

SOD CNNs-based Read List

In this repository, we mainly focus on deep learning based saliency methods (2D RGB, 3D RGB-D/T, Video SOD and 4D Light Field) and provide a summary (Code and Paper). We hope this repo can help you to better understand saliency detection in the deep learning era.

:heavy_exclamation_mark: 2D SOD: Add two ACM MM papers, three ICML24 papers, seven CVPR24 papers, one ECCV24 paper.
:heavy_exclamation_mark: 3D SOD: Add one TCSVT paper, one IJCV paper, one TMM paper, one ACM MM paper.
:heavy_exclamation_mark: LF SOD: Add two IEEE TCSVT papers, one arXiv'24 paper.
:heavy_exclamation_mark: Video SOD : Add one AAAI23 papers, one NeurIPS22 paper.

Camouflaged Object Detection is a closely-related task of SOD, with paper summary of this link.

:running: We will keep updating it. :running:


  1. An overview of the Paper List
  2. 2D RGB Saliency Detection
  3. 3D RGB-D/T Saliency Detection
  4. 4D Light Field Saliency Detection
  5. Video Saliency Detection
  6. Survery and earlier Methods
  7. The SOD dataset download
  8. Evaluation Metrics
  9. SOD Leaderboard

<a name="overall"></a>



<a name="2DSOD"></a>

2D RGB Saliency Detection <a id="2D RGB Saliency Detection" class="anchor" href="2D RGB Saliency Detection" aria-hidden="true"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>


:triangular_flag_on_post: 01WACVUnsupervised and semi-supervised co-salient object detection via segmentation frequency statisticsPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 02WACV3SD: Self-Supervised Saliency Detection With No LabelsPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 03WACVLearning Saliency From FixationsPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 04WACVSalient Object Detection for Images Taken by People With Vision ImpairmentsPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 05WACVDefense Against Adversarial Cloud Attack on Remote Sensing Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 06ICASSPZero-Shot Co-salient Object Detection FrameworkPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 07CVPRVSCode: General Visual Salient and Camouflaged Object Detection with 2D Prompt LearningPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 08AAAIWeakPCSOD: Overcoming the Bias of Box Annotations for Weakly Supervised Point Cloud Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 09AAAISeqRank: Sequential Ranking of Salient ObjectsPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 10AAAIFinding Visual Saliency in Continuous Spike StreamPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 11CVPRCOSALPURE: Learning Concept from Group Images for Robust Co-SaliencyPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 12IJCAIUnified Unsupervised Salient Object Detection via Knowledge TransferPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 13TIIMINet: Multi-scale Interactive Network for Real-time Salient Object Detection of Strip Steel Surface DefectsPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 14ICMLSize-invariance Matters: Rethinking Metrics and Losses for Imbalanced Multi-object Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 15ICMLSpider: A Unified Framework for Context-dependent Concept SegmentationPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 16ICMLDiving into Underwater: Segment Anything Model Guided Underwater Salient Instance Segmentation and A Large-scale DatasetPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 17CVPRDomain Separation Graph Neural Networks for Saliency Object RankingPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 18CVPRAdvancing Saliency Ranking with Human Fixations: Dataset Models and BenchmarksPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 19CVPRTask-Adaptive Saliency Guidance for Exemplar-free Class Incremental LearningPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 20CVPRUnsupervised Salient Instance DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 21CVPRDiffSal: Joint Audio and Video Learning for Diffusion Saliency PredictionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 22TMMADMNet: Attention-guided Densely Multi-scale Network for Lightweight Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 23ECCVCONDA: Condensed Deep Association Learning for Co-Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 24ACMMMMulti-Scale and Detail-Enhanced Segment Anything Model for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 25ACMMMInstance-Level Panoramic Audio-Visual Saliency Detection and RankingPaper/Code


