


A frontend for legendary, the open source Epic Games Launcher alternative

Rare is a graphical interface for Legendary, a command line alternative to Epic Games launcher, written in PySide6

<div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/RareDevs/Rare/blob/main/rare/resources/images/Rare_nonsquared.png?raw=true" alt="Logo" width="200"/> <p><i>Logo by <a href="https://github.com/MultisampledNight">@MultisampledNight</a> available <a href="https://github.com/RareDevs/Rare/blob/main/rare/resources/images/">here</a>, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0</i></p> </div>

Discord Shield

Why Rare?

Reporting issues

If you run into any issues, you can report them by creating an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/RareDevs/Rare/issues/new/choose

When reporting issues, it is helpful to also include the logs with your issue. You can find the longs in the following locations depending on your operating system


In these folders you will find files named like below

These are the logs for the main Rare application. As such are importand when Rare itself is crashing.

These are the logs for each of the games you run through Rare. Rare uses a separate instance of itself to launch games, and these are the logs of that instance.

If you don't have a GitHub account or you just want to chat, you also can contact us on Discord: https://discord.gg/YvmABK9YSk



There is an .msi installer available in releases page.

There is also a semi-portable .zip archive in releases page that lets you run Rare without installing it.

Important: On recent version of Windows you should have MSVC 2015 installed, you can get it from here




Rare is available as a flatpak. See rare.

Install it via:

flatpak install flathub io.github.dummerle.rare

Run it via:

flatpak run io.github.dummerle.rare


Available in releases page.

Arch based

There are some AUR packages available:

Debian based



There is a .dmg file available in releases page.

Note: When you launch it, you will see an error, that the package is from an unknown source. You have to enable it manually in Settings -> Security and Privacy. Otherwise, Gatekeeper will block Rare from running.

You can also use pip.

Latest development version

In the actions tab you can find packages for the latest commits.

Note: They might be unstable and likely broken.

Installation via pip (platform independent)

Execute pip install Rare for all users, or pip install Rare --user for the current user only.

It is possible to create a desktop link, or a start menu link. Execute the command above with --desktop-shortcut or --startmenu-shortcut option, alternatively you can create them in the settings.

Note about $PATH: Depending on your operating system and the python distribution, the following paths might need to be in your environment's PATH


Run from source

  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/RareDevs/Rare
  2. Change your working directory to the project folder: cd Rare
  3. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all required dependencies.
    • If you want to be able to use the automatic login and Discord pypresence, run
      pip install -r requirements-full.txt
    • If you are on Arch you can run
      sudo pacman --needed -S python-wheel python-setuptools python-pyqt5 python-qtawesome python-requests python-orjson
      yay -S legendary
    • If you are on FreeBSD you have to install py39-qt5 from the packages
      sudo pkg install py39-qt5
  4. Run python3 -m rare


There are several options to contribute.

More information is available in CONTRIBUTING.md.


Game coversVertical list
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Game detailsGame settings
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DownloadsApplication settings
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