

Consul Exporter

CircleCI Docker Repository on Quay Docker Pulls

Export Consul service health to Prometheus.

To run it:

./consul_exporter [flags]

Exported Metrics

consul_upWas the last query of Consul successful
consul_raft_peersHow many peers (servers) are in the Raft cluster
consul_serf_lan_membersHow many members are in the cluster
consul_serf_lan_member_infoInformation of member in the cluster.member, role, version
consul_serf_lan_member_statusStatus of member in the cluster. 1=Alive, 2=Leaving, 3=Left, 4=Failed.member
consul_serf_wan_member_infoInformation of member in the wan cluster.member, dc, role, version
consul_serf_wan_member_statusStatus of member in the wan cluster. 1=Alive, 2=Leaving, 3=Left, 4=Failed.member, dc
consul_catalog_servicesHow many services are in the cluster
consul_service_tagTags of a service.service_id, node, tag
consul_catalog_service_node_healthyIs this service healthy on this nodeservice_id, node, service_name
consul_health_node_statusStatus of health checks associated with a nodecheck, node, status
consul_health_service_statusStatus of health checks associated with a servicecheck, node, service_id, service_name, status
consul_catalog_kvThe values for selected keys in Consul's key/value catalog. Keys with non-numeric values are omittedkey
consul_service_checksLink the Consul service ID with check name if availableservice_id,service_name, check_id, check_name, node


./consul_exporter --help

Key/Value Checks

This exporter supports grabbing key/value pairs from Consul's KV store and exposing them to Prometheus. This can be useful, for instance, if you use Consul KV to store your intended cluster size, and want to graph that value against the actual value found via monitoring.

A prefix must be supplied to activate this feature. Pass / if you want to search the entire keyspace.

Environment variables

The consul_exporter supports all environment variables provided by the official consul/api package, including CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN to set the ACL token.

Useful Queries

Are my services healthy?

min(consul_catalog_service_node_healthy) by (service_name)

Values of 1 mean that all nodes for the service are passing. Values of 0 mean at least one node for the service is not passing.

What service nodes are failing?

sum by (node, service_name)(consul_catalog_service_node_healthy == 0)

What service checks are critical?

consul_health_service_status{status="critical"} == 1

You can query for the following health check states: "maintenance", "critical", "warning" or "passing"

Using Docker

You can deploy this exporter using the prom/consul-exporter Docker image.

For example:

docker pull prom/consul-exporter

docker run -d -p 9107:9107 prom/consul-exporter --consul.server=

Keep in mind that your container needs to be able to communicate with the Consul server or agent. Use an IP accessible from the container or set the --dns and --dns-search options of the docker run command:

docker run -d -p 9107:9107 --dns= --dns-search=service.consul \
        prom/consul-exporter --consul.server=consul:8500

TLS and basic authentication

The consul_exporter supports TLS and basic authentication. To use TLS and/or basic authentication, you need to pass a configuration file using the --web.config.file parameter. The format of the file is described in the exporter-toolkit repository.