A powerful global DNS propagation checker that can output in a variety of formats.
The goal of dug is to make it easy to check the propagation of DNS records. It is also capable of providing templated output that can be used in scripts for things like monitoring.
For detailed documentation check out
The easiest way to explore dug is through the help.
dug help
-> Get top level help explaining the different verbsdug help run
ordug run --help
-> Get details about a specific verb (run, which is the default)dug help update
ordug update --help
-> Get details about the update verb
The simplest way to get started is to just run a query against the domain whose DNS records you're updating.
For example: dug
You can also do complicated things like ask for specific record types, use the most reliable server per continent, get the output as json, and pipe it into other applications: dug -q A --output-format JSON --server-count 1 --output-template Ipaddress,city,value,responsetime | jq
dug automatically uses the current system's culture for localization. (You can override LANG on linux to test it).
Currently supports the following languages:
- (en) English
- (es) Spanish
- (de) German
Linux Deb (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Pop!_os)
- Go to the latest release and download the .deb package.
- It should look like
- It should look like
- On most distros double clicking the .deb package will allow you to install via a UI, alternatively it can be installed by running
sudo dpkg -i ./dug.<version>.linux-x64.deb
Linux RPM (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora)
- Go to the latest release and download the .rpm package.
- It should look like
- It should look like
- On most distros double clicking the .deb package will allow you to install via a UI, alternatively it can be installed by running
rpm -i ./dug.<version>.linux-x64.deb
A friend put dug in the AUR! here
Install snap if you dont have it Guide
- Run:
sudo snap install unfrl-dug
- Invoke with:
unfrl-dug [OPTIONS]
Note: Annoyingly dug
is a reserved package name and I am waiting for them to give it to me. When I get it the package will just be named dug
Not sure if this counts as an "Installation" but there is a docker image available here
Homebrew (Mac & Linux)
Install from homebrew with brew install dug
Homebrew is the easiest method for OSX but there is also a binary available
- Go to the latest release and download the osx binary.
- It should look like
- It should look like
- You should be able to download that, make is executable, and run it from the terminal. Then you can put it somewhere and update your path so you can execute it from anywhere.
Chocolatey (choco cli)
Chocolatey manually reviews all packages, which takes a while, so this can lag behind the latest. status info here
- Run:
choco install dug
- Go to the latest release and download the .exe binary.
- It should look like
- It should look like
- You should be able to download that and run it from the terminal. Then you can put it somewhere and update your path so you can execute it from anywhere.
This is a .net 6 project, so as long as you have the dotnet cli, available here you should be able to do the following: dotnet build ./cli
The project was developed in VSCode so the debugger profiles that I have used are available if you're also using VSCode.
The commands to build an optimized executable vary depending on the platform but are all available in the .drone.yml file. Here is the one to build the linux-x64 executable as an example:
dotnet publish -r linux-x64 -c Release -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:PublishReadyToRun=true --self-contained true -o publish ./cli
There is currently fairly limited testing, what does exist uses the BATS tool.
To run the BATS tests you will need to have cloned dug recursively, like: git clone --recursive <dug_repo_url>
If you didnt do that you can run this to restore the BATS submodules into ./cli.tests/bats/libs: git submodule update --init --recursive
Once you have BATS you should be able to simply run the BATS tests with: ./cli.tests/bats/
Made with ❤️ by Unfrl