

scoop-lemon Bucket

Excavator Sync Mirror


To add this bucket to scoop, run the following command in PowerShell:

scoop bucket add lemon https://github.com/hoilc/scoop-lemon


scoop install lemon/<app_name>
<br/> <details> <summary>中国镜像</summary> <br/>
scoop bucket add lemon https://codeberg.org/hoilc/scoop-lemon.git


<!-- <apps> --> <!-- The following table was inserted by makeindex.py --> <!-- Your edits will be lost the next time makeindex.py is run -->
1history0.3.3A command line tool to backup your histories of different browsers into one place.
1remote1.0.01Remote (PRemoteM) is a modern personal remote session manager and launcher.
3body-lang0.6.1三体编程语言 Three Body Language written in Rust
3proxy0.9.4A tiny free proxy server.
4dnat0.0.5A DNAT tool that works on OSI Layer 4.
64gram1.1.39Unofficial Telegram Desktop with some enhancements.
7zip-zs22.01-v1.5.5-R37-Zip with support for Brotli, Fast-LZMA2, Lizard, LZ4, LZ5 and Zstandard.
a2fa0.16.5A command line tool for generating and validating one-time password.
a5m22.19.0A5:SQL Mk-2 is a SQL development environment & ER diagram tool.
aardio36.40.3aardio 编程语言,专注于桌面软件快速开发
abstreet0.3.49Transportation planning and traffic simulation software for creating cities friendlier to walking, biking, and public transit.
access0.10.13An all-in-one command-line tool from Indent for requesting and managing temporary access for cloud apps and systems.
acrylic2.2.0A local DNS proxy for Windows which improves the performance of your computer by caching the responses coming from your DNS servers and helps you fight unwanted ads through a custom HOSTS file.
actions-usage0.1.1Find your GitHub Actions usage across a given organisation or user account.
adobe-creative-cloud-cleaner-tool4.3.0.680A utility for experienced users to clean up corrupted installations of Adobe software.
adpcm-xq0.3Xtreme Quality IMA-ADPCM Encoder / Decoder.
advanced-portchecker2.0.1Advanced PortChecker is a free application that can help you check if ports are open or closed on a certain host.
agent-ransack3435Agent Ransack (FileLocator Lite) is a free file search tool for finding files on your PC or network drives.
ahko0.3.1A quick launcher in autohotkey.
ailz80asm1.0.22AILZ80ASM is a Z80 assembler written in C# that runs in a .NET 6 environment.
ainiee4.74.3一款专注于Ai翻译的工具,可以用来一键自动翻译RPG SLG游戏,Epub TXT小说,Srt Lrc字幕等等
airdcpp4.21AirDC++ is an easy to use client for Advanced Direct Connect and Direct Connect networks.
airpodsdesktop0.4.1AirPods desktop user experience enhancement program for Windows.
aleapp3.2.3Android Logs Events And Protobuf Parser
alephnote1.7.16AlephNote is an extensible, lightweight desktop note client for multiple backends.
alexandria0.12A minimalistic cross-platform eBook reader built with Tauri, Epub.js, and Typescript.
alire2.0.1A command-line tool to obtain, build, and incorporate Ada librariess into your own projects.
alisthelper0.1.5Alist Helper is a software application developed using Flutter, designed to simplify the use of the desktop version of alist. It can manage alist, allowing you to easily start and stop the alist program.
aliyundrive-webdav2.3.3WebDAV for Aliyun Driver
altsnap1.63Easily drag windows when pressing the alt key.
am-deadlink6.0A tool to detect dead links and redirections.
am-notebook7.0A full featured note-taking software for notes, formula based spreadsheets, diagrams, TODO lists, tasks and much more.
amass4.2.0In-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery.
amazon-ec2-instance-selector2.4.1Amazon EC2 Instance Selector is a CLI tool which recommends EC2 instance types based on resource criteria like vcpus and memory.
amazon-ec2-metadata-mock1.12.0Amazon EC2 Metadata Mock (AEMM) is a tool to simulate Amazon EC2 instance metadata service for local testing.
amber0.1.6Manage secret values in-repo via public key cryptography.
amtool0.27.0A cli tool for interacting with the Alertmanager API.
anime4kcpp-cli2.5.0Anime4KCPP (CLI) provides an optimized bloc97's Anime4K algorithm version 0.9, it aims to be a high performance tools to process both image and video.
anime4kcpp-gui2.5.0Anime4KCPP (GUI) provides an optimized bloc97's Anime4K algorithm version 0.9, it aims to be a high performance tools to process both image and video.
another-redis-desktop-manager1.6.7Another Redis Desktop Manager is a faster and stable redis desktop manager [GUI client], which won't crash when loading massive keys.
antidupl.net2.3.12A program to search similar and defect pictures on the disk.
apdview<i>1.07</i>A viewer for AzPainter2 files (* .apd) and AzDrawing2 files (* .adw).
appfire-cli11.2.0Appfire CLI (ACLI) is an integrated family of CLIs for Atlassian, Atlassian-related, and other applications.
archisteamfarm6.0.6.4C# application with primary purpose of idling Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.
arend1.10A theorem prover and a programming language based on Homotopy Type Theory.
argc1.20.1A bash cli framework, also a task runner.
ark-pixel-font-10px-monospaced2024.05.12方舟像素字体 / Ark Pixel Font,开源的泛中日韩像素字体 (10像素等宽模式)
ark-pixel-font-10px-proportional2024.05.12方舟像素字体 / Ark Pixel Font,开源的泛中日韩像素字体 (10像素比例模式)
ark-pixel-font-12px-monospaced2024.05.12方舟像素字体 / Ark Pixel Font,开源的泛中日韩像素字体 (12像素等宽模式)
ark-pixel-font-12px-proportional2024.05.12方舟像素字体 / Ark Pixel Font,开源的泛中日韩像素字体 (12像素比例模式)
ark-pixel-font-16px-monospaced2024.05.12方舟像素字体 / Ark Pixel Font,开源的泛中日韩像素字体 (16像素等宽模式)
ark-pixel-font-16px-proportional2024.05.12方舟像素字体 / Ark Pixel Font,开源的泛中日韩像素字体 (16像素比例模式)
arp-ping0.5An implementation of "ping" over arp lookup, similar in behavior to the "arping" *nix program.
arpsift0.2A console utility that watches the ARP table - providing a scrolling log of when entries are added, removed or changed.
arrowdl4.0.2ArrowDL (Arrow Downloader) is a standalone download manager.
arthas4.0.1A Java diagnostic tool that allows developers to troubleshoot production issues for Java applications without modifying code or restarting servers.
artweaver-free7.0.17A full-featured painting tool with a huge set of predefined realistic brushes to paint creatively or just experiment.
asfenhance2.2.3.3Extend the function of ASF (ArchiSteamFarm), add several practical commands
asfenhance-cn2.2.3.3扩展ASF的功能, 增加几条实用命令
asnmap1.1.1A Go CLI for quickly mapping organization network ranges using ASN information.
assetripper1.1.4AssetRipper is a tool for extracting assets from Unity serialized files (CAB-*, *.assets, .sharedAssets, etc.) and asset bundles (.unity3d, *.bundle, etc.) and converting them into the native Unity engine format.
astro-cli1.29.0Astronomer's open source CLI is the easy way to run Apache Airflow on your machine.
athena-a<i>4.13</i>Athena-A 是通过字典来快速更新新版软件中的非标准字符串资源的汉化工具,具有挪移字符串的功能,还有字典提取、字典编辑、虚拟地址转换、编码查询、自动翻译、自动过滤、替换等功能
audio-router0.10.5Routes audio from programs to different audio devices on windows. (community updates)
autocorrect2.11.1A linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, and punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
autocursorlock2.0.1Locks the cursor to a specified window while the window is in focus.
autohidedesktopicons6.26A lightweight tool that enable automatic hiding and showing feature of the desktop icons.
autohidemousecursor5.62.2A small tool that allows you to hide the mouse cursor, if this does not move.
autok3s0.9.3A lightweight tool for simplifying the cluster management of K3s, it can help you run K3s everywhere.
avidemux2.8.0A video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks.
avidemux-nightly240908A video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks.
aws-auth0.5.0A utility that manages the aws-auth config map for EKS Kubernetes clusters
aws-copilot-cli1.34.0AWS Copilot CLI is a tool for developers to build, release and operate production ready containerized applications on AWS App Runner or Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate.
axiom-cli0.13.1The CLI for Axiom, a log management and analytics solution.
aya5ceceadA programming language and a proof assistant designed for formalizing math and type-directed programming.
azd1.10.1A developer CLI that accelerates the time it takes for you to get started on Azure.
azdrawing2<i>2.02</i>8-bit image painting software specialized for drawing line drawings and manga.
azpainter2<i>2.12</i>A full color painting software for illustration drawing.
azqr2.0.0-preview.8Azure Quick Review (azqr) is a CLI tool specifically designed to analyze Azure resources and identify whether they comply with Azure's best practices and recommendations.
baidupcs-go3.9.5iikira/BaiduPCS-Go 原版基础上集成了分享链接/秒传链接转存功能
balabolka2.15.0.878A Text-To-Speech (TTS) program uses various versions of Microsoft Speech API (SAPI).
balcon1.84Command line utility for Balabolka, a Text-To-Speech (TTS) program uses various versions of Microsoft Speech API (SAPI).
ballerina2201.10.0An open-source programming language for the cloud that makes it easier to use, combine, and create network services.
bangumi-renamer2.0.2基于 AniList 与 Bangumi 的自动化命名工具,用来重命名网络下载的番剧文件夹
bark-server2.1.5Backend of Bark, an iOS App which allows you to push customed notifications to your iPhone.
bart3.1A file and folder backup tool, which transfers changes from multiple source directory trees to destination trees.
bazelisk1.21.0A user-friendly launcher for Bazel.
bbdown1.6.3A commandline downloader for Bilibili.
bbdown-nightly205(Nightly Build) A commandline downloader for Bilibili.
bctextencoder1.03.2.1BCTextEncoder is a free text encryption software to encrypt text files and securely email sensitive data to your friends.
beaver-notes3.6.0Beaver Notes is an open-source note taking app built for Privacy and Efficiency.
becky2.81.07A feature-rich Internet email client.
bedford1.18A viewer that shows all Services, Characteristics & Descriptors and their details of Bluetooth Low Energy / BLE / Bluetooth Smart devices.
beeceptor-cli7.0.3Beeceptor CLI is a developer tool to help connect the local port with Beeceptor servers directly from your terminal.
belautils2.0.3Tools reimplemented using Bela library, a Modern C++ development experience library.
bendsql0.20.1A command line tool for Databend.
bennett1.28A bluetooth monitor that search for Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy / Bluetooth Smart devices and monitor their signal strength.
benthos4.36.0Redpanda Connect (Originally Benthos) is a high performance and resilient stream processor, able to connect various sources and sinks
berglas2.0.2A tool for managing secrets on Google Cloud.
besttrace20240731Initiate a traceroute request from a Windows device with a link visualization.
betterbird115.15.0-bb32-build2A fine-tuned version of Mozilla Thunderbird.
bettergi0.34.1BetterGI · 更好的原神 - UI Automation Testing Tools For Genshin Impact
bflat8.0.2C# as you know it but with Go-inspired tooling that produces small, selfcontained, and native executables out of the box.
bilibili-live-record-downloader3.15.2Bilibili live recording and replay downloading software
bililive-recorder2.12.0B站录播姬(BiliBili Stream Recorder),哔哩哔哩直播自动录制工具
bililive-recorder-cli2.12.0B站录播姬命令行版(BiliBili Stream Recorder CLI),哔哩哔哩直播自动录制工具
biniware-run7.0.2.0Biniware Run is a portable Windows productivity tool which provides you fast access to your favorite website addresses, files and folders from one single place.
binjr3.19.0A standalone time series browser.
bitrock-unpacker<i>2019-11-18</i>A tool that extracts contents from BitRock InstallBuilder installers.
biyi0.5.0A convenient translation and dictionary app written in dart / Flutter.
blackbox_exporter0.25.0A Prometheus exporter allows blackbox probing of endpoints over HTTP, HTTPS, DNS, TCP and ICMP.
blankandsecure7.81.1A small tool to securely delete the data.
blb2txt1.114The utility allows to extract text from the various types of files including AZW, AZW3, CHM, DjVu, DOC, DOCX, EML, EPUB, FB2, FB3, HTML, LIT, MD, MOBI, ODP, ODS, ODT, PDB, PRC, PDF, PPT, PPTX, RTF, TCR, WPD, XLS, XLSX.
bleconsole1.6.0A Windows command-line tool for interacting with Bluetooth LE devices.
bluelife-hosts-editor1.5BlueLife Hosts Editor is a hosts file editor which allows users to easily add, delete, block and update domain names.
bluetoothle-battery-monitor2.0.0.0BluetoothLEBatteryMonitor - Windows BluetoothLE Battery Monitor.
bmp2png1.62bmp2png / png2bmp is a pair of simple command-line utilities that convert between Windows BMP format and PNG format.
boom1.0.38An easy to use audio player intended for casual computer users who do not wish to spend their time on figuring more sophisticated software out.
bore0.5.1A modern, simple TCP tunnel in Rust that exposes local ports to a remote server, bypassing standard NAT connection firewalls.
bosh-cli7.7.2The command line tool used for interacting with all things BOSH, from deployment operations to software release management.
briar0.6.2-betaA peer-to-peer messaging app that bypasses centralized servers.
brook20240606Brook is a cross-platform strong encryption and not detectable proxy with zero-configuration.
btrace2.2.5A safe, dynamic tracing tool for the Java platform.
burrow1.8.0A monitoring companion for Apache Kafka that provides consumer lag checking as a service without the need for specifying thresholds.
canal2sql1.1.3MySQL Binlog解析工具,支持在线和离线解析Binlog,输出标准SQL
capnproto1.0.2Cap’n Proto is an insanely fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC system.
capture.net14.3.7827.1An integrated, multi-functional, powerful and general-purpose System, Design, File, Desktop and Develop All-In-One utility tool.
cassowary0.17.0A modern HTTP/S, intuitive & cross-platform load testing tool built in Go for developers, testers and sysadmins.
cat-cli1.9.1.1A powerful tool that helps you to test your data.
categraf0.3.78One-stop telemetry collector for nightingale / prometheus / m3db / victoriametrics / thanos / influxdb / tdengine.
