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Made in Spain

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A list of neat projects made in Spain



6726@erikras/react-redux-universa…A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
3610@wout/svg.jsA lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG:arrow_upper_right:
3047@erikras/redux-formA Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store:arrow_upper_right:
2201@jacoborus/nanobarVery lightweight progress bars. No jQuery:arrow_upper_right:
713@hyperandroid/CAATCanvas Advanced Animation Toolkit:arrow_upper_right:
533@alexfernandez/loadtestRuns a load test on the selected URL. Easy to extend minimally for your own ends.
391@dciccale/grunt-processhtmlProcess html files at build time to modify them depending on the release environment
334@Atinux/schema-inspectorSchema-Inspector is an JSON API sanitisation and validation module.:arrow_upper_right:
297@carlosazaustre/universal-js-boilerp…A boilerplate to start universal (isomorphic) web applications
250@wout/raphael-svg-importImport raw SVG data into Raphael:arrow_upper_right:
206@christkv/node-gitA node.js git implementation modeled on ruby-git
193@erikras/multireducerA utility to wrap many copies of a single Redux reducer into a single key-based reducer.
178@alexfernandez/package-qualityMeasurements of quality for packages, especially for npm
174@dciccale/ki.js:lemon: ki.js is a super-tiny jQuery-like API JavaScript library
140@erikras/lru-memoizeA utility to provide LRU memoization for any js function
131@dciccale/placeholder-enhancedPlaceholder Enhanced enhance the use of HTML5 placeholder attribute providing cross-browser support & styling:arrow_upper_right:
126@wout/svg.filter.jsA plugin for svg.js adding svg filters
102@dciccale/kimbo.js:cocktail: An ECMAScript 5 only-compatible JavaScript library.:arrow_upper_right:
100@javivelasco/react-css-themrEasy theming and composition for CSS Modules.
85@alexfernandez/prototypesSome common prototypes for node.js.
84@wout/svg.import.jsA plugin for importing raw SVG into the svg.js library
82@dciccale/css2stylus.jsJavaScript utility to convert CSS into Stylus:arrow_upper_right:
81@dciccale/jslibraryboilerplateJavaScript Library Boilerplate helps you roll your own dom js library with a tiny and robust core base.:arrow_upper_right:
75@jaraen/TitanTricksCode samples and components for Titanium mobile
69@bpedro/node-fsExtended node fs library, implementing new features like recursive directory creation
66@jacoborus/deep-jsonLoad a tree of splitted JSON files and folders:arrow_upper_right:
63@christkv/mongodb-coreMongoDB core driver functionality aims to make the "smallest" viable driver api
62@gonzaloruizdevilla/debuggingmemoryDebugging memory leaks in JavaScript with Chrome DevTools (spainjs)
62@carlosazaustre/node-api-rest-exampl…An example how to use Node to make a REST API
61@wout/svg.draggable.jsAn extension for the svg.js library to make elements draggable
60@javaguirre/twitter-streaming-ap…Example with Twitter streaming API, Node.js and React
59@wout/svg.clock.jsA clock built with the svg.js library, inspired by the swiss railway clock
56@erikras/react-native-listene…A utility component to allow easy access to browser native events
52@erikras/redux-form-material-…A set of wrapper components to facilitate using Material UI with Redux Form:arrow_upper_right:
51@Atinux/node-ftpsFTP, FTPS and SFTP client for node.js, mainly a lftp wrapper.
50@carlosazaustre/passportjs-exampleAn example of use PassportJS to login with Twitter & Facebook in Node.js
49@rborn/TiSwipeToRevealTwitter like swipe to reveal implemented in Titanium
48@jacoborus/wiretreeDependency injection framework for Node.js:arrow_upper_right:
47@hyperandroid/SumonCAAT based game.:arrow_upper_right:
46@christkv/node-express-oauth-p…A plugin to allow you to easily add oauth Authentication to your express based application
44@rborn/TitaniumYoutubePlaye…Play youtube directly in your app
41@Atinux/api-as-a-service[Unmaintained] Don't waste your time writing backend for your web application.
39@vieron/stylelint-webpack-pl…A webpack plugin to lint your CSS/Sass code using stylelint
39@carlosazaustre/angularapp-gulp-boil…A boilerplate to start a webapp with Gulp automated tasks
35@wout/chronology.jsA micro javascript library for managing an undo/redo history
34@Kikobeats/nodengineNodeJS switcher based on package.json.