01AAAILeNo: Adversarial Robust Salient Object Detection Networks with Learnable NoisePaper/Code
02AAAIPixel is All You Need: Adversarial Trajectory-Ensemble Active Learning for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
03AAAIMemory-aided Contrastive Consensus Learning for Co-salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
04TNNLSMulti-Projection Fusion and Refinement Network for Salient Object Detection in 360◦ Omnidirectional ImagePaper/Code
05IEEE TIPBoosting Broader Receptive Fields for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
06IEEE TPAMICo-Salient Object Detection with Co-Representation PurificationPaper/Code
07CVPRTexture-guided Saliency Distilling for Unsupervised Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
08CVPRDiscriminative Co-Saliency and Background Mining Transformer for Co-Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
09CVPRSketch2Saliency: Learning to Detect Salient Objects from Human DrawingsPaper/Code
10CVPRBoosting Low-Data Instance Segmentation by Unsupervised Pre-training with Saliency PromptPaper/Code
11CVPRPixels, Regions, and Objects: Multiple Enhancement for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
12CVPRCo-Salient Object Detection with Uncertainty-aware Group Exchange-MaskingPaper/Code
13CVPRModeling the Distributional Uncertainty for Salient Object Detection ModelsPaper/Code
14ACM MMRecurrent Multi-scale Transformer for High-Resolution Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
15TOMMPAV-SOD: A New Task Towards Panoramic Audiovisual Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
16ICCVCounterfactual-based Saliency Map: Towards Visual Contrastive Explanations for Neural NetworksPaper/Code
17ACM MMDistortion-aware Transformer in 360° Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
18ACM MMTowards End-to-End Unsupervised Saliency Detection with Self-Supervised Top-Down ContextPaper/Code
19ACM MMPartitioned Saliency Ranking with Dense Pyramid TransformersPaper/Code
20ACM MMCo-Salient Object Detection with Semantic-Level Consensus Extraction and DispersionPaper/Code
21TMMTowards Complete and Detail-Preserved Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
22arXivUnified-modal Salient Object Detection via Adaptive Prompt LearningPaper/Code
23arXivAll in One: RGB, RGB-D, and RGB-T Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
24NeurIPSWhat Do Deep Saliency Models Learn about Visual Attention?Paper/Code
25PAMICADC++: Advanced Consensus-Aware Dynamic Convolution for Co-Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
26IEEE TIPUSOD10K: A New Benchmark Dataset for Underwater Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
27IEEE TMMSpectrum-driven Mixed-frequency Network for Hyperspectral Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
28IEEE TIPRethinking Object Saliency Ranking: A Novel Whole-flow Processing ParadigmPaper/Code


01AAAIUnsupervised Domain Adaptive Salient Object Detection Through Uncertainty-Aware Pseudo-Label LearningPaper/Code
02AAAIA Causal Debiasing Framework for Unsupervised Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
03AAAIEnergy-Based Generative Cooperative Saliency PredictionPaper/Code
04AAAIWeakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection Using Point SupervisonPaper/Code
05AAAITRACER: Extreme Attention Guided Salient Object Tracing NetworkPaper/Code
06AAAII can find you! Boundary-guided Separated Attention Network for Camouflaged Object DetectionPaper/Code
07WACVRecursive Contour-Saliency Blending Network for Accurate Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
08IEEE TPAMIPoolNet+: Exploring the Potential of Pooling for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
09IEEE TPAMIA Highly Efficient Model to Study the Semantics of Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
10IEEE TGRSLightweight Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images via Feature CorrelationPaper/Code
11TOMMDisentangle Saliency Detection into Cascaded Detail Modeling and Body FillingPaper/Code
12TMMNoise-Sensitive Adversarial Learning for Weakly Supervised Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
13ArXivJoint Learning of Salient Object Detection, Depth Estimation and Contour ExtractionPaper/Code
14ArXivA Unified Transformer Framework for Group-based Segmentation: Co-Segmentation, Co-Saliency Detection and Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
15IEEE TCybAdjacent Context Coordination Network for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing ImagesPaper/Code
16IEEE TCybEdge-guided Recurrent Positioning Network for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing ImagesPaper/Code
17IEEE TCSVTProgressive Dual-attention Residual Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
18IEEE TCybGlobal-and-Local Collaborative Learning for Co-Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
19ArXivAn Energy-Based Prior for Generative SaliencyPaper/Code
20IEEE TIPEDN: Salient Object Detection via Extremely-Downsampled NetworkPaper/Code
21IEEE TPAMISalient Object Detection via Integrity LearningPaper/Code
22IEEE TCSVTTCNet:Co-salient Object Detection via Parallel Interaction of Transformers and CNNsPaper/Code
23ArXivActivation to Saliency: Forming High-Quality Labels for Unsupervised Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
24CVPRZoom In and Out: A Mixed-scale Triplet Network for Camouflaged Object DetectionPaper/Code
25CVPRCan You Spot the Chameleon? Adversarially Camouflaging Images from Co-Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
26CVPRDemocracy Does Matter: Comprehensive Feature Mining for Co-salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
27CVPRPyramid Grafting Network for One-Stage High Resolution Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
28CVPRDeep Saliency Prior for Reducing Visual DistractionPaper/Code
29CVPRMulti-Source Uncertainty Mining for Deep Unsupervised Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
30CVPRBi-Directional Object-Context Prioritization Learning for Saliency RankingPaper/Code
31CVPRDoes text attract attention on e-commerce images: A novel saliency prediction dataset and methodPaper/Code
32CVPRWPyramidal Attention for Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
33CVPRWUnsupervised Salient Object Detection with Spectral Cluster VotingPaper/Code
34ECCVKD-SCFNet: Towards More Accurate and Efficient Salient Object Detection via Knowledge DistillationPaper/Code
35ECCVSalient Object Detection for Point CloudsPaper/Code
36PRBiconNet: An Edge-preserved Connectivity-based Approach for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
37IEEE TCybDNA: Deeply-supervised Nonlinear Aggregation for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
38ACMMSynthetic Data Supervised Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
39IEEE TCSVTA Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Salient Object Detection via Hybrid LabelsPaper/Code
40CVPRWUnsupervised Salient Object Detection with Spectral Cluster VotingPaper/Code
41IEEE TMMView-aware Salient Object Detection for 360° Omnidirectional ImagePaper/Code
42ACCVRevisiting Image Pyramid Structure for High Resolution Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
43ECCVSaliency Hierarchy Modeling via Generative Kernels for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
44IEEE TIPSalient Object Detection via Dynamic Scale RoutingPaper/Code
45NeurIPSMOVE: Unsupervised Movable Object Segmentation and DetectionPaper/Code
46PRBiconNet: An Edge-preserved Connectivity-based Approach for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code