cavif1.5.5A PNG/JPEG to AVIF converter in rust.
ccode2.2.1A free source code editor based on Scintilla.
cdrtfe1.5.9cdrtfe (cdrtools Frontend) is a CD/DVD/BD burning application for Microsoft Windows.
cdsctl0.54.1The command line utility for CDS, an Enterprise-Grade Continuous Delivery & DevOps Automation Open Source Platform.
cefflashbrowser1.0.8Flash浏览器 / Flash Browser
cfiler2.62A Python based file commander with keyboard control.
chanify1.4.3A safe and simple notification tools.
chart-testing3.11.0A CLI tool for linting and testing Helm charts.
checkstyle10.18.1A development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard.
chirp<i>20221217</i>(LEGACY build, no longer updates) A free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio that supports a large number of manufacturers and models.
chirp-next20240911The next-generation version of CHIRP, a free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio that supports a large number of manufacturers and models.
chkssl0.4A command line utility that talks to an https server and dumbs some of the ssl information.
chsrc0.1.8A command line tool to change source for every software on every platform.
cilium-cli0.16.17A CLI to install, manage & troubleshoot Kubernetes clusters running Cilium.
clarinet2.8.0A command line tool which is designed to write, test and deploy high-quality smart contracts to the Stacks blockchain and Bitcoin.
clash-rs0.3.2A custom protocol, rule based network proxy software.
clash-speedtest1.4.1基于 Clash 核心的测速工具,快速测试你的 Clash 节点速度
clash2singbox0.1.4将 clash.meta 格式的配置文件或链接转换为 sing-box 格式
clashn2.22A clash client for Windows, support clash core and Clash.Meta core.
classviewer3.9A lightweight Java class file viewer.
cleanmywechat2.1自动删除 PC 端微信缓存数据,包括从所有聊天中自动下载的大量文件、视频、图片等数据内容,解放你的空间
cleanwechatx<i>4.0</i>Clean WeChat X 是一款轻巧、干净、高效的微信数据深度清理软件
clickmonitorddc<i>7.2</i>ClickMonitorDDC is a lightweight utility that permits you to quickly adjust the contrast and brightness of your DDC compliant monitor directly from the systray.
clickshow1.4.1A tool to highlight cursor on the screen.
clockpod2.73A clock and other information display tool that stick to the window in use.
cloudflarespeedtest2.2.5Select the best IP for Cloudflare CDN, that means low latency and high speed.
cloudquery2.0.21The open-source cloud asset inventory powered by SQL.
cmail0.8.11A freeware application that allows you to send e-mail from the command line in Windows.
cmailgui0.1.0A GUI application that provides an easy-to-use Windows interface for creating or sending e-mail and to assist with creating configuration files for use with CMail.
cmctl2.1.0A command line tool that can help you manage cert-manager and its resources inside kubernetes cluster.
cmix20A lossless data compression program aimed at optimizing compression ratio at the cost of high CPU/memory usage.
code-radio-cli1.0.5A command line music radio client for https://coderadio.freecodecamp.org, written in Rust.
collectd_exporter0.6.0A Prometheus exporter for collectd.
colorconsole6.98.1An alternative command prompt is the ColorConsole to be able to execute cmd.exe and Powershell commands in tabs.
colored-text1.0Displays the text specified on the command line (or redirected through a pipe) in the given colors.
comicenhancepro<i>6.09</i>ComicEnhancer Pro (CEP) 是一款批量图像增强工具,能够修正扫描质量较低的漫画或书页
comicenhancepro-eng<i>6.09</i>ComicEnhancer Pro (CEP) is an easy-to-use and reliable software utility that allows you to enhance the image quality of your scanned comic books.
comicsviewer-eng<i>4.04</i>ComicsViewer is an image viewer specially tailored to viewing scanned comics.
complete-internet-repair11.1.3.6508Complete Internet Repair is a Windows Power Tool to quickly repair internet connections.
connectagram1.3.5A word unscrambling game.
consul_exporter0.12.1A Prometheus exporter for Consul service health.
container-diff<i>0.17.0</i>A tool for analyzing and comparing container images.
container-structure-test1.19.1Validate the structure of your container images.
copy-translator-rust0.4.1A copy-and-translate tool written by Rust.
copyplusplus5.0Make copy more easily.
cortextool0.11.2A tool for interacting with the various user-facing APIs provided by Cortex.
cosbrowser2.11.23COSBrowser 是腾讯云对象存储 COS 推出的可视化界面工具,让您可以使用更简单的交互轻松实现对 COS 资源的查看、传输和管理
coscli1.0.1COSCLI 是腾讯云对象存储(Cloud Object Storage,COS)提供的客户端命令行工具,支持配置多个存储桶和跨桶操作
cosmo-berry3.7.1(Cosmopolitan Executable) A ultra-lightweight embedded scripting language optimized for microcontrollers.
cosmo-emacs3.7.1(Cosmopolitan Executable) An extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor.
cosmo-pigz3.7.1(Cosmopolitan Executable) A parallel implementation of gzip.
cosmo-redbean3.7.1(Cosmopolitan Executable) A single-file distributable web server.
cosmo-rsync3.3.1(Cosmopolitan Executable) An open source utility that provides fast incremental file transfer.
cosmos3.7.1Prebuilt Actually Portable Executables for popular open source projects.
cow0.9.8COW (Climb Over the Wall) can automatically identify blocked sites and use parent proxies to access.
cozo0.7.6Standalone HTTP server for Cozo, a transactional, relational database that uses Datalog and focuses on graph data and algorithms.
cpix2.9.1A compact and fast photo viewer that supports APNG, WebP, MPO, encryption, format conversion, resizing and more.
cpix-cn2.9.1小巧、快速的看图软件,支持APNG, WebP, MPO, 加密,格式转换,修改图像大小等等
cppcryptfs1.4.4.4An implementation of the gocryptfs encrypted overlay filesystem in C++ for Windows.
cppcryptfsctl1.4.4.4An implementation of the gocryptfs encrypted overlay filesystem in C++ for Windows. (Command line Version)
craftbasic1.7.1Craft Basic is a BASIC interpreter for Windows 95 and up.
craftlaunch3.40A command line style application launcher.
crane0.20.2A tool for interacting with remote images and registries.
credhub-cli2.9.37CredHub CLI provides a command line interface to interact with CredHub servers.
crosspaste1.0.9.974A universal pasteboard across devices.
crypto-notepad1.7.3Simple notepad for Windows with encryption features.
cryptoknife2.0.1All-in-one, portable, collection of general-purpose cryptography tools.
cryptsync1.4.10A small utility that synchronizes two folders while encrypting the contents in one folder. That means one of the two folders has all files unencrypted (the files you work with) and the other folder has all the files encrypted.
cs-script4.8.18.0A CLR-based scripting system that uses ECMA-compliant C# as a programming language.
csvbuddy3.0A Swiss knife for your CSV files, helps you make your CSV files ready to be imported by a variety of software.
ctstraffic2.0.3.5ctsTraffic is a highly scalable client/server networking tool giving detailed performance and reliability analytics.
cue0.10.0An open source data constraint language which aims to simplify tasks involving defining and using data.
curlie1.7.2A frontend to curl that adds the ease of use of httpie, without compromising on features and performance.
custommenu1.0.9Build your own customized Windows desktop menu. Unlimited submenus with unlimited menu items.
customrp1.17.28A simple custom Rich Presence manager (Playing status) for Discord.
cutemaze1.3.3A simple, top-down game in which mazes are randomly generated using one of a choice of several different algorithms.
cyanrip0.9.3.1A fully featured CD ripping program able to take out most of the tedium.
cybr-cli1.0.2-releaseA "Swiss Army Knife" command-line interface (CLI) for easy human and non-human interaction with cyberark suite of products.
dapr1.14.1The command-line tools for Dapr, which allows you to setup Dapr on your local dev machine or on a Kubernetes cluster, provides debugging support, launches and manages Dapr instances.
databricks-cli0.228.0A tool to automate the Databricks platform from your terminal, command prompt, or automation scripts.
dataflare20240915Easily connect to your PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, SQLite databases, manage Table and execute Query.
dbgate5.4.4A database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite and others.
dbgate-beta5.4.5-beta.6(BETA version) A database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite and others.
dblab0.26.0An interactive client for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3.
dbmigration.net17.2.9006.1A simple, easy and intuitive multiple database migration and sync tool.
deark1.6.8A utility for file format and metadata analysis, data extraction, decompression, and image format decoding.
deck1.40.1A command line tool for managing Konnect and Kong Gateway configuration declaratively.
deeplx0.9.7DeepL Free API written in Golang (No TOKEN required)
desktopnoteok4.11For quick creation of desktop notes on the Windows desktop, with beautiful random options and various customization options.
devtunnel1.0.1338+932252c8a1Microsoft Dev Tunnels provides developers secure tunnels to share local web services.
dictionary.net10.5.8419.4A tiny and smart multilingual dictionary that integrates Google, Bing and Yandex services.
digitalclock44.7.9Digital Clock 4 is a beautiful customizable clock with plugins.
diskbench2.8.1.0Measure how fast are the disks really are, in a real life situations.
djvutoy-eng<i>3.15</i>DjVuToy is a set of tools dealing with DjVu files.
dmpro6.7.1.2A fully-featured and reliable e-mail client.
dnote0.15.1A simple command line notebook for programmers.
dns-jumper2.3DNS Jumper is a free tool which helps you to change your DNS settings easily.
dnscat2-client0.07A DNS tunnel designed to create an encrypted command-and-control (C&C) channel over the DNS protocol.
dnscontrol4.13.0Synchronize your DNS to multiple providers from a simple DSL.
dnsproxy0.73.2A simple DNS proxy server that supports all existing DNS protocols including DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-HTTPS, DNSCrypt, and DNS-over-QUIC.
dnsx1.2.1A fast and multi-purpose DNS toolkit allow to run multiple DNS queries of your choice with a list of user-supplied resolvers.
docker-ls0.5.1Tools for browsing and manipulating docker registries.
dockit0.4.5A modern GUI clients for Elasticsearch, OpenSearch and etc.
dontsleep9.56.1A small program to prevent system shutdown, standby, hibernate, turn Off and restart.
dooit2.2.0A TUI based todo manager.
dorion5.0.1A tiny alternative Discord client with a smaller footprint, themes, plugins.
double-entry-generator2.6.0Rule-based double-entry bookkeeping importer (from Alipay/WeChat/Huobi to Beancount).
doublekiller1.6.2.82A fast and easy-to-use application for finding and removing duplicate files.
dpkgen1.0A small command line utility which allows you to generate Delphi package files (DPK) based on the given template file.
drawio24.7.8A diagramming app for making flowcharts, process diagrams, org charts, UML, ER and network diagrams.
drmemory2.6.0Dr. Memory is a memory monitoring tool capable of identifying memory-related programming errors.
drmemory-nightly2.6.19800Dr. Memory is a memory monitoring tool capable of identifying memory-related programming errors.
droppoint1.2.1DropPoint helps you drag content without having to open side-by-side windows.
dtlspipe1.8.1A generic DTLS wrapper for UDP sessions.
duckling0.0.38A fast viewer for CSV/Parquet files and databases such as DuckDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Clickhouse, etc.
duf0.8.1Disk Usage/Free Utility.
dufs0.42.0A distinctive utility file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav.
dug0.0.92A global DNS propagation checker that gives pretty output.
duga-player1.3.6An Electron-based video player for DUGA.jp.
dumbpipe0.16.0A dumb pipe to connect two machines with a QUIC connection.
dwarfs0.10.1A fast high compression read-only file system for Linux and Windows.
dwmblurglass2.2.0DWMBlurGlass adds custom effects to the global system title bar, supports Windows 10 and Windows 11.
earthly0.8.15A CI/CD framework that allows you to develop pipelines locally and run them anywhere.
easy-cat-timer1.0.1.1Easy Cat Timer is a very simple cat timer, made using WPF.
echosync7.5.3.1A simple and fast software for differential file synchronization.
ecopaste0.0.6A powerful open-source clipboard manager.
edgedb-cli5.2.3Command-line tools for EdgeDB.
ediary4.3.2A easy-to-use and powerfull diary software.
ediary3<i>3.4.1</i>(Version 3.x) A easy-to-use and powerfull diary software.
ehco<i>1.1.0</i>ehco is a network relay tool and a typo.
elasticsearch_exporter1.7.0A Prometheus exporter for Redis metrics.
electronmail5.2.3An Electron-based unofficial desktop client for ProtonMail.
emby4.8.8.0Emby Media server for personal streaming
emby-pinyin1.0.3Emby Pinyin 能使 emby 或 jellyfin 支持电影、电视剧和音乐拼音排序
emby-plugin-metatube2024.612.210.0The MetaTube Plugin for Emby.
enable-loopback<i></i>Create Loopback Exemptions for Universal Windows Apps and Windows 8 Modern UI Apps
enigma-virtual-box11.00Application virtualization system for Windows.
enjoy0.5.1Enjoy is an AI assistant that helps with learning foreign languages.
epubcheck5.1.0A tool to validate the conformance of EPUB publications against the EPUB specifications.
equinix-metal-cli0.25.0Equinix Metal CLI is a command-line interface tool that allows users to manage their Equinix Metal resources from the command line.
errorlookup2.6A simple tool for retrieving information about Windows errors codes.
esheep1.3.1Remembering the lovely eSheep (stray sheep) from 1995.
etcder1.1.4A cross-platform etcd Desktop Manager.
everedit2<i></i>A fast, lightweight, extendable text, source and binary editor for Windows.
evernote-backup1.9.3Backup & export all Evernote notes and notebooks.
evernote2onenote1.3.0A small tool to import Evernote notebooks to Onenote.
excalidraw-converter1.4.2A command line tool for porting Excalidraw diagrams to Gliffy and draw.io.
exdupe<i>0.5.0</i>A backup tool that performs data deduplication.
exeinfo-pe0.0.8.4Packer, compressor detector / unpack info / internal exe tools.
exhale1.2.1-a6193fab-20240528A lightweight library and application to encode uncompressed WAVE-format audio files into MPEG-4-format files complying with the ISO/IEC 23003-3 (MPEG-D) Unified Speech and AudioCoding (USAC, also known as Extended High-Efficiency AAC) standard.
exiftoolgui6.3.4-2A GUI for ExifTool.