33@gimenete/devtoolbeltHandy micro-tools for developers:arrow_upper_right:
33@dciccale/nativeColorPickerA Native Color Picker Polyfill for the HTML5's "color" input type on Internet Explorer:arrow_upper_right:
32@dciccale/angular-docker-boile…A simple angular js app dockerized
31@rborn/Advanced-Titanium-Tu…Bonjour networking on multiple devices with Titanium Appcelerator:arrow_upper_right:
30@dciccale/node-htmlprocessorProcess html files using special comments
29@rborn/SugarTiSugar for the Titanium CLI syntax
28@christkv/mongomanA node/mongodb powered game demo
26@erikras/map-propsA higher order React component and allows mapping prop values passed in to other prop values expected by the wrapped component
25@Atinux/backbone-booksGoogle Books API + Backbone.js:arrow_upper_right:
25@carlosazaustre/mean-boilerplateStarter skeleton for MEAN applications with Redis and Stylus
24@wout/svg.easing.jsEasing equations for the fx module in the svg.js library
24@christkv/mongodb-presentationMongo Hamburg Presentation
23@Kikobeats/json-futureUnbelievable and Modern JSON interface. Prollyfills propositions for ECMAScript 7.
23@Kikobeats/whoopsIt makes simple create qualified errors.
22@erikras/redux-spyA higher order component decorator to read from a Redux store without subscribing to all its changes
22@Kikobeats/osomAn Awesome [/osom/] Object Schema Modeling (Database Agnostic).:arrow_upper_right:
22@nucliweb/postcss-magic-animat…PostCSS plugin that adds @keyframes from Magic Animations
22@gimenete/dbdiffCompares two postgresql or mysql databases and prints SQL commands to modify the first one in order to match the second one
21@Atinux/liveBallsA mutliclient chat with balls for each client, you can move with your mouse and chat with other persons in realtime.:arrow_upper_right:
21@erikras/react-pdfjsA React component to wrap PDF.js
21@wout/svg.export.jsA plugin for the svg.js library to export raw svg
21@erikras/react-lazy-cacheA utility to lazily calculate and cache values in a react component based on props
20@dciccale/comment.jsSimple API Documentation Generator
20@hyperandroid/Sprite-PackerA sprite packer for CSS or CAAT project made with HTML5 d'n'd, Filesystem API and some javascript magic.
19@gonzaloruizdevilla/alicatesSmall library for functional programming with ES2015+
19@dciccale/xxspubsubExtra Extra Small publish/subscribe micro-framework in 182 bytes of JavaScript:arrow_upper_right:
17@jacoborus/curlymailLightweight email sending with mustache templates support for messages:arrow_upper_right:
17@carlosazaustre/angular-todoAn example of a Todo App based in MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node)
17@Kikobeats/sails-hook-newrelicIntegrates newrelic with your Sails application
16@dciccale/Custom-radio-checkbo…jQuery plugin to customize native radios and checkboxes with your own design:arrow_upper_right:
16@rborn/nativescript-i18nThis is a plugin for Nativescript that implements native i18n in an easy manner.
16@dciccale/requirejs-underscore…RequireJS plugin to load and precompile underscore templates.
16@ajsb85/alexsalas.brackets-j…An extension to build Github-Pages easy
16@carlosazaustre/angular-routingAn example of a Web App using Angular, Routing and Templates
15@jacoborus/arbitrary-emitterEvent emitter with ES6 Map sugar for browsers and node.js:arrow_upper_right:
15@Kikobeats/tweet-selectionTweet selected text. Like Medium but out of the box.:arrow_upper_right:
14@Kikobeats/vollA boolean expressions evaluator. It saved the day!
14@alexfernandez/deploymentContinuous Deployment System for the masses
14@gimenete/sequelize-sync-diffUses Sequelize.sync() but generates ALTER statements instead of DROP+CREATE
12@jaraen/AppTemplateAn empty, basic, structured app template for Titanium Mobile.
