


(ECCV2022)MVSalNet:Multi-View Augmentation for RGB-D Salient Object Detection

Jiayuan Zhou1, Lijun Wang1, Huchuan Lu1,2, Kaining Huang3, Xinchu Shi3 , Bocong Liu3

1 Dalian University of Technology

2 Peng Cheng Laboratory

3 Meituan

The code of MVSalNet in ECCV2022



The depth map and RGB images are from two different modalities with significant cross-modal gap.

The 3D geometry contained in depth map can be used to render the input image under different views.

Our Contributions

We present a new framework for RGB-D SOD with multi-view augmentation, which can effectively leverage the geometry information carried in input depth maps.

We design a multi-view saliency prediction network with dynamic filtering modules, which can not only enhance saliency prediction in each single view, but also enables cross-view prediction fusion, yielding more accurate SOD results.

Multi-View Data Augmentation

Reconstruct the 3D point cloud based on the input scene depth.

Project the point cloud to a specific target view to render the RGB image.

<img src="utils/fig1.png" width = "550" height = "355" alt="" align=center />

Multi-View Saliency Detection Network

Single-view saliency prediction module

Multi-view fusion module

<img src="utils/fig2.png" width = "550" height = "300" alt="" align=center />

Visual Comparisons

<img src="utils/compare.png" width = "550" height = "430" alt="" align=center />

Brief Summary

A new RGB-D salient object detection (SOD) framework to take full advantages of 3D geometry information contained in depth maps.

A multi-view salient detection network (MVSalNet).

Experiments on six popular benchmarks verify the effectiveness.