experienceindexok4.39.1A small program and an effective solution to read and show your Windows Experience Index or to start a new calculation of the performance index.
extractnow<i></i>A simple utility that allows you to extract multiple archives quickly and easily.
faac1.30A command line AAC/MP4 audio encoder for Win32.
faad22.10.1An AAC/MP4 command line audio decoder.
facebook-delete4.3A program which can clean up a facebook account without deleting the entire account.
falabaac2.1.1An AAC encoder, different with FAAC, nero aac or qtaac.
fanctrl1.7.0A software that allows you to automatically control the fan speed on your PC.
fanhuaji1.6.0A powerful tool that transforms between Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
faster-whisper-standalone192.3Faster-Whisper standalone executables for those who don't want to bother with Python.
faster-whisper-xxl192.3.4Faster-Whisper standalone executables with additional features.
fastly-cli10.14.1A CLI for interacting with the Fastly platform.
fdf20240321A command line utility to search for duplicate files and optionally delete or hard link them to save disk space.
fdkaac1.0.5The command line frontend for libfdk-aac encoder.
feishin0.9.0Rewrite of Sonixd, a full-featured Subsonic/Jellyfin compatible desktop music player.
fenrirfs2.7.2An application that helps you manage your files with labels.
ferret1.11.0A web scraping system aiming to simplify data extraction from the web
ffuf2.1.0A fast web fuzzer written in Go.
filefriend1.9.1A file manipulation and encryption utility.
filegogo0.14.5A file transfer tool that can be used in the browser WebRTC P2P.
filesremote1.13An SSH file manager that lets you edit files like they are local.
find.same.images.ok5.55Find.Same.Images.OK is a software to find the same or similar images and to search for rotated (mirrored) or negative images.
findstr-eng<i>7.03</i>FindStr is a program to find key words in text files and ZIP/RAR files.
firealpaca2.12.2A digital painting software that is widely suitable for beginners to advanced users.
firefox-history-merger2.12.0A CLI application to merge history of Firefox and repair missing favicons with ease.
fixcue1.4.4.0Automatically fix syntax errors, encoding, and whatnot in cue sheet files (of audio files).
flac1.4.3-20240525An FLAC command line encoder/decoder and metadata editor.
flarectl0.104.0A CLI application for interacting with a Cloudflare account.
flash-collector1.12Flash Collector (小游戏收集器),支持小游戏一键下载、本地启动、进度管理等功能
flix0.5.3Flix 快传,像聊天一样传文件
fluent-bit3.0.7FluentBit is a log processor and forwarder which allows you to collect data/logs from different sources, unify and send them to multiple destinations.
flydav0.2.55An lightweight and open source webdav server that offers some core features to meet the needs of both individual users and organizations.
focuswriter1.8.8A simple, distraction-free word processor.
foldermonitor1.4.0.1FolderMonitor helps you monitor what happens in a folder.
fontmod3.0.1A simple hook tool to change Win32 program font. Works with some GDI/GDI+ or Qt based program.
foobox-cn7.33foobox 是一个 foobar2000 默认用户界面 (DUI) 的皮肤配置,具有简洁而美观实用的特点,善于管理曲目数量大的媒体库 ,对音乐各种封面提供丰富的支持
foobox-en7.33A DUI (Default User Interface) layout for foobar2000, providing friendly & modern UI and extensive capability for library management, artwork support etc.
foobox6-cn<i>6.6.13</i>基于 CUI 的 foobar2000 界面配置
foobox6-en<i>6.6.13</i>An CUI integration for foobar2000, which provides friendly and modern UI and extensive configuration for foobar2000.
fork-cleaner2.3.1Quickly clean up unused forks on your github account.
fpm0.10.1Fortran Package Manager (fpm) is a package manager and build system for Fortran.
free-color-picker1.2.1A program that lets you capture the color of any pixel displayed on the screen.
freearc<i>0.666</i>A fast but efficient file archiver.
freedv1.9.9.2A Digital Voice mode for HF radio that allows any SSB radio to be used for low-bit-rate digital voice.
freepic2pdf<i>5.13</i>FreePic2Pdf是一款将图像文件(包括TIFF、JPG、PNG、GIF、BMP、JPEG 2000)合并、转换成PDF文件的软件
freerdp1604A free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
freevk5.0Free Virtual Keyboard is a free, lightweight, multilingual, and finger-friendly virtual on-screen keyboard.
fslac<i>1.3.4</i>A FLAC Backward-Compatible Free Semi-Lossless Audio Coder.
fstail0.1.0Scan a directory for changed files and tail them.
fupx3.2An advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables).
fusion-lang3.2.6Fusion is a programming language designed for implementing reusable components (libraries) for C, C++, C#, D, Java, JavaScript, Python, Swift, TypeScript and OpenCL C, all from single codebase.
fuso1.0.5-beta.7A fast, stable, cross-platform and efficient intranet penetration and port forwarding tool.
fvm3.2.1Flutter Version Management: A simple CLI to manage Flutter SDK versions.
gam6.58A command line tool that allows administrators to manage many aspects of their Google Workspace (formerly G Suite / Google Apps) Account.
gamadv-xtd37.00.01A free, open source command line tool for Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) Administrators to manage domain and user settings quickly and easily.
gaphor2.26.0A UML, SysML, RAAML, and C4 modeling application.
garden0.13.39An automation platform for Kubernetes development and testing..
gbm1.3.9Game Backup Monitor automatically backups your saved games with optional cloud support.
gchecksum0.13.0Generate hash checksum for directory and verify file integrity.
gcping0.0.10A command line tool that reports median latency to Google Cloud regions.
ghostunnel1.8.1A simple SSL/TLS proxy with mutual authentication for securing non-TLS services.
gickup0.10.36A backup tool for your cloud git repositories
gif1233.3.0.0GIF 录屏工具, 可以方便地预览、并复制到剪贴板
git-duet0.10.0Support for pairing with git.
gitlab-release-cli0.18.0GitLab Release command-line tool is an application written in Golang to interact with GitLab's Releases API.
glider0.16.4A forward proxy with multiple protocols support, and also a dns/dhcp server with ipset management features.
glooctl1.17.7The unified CLI for Gloo, a feature-rich, Kubernetes-native, next-generation API gateway built on Envoy.
glooctl-beta1.18.0-beta21The unified CLI for Gloo, a feature-rich, Kubernetes-native, next-generation API gateway built on Envoy.
glow2.0.0Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz!
go-wol2.0.1Wake on LAN magic packet generator for golang.
goose3.22.0A database migration tool. Supports SQL migrations and Go functions.
gopeed1.5.9A high-speed downloader developed by Golang+Flutter, which supports (HTTP, BitTorrent, Magnet) protocol.
gosmee0.22.1A command line server and client for webhooks deliveries (and https://smee.io)
goss0.4.8A YAML based serverspec alternative tool for validating a server’s configuration.
gost3.0.0-nightly.20240916GO Simple Tunnel - a simple tunnel written in golang.
gost@22.11.5(V2 Version) GO Simple Tunnel - a simple tunnel written in golang.
gostctl0.1.0The official GUI client for GOST API management
gottet1.2.3A falling blocks game.
gpujpeg142A console application for NVIDIA GPUs for high-performance image encoding and decoding.
grafana-agent0.43.0A vendor-neutral, batteries-included telemetry collector which is compatible with multiple ecosystems such as Prometheus and OpenTelemetry.
grafana-agentctl0.43.0A utilities for interacting with Grafana Agent.A vendor-neutral, batteries-included telemetry collector which is compatible with multiple ecosystems such as Prometheus and OpenTelemetry.
graphite_exporter0.15.2A Prometheus exporter for metrics exported in the Graphite plaintext protocol.
greptime0.9.3GreptimeDB is an open-source, cloud-native, distributed time-series database with PromQL/SQL/Python supported.
grype0.80.1A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems.
gsutil5.30A command line tool for interacting with cloud storage services.
gtk-sharp-libs2.12.45Gtk# is a Graphical User Interface Toolkit for mono and .Net.
guid-generator1.1A simple program that generates any number of GUIDs - Globally Unique Identifiers - that can be saved to a text file or copied to the clipboard.
hamsterbase-desktop0.13.1(Desktop Version) A self-hosted, local-first web archive application.
hap-viewer1.1.0跨平台的 OpenHarmony/HarmonyOS HAP 查看器,方便开发者在电脑上预览 HAP 信息
haproxy_exporter0.15.0A Prometheus exporter that scrapes HAProxy stats and exports them via HTTP for Prometheus consumption.
harmonyos-sans<i>1.0</i>HarmonyOS 字体,全新字体笔画设计,优化字体灰度,提升阅读体验,统一多语言字形风格
hashid3.1.4hash-identifier is a tool to identify the different types of hashes used to encrypt data and especially passwords.
haylxon1.0.0Blazing-fast tool to grab screenshots of webpages/URLs right from terminal.
helio3.14A free and open-source music sequencer, designed to be used on all major platforms.
helmify0.4.14A CLI tool that creates Helm charts from kubernetes yamls.
heroic2.15.1Heroic Games Launcher is a native GOG and Epic Games launcher.
hexalate1.2.3A color matching game.
hiddify2.0.5A multi-platform client based on Sing-box that serves as a universal proxy tool-chain.
highlight-text1.0A small command-line utility which highlights the given substring in the specified text with the specified color.
hitomi-downloader4.1Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
hmp35.2.4-7f7dfc7Helix MP3 Encoder, with some additions.
homedale2.12A Wi-Fi / WLAN monitor that scans for Wi-Fi / WLAN Access Points and monitor their signal strength.
hop-cli0.2.61A CLI allows you to interface with Hop services.
hostess0.5.2An idempotent command-line utility for managing your /etc/hosts file.
hostsx<i></i>2010 年代的 Hosts 文件编辑工具
hotswap6.3.0.0A tool provides much friendly user interface as you remove the removable device from the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon in the notification area.
httpdownloader1.0.6.4HTTP Downloader is a high-performance, multi-part download manager, which maximizes your download throughput by utilizing high performance input/output completion ports (IOCP).
httpmaster-express5.9.0A professional test tool for HTTP applications, with special focus on RESTful web services and web API applications.
httpx1.6.8A fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.
hubble1.16.1A fully distributed networking and security observability platform for cloud native workloads.
hybrid2024.06.16.1A multi platform (Linux/Mac OS X/Windows) Qt based frontend for a bunch of other tools which can convert nearly every input to x265/x264/Xvid/VP8 + ac3/ogg/mp3/aac/flac inside an mp4/m2ts/mkv/webm container, a Blu-ray or an AVCHD structure.
hysteria1.3.5(Legacy Version) A TCP/UDP relay & SOCKS5/HTTP proxy tool optimized for poor network environments (satellite networks, connections from China to foreign servers, etc.) powered by a custom version of QUIC protocol.
hysteria22.5.1(Version 2.x) A feature-packed proxy & relay tool optimized for lossy, unstable connections.
iaito5.9.4The official graphical interface for radare2, a libre reverse engineering framework.
ibeverythingext0.5Everything 拼音搜索、快速选择扩展
iiscrypto3.3.17IIS Crypto is a free tool that gives administrators the ability to enable or disable protocols, ciphers, hashes and key exchange algorithms on Windows Server.
ikago0.5.0A proxy which helps bypassing UDP blocking, UDP QoS and NAT firewall written in Go, designed to accelerate games in game consoles.
ileapp1.19.4iOS Logs, Events, And Plist Parser
imageworsener1.3.5A command-line utility and library for image scaling and other image processing.
imbatch7.6.2A free multithreaded image processing tool.
img-convert1.0A small command line utility for converting and resizing image files.
imgdrive2.1.9A lightweight virtual CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive that enables to emulate up all popular image types of CD, DVD and Blu-ray Discs to drives.
imgdrivecmd2.1.9CLI version of ImgDrive Lite, a lightweight virtual CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive that enables to emulate up all popular image types of CD, DVD and Blu-ray Discs to drives.
imgdrivelite2.1.9Free lite portable version of ImgDrive, a lightweight virtual CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive that enables to emulate up all popular image types of CD, DVD and Blu-ray Discs to drives.
imgpkg0.43.1Store application configuration files in Docker/OCI registries.
imonitor2.5.0iMonitor (冰镜) is a endpoint behavior monitoring and analysis software based on iMonitorSDK.
influxdb_exporter0.11.7A Prometheus exporter for metrics in the InfluxDB format used since 0.9.0.
infobar4.5.1A versatile tool not only for programmers but also for ordinary geeks.
infracost0.10.39Infracost shows cloud cost estimates for Terraform.
ingress2gateway0.3.0Ingress2gateway helps translate Ingress and provider-specific resources (CRDs) to Gateway API resources.
inimod1.0A console application for managing INI files, which allows you to perform basic operations on INI files.
ink-canvas4.0.0A fantastic Ink Canvas in WPF/C#, with fantastic support for Seewo Boards.
inlets-pro0.9.33Expose your local endpoints to the Internet or to another network, traversing firewalls, proxies, and NAT.
innounpacker1.9.5A GUI tool to inspect and unpack InnoSetup archives.
inso10.0.0A CLI for Insomnia, allows you to use Insomnia application functionality in your terminal
insomnium0.2.3-aA 100% local and privacy-focused open-source API client for testing GraphQL, REST, WebSockets, Server-sent events and gRPC in development/production.
integer-scaler2.18IntegerScaler is a free utility for pixel-perfect integer-ratio scaling of games with no blur.
interactsh1.2.0An OOB interaction gathering client.
invisiwind1.1.5An application that allows you to hide certain windows when sharing your full screen.
ipe7.2.29A drawing editor for creating figures in PDF format.
ipinfo3.3.1Official Command Line Interface for the IPinfo API (IP geolocation and other types of IP data).
iplookup1.8An application for displaying list of IP addresses your computer, include external address.
ips0.3.3An IP geolocation databases tool.
iroh0.24.0The CLI for Iroh, a protocol for syncing & moving bytes.
ismylcdok5.77IsMyLcdOK is a small program but effective solution to easily check for dead/paralysed/stuck pixels on LCD monitors.
iwck3.05iwck (I-wanna-clean-keyboard) could block the keyboard input while you were eating, writing or cleaning the key on your laptop keyboard.
ja-netfilter1126574A javaagent framework.
jaeger1.61.0An open source, distributed tracing platform.
jaguar1.41.0Jaguar enables live reloading of Toit code when developing for the ESP32, a popular microcontroller.