12@carlosazaustre/angularcamp-workshopWorkshop for AngularCamp: Angular 1.5 + ES6
12@jorgecasar/building-realtime-we…Repository to show how to build a realtime webapp using Sails.js:arrow_upper_right:
12@vieron/svg-resizerBasic cli utility to batch resize svg files
12@jaraen/TiHighlightLabelA titanium alloy widget that consists in a label that highlights the occurrences searched inside its text. It uses the new AttributedString API for iOS introduced in Titanium 3.2
11@wout/svg.parser.jsA helper library for svg.js providing parser functions to adopt and import existing svg's
11@gonzaloruizdevilla/directivasFuentes del curso de directivas del grupo AngularJS Madrid
11@alexfernandez/initsInit system for Node.js
11@christkv/node-blogsA simple aggregator for blogs
11@wout/svg.shapes.jsA shapes plugin for the svg.js library
10@dciccale/node-api-mongo-docke…node.js api with hapijs, mongoose and docker
10@wout/svg.topath.jsA plugin for the svg.js library to convert any other shape to a path
10@christkv/mongodb-proxyMongoDB proxy prototype in node.js
10@carlosazaustre/browserify-exampleTrying Browserify
9@christkv/bson-extThe C++ bson parser for the node.js mongodb driver.
9@christkv/node-pure-cryptoA basic package of crypto that is compatible across node.js and the browser
9@carlosazaustre/react-fetchExample of use React in a webapp with ES6 features
9@nucliweb/MDNSearchDocSublime Text MDN Search Doc
9@jacoborus/nutsNew unified template system
9@dciccale/docker-angular-tutumTutorial http://blog.tutum.co/2015/06/03/docker-a…
9@nucliweb/flexboxEjemplos de las propiedades de Flexbox:arrow_upper_right:
9@wout/svg.absorb.jsA plugin for the svg.js library adding the ability to absorb an existing svg into the dynamic svg.js structure
9@javaguirre/gramophoneGramophone is a simple music server built with Python, Flask, Backbonejs and jPlayer:arrow_upper_right:
9@carlosazaustre/iojs-api-exampleExample of API RESTful written in IO.js with ECMAScript 6
9@rborn/TaffyDb4TiTaffyDb for titanium
8@christkv/learn-node-mongo-the…Node mongodb learn it the hard way book
8@Kikobeats/sails-hook-winstonIntegrates winston logging system with your Sails application
8@hhariri/BlogBlog Posts Code Samples and Projects:arrow_upper_right:
8@hyperandroid/UntangleAn asynchronous utility library.
7@Kikobeats/emojis-keywordsComplete list of an emojis shortcuts. Based on emoji-cheat-sheet.com.
7@ajsb85/xulapp-boilerplateXULRunner Boilerplate
7@dciccale/hayFlashjQuery Utility, also in pure JavaScript to know if Flash Player is installed in your browser and its version:arrow_upper_right:
7@wout/svg.topoly.jsA plugin for SVG.js to convert paths to polygons at a given sample rate
7@javaguirre/commentAtom package for inserting block comments via keyboard shortcut
7@jacoborus/safenameGet safe file name from a given string
7@bpedro/jassidJavaScript filesystem database
7@Atinux/LiveDrawA real time drawing application with Node JS and Socket.io:arrow_upper_right:
7@vieron/css-docsCSS Styleguide Generator focused on CSS Modular Architectures:arrow_upper_right:
6@hyperandroid/KeyNoteMy OnGameStart presentation.;Use enter or ctrl enter to navigate throughout the slides.
6@dciccale/click-n-tweetTweet in one click within Chrome
6@christkv/realtimea realtime data collection application
6@christkv/node-mongo-vacationp…Vacation planner application written in node.js + express.js + mongo
6@hyperandroid/CSS3TilerA CSS3 3D based image slideshow.
6@Kikobeats/fetch-timeline-cliFetch Twitter user's timeline from your terminal :zap:.
6@christkv/mongodb-es6MongoDB ES6 Prototype Shim
6@jaraen/TabGroupTemplateBasic app template with tabGroup for titanium mobile
6@alexfernandez/testingSimple testing library for NodeJS
5@ajsb85/thinky-blogThinky - RethinkDB - Angular - Express - Material Design:arrow_upper_right:
5@jacoborus/estiloGenerate vim color schemes from simple templates
5@jacoborus/submitterAutomatically submitting forms with AJAX
5@bpedro/node-expectationExpectations let you run code whenever something happens
5@gimenete/helicalHelical is a general purpose code generator. It takes a data model definition and a set of templates (called generators) and generates an output.