01AAAIStructure-Consistent Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection with Local Saliency CoherencePaper/Code
02AAAIPyramidal Feature Shrinking for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
03AAAILocate Globally, Segment Locally: A Progressive Architecture with Knowledge Review Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
04AAAIMulti-Scale Graph Fusion for Co-Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
05AAAIGenerating Diversified Comments via Reader-Aware Topic Modeling and Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
06ICIPMultiscale IoU: A Metric for Evaluation of Salient Object Detection with Fine StructuresPaper/Code
07TCSVTWeakly-Supervised Saliency Detection via Salient Object SubitizingPaper/Code
08TIPSAMNet: Stereoscopically Attentive Multi-scale Network for Lightweight Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
09IJCAIC2FNet: Context-aware Cross-level Fusion Network for Camouflaged Object DetectionPaper/Code
10CVPRRailroad is not a Train: Saliency as Pseudo-pixel Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic SegmentationPaper/Code
11CVPRPrototype-Guided Saliency Feature Learning for Person SearchPaper/Code
12CVPRMesh Saliency: An Independent Perceptual Measure or A Derivative of Image Saliency?Paper/Code
13CVPRWeakly-Supervised Instance Segmentation via Class-Agnostic Learning With Salient ImagesPaper/Code
14CVPRDeepACG: Co-Saliency Detection via Semantic-Aware Contrast Gromov-Wasserstein DistancePaper/Code
15CVPRBlack-Box Explanation of Object Detectors via Saliency MapsPaper/Code
16CVPRFrom Semantic Categories to Fixations: A Novel Weakly-Supervised Visual-Auditory Saliency Detection ApproachPaper/Code
17CVPRCAMERAS: Enhanced Resolution and Sanity Preserving Class Activation Mapping for Image SaliencyPaper/Code
18CVPRSaliency-Guided Image TranslationPaper/Code
19CVPRGroup Collaborative Learning for Co-Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
20CVPRUncertainty-aware Joint Salient Object and Camouflaged Object DetectionPaper/Code
21ACMMAuto-MSFNet: Search Multi-scale Fusion Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
22IEEE TIPDecomposition and Completion Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
23ICCVVisual Saliency TransformerPaper/Code
24ICCVDisentangled High Quality Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
25ICCViNAS: Integral NAS for Device-Aware Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
26ICCVScene Context-Aware Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
27ICCVMFNet: Multi-Filter Directive Network for Weakly Supervised Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
28ICCVSalient Object Ranking with Position-Preserved AttentionPaper/Code
29ICCVSummarize and Search: Learning Consensus-aware Dynamic Convolution for Co-Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
30IEEE TIPSalient Object Detection with Purificatory Mechanism and Structural Similarity LossPaper/Code
31ACMMComplementary Trilateral Decoder for Fast and Accurate Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
32NeurIPSLearning Generative Vision Transformer with Energy-Based Latent Space for Saliency PredictionPaper/Code
33NeurIPSDiscovering Dynamic Salient Regions for Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural NetworksPaper/Code
34IEEE TIPProgressive Self-Guided Loss for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
35IEEE TMMDense Attention-guided Cascaded Network for Salient Object Detection of Strip Steel Surface DefectsPaper/Code
36IEEE TIPRethinking the U-Shape Structure for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code