jan0.5.3An open source alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer.
janereader0.6.1Jane Reader is a modern and clean epub reader that brings a whole new reading exprience.
jar-analyzer3.1图形化 JAR 包分析工具
jar-obfuscator0.2.0简单易用的 JAR/CLASS 字节码混淆工具
jardiff1.9.0A tool for comparing JAR files, including Scala pickled signatures and method code.
jellycli0.9.1Jellyfin terminal client
jellyfin-media-player1.11.1Jellyfin Desktop Client based on Plex Media Player
jib-cli0.13.0A general-purpose command-line utility for building Docker or OCI container images from file system content as well as JAR files.
jj1.9.2A command line utility that provides a fast and simple way to retrieve or update values from JSON documents.
jmol16.2.29An interactive viewer for chemical structures in 3D with features for chemicals, crystals, materials and biomolecules.
jmx_exporter1.0.1A process for exposing JMX Beans via HTTP for Prometheus consumption.
jnv0.4.0An interactive JSON viewer and jq filter editor.
jotta-cli0.15.110283A command-line client for Jottacloud.
jotta-cli-unstable0.15.113041(Unstable Branch) A command-line client for Jottacloud.
jp0.2.1A command line interface to JMESPath, an expression language for manipulating JSON.
jpegoptim1.5.5A utility to optimize/compress JPEG files.
jpexs-decompiler21.0.5JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler is an open source Flash SWF decompiler and editor.
jprq2.3A free and open tool for exposing local servers to public network (the internet).
juicefs1.2.1JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.
juicity0.4.3A quic-based proxy protocol implementation.
juju4.0-beta4A model-driven Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) that improves the experience of running Kubernetes operators.
jujutsu0.21.0Jujutsu, aka jj, is a Git-compatible DVCS that is both simple and powerful.
jumppad0.13.3A tool for building modern cloud native development environments.
just-color-picker6.0Just Color Picker is a free portable offline colour picker and colour editor for web designers and digital artists.
k0sctl0.19.0A command-line bootstrapping and management tool for k0s zero friction kubernetes clusters.
k3sup0.13.6A light-weight utility to get from zero to KUBECONFIG with k3s on any local or remote VM.
k8sgpt0.3.40A tool for scanning your Kubernetes clusters, diagnosing, and triaging issues in simple English.
kail0.17.4A kubernetes log viewer.
kaminari0.5.7A fast websocket tunnel built on top of lightws.
kanha-v0.1.2A web-app pentesting suite written in rust.
kapow1.6.2A punch clock program designed to easily keep track of your hours.
karma0.120Alert dashboard for Prometheus Alertmanager.
katana1.1.0A next-generation crawling and spidering framework.
kbcli0.9.0The CLI for KubeBlocks, an open source system software that runs and manages data infrastructure on K8s.
kbld0.44.1kbld seamlessly incorporates image building and image pushing into your development and deployment workflows.
kcl0.10.0Kusion Configuration Language (KCL) is an open source constraint-based record and functional language.
kcptun20240906A Stable & Secure Tunnel based on KCP with N:M multiplexing and FEC. Available for ARM, MIPS, 386 and AMD64.
keepass-plugin-hibpofflinecheck1.7.10A Keepass plugin that performs offline and online checks against HaveIBeenPwned passwords.
keepass-plugin-keepassotp1.7.2A plugin that adds OTP support (two factor authentication) to KeePass.
keepass-plugin-keepassrdp2.2.2A plugin for KeePass 2.x which adds multiple options to connect via RDP to the URL of an entry.
keepass-plugin-keepasswinhello3.3.1Quick unlock KeePass 2 database using biometrics with Windows Hello.
keepass-plugin-keeresize1.13A plugin for KeePass 2.x which makes several dialogs resizable.
keepass-plugin-keetheme0.10.7A plugin changes the appearance of KeePass, to make it look better at night.
keepass-plugin-keeuiext1.2A plugin for KeePass 2.x which provides various user interface options.
keepass-plugin-kpenhentryview2.5.1KPEnhancedEntryView extends the entry view in the KeePass main window.
keepass-plugin-kpscript2.57A utility allows scripting KeePass.
keepassxc-snapshot2.8.0-252895(Snapshot Build) Community fork of KeePass
keycastow<i></i>keystroke visualizer for Windows, lets you easily display your keystrokes while recording screencasts.
keyhac1.82A Python powered key customization tool.
keynote-nf1.9.5.2A tabbed notebook with RichText editor, multi-level notes and strong encryption.
keyviz1.0.6A free and open-source tool to visualize your keystrokes ⌨️ in real-time.
kgctl0.6.0A CLI to manage Kilo, a multi-cloud network overlay built on WireGuard and designed for Kubernetes.
kikoplay1.0.3A full-featured danmu player.
kindle-comic-creator1.1Kindle Comic Creator is a free tool for authors and publishers to turn their comics, graphic novels and manga into Kindle books.
klog6.4A plain-text file format and a command line tool for time tracking.
koocli5.3.4华为云命令行工具服务(Koo Command Line Interface,原名HCloud CLI)是华为云云服务API的命令行管理工具
kosli2.10.15A CLI client for reporting DevOps change events to Kosli and querying them.
koyeb-cli5.0.0A powerful tool to manage your Koyeb serverless infrastructure directly from your terminal.
krr1.13.0Robusta KRR (Kubernetes Resource Recommender) is a prometheus-based tool for optimizing resource allocation in Kubernetes clusters.
ksign<i>3.0</i>A free code signing utility developed by K Software.
kube-burner1.10.7A Kubernetes performance and scale test orchestration framework written in golang.
kube-capacity0.8.0A simple CLI that provides an overview of the resource requests, limits, and utilization in a Kubernetes cluster.
kubeaudit0.22.2A command line tool helps you audit your Kubernetes clusters against common security controls.
kubecm0.31.0Manage your kubeconfig more easily.
kubeconform0.6.7A Kubernetes manifests validator, with support for Custom Resources.
kubectl-argo-rollouts1.7.2A kubectl plugin for Argo Rollouts to enrich the experience with Rollouts, Experiments, and Analysis.
kubectl-buildkit0.1.3BuildKit CLI for kubectl is a tool for building container images with your Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl-debug0.1.1Debug your pod by a new container with every troubleshooting tools pre-installed.
kubedb-cli0.47.0The kubectl plugin for KubeDB by AppsCode.
kubemq2.3.7KubeMQ is a Kubernetes native message queue broker.
kubeseal0.27.1A Kubernetes tool for one-way encrypted Secrets.
kubeshark52.3.82The API traffic viewer for Kubernetes providing deep visibility into all API traffic and payloads going in, out and across containers and pods inside a Kubernetes cluster.
kubestr0.4.46A tool to discover, validate and evaluate your kubernetes storage options.
kubevpn2.2.18A cloud native development tool that can connect to the Kubernetes network locally
kui13.1.4A hybrid command-line/UI development experience for cloud-native development.
kusion0.12.1Kusion is the engine of KusionStack for parsing user's intentions described in Konfig and making them effect in infrastructures.
kusionup0.3.3A version management tool for Kusion.
kvirc5.2.4A free portable IRC client based on the excellent Qt GUI toolkit.
kyverno-cli1.12.5The Kyverno Command Line Interface (CLI) is designed to validate and test policy behavior to resources prior to adding them to a cluster.
lal0.37.4An audio/video live streaming broadcast server written in Go.
lame-front-end1.8A Graphical interface (GUI) for the popular and very fast MP3 encoder & decoder - LAME.
lamedropxpd3.1-3.100A practical frontend for LAME that makes things easier to the user.
lanthora.candy5.10.4A reliable, low-latency, and anti-censorship virtual private network.
lazykube0.10.3Use mouse and terminal to manage K8s cluster.
lazysql0.2.9A cross-platform TUI database management tool written in Go.
leaf0.11.0A versatile and efficient proxy framework with nice features suitable for various use cases.
leafview3.2.2A minimalist image viewer based on Leaflet.js and Electron.
legendary0.20.34A free and open-source replacement for the Epic Games Launcher.
lettura0.1.18Another free and open-source feed reader for macOS and Window.
libavif1.1.1avifenc/avifdec is the AV1 Image File Format (AVIF) encoder/decoder.
libportable53470403Portable Runtime For Firefox.
libportable-floorp11.18.1(libportable patched) A new privacy-preserving Firefox-based browser developedby a community of students in Japan.
libportable-floorp-lightning11.5.1(libportable patched Lightning version) A new privacy-preserving Firefox-based browser developedby a community of students in Japan.
libportable-iceweasel130.0Portable Runtime For Iceweasel (Firefox), an independent browser derived from Firefox/Mozilla community code.
libportable-iceweasel-zh-cn130.0(Simplified Chinese Version) Portable Runtime For Iceweasel (Firefox), an independent browser derived from Firefox/Mozilla community code.
library.net19.9.8768.20624Library .NET v3 Professional Edition is an information and document management system that can store, organize and manage any information in an easy-to-use outline.
library.net-standard19.8.8201.18744Library .NET v3 Standard Edition is an information and document management system that can store, organize and manage any information in an easy-to-use outline.
librespeed-cli1.0.11A command line interface for LibreSpeed speed test backends, written in Go.
libvips8.15.3A fast image processing tool with low memory needs.
lightnovel-crawler3.7.2An app to download novels from online sources and generate e-books.
liii0.1.1.20A open-source file sharing utility capable of downloading torrents with minimal impact on the system's resources.
linkbar1.6.9A Windows desktop toolbar.
linux-reader4.21.0Access files and folders on Ext, UFS, HFS, ReiserFS, or APFS file systems from Windows.
lite1.11A lightweight text editor written in Lua.
litomusic0.1.0.0-beta.14Lito (/laɪto/) Music is a lightweight Apple Music client, built with MusicKit JS, Edge WebView2 / WKWebView and React.
little-tips1.0.5.1Display a list of shortcut keys for the active window with one click.
live7770.5.1A very simple, high performance, edge WebRTC SFU for real-time video streaming.
localstack3.7.2A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline.
localxpose24.4.2A reverse proxy that enables you to expose your localhost to the internet.
lock-cursor-tools9.0Lock Cursor Tools simply locks the mouse cursor within a predetermined area.
logcli3.1.1A command-line tool that allows users to run LogQL queries against a Loki server.
loophole-cli1.0.0-beta.15(CLI Version) A reverse proxy that enables you to expose your localhost services to the internet.
loophole-desktop1.0.0-beta.15(Desktop Version) A reverse proxy that enables you to expose your localhost services to the internet.
lossywav<i>1.4.2</i>A near lossless audio processor which dynamically reduces the bitdepth of the signal on a block-by-block basis.
lpvpn1.0.2LAN Party VPN - Run VPN on top of Discord.
lredit1.83A Python based text editor with flexible customization.
lsmash-muxer-gui2.1alphaL-SMASH Muxer GUI 2 is a graphic interface for L-SMASH Muxer/Remuxer, It can support muxing/remuxing of video, audio and chapter.
luaperfect1.047A pure C++ Lua IDE project, aimed to be the fastest and lightest Lua IDE in the world.
lucky2.10.8IPv6/IPv4端口转发工具,支持反向代理、动态域名、语音助手网络唤醒、IPv4 内网穿透、计划任务和自动证书等多项功能
lukestackwalker1.0.8Luke Stackwalker is a C/C++ code profiler that runs on Windows.
lunatranslator5.36.5-202409162125LunaTranslator is a Visual Novel translate tool, support clipboard / OCR/ HOOK, support 40+ translate engines.
lyricify3.8.8An app to provide auto-scrolling lyrics for Spotify, iTunes, Music Center, QQ Music, Netease Cloud Music, and YesPlayMusic.
m4acut0.1.2Losslessly & gaplessly cut m4a (AAC in MP4) files.
maestro-cli2.0.2A command-line tool to play songs in the terminal.
magnifixer14.0A screen magnifier for a detailed view or for the visually impaired.
mahou<i></i>The magic Layout Switcher.
makesfx5.6.54.164A free program that lets you make self-extracting archives under Windows (x86 & x64) platform.
malm<i>1.2</i>MALM is a Windows OS command-prompt tool for monitoring malware.
malware-patch2.17.1Prevent UAC authorization of Chinese malware.
manyverse0.2310.9-betaA social network off the grid.
maple-mono6.4Open source monospace font with round corner for IDE and command line.
maple-mono-nerd6.4Open source monospace/nerd font with round corner for IDE and command line.
maxlauncher1.31.0.0A simple tabbed application launcher.
maxthon7.2.2.4600A state-of-the-art,multi-platform web browser that offers users a seamless browsing and sharing experience.
maxthon5<i></i>A fast and safe web browser.
maxthon6<i></i>A browser for the blockchain age.
mbox-viewer1.0.3.44A small but powerfull app for viewing MBOX files.
mcap0.0.47A CLI tool for interacting with MCAP format that is a modular container format and logging library for pub/sub messages with arbitrary message serialization.
mdsilo0.5.9A local-first mind silo for storing ideas, thought, knowledge with a powerful all-in-one writing tool.
mdx-editor0.9.12A versatile WeChat typesetting editor, also serving as a cross-platform Markdown note-taking software.
media-unlock-test1.4.14-1724384793MediaUnlockTest 更快的流媒体检测工具
mediainfo.net7.3.0.0MediaInfo.NET is a Windows application that shows media file information.
mediainfoxp2.47A Simple GUI for MediaInfo, displays technical information about media files.
meepo0.7.1Connect to your service without public IP in P2P channel.
meilisearch1.10.1A powerful, fast, open-source, easy to use and deploy search engine.
memcached_exporter0.14.4A Prometheus exporter for Memcached.
memurai4.1.3Memurai Developer Edition is a Redis-compatible cache and datastore for Windows.
metabase0.50.25Metabase is the easy, open source way for everyone in your company to ask questions and learn from data.
metabase-ee1.50.25Metabase Enterprise Edition is the easy way for everyone in your company to ask questions and learn from data.
metatogger7.5.2.0A tags editor that allows you to easily rename, tag and classify your MP3, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, Opus, WMA and M4A audio files.
mglahk1.40MouseGestureL.ahk is a general-purpose mouse gesture software.