5@jorgecasar/simple-NodeJS-serverA NodeJS server very simple to serve statics. Customized port, path and HTML5 Push State
5@christkv/tic-tac-toe-stepsTic-Tac-Toe in steps, synced to exercises/tutorials
5@christkv/robocode-jsA very simple port of robocode for node + browser
5@Kikobeats/emojis-listComplete list of standard emojis.
4@javivelasco/betabeers-backboneApplication for building real-time collaborative movie listings using Node.js,Express, Jade, Stylus, Backbone.js, Socket.io and MongoDB for the Betabeers meeting at Cordoba:arrow_upper_right:
4@jacoborus/updoxGet markdown documentation from your javascript comments
4@Kikobeats/generator-gitCreate the configurable scaffolding to start with a git-like project.
4@Kikobeats/exists-fileCheck if a file exists. A fs.exists implementation that is not deprecated.
4@Kikobeats/emojis-unicodeComplete list of standard Unicode codes that represent emojis.
4@gimenete/txainA simple module for async control flow
4@nucliweb/Brackets.mdn-search-…Brackets Extension for consult the documentation in the Mozilla Developer Network
4@alexfernandez/performanceA short and slick node.js performance measurement
4@erikras/expect-predicateAn extension for expect that lets you test values against arbitrary predicates
4@dciccale/chain.jsMake native DOM API chainable.
4@vieron/jquery.circleMenuA jQuery plugin for create customizable circular menus
4@gimenete/fraggleA command line utility to deploy different versions of nodejs applications
4@ajsb85/WebUSBImplementation of Web API using the JSM (c-type and hid api)
4@gimenete/emmentalTemplate engine for Nodejs
4@vieron/jquery.fullsizedCaro…FullWindow image carousel:arrow_upper_right:
4@hhariri/corvusA NodeJS package for accessing RavenDB using HTTP API
4@vieron/ui-docsStyleguide Generator for UI Components.
4@christkv/node-stocks-appsimple stock application in ndoe
4@midesweb/aprende-jquery4 Sesiones de jQuery
3@Atinux/pjsPajamas (PJS) - An easy way to write node.js apps.
3@vieron/react-docgen-readmeExtracts info from your React Components, then is transformed into markdown and added to the README.
3@jacoborus/jetkitDynamic website generator :rocket:. Work in progress
3@jacoborus/dotmailSend emails with templates.
3@jacoborus/node-filesaverStores files in folders easily with node.js
3@vieron/grunt-ui-docsStyleguide Generator for UI Components.
3@christkv/okrA simple web application for managing an organizations OKRs
3@christkv/mongodb-topology-man…Localhost MongoDB Topology Management API
3@carlosazaustre/curso-desarrollo-webRepositorio del curso de Desarrollo Web de Platzi.
3@carlosazaustre/ES2015-boilerplatePlantilla para iniciar desarrollos web con ECMAScript 6 (ES2015) utilizando Babel, Browserify y Gulp
3@carlosazaustre/nodeschool-promisesSolutions of Nodeschool workshop elective "Promise it won't hurt" - http://nodeschool.io/#workshoppers
3@hyperandroid/MoMaa Javascript Module and Class Manager.
3@carlosazaustre/angular-hack2progres…Ejemplo de AngularJS visto en Hack2Progress
3@ajsb85/firefox-addon-btcvenAdd-on to see the average price of Bitcoin in VEF.:arrow_upper_right:
3@carlosazaustre/angularJS-exampleAn example of use AngularJS MVW Framework. It is a phone list web in HTML5 / JSON
3@ajsb85/instantbird-protocol…Assists to setup a chat account for HipChat.:arrow_upper_right:
3@christkv/mongodb-promisifiedMongoDB 2.0 driver promisified
3@javaguirre/slides-git-githubPresentación para los cursos del GUL sobre Git y Github:arrow_upper_right:
3@christkv/mongodb-schema-simul…Learn MongoDB The Hardway code and other related content
3@jaraen/TitanTricksMobileWebTitanium mobile web version of TitanTricks project
3@Atinux/TwoderA Twitter like in Node JS, Express JS, Mongoose, BootStrap, BackBone JS
3@javivelasco/trainheroA concept app built with TDD and driven by the domain
3@Atinux/LiveChatLiveChat is a real-time application to chat with his friends.:arrow_upper_right:
3@bpedro/DecentralizedAddress…Google Chrome extension that resolves @ addresses into links to users profiles.
