

<p align="center"> <h1 align="center"> <img src="https://gitee.com/mirrors/Berry/raw/master/berry-logo.png" alt="Berry" width=272 height=128> </h1> <p align="center">The Berry Script Language.</p> </p>


Berry is a ultra-lightweight dynamically typed embedded scripting language. It is designed for lower-performance embedded devices. The Berry interpreter-core's code size is less than 40KiB and can run on less than 4KiB heap (on ARM Cortex M4 CPU, Thumb ISA and ARMCC compiler).

The interpreter of Berry include a one-pass compiler and register-based VM, all the code is written in ANSI C99. In Berry not every type is a class object. Some simple value types, such as int, real, boolean and string are not class object, but list, map and range are class object. This is a consideration about performance. Register-based VM is the same meaning as above.

Berry has the following advantages:


Reference Manual: Read the docs

Short Manual: berry_short_manual.pdf.

Berry's EBNF grammar definition: tools/grammar/berry.ebnf


Build and Run

  1. Install the readline library (Windows does not need):

    sudo apt install libreadline-dev # Ubuntu
    brew install readline            # MacOS
  2. Build (The default compiler is GCC):

  3. Run:

    ./berry # Bash or PowerShell
    berry   # Windows CMD
  4. Install (Only Unix-like):

    make install

Editor plugins

Visual Studio Code plugin are in this directory: ./tools/plugins/vscode.


After compiling successfully, use the berry command with no parameters to enter the REPL environment:

Berry 0.0.1 (build in Dec 24 2018, 18:12:49)
[GCC 8.2.0] on Linux (default)

Now enter this code:

print("Hello world!")

You will see this output:

Hello world!

You can copy this code to the REPL:

def fib(x)
    if x <= 1
        return x
    return fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2)

This example code will output the result 55 and you can save the above code to a plain text file (eg test.be) and run this command:

./berry test.be

This will also get the correct output.


Berry is free software distributed under the MIT license.

The Berry interpreter partly referred to Lua's design. View Lua's license here: http://www.lua.org/license.html.