mi-sans<i>4.003</i>Mi Sans 字体笔型平直有力,设计更加简约,减少视觉负担,更有利于屏幕显示,供全社会免费商用
mi-sans-l3<i>1.000</i>(L3 扩展字体,以支持GB 18030-2022 所收录的生僻字) Mi Sans 字体笔型平直有力,设计更加简约,减少视觉负担,更有利于屏幕显示,供全社会免费商用
microsoft-error-lookup-tool6.4.5The Microsoft Error Lookup Tool displays the message text that is associated with a hexadecimal status code (or other code).
mieru3.4.0A socks5 / HTTP / HTTPS proxy.
milvus_cli0.4.2Milvus Command Line Interface based on Milvus Python SDK.
mimirtool2.13.0A command-line tool that operators and tenants can use to execute a number of common tasks that involve Grafana Mimir or Grafana Cloud Metrics.
minbrowser1.33.0A fast, minimal browser that protects your privacy.
minder0.0.62An open source platform that helps development teams and open source communities build more secure software, and prove to others that what they’ve built is secure.
miniserve0.28.0A small, self-contained cross-platform CLI tool that allows you to just grab the binary and serve some file(s) via HTTP.
minizip-ng4.0.7Fork of the popular zip manipulation library found in the zlib distribution.
mixctl0.1.2A tiny TCP load balancer written in Go.
momento-cli0.46.0The command-line tool for managing Momento Serverless Cache.
mongodb-atlas-cli1.27.1The Atlas CLI lets you manage your MongoDB Atlas deployments from the command line.
mongodb-compass1.44.3The GUI for MongoDB, which allows you to make smarter decisions about document structure, querying, indexing, document validation, and more.
mongodb-compass-isolated1.44.3The GUI (Isolated Edition) for MongoDB, which allows you to make smarter decisions about document structure, querying, indexing, document validation, and more.
mongodb-compass-readonly1.44.3The GUI (Readonly Edition) for MongoDB, which allows you to make smarter decisions about document structure, querying, indexing, document validation, and more.
monkeysaudio10.76Monkey’s Audio is a fast and easy way to compress digital music.
monochrome1.4.4An IRC client intended for long-time IRC users.
moonbit20240914An end-to-end programming language toolchain for cloud and edge computing using WebAssembly.
mouseinc<i>2.13.4</i>Simple but powerful mouse gestures for Windows.
move2kube0.3.14A command-line tool that accelerates the process of re-platforming to Kubernetes/Openshift.
mparallel1.0.4A parallel batch processing command-line tool with multi-threading support.
mqtt-cli4.32.0A useful command line interface for connecting various MQTT clients supporting MQTT 5.0 and 3.1.1.
msieve1.53A tool implementing a suite of algorithms to factor large integers.
msieve-gpu1.53(GPU Version) A tool implementing a suite of algorithms to factor large integers.
msmbps6.0.0.2Test latency(ms) and download(MBps) of many cloud service providers.
msstyleeditor2.1.0.0msstyleEditor is an editor for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11 visual styles (.msstyles files).
mstream5.12.2A personal music streaming server.
mtail3.0.8A tool for extracting metrics from application logs to be exported into a timeseries database or timeseries calculator for alerting and dashboarding.
mtputty1.8.5.261MTPuTTY (Multi-Tabbed PuTTY) is a small utility enabling you to wrap unlimited number of PuTTY applications in one tabbed GUI interface.
mturoute2.5A small command line application that uses ICMP pings of various sizes in order to determine the MTU values on the path between itself and the target system.
multi-gitter0.53.1CLI to update multiple repositories in bulk
multidesk13.2(Free version) A tabbed remote desktop client (terminal services client).
multidesk-chs13.2(免费版) 支持标签页的远程桌面客户端
mynoteskeeper3.9.7MyNotes Keeper is a free-form notes/outliner application for Windows 7/8/10/11.
myqrcodescanner1.52Scan codes from screenshot and camera.
mysqld_exporter0.15.1A Prometheus exporter for MySQL server metrics.
n3dr7.5.2Nexus3 Disaster Recovery (N3DR) is a tool that is capable of downloading all artifacts from a Nexus3 server and to migrate them to another Nexus3 server.
n_m3u8dl-cli3.0.2A m3u8 downloader with easy-to-use GUI.
naabu2.3.1A fast port scanner written in go with a focus on reliability and simplicity.
nagstamon3.14.0A status monitor for the desktop, which connects to multiple Nagios, Icinga, Opsview, Centreon, Op5 Monitor/Ninja, Checkmk and Thruk monitoring servers.
nasm-snapshot2.17rc0-20240813(Snapshot Build) 80x86 and x86-64 assembler designed for portability and modularity.
nat-type-tester8.0.3NatTypeTester is a tool that tests out what your NAT type is.
nats-cli0.1.5A command line utility to interact with and manage NATS.
nbtscan1.5.2-2394b4The NBTscan mod without dependency of cygwin, which scans IP networks for NetBIOS name information.
ncmdump1.4.0将下载的网易云音乐缓存文件(ncm)转换为 mp3 或 flac 格式
neat-reader8.1.4Neat Reader is specially designed for reading ePub files.
nebula-console3.8.0Command line interface for the Nebula Graph service.
nebula-importer4.1.0A CSV importing tool for Nebula Graph.
neeview41.3An image viewer that allows you to view images of folders and compressed files as if you read books.
netchat7.14Chat with other users in the same subnet.
nextssh2.5.6NextSSH 是一个 SSH 连接、管理工具,在终端的基础上增加了一些辅助功能,力图让远程操作变得简洁、直接。
nexttrace-enhanced0.3.2-beta.1An enhanced version for NextTrace, an open source visual route tracking CLI tool.
nexusfile5.4.1A dual pane file manager, which is simple but has powerful features.
nico20240323A HTTP2 web server for reverse proxy and single page application, automatically apply for ssl certificate.
niconvert2.3弹幕转 ass 字幕工具,以便在桌面播放器观看弹幕
nip28.7.0A spreadsheet-like GUI for libvips.
nitroshare0.3.4A cross-platform network file transfer application designed to make transferring any file to any device as painless as possible.
nohttp-cli0.0.11A utility for finding and replacing http URLs using nohttp.
noisy-shuttle0.2.3Secure proxy service indistinguishable from whitelisted TLS website.
nomeiryoui3.3.1No!! MeiryoUI is a Windows system font setting tool on Windows 8.1/10.
nordpass5.22.2A password management solution for a secure digital life.
notation1.2.0A CLI project to add signatures as standard items in the OCI registry ecosystem, and to build a set of simple tooling for signing and verifying these signatures.
notcpucores1.7.3.3A GUI for quick CPU Resource Assignment and Priority adjustment, along with other minor tweaks.
noteme<i>1.1.0</i>A tool to quickly send mail to yourself.
novelwriter2.5.1An open source plain text editor designed for writing novels.
nps-client0.26.10Client for NPS, a lightweight, high-performance, powerful intranet penetration proxy server, with a powerful web management terminal.
nps-server0.26.10A lightweight, high-performance, powerful intranet penetration proxy server, with a powerful web management terminal.
ns-emu-tools0.5.0NsEmuTools 是一个用于安装/更新 NS 模拟器的工具
ntttcp5.40A Windows network throughput benchmark tool.
nuclei3.3.2Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner based on simple YAML based DSL.
nvenc7.67Investigate performance and image quality of HW encoder (NVENC) of NVIDIA.
oasis0.2.6A self-hosted file server.
objeck2024.8.0A modern object-oriented programming language with functional features.
oblivion-desktop1.6.15Oblivion Desktop is an unofficial Cloudflare Warp client which provides secure, optimized internet access.
obs-browser-plus3.23.9一款用于访问和管理对象存储服务(Object Storage Service,OBS)的图形化工具,支持完善的桶管理和对象管理操作
obsutil4644085一款用于访问管理华为云对象存储服务(Object Storage Service,OBS)的命令行工具
oda-file-converter25.7ODA File Converter is a tool for converting between different versions of .dwg and .dxf files.
odbc2parquet6.0.7A command line tool to query an ODBC data source and write the result into a parquet file.
odfe-cli1.1.0ODFE Command Line Interface is an open source tool that lets you manage your Open Distro for Elasticsearch cluster from the command line and automate tasks.
ofgb0.4A GUI tool to removes Ads from various places around Windows 11.
oggdec1.10.1A command line Ogg Vorbis decoder created by John33.
oggdropxpd-libvorbis1.9.2-1.3.7A drag-and-drop Ogg Vorbis encoder/decoder/player using libVorbis, libOgg, and SoXR.
oggdropxpd-libvorbis-aotuv1.9.2-1.3.7-b6.03A drag-and-drop Ogg Vorbis encoder/decoder/player using libVorbis (aoTuV), libOgg, and SoXR.
oggdropxpd-libvorbis-aotuv-lancer1.9.2-1.3.7-b6.03-20240514(Lancer Builds) A drag-and-drop Ogg Vorbis encoder/decoder/player using libVorbis (aoTuV), libOgg, and SoXR.
oggenc2-libvorbis2.88-1.3.7A command line Ogg Vorbis encoder using libVorbis, libOgg, and SoXR.
oggenc2-libvorbis-aotuv2.88-1.3.7-b6.03A command line Ogg Vorbis encoder using libVorbis (aoTuV), libOgg, and SoXR.
oggenc2-libvorbis-aotuv-lancer2.88-1.3.7-b6.03-20240514(Lancer Builds) A command line Ogg Vorbis encoder using libVorbis (aoTuV), libOgg, and SoXR.
ona-pix1.1.7基于 WPF(.Net5) 的 Pixiv 直连搜图工具
oneanime1.3.4带弹幕的 anime1 第三方客户端,界面符合 Material You 规范
oneloupe5.88.1An alternative Screen Magnifier for Windows.
onenote-md-exporter1.5.0OneNote Md Exporter is a console application running on Windows that exports your OneNote notebooks in different markdown formats.
opal1.4.0A free application that can play relaxing music in the background.
openbao2.0.1An open source, community-driven fork of Vault managed by the Linux Foundation.
openobserve0.11.0A cloud native observability platform built specifically for logs, metrics, traces, analytics, RUM designed to work at petabyte scale.
openra20231010Open Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL.
opensearch-cli1.2.0A full-featured command line interface (CLI) for OpenSearch.
opentofu1.8.2An open-source infrastructure as code tool.
opentrace1.4.3.0A cross-platform GUI wrapper for NextTrace.
oplus-sans<i>3.0</i>OPlus Sans (OPPO Sans 3.0) 是一款适合高清屏幕使用且字符集完整的字体,允许个人或企业免费使用
oppo-sans<i>1.0</i>OPPO Sans (1.0) 是一款适合高清屏幕使用且字符集完整的字体,允许个人或企业免费使用
opscan0.4.0A open port scanner.
orange0.6.5A cross-platform desktop application for searching local files.
osm1.2.4Open Service Mesh is a lightweight, extensible, cloud native service mesh that allows users to uniformly manage, secure, and get out-of-the-box observability features for highly dynamic microservice environments.
oss-browser1.19.0ossbrowser is a graphical management tool for Alibaba Cloud OSS.
ossutil1.7.19A user friendly command line tool to access AliCloud OSS.
ossutil@22.0.1-beta.08011100The version 2.0 of command-line tool ossutil, a user friendly command line tool to access AliCloud OSS.
otfcc0.10.4A utility used for parsing and writing OpenType font files.
outwiker3.3.0A cross-platform software for keeping your notes in a tree.
overture1.8A customized DNS relay server.
ovftool4.6.2VMware OVF Tool is a command-line utility that helps you import and export OVF packages to and from many VMware products.
pacaptr0.21.0Pacman-like syntax wrapper for many package managers.
packetsender8.7.1A network utility to allow sending and receiving TCP, UDP, and SSL (encrypted TCP) packets.
paperbak1.10A free application that allows you to back up your precious files on the ordinary paper in the form of the oversized bitmaps.
paperlib3.1.9An open-source academic paper management tool.
parkdale3.06Measure the read and write speed from your harddisks, cd-rom devices and network servers.
path-locate1.1A small command line utility that allows you to quickly search for files located in directories listed in the PATH environment variable.
pazera-free-audio-extractor2.11-L3Pazera Free Audio Extractor is a universal audio converter.
pcap2socks0.6.2A proxy which redirect traffic to a SOCKS proxy with pcap written in Rust, designed to accelerate games in game consoles.
pdfarranger1.11.0A small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface.
pdfgear2.1.8A piece of full-featured PDF management software.
pdgcnteditor-eng<i>3.17</i>PdgCntEditor is a tool which can edit PDF, DjVu and PDG contents in text or tree mode.
pe-anatomist0.2.13218.1416PE Anatomist shows almost all known data structures inside PE, OBJ or LIB files and makes some analytics.
peerguard0.7.9P2P network library in Go. Committed to direct communication between devices.
peg-e1.3.3A peg solitaire game in which you jump over pieces in order to remove them from the board, ultimately trying to eliminate all but one.
perfview3.1.15PerfView is a CPU and memory performance-analysis tool.
pestudio9.59Spot artifacts of executable files in order to ease and accelerate Malware Initial Assessment.
petaclone1.8.0An open source multi-protocol multi-platform messenger software which allows you to exchange messages on the network.
phrase-cli2.31.2The Phrase CLI tool lets you navigate your projects and translations quickly from the command line.
picard2.12.3A cross-platform music tagger written in Python.
piclist2.9.3An image upload and manage tool, base on PicGo.
pictor1.27.1A powerful and easy-to-use photo editor.
pilotedit-lite19.0.0A handy text editor you can use for working with plain text files, as well as for coding projects in a bunch of popular programming languages.
pineapple-pictures0.8.1A homebrew lightweight image viewer.
pinniped-cli0.33.0A command-line tool for Pinniped, an easy, secure way to log in to your Kubernetes clusters.
pint0.65.1Prometheus rule linter
pinwin0.2.2A minimal Windows system tray application that allows you to pin any windows to the top of the screen with one click.
pipe-rename1.6.5Rename your files using your favorite text editor.
piping-server-rust0.18.0Infinitely transfer between every device over pure HTTP with pipes or browsers.
pixelflasher7.4.3.0Pixel phone flashing GUI utility with features.
pixi0.29.0A cross-platform, multi-language package manager and workflow tool built on the foundation of the conda ecosystem.
pixzip-lite3.0.0An easy to use batch image compression software. / 简单易用的批量图片压缩软件
plebbit-cli0.13.5An interface to Plebbit API through command line.