3@gimenete/totExperimental language, superset of JavaScript, for writing async code like sync code
3@dciccale/Andamio.jsA mini framework to ease the development of your Backbone.js apps. (Beta)
3@gimenete/tallernodejsCódigo de los ejercicios del taller de nodejs de Cachirulo Valley. Julio 2011
3@gimenete/pyncUtilities for promises pync ~= promise + async
3@christkv/node-mongodb-monitorSimple tool collecting statistics from the mongodb servers using the rest api
3@dciccale/ironhack-backbonejsBackbone.js course at IronHack
2@gimenete/phlowGet to work as quick as possible
2@christkv/node-simplifyA lib to help avoid banana code when doing nodejs
2@christkv/tic-tac-toeA node.js multiplayer tic-tac-toe tutorial game
2@gimenete/seaquelThe best of an ORM with the flexibility of writing your own SQL
2@jacoborus/minirulerManage roles in contexts
2@jacoborus/boxesMutable state containers with time travelling for JavaScript apps
2@jacoborus/hardwireStructured and scalable node.js app container. Work in progress
2@javaguirre/openboeRetrieve information about spanish boe in a better human readable way
2@javaguirre/crafty-slides-videog…Building videogames with Crafty for GULUC3M courses on March 2012:arrow_upper_right:
2@gimenete/identiconsGenerate SVG identicons in node and the browser
2@ajsb85/instantbird-protocol…Assists to setup a chat account for Telegram.:arrow_upper_right:
2@gimenete/pgpromEasiest and safest way to use postgres abusing template strings
2@carlosazaustre/angular2-devfest-cor…Workshop para el #DevFest 2015 de GDG Cordoba
2@gonzaloruizdevilla/angularjs-formvalida…Validaciones de formularios con AngularJS. Meetup AngularJS Madrid
2@carlosazaustre/api-helpersHelpers functions to REST API developments
2@jorgecasar/leap-motionAn element providing a wrapper for Leap Motion.:arrow_upper_right:
2@vieron/jquery.slidingTabsA jQuery plugin for create animated tabs style carousel that load dynamic content via ajax
2@jorgecasar/llevalosalaescuela-w…Demo de la campaña http://www.llevalosalaescuela.com/ hecha con NodeJS y WebSockets:arrow_upper_right:
2@vieron/tuikThemable User Interface Kit:arrow_upper_right:
2@jorgecasar/deckjs-Theme-Codemot…It's a DeskJS theme to use in Codemotion presentations
2@vieron/curso-jsPresentacion para el curso de JS:arrow_upper_right:
2@jorgecasar/karmacracy-javascrip…A Javascript wrapper for Karmacracy API.:arrow_upper_right:
2@erikras/postmessage-client-s…A simple promise-based client and server to communicate between pages and iframes with postmessage.
2@jaraen/AlloyGalleryLessonsLessons for my Titanium alloy course, divided by days
2@carlosazaustre/generator-mean-redisA Yeoman generator based in MEAN Stack, plus Redis and Stylus
2@ajsb85/snic-desktopSmart Near-Infrared Control (Control Cercano Infrarrojo Inteligente) App Desktop
2@carlosazaustre/grunt-node-sandboxA sandbox for testing node apps with Grunt
2@hhariri/MetaBlogAPIDoh! Another Blog Engine
2@ajsb85/ofisafasWeb Site:arrow_upper_right:
2@ajsb85/instantbird-protocol…Assists to setup a chat account for IT Next Consultant, LLC:arrow_upper_right:
2@Atinux/machinepack-cloudina…SDK for working with Cloudinary platform.
2@ajsb85/whatsapp-helperFor easy input text on WhatsApp with ADB.:arrow_upper_right:
2@Atinux/node-projectA boilerplate for any node.js application (MongoDB + Redis + Socket.IO)
2@Atinux/pjs-templatePajamas.js (PJS) Template engine
2@Atinux/MultiBallsCanvas + Socket.IO + Node.js => MultiBalls !:arrow_upper_right:
2@ajsb85/iceweasel-addon-xana…Xanadu Firefox Modifications:arrow_upper_right:
2@wout/trustfeed.jsA library-agnostic micro API wrapper for Trustpilot.