01AAAIProgressive Feature Polishing Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
02AAAIGlobal Context-Aware Progressive Aggregation Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
03AAAIF3Net: Fusion, Feedback and Focus for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
04AAAIMulti-spectral Salient Object Detection by Adversarial Domain AdaptationPaper/Code
05AAAIMulti-Type Self-Attention Guided Degraded Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
06CVPRWeakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection via Scribble AnnotationsPaper/Code
07CVPRTaking a Deeper Look at the Co-salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
08CVPRMulti-scale Interactive Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
09CVPRInteractive Two-Stream Decoder for Accurate and Fast Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
10CVPRLabel Decoupling Framework for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
11CVPRAdaptive Graph Convolutional Network with Attention Graph Clustering for Co-saliency DetectionPaper/Code
12ECCVHighly Efficient Salient Object Detection with 100K ParametersPaper/Code
13ECCVn-Reference Transfer Learning for Saliency PredictionPaper/Code
14ECCVGradient-Induced Co-Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
13ECCVLearning Noise-Aware Encoder-Decoder from Noisy Labels by Alternating Back-Propagation for Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
15ECCVSuppress and Balance: A Simple Gated Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
16IEEE TIPDynamic Feature Integration for Simultaneous Detection of Salient Object, Edge and SkeletonPaper/Code
17IEEE TIPCAGNet: Content-Aware Guidance for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
18IEEE TCYBLightweight Salient Object Detection via Hierarchical Visual Perception LearningPaper/Code
19NeurIPSCoADNet: Collaborative Aggregation-and-Distribution Networks for Co-Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
20NeurIPSFew-Cost Salient Object Detection with Adversarial-Paced LearningPaper/Code
21NeurIPSICNet: Intra-saliency Correlation Network for Co-Saliency DetectionPaper/Code


01CVPRAFNet: Attentive Feedback Network for Boundary-aware Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
02CVPRBASNet: Boundary Aware Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
03CVPRCPD: Cascaded Partial Decoder for Accurate and Fast Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
04CVPRMulti-source weak supervision for saliency detectionPaper/Code
05CVPRMLMSNet:A Mutual Learning Method for Salient Object Detection with intertwined Multi-SupervisionPaper/Code
06CVPRCapSal: Leveraging Captioning to Boost Semantics for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
07CVPRPoolNet: A Simple Pooling-Based Design for Real-Time Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
08CVPRAn Iterative and Cooperative Top-down and Bottom-up Inference Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
09CVPRPyramid Feature Attention Network for Saliency detectionPaper/Code
10AAAIDeep Embedding Features for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
11ICIPSalient Object Detection Via Deep Hierarchical Context Aggregation And Multi-Layer SupervisionPaper/Code
12IEEE TCSVTAADF-Net: Aggregating Attentional Dilated Features for Salient ObjectPaper/Code
13IEEE TCybROSA: Robust Salient Object Detection against Adversarial AttacksPaper/Code
15arXivSAC-Net: Spatial Attenuation Context for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
16arXivSE2Net: Siamese Edge-Enhancement Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
17arXivRegion Refinement Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
18arXivContour Loss: Boundary-Aware Learning for Salient Object SegmentationPaper/Code
19arXivOGNet: Salient Object Detection with Output-guided Attention ModulePaper/Code
20arXivEdge-guided Non-local Fully Convolutional Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
21ICCVFLoss:Optimizing the F-measure for Threshold-free Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
22ICCVStacked Cross Refinement Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
23ICCVSelectivity or Invariance: Boundary-aware Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
24ICCVHRSOD:Towards High-Resolution Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
25ICCVEGNet:Edge Guidance Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
26ICCVStructured Modeling of Joint Deep Feature and Prediction Refinement for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
27ICCVEmploying Deep Part-Object Relationships for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
28NeurIPSDeep Robust Unsupervised Saliency Prediction With Self-SupervisionPaper/Code
29CVPRSalient Object Detection With Pyramid Attention and Salient EdgesPaper/Code


01CVPRA Bi-Directional Message Passing Model for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
02CVPRPiCANet: Learning Pixel-wise Contextual Attention for Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
03CVPRPAGR: Progressive Attention Guided Recurrent Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
04CVPRLearning to promote saliency detectorsPaper/Code
05CVPRDetect Globally, Refine Locally: A Novel Approach to Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
06CVPRSalient Object Detection Driven by Fixation PredictionPaper/Code
07IJCAIR3Net: Recurrent Residual Refinement Network for Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
08IJCAILFR: Salient Object Detection by Lossless Feature ReflectionPaper/Code
09ECCVContour Knowledge Transfer for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
10ECCVReverse Attention for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
11IEEE TIPAn unsupervised game-theoretic approach to saliency detectionPaper/Code
12arXivAgile Amulet: Real-Time Salient Object Detection with Contextual AttentionPaper/Code
13arXivHyperFusion-Net: Densely Reflective Fusion for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
14arXiv(TBOS)Three Birds One Stone: A Unified Framework for Salient Object Segmentation, Edge Detection and Skeleton ExtractionPaper/Code
15CVPRDeep Unsupervised Saliency Detection: A Multiple Noisy Labeling PerspectivePaper/Code


