



jnv is designed for navigating JSON, offering an interactive JSON viewer and jq filter editor.


Inspired by jid and jiq.


[!IMPORTANT] Starting from v0.3.0, the transition from libjq Rust binding j9 to jq clone jaq was made.

This change eliminated the need to manage C-related dependencies that include external tools like autoconf, thus simplifying the build process. However, please note that some filters are not yet supported by jaq. For more details, refer to GitHub issue #24.

Please continue to provide feedback regarding this transition.



See here for more info.

brew install jnv

Or install via Homebrew Tap:

brew install ynqa/tap/jnv


See here for more info.

sudo port install jnv

Nix / NixOS

See package entry on search.nixos.org for more info.

nix-shell -p jnv


cargo install jnv


cat data.json | jnv


jnv data.json


<kbd>Ctrl + C</kbd>Exit jnv
<kbd>Tab</kbd>jq filter auto-completion
<kbd></kbd>Move the cursor one character to the left
<kbd></kbd>Move the cursor one character to the right
<kbd>Ctrl + A</kbd>Move the cursor to the start of the filter
<kbd>Ctrl + E</kbd>Move the cursor to the end of the filter
<kbd>Backspace</kbd>Delete a character of filter at the cursor position
<kbd>Ctrl + U</kbd>Delete all characters of filter
<kbd></kbd>, <kbd>Ctrl + K</kbd>Move the cursor one entry up in JSON viewer
<kbd></kbd>, <kbd>Ctrl + J</kbd>Move the cursor one entry down in JSON viewer
<kbd>Ctrl + H</kbd>Move to the last entry in JSON viewer
<kbd>Ctrl + L</kbd>Move to the first entry in JSON viewer
<kbd>Enter</kbd>Toggle expand/collapse in JSON viewer
<kbd>Ctrl + P</kbd>Expand all folds in JSON viewer
<kbd>Ctrl + N</kbd>Collapse all folds in JSON viewer
<kbd>Alt + B</kbd>Move the cursor to the previous nearest character within set(.,|,(,),[,])
<kbd>Alt + F</kbd>Move the cursor to the next nearest character within set(.,|,(,),[,])
<kbd>Ctrl + W</kbd>Erase to the previous nearest character within set(.,|,(,),[,])
<kbd>Alt + D</kbd>Erase to the next nearest character within set(.,|,(,),[,])


JSON navigator and interactive filter leveraging jq

Usage: jnv [OPTIONS] [INPUT]

- Read from a file:
        jnv data.json

- Read from standard input:
        cat data.json | jnv

  [INPUT]  Optional path to a JSON file. If not provided or if "-" is specified, reads from standard input

  -e, --edit-mode <EDIT_MODE>
          Edit mode for the interface ('insert' or 'overwrite'). [default: insert]
  -i, --indent <INDENT>
          Number of spaces used for indentation in the visualized data. [default: 2]
  -n, --no-hint
          Disables the display of hints.
  -d, --expand-depth <JSON_EXPAND_DEPTH>
          Initial depth to which JSON nodes are expanded in the visualization. [default: 3]
  -s, --limit-length <JSON_LIMIT_LENGTH>
          Limit length of JSON array in the visualization. [default: 50]
  -l, --suggestion-list-length <SUGGESTION_LIST_LENGTH>
          Number of suggestions visible in the list. [default: 3]
  -h, --help
          Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version
          Print version

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time