

Salient object detection datasets

1) Image-level RGB datasets

DatasetPub. / YearURLSourceInfo.
MSRALearning to Detect a Salient Object, CVPR 2007.Not FoundNot SpecificImage set A: 20840 images, Image set B: 5000 images selected from A with less ambiguity. (Training set: Randomly select 2000 from set A, and 1000 from set B)
MSRA-BSalient Object Detection: A Discriminative Regional Feature Integration Approach, CVPR 2013.HomepageImage set B of MSRA2500 images for training, 500 for validation, and 2000 for testing (full list can be found at the bottom of the project page.)
MSRA10K<br>(THUS10000)Global Contrast based Salient Region Detection, PAMI 2015.HomepageMSRA--
SED1/2Image Segmentation by Probabilistic Bottom-up Aggregation and Cue Integration, CVPR 2007.HomepageUnknown200 images, 1 or 2 clear objects.
MSRA-1000Frequency-tuned Salient Region Detection, CVPR 2009.HomepageMSRAContour label. Work that be evaluated on this dataset has less power of persuasion, suggested by CMM.
CSSDHierarchical Saliency Detection, CVPR 2013.HomepageBSD300, VOC dataset and internet.Complex Scene Saliency Dataset(CSSD). 200 images.(Normally used for test.)
ECSSDHierarchical Image Saliency Detection on Extended CSSD, PAMI 2016.HomepageInternetSemantically meaningful but structurally complex images. 1000 images.(Normally used for test.)
THURSalientShape: Group Saliency in Image Collections, The Visual Computing 2014.HomepageFlickr6000+ images for 5 categories: butterfly, coffe mug, dog jump, griaffe, and plane.
PASCAL-SThe Secrets of Salient Object Detection, CVPR 2014.Homepagethe validation set of the PASCAL VOC 2010Relative saliency between salient instances. 850 images(Normally used for test.).
HKU-ISDeep Contrast Learning for Salient Object Detection, CVPR 2015.HomepageUnknown2500 images for training, 500 for validation, and 1447 for testing.
Judd-DBWhat is a salient object? A dataset and a baseline model for salient object detection, TIP 2015UnknownJudd900 images.
DUT-OMRONSaliency Detection Via Graph-Based Manifold Ranking, CVPR 2013.HomepageSUN database5019 images for testing. More details could be found in their FCV paper.
DUTSLearning to Detect Salient Objects with Image-level Supervision, CVPR 2017.HomepageImageNet DET datasets10553 training images and 5019 test images.
ILSOInstance-Level Salient Object Segmentation, CVPR 2017.HomepageECSSD, DUT-OMRON, HKU-IS, and MSO datasets.Two-thirds of the chosen images contain multiple occluded salient object instances while the remaining one-third consists of images with no salient regions, a single salient object instance or multiple salient instances without occlusion. Totally 1000 images, 500 for training, 200 for validation, and 300 for testing.
XPIEWhat is and what is not a salient object? learning salient object detector by ensembling linear exemplar regressors, CVPR 2017.HomepagePanoramio, ImageNet, and two fixation datasets.10000 images.
SOCSalient Objects in Clutter: Bringing Salient Object Detection to the Foreground, ECCV 2018.HomepageMSCOCO6K images(3.6K for training, 1.2K for validation, 1.2K for testing). Accurate and clear boundary label. instance-level segmentation. Visual attributes for result evaluation.
SOSSalient Object Subitizing, CVPR 2015.Homepage6900images in total. 2064 from the COCO, 2141 from the VOC07, 1610 from the ImageNet, 1085 from the SUN.This dataset is built for predicting the existence and the number of salient objects in a scene. MSO is a subset of SOS, which is used for testing purpose.
BSDSA Database of Human Segmented Natural Images and its Application to Evaluating Segmentation Algorithms and Measuring Ecological Statistics, ICCV 2001.HomepageUnknownOriginal version: 200 training images, 100 testing images. Extented version: 200 test images were added.

2) Image-level RGB-D datasets

3) Video-level datasets

4) Point cloud-based Dataset

DatasetPub. / YearURLSourceInfo.
PCSODSalient Object Detection for Point Clouds, ECCV 2022.HomepageTBDTBD