

Learning from Pixel-Level Noisy Label : A New Perspective for Light Field Saliency Detection

This is a PyTorch implementation of our paper





  1. We released our code for joint training with depth and appearance, which is also our best performance model.


1. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/OLobbCode/NoiseLF.git
cd NoiseLF-code/

2. Download the datasets

Download the following datasets and unzip them.

3. Train

  1. Set the c.DATA.TRAIN.ROOT and c.DATA.TRAIN.LIST path in config.py correctly.
  2. We demo using VGG-19 as network backbone and train with a initial lr of 1e-5 for 30 epoches.
  3. After training the result model will be stored under snapshot/exp_noiself folder.

Note:only support c.SOLVER.BATCH_SIZE=1

4. Test

For single dataset testing: you should set c.PHASE='test' in config.py, and set c.DATA.TEST.ROOT , c.DATA.TEST.LIST as yours.

python demo.py 

For evaluate :

python evaluate.py

All results saliency maps will be stored under 'Test/Out/exp_noiself_30/' folders in .png formats.

Thanks to MOLF.