plow1.3.1A high-performance HTTP benchmarking tool with real-time web UI and terminal displaying.
png2qoi3.0.0A command-line converter for "Quite OK Image" (QOI) format.
pngcheck3.0.3A tool to test PNG image files for corruption, display size, type, compression info.
pngquant3.0.3A command-line utility and a library for lossy compression of PNG images.
pode2.10.1A cross-platform PowerShell web framework for creating REST APIs, Web Sites, and TCP/SMTP servers.
pointerstick6.41PointerStick is a portable tool that presents on the Windows Desktop a virtual pointer stick, for example for Presentations.
pointofix1.8.0The highlighter for your screen to support your lectures, training courses and presentations.
policy0.2.18A CLI for building OPA policies into OCI images.
popeye0.21.5A utility that scans live Kubernetes cluster and reports potential issues with deployed resources and configurations.
portr0.0.20-betaA tunnel solution that allows you to expose local http, tcp or websocket connections to the public internet.
portscan1.98Find all active devices on your network. Discover the ip address and available services for each network device.
portx2.2.9A free cross-plaftorm SSH client for syncing session files across multiple devices.
postgres_exporter0.15.0A Prometheus exporter for PostgreSQL server metrics.
pot3.0.5A cross-platform software for text translation.
ppee1.13.1PPEE (puppy) is a Professional PE file Explorer for reversers, malware researchers and those who want to statically inspect PE files in more details.
ppftpd1.4A minimal FTP server for Microsoft Windows.
primecount7.14A command-line program that counts the number of primes ≤ x (maximum 1031) using highly optimized algorithms.
primesieve12.4A command-line program for quickly generating prime numbers.
privacy-eraser6.11.4Privacy Eraser is an easy to use solution for protecting your privacy by deleting your browsing history and other computer activities.
privaxy0.5.2(NO GUI) A tracker and advertisement blocker.
privaxy-nogui0.5.2A tracker and advertisement blocker.
privazer4.0.93A PC cleaner & Privacy tool.
privexec5.1.0Run the program with the specified permission level on Windows.
processdump<i>2.1</i>Process Dump is a Windows reverse-engineering tool to dump malware memory components back to disk for analysis.
projclean0.8.0Globally find and clean projects cache/build for saving disk space or making backups/rsync easier.
projector-client1.1.0A client for Projector, a technology to run and access Swing GUI applications remotely.
proxify0.0.15A versatile and portable proxy for capturing, manipulating, and replaying HTTP/HTTPS traffic on the go.
proxinject0.5.0-preA socks5 proxy injection tool for Windows, making selected processes proxy-able.
proxyfor0.3.0A lightweight proxy for capturing HTTP(S) and WS(S) traffic.
pscale0.209.0The CLI for PlanetScale Database.
psgen1.0A small program that allows you to generate any number of passwords based on user-defined criteria.
pshash1.0A program that calculates checksums and hashes of files and given text.
pulovers-macro-creator5.4.1Pulover's Macro Creator is a Free Automation Tool and Script Generator based on AutoHotkey language.
pulsarctl3.0.6.5A CLI for Apache Pulsar written in Go.
pulumictl0.0.46A swiss army knife for Pulumi development.
pure-data0.55-1The "vanilla" distribution of Pure Data (aka Pd Vanilla) is an open source visual programming language for multimedia.
pvm1.1PHP Version Manager for the CLI on Windows.
qbittorrent-clientblocker3.4A client blocker compatible with qBittorrent/Transmission (Beta)/BitComet (Beta, Partial) which is prohibited to include but not limited to clients such as Xunlei.
qbittorrent-enhanced4.6.6.10qBittorrent Enhanced Edition is based on qBittorrent, it's aimed at block a leeching clients automatically.
qmmp2.1.9Qmmp (Qt-based Multimedia Player) is an audio-player whose user interface is similar to winamp or xmms.
qpress<i>1.1</i>A portable file archiver using QuickLZ and designed to utilize fast storage systems to their max.
qscamel2.0.24QingStor 对象存储提供的用于在不同的存储端点 (Endpoint) 间高效迁移数据的工具
qsctl2.4.7QingStor 对象存储提供的客户端高级命令行工具,用于管理 QingStor 对象存储资源
qsftpd0.2.0通过 FTP 协议使用 QingStor 对象存储服务
qshell2.14.0Shell Tools for Qiniu Cloud.
qsvenc7.69Investigate performance and image quality of HW encoder (QSV) of Intel
quardcrt0.5.0A terminal emulation and remote desktop software that supports multiple backend protocols.
quick-access-popup11.6.3.3A multi-purpose launcher and folder switcher that creates a customizable popup with favorites folders/documents paths and various actions to speed up your work.
quick-any2ico3.5.0.0Quick Any2Ico is a portable application that creates high quality icon files from any file, folder or resource.
quick-change-resolution1.1A small utility that allows you to quickly change the display resolution.
quickjs2024-01-13A small and embeddable Javascript engine.
qv2ray-nightlye8bd6626(Nightly Build) A cross platform connection manager for V2Ray and other backends.
qwiktape0.7A calculator that allows you to create unlimited documents called tapes and switch between them easily using browser-like tabs.
r3playx2.7.5A music player forked from YesPlayMusic / 高颜值的第三方网易云播放器
rabbit-tcp1.0.7A multi-connection TCP forwarder created for accelerating TCP connections.
radius0.37.0A cloud-native, portable application platform that makes app development easier for teams building cloud-native apps.
rainlendar-lite2.21.3A skinnable, easy-to-use calendar that resides on your desktop and shows the days of the current month.
rare1.10.11A frontend for legendary, the open source Epic Games Launcher alternative.
rathole0.5.0A lightweight, stable and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust. An alternative to frp and ngrok.
rav1e0.7.1An AV1 video encoder designed to eventually cover all use cases.
rav1e-gui1.17A Graphical User Interface for the rav1e encoder software.
rawcopy20240626A command line tool to read and write files and devices.
rawsniff0.6A quick and dirty command-line RAW socket based packet sniffer.
rawviewer1.16.3RAW image data viewer for imaging professionals
rdb-cli0.9.5An analysis tool of the Redis RDB files, which is implemented by C#.
readpe0.82readpe (pev) is an full-featured command line toolkit to work with and analyze PE (Portable Executables) binaries.
readysunvalley0.70.0Lets you check if your device is ready for the above Windows 11/Sun Valley requirements.
realm2.6.1A simple, high performance relay server written in rust.
realm-studio15.2.1A developer tool for easily managing the Realm Database and Realm Platform.
recover_mp4<i>1.92</i>A command line tool to recover H.264/AVC stream from unfinalized MP4/MOV files without (or empty) header.
redis-rdb-cli0.9.6A tool that can parse, filter, split, merge rdb and analyze memory usage offline.
redis-shake4.1.1RedisShake is a Redis data processing and migration tool.
redis_exporter1.63.0A Prometheus exporter for Redis metrics.
redisfish1.0.2A convenient, cross-platform, and content-focused redis GUI client.
redpanda-connect4.36.0Redpanda Connect (Originally Benthos) is a high performance and resilient stream processor, able to connect various sources and sinks
redpandacpp3.1Red Panda C++ is a lightweight yet powerful C/C++/GNU Assembly IDE.
redumper403A low level CD dumper utility.
reg0.16.1A docker registry v2 command line client and repo listing generator with security checks.
regclient0.7.1Docker and OCI Registry Client in Go and tooling using those libraries.
rekor-cli1.3.6Rekor CLI to make a provenance entry into the rekor transparency log.
remetrics1.36ReMetrics is a Windows window design setting tool on Windows 8.1/10.
remnote1.8.52The all-in-one tool for thinking and learning.
remoteapptool6.1.0.0A utility that allows you to create/manage RemoteApps hosted on Windows as well as generate RDP and MSI files for clients.
removable-access-tool1.4Removable Access Tool (a.k.a. Ratool) is a freeware application which aids in the control of external storage devices such as USB flash drives.
resamplescope1.2A command-line utility that can help you to figure out what algorithm another application uses when it resizes images.
resource.net3.0.6229A utility to easily refresh embedded resources in a .NET assembly.
revanced-cli4.6.0ReVanced CLI is a command line application that uses ReVanced Patcher to patch Android apps.
rhit2.0.2A nginx log explorer that tells you about it in pretty tables in your console, storing and polluting nothing.
rickrack2.9.10Rickrack (Real-time Color Kit) is a free and user-friendly color editor.
riemann0.3.11A network event stream processing system, in Clojure.
riftshare0.1.9Easy, Secure, and Free file sharing for everyone.
rimage_gui2.0.0.2A GUI software use rimage to compress images batchly without affecting the look and feel.
riot-optimizer2024.1.0RIOT (Radical Image Optimization Tool) is a free image optimizer that will let you to visually adjust compression parameters while keeping minimum filesize.
risoheditor5.8.5RisohEditor is a free Win32 resource editor.
rj-texted16.30RJ TextEd is a full featured text and source editor with Unicode support.
rmaa20190118RightMark Audio Analyzer is designed for testing quality of analog and digital paths of any audio devices.
rmedir1.0A small command line utility which allows you to recursively delete all empty subdirectories from the specified directory.
rnacos0.5.22Nacos server re-implemented in Rust.
royalts7.02.50703.0Comprehensive Remote Management Solution
rpk24.2.4Redpanda Keeper (rpk) is a single binary application that provides a way to interact with your Redpanda clusters from the command line.
rqlite8.30.3A lightweight, distributed relational database built on SQLite.
rrdtool1.9.0The OpenSource industry standard, high performance data logging and graphing system for time series data.
rspleeter0.1.0Rust implementation of Spleeter, which split a song into vocals and accompaniments.
rssguard4.7.3A simple, light and easy-to-use RSS/ATOM feed aggregator developed using Qt framework which supports online feed synchronization.
rssguard-nightlydevbuild-1d2883e9d(Development Builds) A simple, light and easy-to-use RSS/ATOM feed aggregator developed using Qt framework which supports online feed synchronization.
run-job0.1.2Run a Kubernetes Job and get the logs when it's done.
rundeck-cli2.0.8The official CLI tool for Rundeck.
rymdport3.6.0Rymdport (formerly wormhole-gui) is a cross-platform application for easy encrypted sharing of files, folders, and text between devices.
ryzentuner1.3.0A tool that supports adjusting the power limit of Ryzen mobile processors and the QoS level and priority of Windows processes.
s3proxy2.2.0Access other storage backends via the S3 API.
s3scanner3.1.0A tool to find misconfigured S3 buckets across S3-compatible APIs.
sakurafrp-launcher3.1.2.0SakuraFrp 启动器,提供内网穿透服务
sandboxdiff<i>2.3</i>SandboxDiff is a utility to tracking changes in registry and files with Sandboxie.
scarborough0.0.30Planet 的克隆版本,兼容更多系统,内嵌简单的评论和阅读统计
sclient1.5.0Secure Client for exposing TLS (aka SSL) secured services as plain-text connections locally. Also ideal for multiplexing a single port with multiple protocols using SNI.
score-compose0.17.0A reference implementation of the Score specification for Docker compose, primarily used for local development.
score-k8s0.1.11A reference implementation of the Score specification for Kubernetes, converts Score files into a YAML file containing Kubernetes manifests
scryer-prolog0.9.4A modern Prolog implementation written mostly in Rust.
sdx<i>20110317</i>SDX (Starkit Developer eXtension) is a Tcl application designed to interact with starkits
seabird0.5.1A native Kubernetes desktop client that makes it super easy to explore your cluster's resources.
securefs1.0.0A filesystem in userspace (FUSE) with transparent encryption (when writing) and decryption (when reading).
sendme0.15.0A tool to send files and directories, based on iroh.
seppdf3.82A tool to split PDF file containing multiple pages into individualized single PDF files for each page.
sequin-cli0.3.7An open source message stream built on Postgres.
serialtest0.3.5Data transceiver/realtime plotter/shortcut/file transceiver over serial port/Bluetooth/network.
serverbox1.0.1070A Flutter project which provide charts to display Linux server status and tools to manage server.
setuna23.0.0.6Paste screenshots as floating windows
sftpgo2.6.2Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional FTP/S and WebDAV support - S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob.
sheas-cealer1.1.1基于 WPF(.Net8) 的 SNI 伪造工具
shntool<i>3.0.10</i>A multi-purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility.
shoutrrr0.8.0Notification library for gophers and their furry friends.
shutter1.4.1一个优秀的图像查看, 处理及管理工具, 使用 VC++ 开发, 小巧快速
shutter-encoder18.5Shutter Encoder is an encoding software for converting images, videos, and audio files, allowing you to choose from a large number of functions.
sidekick1.1.1A simple app to make Flutter development more delightful.
sideslide5.83.1An easy to use and accurate software uninstaller for Windows.
signalbackup-tools20240913A tool to work with backup files generated by the Signal android application.
simple-firefox-backup1.2Simple Firefox Backup is a lightweight application that helps users create backup copies of their Mozilla Firefox data.
simple-vhd-manager1.5Simple VHD Manager is a lightweight application that allows you to manage various aspects of VHD files on your computer.
simple-x264-launcher3.04Simple x264/x265 Launcher is a lightweight front-end for the x264 (H.264) and x265 (HEVC) encoders with Avisynth and VapourSynth support.
simplehttpserver0.0.6A go enhanced version of the well known python simplehttpserver with in addition a fully customizable TCP server, both supporting TLS.
simplejavamail-cli8.11.3The CLI for Simple Java Mail, a mailing library with a super clean API.
simsu1.4.3A basic Sudoku game.
simulide1.1.0-sr0A simple real time electronic circuit simulator, intended for hobbyist or students to learn and experiment with analog and digital electronic circuits and microcontrollers.
sing-box1.9.4The universal proxy platform.
sirikali1.6.0A Qt/C++ GUI front end to sshfs, ecryptfs-simple, cryfs, gocryptfs, securefs, fscrypt and encfs.
skupper-cli1.8.1The command-line tool for Skupper, an implementation of a Virtual Application Network, enabling rich hybrid cloud communication.
skylark4.0.9A high performance text/hex editor.
skytable0.8.4A modern scalable NoSQL database with BlueQL, designed for performance, scalability and flexibility. Skytable gives you spaces, models, data types, complex collections and more to build powerful experiences.
skywalking-cli0.13.0A command interaction tool for the SkyWalking user or OPS team.
sleep1.0A small console program that pauses execution of a script/terminal for a specified amount of time.
