers!
Get information about current cases of coronavirus right from the menu bar. Just in case you want to add stress to your life.
What is it?
A simple app that sits on your menu bar, that allows you to get informed on the cases of coronavirus in different countries. It also updates every 30 mins.
<p align="center"> <img height="400" src="images/screenshot.png"> </p>How to download?
⚠️ Mac users, remember to right click, or ctrl+click after unzipping and hitting "open". If you are having problems see this link.
<a alt="Get it from the Snap Store" href=""><img alt="Get it from the Snap Store" src="" width="100"></a>
sudo snap install coronabar
Note: Depends on gnome, might not be available on all distros, tested on ubuntu.
Thanks to the amazing lapisdecor for the port 😊!
Where does the data come from?
Thanks a lot to this repo for providing an API!
Information comes originally from Worldometer.
Python 3 and rumps.
Why not? 🤷