


<div> <img src="./screenshots/cases.png" width="160"> <img src="./screenshots/select-country.png" width="160"> <img src="./screenshots/recoveries.png" width="160"> <img src="./screenshots/deaths.png" width="160"> <img src="./screenshots/tests.png" width="160"> </div>


  1. Clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/shaunsaker/covid-19-south-africa-app.git
  1. Install npm dependencies:
  1. Install pods:
cd ios
pod install
  1. Add your Firebase* config files to ./ios/GoogleService-Info.plist and ./android/app/google-services.json.

  2. Run the app:

yarn ios
yarn android


The project uses Firebase for it's backend. To get the app running locally you will need to:

  1. Create a project in Firebase.

  2. Enable the Cloud Firestore.

  3. Add data to the Cloud Firestore with the following schema:

type DateField = string; // e.g. 2020-04-01T17:20:27.038Z
type DocumentId = string; // e.g. 02-04-2020

interface DocumentBase {
  dateAdded: DateField;
  dateCreated: DateField;
  href: string;

interface ConfirmedCaseDocument extends DocumentBase {
  confirmedCases: number;

interface DeathCaseDocument extends DocumentBase {
  deaths: number;

interface RecoveryCaseDocument extends DocumentBase {
  recovered: number;

interface TestCaseDocument extends DocumentBase {
  tests: number;

interface Collections {
  confirmedCases: {
    [key: DocumentId]: ConfirmedCaseDocument;
  deathCases: {
    [key: DocumentId]: DeathCasesDocument;
  recoveries: {
    [key: DocumentId]: RecoveryCaseDocument;
  tests: {
    [key: DocumentId]: TestCaseDocument;