

OneNote Md Exporter is a console application running on Windows that exports your OneNote notebooks in different markdown formats.

This tool is usefull to :

The tool is easy to install and use, and generally produces better results than other OneNote export methods.


Getting started

  1. Download the last release of OneNoteMdExporter from the Releases page
  2. Extract the content of the Zip archive
  3. Launch OneNote and be sure that notebooks to export are loaded
  4. Export your notebooks :
    • Start OneNoteMdExporter.exe
    • Select the Notebook to export
    • Select the export format
    • [Optional] Edit advanced settings
    • Go take a coffee ☕
    • At the end of the export the export folder is open in Windows file explorer

Command line is supported, run OneNoteMdExporter.exe --help for instructions.

Export formats supported


Joplin Raw Directory

Features and limitations

Export format:MarkdownJoplin
Hierarchy of sections✅ Folder hierarchy✅ Notebook hierarchy
Page ordering inside a section🔴 Ordering based on md filename
Page hierarchy✅ Page prefix or folder prefix

All formats :
Folded paragraphs
Image nexted into table🔴 Known issue #48
Font color🔴
Background color🟠 Highlighted text
Drawing🟠 Flattened as image
Handwriting🔴 Lost
Text tags (task, star...)🔴 Lost
Password protected sections🟠 Lost unless unlocked before export
Notebook internal link🔴 onenote:// url

Technical characteristics


Released under the GPL, version 3.

This software carries no warranty of any kind. Some data can be lost during the export process. I recommend to review your notes after export and keep a backup of your OneNote notebooks just in case.

Pandoc licence terms

OneNote Md Exporter uses PanDoc universal markup converter.

Pandoc is available at https://github.com/jgm/pandoc

Pandoc is released under the following licence terms, full licence details can be found on the pandoc site.

© 2006-2021 John MacFarlane (jgm@berkeley.edu). Released under the GPL, version 2 or greater. This software carries no warranty of any kind.

Build sources


Bugs and feature requests can be reported under: https://github.com/alxnbl/onenote-md-exporter/issues.

You can contribute by adding an new feature or add translations. See this page for more details.


I developed this tool on a voluntary basis, but if you like my work you can buy me a ☕.