slimpdfreader20220511Slim PDF Reader helps you open and view PDF documents, add comments and other annotations, fill out interactive forms, validate digital signatures.
slsa-verifier2.6.0A tool for verifying SLSA provenance that was generated by CI/CD builders.
slumber2.0.0A rerminal-based HTTP/REST client.
slunkcrypt1.3.1A cross-platform cryptography tool.
smart-system-menu2.27.2SmartSystemMenu extends system menu of all windows in the system.
smassh3.1.4A TUI based typing test application inspired by MonkeyType.
smiley-sans2.0.1得意黑(Smiley Sans)是一款在人文观感和几何特征中寻找视觉平衡的现代窄斜体
smuxi1.0.7A free, distributed and user-friendly IRC / Twitter / XMPP / Campfire / JabbR client.
snap.hutao1.11.1胡桃工具箱是一个实用的开源多功能原神工具箱 / Snap Hutao is a multifunctional open-source Genshin Impact toolkit
snctl0.19.3A Command Line Interface (CLI) tool for StreamNative Cloud.
snipsvg1.4-365A screen capture and graphics editor that uses SVG vector images as its primary format.
snmp_exporter0.26.0A Prometheus exporter that exposes information gathered from SNMP for use by the Prometheus monitoring system.
snova-asio0.0.4A lightweight network proxy tool write by c++20 for low-end boxes or embedded devices.
soar0.11.0SQL Optimizer And Rewriter.
sonixd0.15.5A full-featured Subsonic/Jellyfin compatible desktop music player.
sonobuoy0.57.2A diagnostic tool that makes it easier to understand the state of a Kubernetes cluster by running a set of Kubernetes conformance tests and other plugins in an accessible and non-destructive manner.
soundswitch6.11.0A C# application to switch default playing device.
space-cli0.4.2A command line interface you can use to build apps for Deta Space from a development environment.
spacectl1.5.0A utility wrapping Spacelift's GraphQL API for easy programmatic access in command-line contexts.
speex1.2.1An Open Source/Free Software patent-free audio compression format designed for speech.
spire1.10.4SPIRE (the SPIFFE Runtime Environment) is a toolchain of APIs for establishing trust between software systems across a wide variety of hosting platforms.
splayer-legacy2437Neat, Safe, High Performance Media Player with Smart Translation (Legacy Version).
spleeter-gui2.9.4.0A music source separation desktop app.
spline0.12.5Easily create and publish 3D web experiences. Build and iterate fast with production-ready results.
splunk-acs-cli2.14.0A command line interface that lets you perform many Splunk Cloud Platform configuration and management tasks in a self-service manner.
spooky-view1.0.6Spooky View is a Windows application to make any window transparent.
spring-boot-migrator0.15.0Spring Boot Migrator (SBM) is a tool for automated code migrations to upgrade or migrate to Spring Boot.
spyex1.38Dissect Applications & HTML pages + Spy Windows Messages
sql-studio0.1.26A single binary, single command SQL database explorer, supports local SQLite DB files, libSQL servers, PostgreSQL and MySQL.
stable-diffusion-prompt-reader1.3.5A simple standalone viewer for reading prompts from Stable Diffusion generated image outside the webui.
start-reader4.6.3StartReader 是一款多平台的电子书阅读软件
starter0.5.3Starter 是一款AHK编写的极简效率工具,旨在智能、快捷地启动文件和插件应用,提供便利和高效的使用体验
static-php-cli2.3.3static-php-cli (spc) is a powerful tool designed for building static, standalone PHP runtime with popular extensions.
statsd_exporter0.27.1A Prometheus exporter that receives StatsD-style metrics and exports them as Prometheus metrics.
staxrip2.42.0Avideo encoding GUI for Windows, it executes and controls console apps like x265, mkvmerge and ffmpeg and uses the scripting based frame servers AviSynth and VapourSynth for video processing.
stduviewer1.6.375STDU Viewer is a free viewer for TIFF, PDF, DjVu, XPS, JBIG2, WWF document formats.
steam-cloud-file-manager1.0.0.0-alpha-3View, download, and delete Steam Cloud files.
steascree1.5.4SteaScree is a simple cross-platform open-source utility tool, which greatly simplifies the uploading of screenshots to the Steam Cloud.
steghide0.5.1A steganography program that is able to hide data in various kinds of image and audio files.
stegify1.2A tool for LSB steganography, capable of hiding any file within an image.
stegsnow<i>19981122</i>SNOW is a tool for concealing messages in text files by appending tabs and whitespaces at the end of lines.
stegsolve<i>1.3</i>A programs to help with solving Steganography challenges.
step0.27.4A toolkit for working with your public key infrastructure (PKI).
stereo-photo-maker6.31StereoPhoto Maker (SPM) is a program for editing and viewing stereo images。
stern1.30.0Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes.
stickies10.1dA small and simple sticky notes utility.
store-apps-tool1.1A software that find the execution codes of Microsoft Store applications and allows launching them in different ways.
stranslate1.2.3.916WPF 开发的一款即开即用、即用即走的翻译工具
strarc20230104A streaming backup/archive tool which uses the same backup methods as the ntbackup or robocopy.
stream-music1.3.1.5音流 (Stream Music) 是一款 NAS 音乐播放器,可以连接到 Subsonic/Navidrome/Jellyfin/Emby/AudioStation 等音乐服务
strings2<i>1.2</i>A Windows command-line tool for extracting ascii and unicode strings from binary data.
stripe-cli1.21.5A command-line tool for Stripe.
subfinder2.6.6A subdomain discovery tool that returns valid subdomains for websites, using passive online sources.
subtitle-renamer1.7基于 Python 的视频字幕批量重命名工具,用于重命名动画与电影字幕
summon0.10.1A CLI that provides on-demand secrets access for common DevOps tools.
sunny1.6.3A simple and beautiful screenshot software tool.
supervisord-go0.7.3A go-lang supervisor implementation.
suyu0.0.3suyu is the continuation of the world's most popular, open-source, Nintendo Switch emulator, yuzu.
swagger-codegen-cli3.0.62swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
swagger-codegen-cli@22.4.43swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
swgp-go1.5.0A simple WireGuard proxy with minimal overhead for WireGuard traffic.
switchfin0.4.3A third-party PC player for Jellyfin that provides a native user interface to browse and play movies and series.
syft1.12.2A CLI tool and library for generating a Software Bill of Materials from container images and filesystems.
sylpheed3.8beta1A simple, lightweight but featureful, and easy-to-use e-mail client.
syncclipboard2.8.5跨平台剪贴板同步方案 / Cross-Platform Cipboard Syncing Solution
syndicationd0.3.1Syndicationd (synd) is a TUI feed viewer, based on feed-rs and ratatui.
system-tray-menu1.3.5.0A start menu alternative that offers a clear, personalized menu in the system tray.
tablacus-explorer24.8.6Tablacus Explorer is a tabbed file manager with Add-on support.
tabula-cli1.0.5tabula-cli (tabula-java) is a command-line tool to extract tables from PDFs.
tad0.14.0A desktop application for viewing and analyzing tabular data.
talisman1.32.0A tool that installs a hook to your repository to ensure that potential secrets or sensitive information do not leave the developer's workstation.
tanglet1.6.5A word finding game where you try to list as many words as you can before the time runs out.
tanka0.28.2Flexible, reusable and concise configuration for Kubernetes.
task-explorer1.5.1Task Explorer is an advanced Task Manager tool with emphasis on, not just monitoring what applications are running, but on finding out what applications are doing.
task-manager-deluxe4.8.6Task Manager DeLuxe (TMX) is a full-featured task manager replacement that offers powerful features with many more enhancements.
tclkit8.6.3A self-contained Tcl interpreter and several common Tcl modules, all rolled up into a single executable.
tclkitsh8.6.3(command-line tclsh only) A self-contained Tcl interpreter and several common Tcl modules, all rolled up into a single executable.
tcping0.39A console application that operates similarly to 'ping', however it works over a tcp port.
tcping-go0.1.1Ping over a tcp connection, written with Golang.
tcptunnel0.8(Cygwin-based version) A simple TCP port forwarder.
tdengine-client3.3.2.0An open-source big data platform designed and optimized for the Internet of Things (IoT).
tdengine-server3.2.1.0An open-source big data platform designed and optimized for the Internet of Things (IoT).
teamide2.6.25Team IDE 团队在线开发工具, 集成SSH、FTP、MySql、Redis、Zookeeper、Kafka、Elasticsearch等管理工具
technitium-dns-server12.2.1Technitium DNS Server is a self-hosted DNS server for privacy & security.
telepresence2.19.6Local development against a remote Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster.
tencent-transmartAlpha0.11.0腾讯交互翻译融合了腾讯人工智能实验室自研的交互式机器翻译、神经网络机器翻译、 统计机器翻译、语义理解、信息检索等技术,帮助用户更快、更好地完成翻译任务
terminal.icu4.18.0Terminal.icu 让你更高效的连接服务器和使用Redis,轻松胜任开发、运维工作
terminus-player221122A free Media Player for Emby and Jellyfin.
terraformer0.8.24A CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform). Infrastructure to Code.
terranetes-cli0.4.15A toolset for both the platform team and developers to work seemlessly with the Terranetes framework.
terrascan1.19.8Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.
tetrs0.2.3A tetromino game in terminal.
tetzle3.0.0A jigsaw puzzle game that uses tetrominoes for the pieces.
textanalysistool2023-04-25TextAnalysisTool.NET is a free program designed to excel at viewing, searching, and navigating large files quickly and efficiently.
textify1.10.4A small tool which allows to copy text from dialogs and controls which don’t allow it otherwise.
theaeroclock8.61.1A simple but at the same time beautiful desktop clock with alpha transparency and different textures.
thesage7.60.2814TheSage is an International English dictionary and thesaurus with entries from all the World English varieties.
thumbcacheviewer1.0.4.0Thumbcache Viewer allows you to extract thumbnail images from the thumbcache_.db and iconcache_.db database files found on Windows.
thumbsviewer1.0.3.1Thumbs Viewer allows you to extract thumbnail images from the Thumbs.db, ehthumbs.db, ehthumbs_vista.db, Image.db, Video.db, TVThumb.db, and musicThumbs.db database files.
tickeys1.1.1Instant audio feedback for typing.
tidgi0.10.3TidGi is an auto-git-backup, privatcy-in-mind, freely-deployed Tiddlywiki knowledgement Desktop app, with local REST API.
tiejili1.100铁蒺藜体是一款造型尖锐的美术字体,基于 Fontworks 出品的日文字体レゲエ One 扩充、调整字形,并添加 OpenType 特性,以满足简体中文的使用需求
tilt0.33.20Define your dev environment as code. For microservice apps on Kubernetes.
timevertor1.4.3A tiny application for datetime conversion to human-readable, RFC 822, ISO 8601, UNIX Timestamp, Mac Timestamp, Microsoft Timestamp and FILETIME.
timoni0.22.0A package manager for Kubernetes, powered by CUE and inspired by Helm.
tiny-rdm1.2.0Tiny RDM is a modern lightweight cross-platform Redis desktop manager.
tinygui1.0.9.0A visual implementation of TinyPNG that helps you quickly compress images.
tinyimageprocessor1.3A tool which lets you (batch) tinify your images in combination with the Smart PNG and JPEG compression of tinify.com (TinyPNG.com).
tinysetup1.4.0A lightweight installer written in C. Setup loader is only 24KB, small, simple and straightforward.
tl0.15.3The compiler for Teal, a typed dialect of Lua.
tlrc1.9.3A tldr client written in Rust.
tlsx1.1.7A fast and configurable TLS grabber focused on TLS based data collection and analysis.
tockler3.21.18An application that tracks your time by monitoring your active window title and idle time.
tone0.1.7A cross platform audio tagger and metadata editor to dump and modify metadata for a wide variety of formats.
topaz0.32.26An open-source authorization service providing fine-grained, real-time, policy-based access control for applications and APIs.
toxiproxy2.9.0A TCP proxy to simulate network and system conditions for chaos and resiliency testing.
tracerx-viewer9.1A GUI application for viewing TracerX log files with powerful filtering, coloring, and navigation features.
tray-monitor2.5.0Battery percentage & cpu/memory/network load as plots in system tray.
trdl0.7.0A universal package manager delivering new versions of your application from a trusted TUF repository.
trdsql1.0.1A CLI tool that can execute SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON and TBLN, then output to various formats.
treeline3.1.6An information storage program.
trellis-cli1.12.1A CLI to manage Trellis projects.
trzsz1.1.8A simple file transfer tools, similar to lrzsz ( rz / sz ), and compatible with tmux.
ts-dns1.1.0Telescope DNS, a simple and easy-to-use DNS relay server.
tsac2024-05-08An audio compression utility reaching very low bitrates.
tsmuxer2024-06-06A transport stream muxer for remuxing/muxing elementary streams, EVO/VOB/MPG, MKV/MKA, MP4/MOV, TS, M2TS to TS to M2TS.
tssh0.1.22An alternative to ssh client, offers additional useful features, such as login prompt, trzsz ( trz / tsz ), batch login, remember password, zmodem ( rz / sz ), etc.
tsuru1.22.1tsuru-client is a tsuru command line tool for application developers.
tts-vue1.9.15微软语音合成工具,使用 Electron + Vue + ElementPlus + Vite 构建
tuic1.0.0Delicately-TUICed high-performance proxy built on top of the QUIC protocol.
tun2brook20240607tun2brook can convert Network/IPv4/IPv6 layer packets to Transport/TCP/UDP layer packets, such as tun to socks5, tun to brook server, tun to brook wsserver, tun to brook wssserver.
tunnelmolee83e002A simple tool to give your locally running HTTP(s) servers a public URL.
tunnelto0.1.18Expose your local web server to the internet with a public URL.
turbowarp1.12.3A better offline editor for Scratch 3.
tweakpdf<i>1.33</i>Tweak PDF lets you set the initial view preferences of a PDF document.
tweakpng1.4.6A low-level utility for examining and modifying PNG image files.
twexe0.5.34Single File Tiddlywiki5 executable.
twinkstar9.2.2000.2408星愿浏览器(Twinkstar Browser)是一款好用,可靠,时尚的浏览器,兼容Chrome插件,提供漫画阅读模式,视频下载,鼠标手势,超级拖拽等功能
twolame0.4.0An optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder based on tooLAME by Mike Cheng.
