

Coronastatus (archived)

Report your health status to get a better overview of COVID-19 in your country

What is this?

We don't know how many people have COVID-19. So we made a website where people can self-report symptoms. We plot the submissions on a map and show graphs with trends.

How can I help?

We need people who can help translate the site, develop new features, project leads for new and existing countries, and much more. Join our group chat: https://t.me/onzecorona

In what countries have you launched Coronastatus?


The government is working on this, but they're too slow in getting something out fast.

Mentions in the media

Self-report system for monitoring COVID19 needs to be in place immediately!🇳🇴Read here
Are you ill? Health services will soon let you self-report symtoms.🇳🇴Read here
Developers take on COVID-19 with open-source projects, hackathons🇺🇸Read here

Who's behind this?

A bunch of developers from around the world that wanted to help out. This is not an official website from the health services.

How can I contribute?

Join our Telegram group chat here: https://t.me/onzecorona or reach out on kontakt@bustbyte.no

Click on "Issues" in the menu above to see what we need help with.

How to launch the site in your country

Adding a new language should be pretty straightforward. If you need help, you can always ask in the Telegram group chat or contact us by email. The following is needed in order to set up a new language:

Start developing

You can either install and run everything on your own machine or build a docker image and run the the local development environment using docker. Choose one of the ways below that fits best to you:

Developing on your own machine


Download & install:


  1. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/BustByte/coronastatus

  1. Move into the newly cloned directory

cd coronastatus

  1. Install dependencies with our package manager


  1. Create a configuration file from the example provided in this repo.

cp config.example.json config.json

  1. Start the development webserver

yarn dev

  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:7272/

  2. Before you create a pull request run the linter. Warnings are ok, but errors should be fixed.

yarn lint

Developing using docker


Download & install:


  1. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/BustByte/coronastatus

  1. Move into the newly cloned directory

cd coronastatus

  1. Create a configuration file from the example provided in this repo

cp config.example.json config.json

  1. Install node modules:

docker-compose run --rm app yarn

  1. Start the development container & display the container logs:

docker-compose up -d; docker-compose logs -f

  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:7272/

  2. Before you create a pull request run the linter. Warnings are ok, but errors should be fixed.

docker-compose exec app yarn lint

Generating social images

Social images (social media share image, Twitter header and generic banner) can be generated by running yarn build:images while your dev server is running. They will be placed in the static folder, in the language you defined in your config (make sure LOCALE, BASE_URL and COUNTRY_CODE is set correctly). The social-image.png is then automatically linked as social media share image.

Contributors ✨

We're working on updating this section to include everyone who has devoted time and attention to this project. Stay put!