01CVPRDSS: Deeply Supervised Salient Object Detection with Short ConnectionsPaper/Code
02CVPRNon-Local Deep Features for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
03CVPRLearning to Detect Salient Objects with Image-level SupervisionPaper/Code
04CVPRSalGAN: visual saliency prediction with adversarial networksPaper/Code
05ICCVA Stagewise Refinement Model for Detecting Salient Objects in ImagesPaper/Code
06ICCVAmulet: Aggregating Multi-level Convolutional Features for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
07ICCVLearning Uncertain Convolutional Features for Accurate Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
08ICCVSupervision by Fusion: Towards Unsupervised Learning of Deep Salient Object DetectorPaper/Code


01CVPRDHSNet: Deep hierarchical saliency network for salient object detectionPaper/Code
02CVPRELD: Deep Saliency with Encoded Low level Distance Map and High Level FeaturesPaper/Code
03ECCVRFCN: Saliency detection with recurrent fully convolutional networksPaper/Code

<a name="3DSOD"></a>

3D RGB-D/T Saliency Detection <a id="3D RGB-D Saliency Detection" class="anchor" href="3D RGB-D Saliency Detection" aria-hidden="true"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>


:triangular_flag_on_post: 01ICASSPA Saliency Enhanced Feature Fusion based multiscale RGB-D Salient Object Detection NetworkPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 02IJCVCross-Modal Fusion and Progressive Decoding Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 03TMMUniTR: A Unified TRansformer-based Framework for Co-object and Multi-modal Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 04IEEE TIPQuality-aware Selective Fusion Network for V-D-T Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 05IEEE TCSVTLearning Adaptive Fusion Bank for Multi-modal Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 06IEEE TMMAlignment-Free RGBT Salient Object Detection: Semantics-guided Asymmetric Correlation Network and A Unified BenchmarkPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 07ACMMMBackdoor Attacks on Bimodal Salient Object Detection with RGB-Thermal DataPaper/Code


01TCSVTHRTransNet: HRFormer-Driven Two-Modality Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
02IEEE TIPCAVER: Cross-Modal View-Mixed Transformer for Bi-Modal Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
03IEEE TIPLSNet: Lightweight Spatial Boosting Network for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-Thermal ImagesPaper/Code
04ICMEScribble-Supervised RGB-T Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
05TCSVTMutual Information Regularization for Weakly-supervised RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
06Information FusionAn Interactively Reinforced Paradigm for Joint Infrared-Visible Image Fusion and Saliency Object DetectionPaper/Code
07IEEE TMMCATNet: A Cascaded and Aggregated Transformer Network For RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 08ACM MMPoint-aware Interaction and CNN-induced Refinement Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 09IEEE TIPDepth Injection Framework for RGBD Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 10ACM MMModality Profile - A New Critical Aspect to be Considered When Generating RGB-D Salient Object Detection Training SetPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 11ACM MMSaliency Prototype for RGB-D and RGB-T Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 12NeurIPSDVSOD: RGB-D Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code


01CVMJSpecificity-preserving RGB-D Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
02AAAISelf-Supervised Pretraining for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
03IEEE TPAMIMobileSal: Extremely Efficient RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
04IEEE TIPBoosting RGB-D Saliency Detection by Leveraging Unlabeled RGB ImagesPaper/Code
05IEEE TIPLearning Discriminative Cross-modality Features for RGB-D Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
06IEEE TIPWeakly Supervised RGB-D Salient Object Detection with Prediction Consistency Training and Active Scribble BoostingPaper/Code
07ICLRPromoting Saliency From Depth: Deep Unsupervised RGB-D Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
08ArXivDFTR: Depth-supervised Hierarchical Feature Fusion Transformer for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
09ArXivGroupTransNet: Group Transformer Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
10ArXivCAVER: Cross-Modal View-Mixed Transformer for Bi-Modal Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
11PREncoder Deep Interleaved Network with Multi-scale Aggregation for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
12CVPRWPyramidal Attention for Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
13TMMDepth-induced Gap-reducing Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection: An Interaction, Guidance and Refinement ApproachPaper/Code
14TMMC2DFNet: Criss-Cross Dynamic Filter Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
15ArXivDual Swin-Transformer based Mutual Interactive Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
16IEEE TCSVTCross-Collaborative Fusion-Encoder Network for Robust RGB-Thermal Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
17IEEE TIPLearning Implicit Class Knowledge for RGB-D Co-Salient Object Detection with TransformersPaper/Code
18ACMMDepth-inspired Label Mining for Unsupervised RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
193DVRobust RGB-D Fusion for Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
20ArXivDepth Quality-Inspired Feature Manipulation for Efficient RGB-D and Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
21ECCVSPSN: Superpixel Prototype Sampling Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
22ECCVMVSalNet:Multi-View Augmentation for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
23IJCVLearnable Depth-Sensitive Attention for Deep RGB-D Saliency Detection with Multi-modal Fusion Architecture SearchPaper/Code
24IEEE TNNLS3-D Convolutional Neural Networks for RGB-D Salient Object Detection and BeyondPaper/Code
25IEEE TIPImproving RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Modality-aware DecoderPaper/Code
26IEEE TIPCIR-Net: Cross-modality interaction and refinement for RGB-D salient object detectionPaper/Code
27IEEE TCSVTHRTransNet: HRFormer-Driven Two-Modality Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
28IEEE TMMDoes Thermal Really Always Matter for RGB-T Salient Object Detection?Paper/Code
29IEEE TCSVTModality-Induced Transfer-Fusion Network for RGB-D and RGB-T Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
30IEEE TIPJoint Learning of Salient Object Detection, Depth Estimation and Contour ExtractionPaper/Code
31IJCVDelving into Calibrated Depth for Accurate RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
32IEEE TCSVTMoADNet: Mobile Asymmetric Dual-Stream Networks for Real-Time and Lightweight RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code


