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Milvus Command Line Interface based on Milvus Python SDK.

Installation methods

🔝Install in a Python environment


Python >= 3.8.5

Install from PyPI (Recommended)

Run pip install pymilvus>=2.4.3 Run pip install milvus-cli==1.0.1

Install from a tarball

  1. Download the latest release of milvus_cli-<version>.tar.gz.
  2. Run pip install milvus_cli-<version>.tar.gz.

Install from source code

  1. Run git clone https://github.com/zilliztech/milvus_cli.git.
  2. Run cd milvus_cli.
  3. Run pip install --editable .

Install from an executable file

Windows .exe file

Download the latest release of milvus_cli.exe and run it.

Ubuntu executable file

  1. Download the latest release of milvus_cli-<version>-Linux.
  2. Run sudo chmod +x milvus_cli-<version>-Linux to allow executing milvus_cli-<version>-Linux as program.
  3. Run ./milvus_cli-<version>-Linux.

MacOS executable file

  1. Download the latest release of milvus_cli-<version>-macOS.
  2. Run sudo chmod +x milvus_cli-<version>-macOS to allow executing milvus_cli-<version>-macOS as program.
  3. Run ./milvus_cli-<version>-macOS.

Docker image in docker hub

docker run -it zilliz/milvus_cli:latest


Run milvus_cli (in a Python environment) or double click milvus_cli-<version>.exe file (in a Windows environment).

Run Milvus_CLI




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