typikon0.1.2Typikon lets you use markdown to write your online books.
ultrasearch4.4.1UltraSearch searches files and folders on local NTFS drives and provides the results within just a few seconds.
uncover1.0.9Quickly discover exposed hosts on the internet using multiple search engines.
unicodia2.8.3An encyclopedia of Unicode characters.
uninstalr2.5An easy to use and accurate software uninstaller for Windows.
unlock-music0.2.2A CLI tool that unlocks encrypted music file.
upcloud-cli3.11.1upctl provides a command-line interface to UpCloud services.
upgit0.2.25A native & lightweight tool to helps you upload any file to your Github repository and then get a raw URL for it, also useful with Typora as an image uploader.
uplink1.111.4A command-line application that supports interacting with the Storj DCS network.
uptoc1.4.3A static file deployment tool that supports multiple platforms.
us3cli1.7.3一款通过命令行操作对 UCloud 对象存储(US3)进行数据管理的工具
uupmediacreator3.1.9.2UUP Media Creator is a set of tools designed to help you scan, fetch updates from Microsoft own Unified Update Platform (UUP), and allow you to create medium out of it.
uv0.4.10An extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust.
uwpdumper4e42bdfDLL and Injector for dumping UWP applications at run-time to bypass encrypted file system protection.
uwscr1.0.2A UWSC-compatible script executable tool.
uyou-todo3.0.3A todo list with electron.
vcluster0.20.0Create fully functional virtual Kubernetes clusters.
verysimple1.2.5verysimple 是一个代理内核, 对标 v2ray/xray,功能较为丰富
vesta1.0.10A static analysis of vulnerabilities, Docker and Kubernetes cluster configuration detect toolkit.
vfox0.5.4A cross-platform tool for managing SDK versions, extendable via plugins.
vgmstream-clir1951A command-line decoder that converts hundreds of video game music formats and codecs to .wav.
vgrep2.8.0A pager for grep, git-grep, ripgrep and similar grep implementations
victoria5.37A HDD and SSD diagnostic utility.
victoria-logs0.28.0An open source user-friendly database for logs from VictoriaMetrics.
victoria-metrics1.103.0A fast, cost-effective and scalable monitoring solution and time series database.
victoria-metrics-cluster1.103.0(Cluster version) A fast, cost-effective and scalable monitoring solution and time series database.
videoduplicatefinder3.0.239A cross-platform software to find duplicated video (and image) files on hard disk based on similiarity.
vineflower1.10.1A modern, general purpose JVM language decompiler focused on providing the best quality, speed, and usability.
viper<i>0.3</i>An enhanced Windows Service manager application.
virtctl1.3.1A command-line utility for managing KubeVirt Virtual Machine resources.
visipics1.31A program designed to quickly detect and (if necessary) delete duplicate images.
vivetool-gui1.6.999.3Windows Feature Control GUI based on ViVe / ViVeTool.
vmutils1.103.0Utils for Victoria Metrics
vmutils-enterprise1.103.0Utils for Victoria Metrics Enterprise
vocabulary.net5.2.8595A tool that helps you learning multi-language vocabulary.
voice0.5A command line text to speech utility - just a thin wrapper around the builtin System.Speech.Synthesis.
vorbis-tools1.4.0Command-line tools for creating and playing Ogg Vorbis files.
vscli1.0.0A CLI/TUI which makes it easy to launch vscode projects, with a focus on dev containers.
vsts-sync-migrator16.0.3Azure DevOps Migration Tools allow you to migrate Teams, Backlogs, Tasks, Test Cases, and Plans & Suits from one Project to another in Azure DevOps / TFS both within the same Organisation, and between Organisations.
vtex20.3.0A VTF (Valve Texture Format) converter and editor
vtfedit-reloaded2.0.4A fork of VTFLib which provides a C and C++ API for reading and writing Valve VTF and VMT format image files.
vultr-cli3.3.1The official command line tool for Vultr services.
w2vgrep0.7.0A command-line tool that performs semantic searches on text input using word embeddings.
wa-lang0.16.0Wa is a general-purpose programming language designed for developing robustness and maintainability WebAssembly software.
waifu2x-snowshell2.6.1Multilingual waifu2x GUI shell for windows x64
watchcat<i>2.0</i>A small system tray applet for hiding application windows.
wau-manager3.6.1.0WAU Manager is a fully featured replacement for the built in Windows Updating interface, giving you full control of the Windows Updates.
wc32704.3ga9The Windows console version of x3270, an IBM 3270 terminal emulator for the X Window System and Windows.
webmesh0.17.1A simple, distributed, zero-configuration WireGuard mesh solution.
websocat1.13.0A command-line client for WebSockets, like netcat (or curl) for ws:// with advanced socat-like functions.
werf2.10.5A CLI tool gluing Git, Docker, Helm, and Kubernetes with any CI system to implement CI/CD and Giterminism.
weron0.2.7Overlay networks based on WebRTC.
wgcf2.2.22An unofficial, cross-platform CLI for Cloudflare Warp.
wgcf-cli0.3.6A command-line tool for Cloudflare-WARP API, built using Cobra.
whalebird6.1.5A Mastodon, Pleroma, and Misskey client for desktop application.
whatsapp-chat-exporter0.10.0A customizable Android and iPhone Whatsapp database parser that will give you the history of your Whatsapp conversations in HTML and JSON.
whisper-cli1.12.0(CLI Version) High-performance GPGPU inference of OpenAI's Whisper automatic speech recognition (ASR) model.
whisper-cpp-blas-nightly3050(BLAS Nightly Version) whisper.cpp is high-performance inference of OpenAI's Whisper automatic speech recognition (ASR) model
whisper-cpp-cuda-nightly3050(CUDA Nightly Version) whisper.cpp is high-performance inference of OpenAI's Whisper automatic speech recognition (ASR) model
whisper-cpp-nightly3050(Nightly Version) whisper.cpp is high-performance inference of OpenAI's Whisper automatic speech recognition (ASR) model
whisper-desktop1.12.0(GUI Version) High-performance GPGPU inference of OpenAI's Whisper automatic speech recognition (ASR) model.
whisper-model-ggml-base80da2d8(base) Whisper model files in custom ggml format
whisper-model-ggml-base-en80da2d8(base) Whisper model files in custom ggml format
whisper-model-ggml-large362722b(large) Whisper model files in custom ggml format
whisper-model-ggml-large-v180da2d8(large-v1) Whisper model files in custom ggml format
whisper-model-ggml-medium80da2d8(medium) Whisper model files in custom ggml format
whisper-model-ggml-medium-en80da2d8(medium.en) Whisper model files in custom ggml format
whisper-model-ggml-small80da2d8(small) Whisper model files in custom ggml format
whisper-model-ggml-small-en80da2d8(small.en) Whisper model files in custom ggml format
whisper-model-ggml-tiny80da2d8(tiny) Whisper model files in custom ggml format
whisper-model-ggml-tiny-en80da2d8(tiny.en) Whisper model files in custom ggml format
whisper-ps1.12.0(PS Module Version) High-performance GPGPU inference of OpenAI's Whisper automatic speech recognition (ASR) model.
whynotwin112.6.1.0Detection Script to help identify why your PC isn't Windows 11 Release Ready.
wifi-filter-tool1.1Wi-Fi Filter Tool is a lightweight application that allows you to hide unknown wireless networks (SSID) from the list of available networks.
win11syscheck10Windows 11 compability check with user friendly output.
winasar1.0.0.02A Windows GUI utility to handle asar (electron archive) files.
winbin2iso6.33.1A small program that converts BIN CD or DVD images to ISO images.
wincontig5.0.2.1WinContig is an easy-to-use stand-alone defragmentation tool that doesn't create any installation directories or Registry entries on your computer.
wincrypt-sshagent1.1.9WinCrypt SSH Agent allows other programs to access SSH keys stored in your Windows Certificate Store for authentication.
wind2.5.6A daemon service which is designed to create a systemd for Windows.
windctl2.5.6The command-line controller for Wind, a daemon service which is designed to create a systemd for Windows.
window-sharing-hider1.0.1Hides Windows during screen sharing. Works with Teams, Zoom, Discord, etc.
window-switcher1.10.1Switch windows of same app with alt + ` on Windows.
windows-registry-recovery3.1.2Windows Registry Recovery (TMX) is a tool for crashed machine registry configuration data recovery and registry backup.
windows-terminal-quake2.0.11-202409052346Turn any app into a Quake-style toggleable app.
windows-terminal-quake@1<i>1.6</i>Companion program for the new Windows Terminal that enables Quake-style drop down
windows-update-blocker1.8Windows Update Blocker is a lightweight application that helps you to completely disable or enable Automatic Updates on your Windows system.
windows_exporter0.28.1A Prometheus exporter for Windows machines.
windowsgsm1.23.1A powerful tool to manage game servers.
windowtop5.22.9Set current window on top, make it dark, apply transpareny, shrink it, and more!
winexit1.0A program that allows you to shut down, restart, sleep, hibernate your computer at the specified time.
winfi-lite<i></i>WinFi Lite is a powerful WiFi Analyzer for Windows 10.
winfindr1.6A Windows search app that allows you to easily search for files, folders and also Windows registry data with multiple search terms at the same time.
winfrgui1.2.2WinfrGUI adds a graphical user interface (GUI) to Windows File Recovery (Microsoft command-line app), making it more accessible to anyone who does not like the command prompt.
wing-10110.0.5.0A very simple free Python IDE designed for teaching beginning programmers, that omits most features found in Wing Pro.
wing-personal10.0.5.0A free Python IDE designed for students and hobbyists, that omits many features found in Wing Pro.
wingetui3.1.1A GUI Store for the most common cli package managers, sych as Winget and Scoop.
wininfo1.0.3A program for detailed analysis of all windows created by applications running in the Windows system.
winmouse1.0A program for managing mouse settings in the Windows system.
winobjex642.0.4An advanced utility that lets you explore the Windows Object Manager namespace.
winscan2pdf8.93A small program for scanning documents and saving them on your computer as a PDF by using any installed scanner.
wintousb-free9.0A free Windows To Go (WTG) Creator which allows you to install and run a fully-functional Windows on external drive.
wintun-libs0.14.1A very simple and minimal TUN driver for the Windows kernel, which provides userspace programs with a simple network adapter for reading and writing packets.
wiznoteplus2.12.0A community branch of WizQTClient, that is a cross-platform cloud based note-taking client
woterm10.1.1A cross platform remote access management tool, out of the box, no configuration, safe and stable.
wpd1.5.2042A small but powerful portable tool to customize privacy related settings in Windows.
wpinternals2.9.2A tool to unlock the bootloader and enable Root Access on Windows Phones.
wsl-ssh-agent1.6.6Helper to interface with Windows ssh-agent.exe service from WSL, replacement for ssh-agent-wsl.
wssocks0.6.1wssocks can proxy TCP connections via socks5.
wubilex11.7.0.0WubiLex(五笔助手)是 Win10/Win11 自带五笔码表与短语词库安装、管理工具,增强微软五笔的设置、热键等功能。
wx32701.2ga5The graphical version of x3270, an IBM 3270 terminal emulator for the X Window System and Windows.
x-spider2.2.2A spider for X (Twitter).
x2goclient4.1.2.2A graphical client (Qt5) for the X2Go system.
xboxdownloadv2.0.2.48Xbox 下载助手,支持Xbox、微软商店、PSN、NS、EA Desktop & Origin、战网国际服、Epic 下载加速。
xelitan-pdf-reader1.9Xelitan PDF Reader is a fast and easy-to-use PDF viewer that allows users to export embedded images, extract pages to PDF, remove pages from PDF documents and convert to PNG images.
xiaolai3.11小赖字体(原小濑字体)SC,一款衍生于「濑户字体」「内海字体」「cjkFonts 全濑体」的中文手写字型
xpipe11.3A new type of shell connection hub and remote file manager that allows you to access your entire server infrastructure from your local machine.
xplist1.2.47A lightweight plist editor with rich features.
xplorer0.3.1A customizable, modern file manager powered by the web.
xvdtool0.53A command-line tool for manipulating Xbox One XVD & XVC files.
yale1.25An application the shows you the bandwidth usage of all network adapters.
yank-note3.76.2A hackable markdown note application for programmers.
yolx0.3.9+1A modern download tool developed with Flutter, powered by 'Aria 2' at its core.
ysmood.whisper0.9.0A simple tool to encrypt, decrypt data with Public-key cryptography.
ytdlp2024.08.06A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes
ytt0.50.0YAML templating tool that works on YAML structure instead of text.
yuveye3.0.0YUV Eye 是一款免费好用的 YUV 图像分析软件,可以用于查看 YUV 图像数据,验证数据准确性,对比原始图像质量,查看图像直方图等操作
zeta-resource-editor2.3.47.0A free application that enables you to edit standard Microsoft .NET string resources from multiple different resource files together inside one single data grid.
zfind0.4.5zfind allows you to search for files using a SQL-WHERE filter.
zhconv-rs0.3.1-1Convert Chinese text among Trad/Simp and regional variants
zhudou-sans2.000煮豆黑体是衍生自 Noto Sans 和思源黑体的标点符号字体家族,支持中日韩标点、全角字母、全角数字及一些特殊符号(本字体不包含汉字、假名、谚文、一般西文和数字,请和其他字体搭配使用)
zhuque-fangsong0.108朱雀仿宋 (Zhuque Fangsong) 是一套开源仿宋字库,志在提供高质量的、支持多语言的正文仿宋解决方案
zincsearch0.4.10A lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that requires minimal resources, written in Go.
zip2dir-eng3.02Zip2Dir is a tool to repackage zipped comics files downloaded from Internet.
zmeter1.2.2Show Network, CPU, RAM and Disk in a desktop graph.
zorba<i>3.0.0</i>A query processor designed for flexible data: from the simplicity of JSON to the completeness of XML.
zoro20240828Zoro can help you expose local server to external network with zero-configuration. Support both TCP/UDP, of course support HTTP.
zotero-beta7.0.6-beta.2Open-source reference management software to manage bibliographic data and related research materials.
zpaq7.15A free and open source incremental, journaling command-line archiver.
zrok0.4.39Geo-scale, next-generation peer-to-peer sharing platform built on top of OpenZiti.
ztm0.1.0ZTM (Zero Trust Mesh) is privacy first, open source, decentralized network software, based on HTTP/2 tunnel.