01CVPRDeep RGB-D Saliency Detection with Depth-Sensitive Attention and Automatic Multi-Modal FusionPaper/Code
02CVPRCalibrated RGB-D Saliency Object DetectionPaper/Code
03AAAIRGB-D Salient Object Detection via 3D Convolutional Neural NetworksPaper/Code
04IEEE TIPHierarchical Alternate Interaction Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
05IEEE TIPCDNet: Complementary Depth Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
06IEEE TIPRGB-D Salient Object Detection with Ubiquitous Target AwarenessPaper/Code
07ICMEBTS-Net: Bi-directional Transfer-and-Selection Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
08ACMMDepth Quality-Inspired Feature Manipulation for Efficient RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
09ACMMTriTransNet RGB-D Salient Object Detection with a Triplet Transformer Embedding NetworkPaper/Code
10ICCVRGB-D Saliency Detection via Cascaded Mutual Information MinimizationPaper/Code
11ICCVSpecificity-preserving RGB-D Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
12ACMMCross-modality Discrepant Interaction Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
13IEEE TIPDynamic Selective Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
14IJCVCNN-based RGB-D Salient Object Detection: Learn, Select and FusePaper/Code
15NeurIPSJoint Semantic Mining for Weakly Supervised RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
16IEEE TMMCCAFNet: Crossflow and Cross-scale Adaptive Fusion Network for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-D ImagesPaper/Code
17IEEE TETCIAPNet: Adversarial-Learning-Assistance and Perceived Importance Fusion Network for All-Day RGB-T Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code


01IEEE TIPICNet: Information Conversion Network for RGB-D Based Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
02CVPRJL-DCF: Joint Learning and Densely-Cooperative Fusion Framework for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
03CVPRUC-Net: Uncertainty Inspired RGB-D Saliency Detection via Conditional Variational AutoencodersPaper/Code
04CVPRA2dele: Adaptive and Attentive Depth Distiller for Efficient RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
05CVPRSelect, Supplement and Focus for RGB-D Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
06CVPRLearning Selective Self-Mutual Attention for RGB-D Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
07ECCVAccurate RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Collaborative LearningPaper/Code
08ECCVCross-Modal Weighting Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
09ECCVBBS-Net: RGB-D Salient Object Detection with a Bifurcated Backbone Strategy NetworkPaper/Code
10ECCVHierarchical Dynamic Filtering Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
11ECCVProgressively Guided Alternate Refinement Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
12ECCVRGB-D Salient Object Detection with Cross-Modality Modulation and SelectionPaper/Code
13ECCVCascade Graph Neural Networks for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
14ECCVA Single Stream Network for Robust and Real-time RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
15ECCVAsymmetric Two-Stream Architecture for Accurate RGB-D Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
16ACMMIs Depth Really Necessary for Salient Object Detection?Paper/Code
17ACMMMMNet: Multi-Stage and Multi-Scale Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
18ACMMFeature Reintegration over Differential Treatment: A Top-down and Adaptive Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
19IEEE TIPRGBD Salient Object Detection via Disentangled Cross-Modal FusionPaper/Code
20IEEE TIPImproved Saliency Detection in RGB-D Images Using Two-Phase Depth Estimation and Selective Deep FusionPaper/Code
21IEEE TIPDepth Potentiality-Aware Gated Attention Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
22IEEE TNNLSD3Net:Rethinking RGB-D Salient Object Detection: Models, Datasets, and Large-Scale BenchmarksPaper/Code
23IEEE TCSVTRevisiting Feature Fusion for RGB-T Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code


01ICCVDMRA: Depth-induced Multi-scale Recurrent Attention Network for Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
02CVPRCPFP: Contrast Prior and Fluid Pyramid Integration for RGBD Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
03IEEE TIPThree-stream Attention-aware Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
04IEEE PRMulti-modal fusion network with multi-scale multi-path and cross-modal interactions for RGB-D salient object detectionPaper/Code
05IEEE AccessAFNet: Adaptive Fusion for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
06IEEE TIPRGB-T Salient Object Detection via Fusing Multi-Level CNN FeaturesPaper/Code
07IEEE TMMRGB-T image saliency detection via collaborative graph learningPaper/Code


