

COVID-19 Coronavirus Map / 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情图

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stevenliuyi/covid19/master/public/cover.png" width="400" />

COVID-19 (2019-nCOV / SARS-CoV-2) Coronavirus Map (https://covid19.health) is an interactive, animated map for the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.

The map is based on multiple sources (see below for details). If you are interested, the integrated dataset can be found here. Note that numbers in different data sources may not match with each other exactly.

The dataset is also incorporated in the STC COVID-19 Dataset, curated by the NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center. To use the dataset for publications, please cite the following article:

Sha, D., Liu, Y., Liu, Q., Li, Y., Tian, Y., Beaini, F., Zhong, C., Hu, T., Wang, Z., Lan, H., Zhou, Y., Zhang, Z. and Yang, C., 2020. A spatiotemporal data collection of viral cases for COVID-19 rapid response. Big Earth Data. DOI: 10.1080/20964471.2020.1844934

  title={A spatiotemporal data collection of viral cases for COVID-19 rapid response},
  author={Dexuan Sha and Yi Liu and Qian Liu and Yun Li and Yifei Tian and Fayez Beaini and Cheng Zhong and Tao Hu and Zifu Wang and Hai Lan and You Zhou and Zhiran Zhang and Chaowei Yang},
  journal={Big Earth Data},
  publisher={Taylor \& Francis},

Pull requests are welcome. If you'd like to support the work and buy me a ☕, I greatly appreciate it!

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Data Sources


Original map shapefiles are from GADM, which are converted to TopoJSON files using mapshaper.