

Another Redis Desktop Manager

<img align="right" width="110" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/qishibo/img/ardm/202411081958294.png">

🚀🚀🚀 A faster, better and more stable redis desktop manager, compatible with Linux, windows, mac. What's more, it won't crash when loading massive keys.


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If you can't open it after installation by brew or dmg, exec the following command then reopen:<br>sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Another\ Redis\ Desktop\ Manager.app


redis status dark

redis key dark

redis exec log


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. contributors backers

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Feature Log

Dev Build

Linux Or Mac

# clone code
git clone https://github.com/qishibo/AnotherRedisDesktopManager.git --depth=1
cd AnotherRedisDesktopManager

# install dependencies
npm install

# if download electron failed during installing, use this command
# ELECTRON_MIRROR="https://npmmirror.com/mirrors/electron/" npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:9988
npm start

# after the previous step is completed to 100%, open another tab, build up a desktop client
npm run electron

If linux errors like this:

# if error like this
../src/FontManagerLinux.cc:1:35: fatal error: fontconfig/fontconfig.h: No such file or directory

# then try this
sudo apt install libfontconfig1-dev


# clone code
git clone https://github.com/qishibo/AnotherRedisDesktopManager.git --depth=1
cd AnotherRedisDesktopManager

# install dependencies, 32-bit or 64-bit all use win32
npm install --platform=win32

# if download electron failed during installing, use this command
# npm config set ELECTRON_MIRROR https://npmmirror.com/mirrors/electron/
# npm install --platform=win32

# serve with hot reload at localhost:9988
npm start

# after the previous step is completed to 100%, open another tab, build up a desktop client
npm run electron

Build Package

# prepare before package
npm run pack:prepare

# build package on respective platforms
# on windows build 64bit package
npm run pack:win
# on windows build 32bit package
npm run pack:win32

# on mac
npm run pack:mac

# on linux
npm run pack:linux

Custom Viewer

When the default viewer does not meet the needs, you can format your content via customize script. <br>Method: Pull down the viewer list to the bottom, click "Custom -> Add", and then refer to the instructions below <br>Note: The script needs to output formatted content through print console.log echo etc., which can be any string or JSON string

NameCustom name
CommandExecutable commands, such as xxx.py xxx.js xxx.class etc. The file needs x permission, which can be executed in the form of ./xxx.py; It can also be set to /bin/node /bin/bash or other system commands, and the script path needs to be placed in Params
ParamsParameters spliced after Command, such as "--key {KEY} --value {VALUE}", where {KEY} and {VALUE} will be replaced with the corresponding Redis key and value. Note that if the content is invisible such as binary, you can use {HEX} instead of {VALUE}, and {HEX} will be replaced with the hexadecimal string. If HEX is too long (>8000 chars), it will be written to a temporary file. You can use {HEX_FILE} to obtain the file path, and read by yourself in the script

Configuration example:

Add env to the first line of the script, the final executed command is: ./home/qii/pickle_decoder.py {HEX}, the script can receive parameters via argv[1], ref #978


Without execute permission x

The final executed command is: /bin/node /home/qii/node_decoder.js {HEX} --key={KEY}, the script can receive parameters via argv[1]

/bin/bash/home/qii/shell_decoder.sh {VALUE}
/bin/node/home/qii/node_decoder.js {HEX} --key={KEY}

Start From Command Line(CLI)

If you want to start from command line(CLI), you can pass args to the App.


# Linux
# ./Another Redis Desktop Manager.AppImage

# Mac
# open /Applications/Another\ Redis\ Desktop\ Manager.app --args

# Windows
"D:\xxxx\Another Redis Desktop Manager.exe"

--host --port 6379 --auth 123
--name tmp_connection


--ssh-username root --ssh-password 123

--sentinel-master-name mymaster
--sentinel-node-password 123

# save connection
# readonly mode

Parameter Description


--hostRedis host*--portRedis port
--authPassword--nameCustom name
--separatorKey separator--readonlyEnable readonly mode
--usernameUsername(Redis6 ACL)--saveEnable saving, one-time link by default


--ssh-hostSSH host*--ssh-portSSH port(default:22)
--ssh-private-keyPath of private key--ssh-passphrasePassword of private key
--ssh-timeoutSSH timeout(s) 


--clusterEnable CLUSTER mode


--sslEnable SSL*--ssl-keySSL Private Key Pem
--ssl-caSSL Certificate Authority--ssl-certSSL Public Key Pem


--sentinel-master-nameName of master group*,like 'mymaster'
--sentinel-node-passwordPassword of Redis node


1. How to connect to Redis Cluster in internal network (such as Docker, LAN, AWS)?

Answer: Connect via SSH+Cluster (SSH to the internal network and then connecting to Cluster with internal IP such as, 192.168.x.x), you need to fill Redis Host with the internal IP.

How to get Redis internal IP? Connect through SSH, uncheck Cluster option, and then open the console to execute CLUSTER NODES, select any IP in the result.

2. Do I need to fill in the 'Username' in the Redis configuration?

Answer: The access control list (ACL) is only supported in Redis>=6.0, so do not fill it unless you need a special user.




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