


flask app to explore the impact of COVID-19 on the world through data. The main goal of the project is to assess the impacts of the crisis rather than tracking the counts of cases and fatalities.

The app is live at www.covidexplore.com

Active so far:

  1. Interactive world map for active cases and fatalities.
  2. Interactive world map of the impact of the lockdowns during the crisis on the AQI levels.

To do:

  1. Impact on the financial world.
  2. Data dashboards for all 3 above mentioned cases.
  3. Explore the impact of lockdowns and their timings on flattening the curve.

Contribution: Please take up anything that you want to add and improve. A lot needs to be done.

There is no intention of trivializing the suffering and deaths and the pain it is causing people. Only we can learn from it to face anything new that may come in the future*