01CVPRPCA: Progressively Complementarity-aware Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
02IEEE TIPCo-saliency detection for RGBD images based on multi-constraint feature matching and cross label propagationPaper/Code
03ICMEPDNet: Prior-Model Guided Depth-enhanced Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code


01ICCVLearning RGB-D Salient Object Detection using background enclosure, depth contrast, and top-down featuresPaper/Code
02IEEE TIPDF: RGBD Salient Object Detection via Deep FusionPaper/Code
03IEEE TCybCTMF: Cnns-based rgb-d saliency detection via cross-view transfer and multiview fusionPaper/Code

Traditional methods

01MTARGBD co-saliency detection via multiple kernel boosting and fusionPaper/Code
02ICCV17An Innovative Salient Object Detection Using Center-Dark Channel PriorPaper/Code
03IEEE SPLSaliency detection for stereoscopic images based on depth confidence analysis and multiple cues fusionPaper/Code
04IEEE SPLRGBD Co-saliency Detection via Bagging-Based ClusteringPaper/Code
05CVPRExploiting Global Priors for RGB-D Saliency DetectionPaper/Code

<a name="4DSOD"></a>

4D Light Field Saliency Detection <a id="4D Light Field Saliency Detection" class="anchor" href="4D Light Field Saliency Detection" aria-hidden="true"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>

01TOMMMCA: Saliency Detection on Light Field: A Multi-Cue ApproachPaper/Code
02IJCAIDILF: Saliency Detection with a Deeper Investigation of Light FieldPaper/Code
03CVPRWSC: A Weighted Sparse Coding Framework for Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
04IEEE PAMISaliency Detection on Light-FieldPaper/Code
05ICCVDeep Learning for Light Field Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
06NeurIPSMemory-oriented Decoder for Light Field Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
07AAAIExploit and Replace: An Asymmetrical Two-Stream Architecture for Versatile Light Field Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
08IEEE TCSVTA Multi-Task Collaborative Network for Light Field Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
09ArXivDUT-LFSaliency: Versatile Dataset and Light Field-to-RGB Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
10ArXivLearning Synergistic Attention for Light Field Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
11ArXivCMA-Net: A Cascaded Mutual Attention Network for Light Field Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
12IEEE TCyBPANet: Patch-Aware Network for Light Field Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
13ACMM21Occlusion-aware Bi-directional Guided Network for Light Field Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
14ICCV21Light Field Saliency Detection with Dual Local Graph Learning and Reciprocative GuidancePaper/Code
15CVPR22Learning from Pixel-Level Noisy Label : A New Perspective for Light Field Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
16NCMEANet: Multi-modal edge-aware network for light field salient object detectionPaper/Code
17IEEE TIPExploring Spatial Correlation for Light Field Saliency Detection: Expansion from a Single ViewPaper/Code
18IEEE TIPGeometry Auxiliary Salient ObjectDetection for Light Fields via Graph Neural NetworksPaper/Code
19ACMMLFBCNet: Light Field Boundary-aware and Cascaded Interaction Network for Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
20IEEE TIPWeakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection on Light FieldsPaper/Code
21IEEE TPAMIA Thorough Benchmark and a New Model for Light Field Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
22ICME23Guided Focal Stack Refinement Network for Light Field Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 23IEEE TCSVTLFTransNet: Light Field Salient Object Detection via a Learnable Weight DescriptorPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 24IEEE TCSVTLight Field Salient Object Detection with Sparse Views via Complementary and Discriminative Interaction NetworkPaper/Code
:triangular_flag_on_post: 25arXivLF Tracy: A Unified Single-Pipeline Approach for Salient Object Detection in Light Field CamerasPaper/Code

<a name="VSOD"></a>

Video Salient Object Detection <a id="Video Salient Object Detection" class="anchor" href="Video Salient Object Detection" aria-hidden="true"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>


:triangular_flag_on_post: 01AAAIPanoramic Video Salient Object Detection with Ambisonic Audio GuidancePaper/Code


01AAAIYou Only Infer Once: Cross-Modal Meta-Transfer for Referring Video Object SegmentationPaper/Code
02AAAISiamese Network with Interactive Transformer for Video Object SegmentationPaper/Code
03AAAIIteratively Selecting an Easy Reference Frame Makes Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation EasierPaper/Code
04AAAIReliable Propagation-Correction Modulation for Video Object SegmentationPaper/Code
05WACVVideo Salient Object Detection via Contrastive Features and Attention ModulesPaper/Code
06ICIPDepth-Cooperated Trimodal Network for Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
07ArXivLearning Video Salient Object Detection Progressively from Unlabeled VideosPaper/Code
08ArXivRethinking Video Salient Object RankingPaper/Code
09ACMMWeakly Supervised Video Salient Object Detection via Point SupervisionPaper/Code
10ECCVHierarchical Feature Alignment Network for Unsupervised Video Object SegmentationPaper/Code
11ECCVXMem: Long-Term Video Object Segmentation with an Atkinson-Shiffrin Memory ModelPaper/Code
12ACMMBidirectionally Learning Dense Spatio-temporal Feature Propagation Network for Unsupervised Video Object SegmentationPaper/Code
13NeurIPSSemi-Supervised Video Salient Object Detection Based on Uncertainty-Guided Pseudo LabelsPaper/Code


01CVPRWeakly Supervised Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
02ArXivVideo Salient Object Detection via Adaptive Local-Global RefinementPaper/Code
03ICIPGuidance and Teaching Network for Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
04ACMMMulti-Source Fusion and Automatic Predictor Selection for Zero-Shot Video Object SegmentationPaper/Code
05ICCVDynamic Context-Sensitive Filtering Network for Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
06ICCVFull-Duplex Strategy for Video Object SegmentationPaper/Code
07ICCVDeep Transport Network for Unsupervised Video Object SegmentationPaper/Code
08IEEE TIPExploring Rich and Efficient Spatial Temporal Interactions for Real Time Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code


01CVPRSTAViS: Spatio-Temporal AudioVisual Saliency NetworkPaper/Code
02ECCVUnified Image and Video Saliency ModelingPaper/Code
03ECCVMeasuring the importance of temporal features in video saliencyPaper/Code
04ECCVTENet: Triple Excitation Network for Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
05IEEE TIPLearning Long-term Structural Dependencies for Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
06IEEE AccessCross Complementary Fusion Network for Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
07AAAIPyramid Constrained Self-Attention Network for Fast Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code


01ICCVMotion Guided Attention for Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
02ICCVSemi-Supervised Video Salient Object Detection Using Pseudo-LabelsPaper/Code
03ICCVTemporally-Aggregating Spatial Encoder-Decoder Network for Video Saliency DetectionPaper/Code
04ICCVRANet:Ranking attention Network for Fast Video Object SegmentationPaper/Code
05CVPRShifting More Attention to Video Salient Objection DetectionPaper/Code
06CVPRLearning Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation through Visual AttentionPaper/Code
07CVPRSee More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese NetworksPaper/Code
08IEEE TIPImproving Robust Video Saliency Detection based on Long-term Spatial-Temporal InformationPaper/Code


01ECCVPyramid Dilated Deeper CoonvLSTM for Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
02ECCVDeepVS: A Deep Learning Based Video Saliency Prediction ApproachPaper/Code
03CVPRRevisiting Video Saliency: A Large-scale Benchmark and a New ModelPaper/Code
04CVPRFlow Guided Recurrent Neural Encoder for Video Salient Object DetectionPaper/Code
05IEEE TIPVideo Salient Object Detection via Fully Convolutional NetworksPaper/Code


01IEEE TIPLearning to Detect Video Saliency with HEVC FeaturesPaper/Code

<a name="survey"></a>

Earlier Methods <a id="Earlier Methods" class="anchor" href="Earlier Methods" aria-hidden="true"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>

01IEEE TIP15Salient object detection: A benchmarkPaper/Code
02IEEE TCSVT18Review of visual saliency detectionwith comprehensive informationPaper/Code
03ACM TIST18A review of co-saliency detection algorithms: Fundamentals, applications, and challengesPaper/Code
04IEEE TSP18Advanced deep-learning techniques for salient and category-specific object detection: A surveyPaper/Code
05IJCV18Attentive systems: A surveyPaper/Project
06ECCV18Salient Objects in Clutter: Bringing Salient Object Detection to the ForegroundPaper/Code
07CVM18Salient object detection: A surveyPaper/Code
08IEEE TNNLS19Salient Object detection with deep learning: AreviewPaper/Code
09arXiv19Salient Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era-An In-Depth SurveyPaper/Code
10CVM21RGB-D Salient Object Detection: A SurveyPaper/Code

The part of the collection is thanks to Deng-Ping Fan and Tao Zhou.

<a name="data"></a>

The SOD dataset download <a id="The SOD dataset download" class="anchor" href="The SOD dataset download" aria-hidden="true"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>

<a name="eval"></a>

Evaluation Metrics <a id="Evaluation Metrics" class="anchor" href="Evaluation Metrics" aria-hidden="true"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>

<a name="leaderboard"></a>

Comparison with state-of-the-arts <a id="Comparison with state-of-the-arts" class="anchor" href="Comparison with state-of-the-arts" aria-hidden="true"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>

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