2@carlosazaustre/angular-courseMaterial curso básico de AngularJS
2@ajsb85/jetpack-module-pacA browser supporting PAC provides access to a list of functions as defined in the original Netscape Specification.
2@christkv/browser-mongodbUse MongoDB from the browser
2@dciccale/grunt-git-committersGet the committers from a git repository with some sorting and formatting options
2@ajsb85/instantbird-protocol…Assists to setup a chat account for manoderecha:arrow_upper_right:
2@dciccale/media-viewerHTML5 BlackBerry 10 app to browse and access all your phone media, pictures, videos, etc, from the device and SDCard
2@ajsb85/snic-firefox-addonSmart Near-Infrared Control (Control Cercano Infrarrojo Inteligente) Firefox Add-On:arrow_upper_right:
2@ajsb85/instantbird-protocol…Assists to setup a chat account for ZTE Data Cards with P18X Web UI.:arrow_upper_right:
2@ajsb85/mozilla-addon-suscer…SUSCERTE Root Certificate Importer:arrow_upper_right:
2@dciccale/noflashNoFlash Chrome Extension blocks flash from the page until activated manually, or add urls to the white list to exclude sites from blocked.


2789@antoniolg/androidmvpMVP Android Example
2723@ManuelPeinado/FadingActionBarAndroid library implementing a fading effect for the action bar, similar to the one found in the Play Music app
1371@dexafree/MaterialListAn Android library aimed to get the beautiful CardViews that Google shows at its official design specifications
1251@antoniolg/MaterialEverywhereShowcase of the new AppCompat 21, which includes new Material Theme, working in pre-21 devices.
1176@ManuelPeinado/GlassActionBarAndroid - a library that adds a glass-like effect to the action bar.
919@antoniolg/MaterializeYourAppExample of a Material App for Android
909@txusballesteros/bubbles-for-androidBubbles for Android is an Android library to provide chat heads capabilities on your apps. With a fast way to integrate with your development.
872@glomadrian/RoadRunnerRoad Runner is a library for android which allow you to make your own loading animation using a SVG image
871@txusballesteros/welcome-coordinatorWelcome Coordinator for Android
868@glomadrian/material-animated-sw…A material Switch with icon animations and color transitions
840@ManuelPeinado/MultiChoiceAdapterAndroid - A ListView adapter with support for multiple choice modal selection
820@jlmd/AnimatedCircleLoadin…An animated circle loading view
802@glomadrian/loading-ballsA highly configurable library to do loading progress with animated balls
749@alorma/TimelineViewCute timeline view for android
737@glomadrian/MvpCleanArchitectureA sample project using Clean architecture and MVP in Android
711@VictorAlbertos/RxCacheReactive caching library for Android and Java
702@Sefford/CircularProgressDraw…A drawable with capabilities to indicate progress.
701@txusballesteros/sliding-deckSlidingDeck View for Android
674@ManuelPeinado/RefreshActionItemAndroid - An action bar item which acts both as a refresh button and as a progress indicator
592@javiersantos/MaterialStyledDialog…A library that shows a beautiful and customizable Material-based dialog with header. API 11+ required.
591@JMPergar/AwesomeTextA tool that facilitates working with Spans on TextViews or any extension of them (EditTexts, Buttons...).
547@javiersantos/PiracyCheckerAn Android library that prevents your app from being pirated / cracked using Google Play Licensing (LVL), APK signature protection and more. API 8+ required.
540@glomadrian/velocimeter-viewA velocimeter View for Android
535@glomadrian/material-code-inputA material style input for codes
518@jlmd/UpcomingMoviesMVPSample project of MVP and Material Design using as repository a list of upcoming movies
497@txusballesteros/fit-chartFit Chart is an Android view similar to Google Fit wheel chart.
463@glomadrian/dashed-circular-prog…A Circular progress animated where you can put any view inside
462@javiersantos/AppUpdaterA library that checks for your apps' updates on Google Play, GitHub, Amazon, F-Droid or your own server. API 8+ required.
417@antoniolg/RecyclerViewExtensio…A library focused on making the use of RecyclerView for Android easier
377@ManuelPeinado/ImageLayoutAndroid - A layout that arranges its children in relation to a background image
370@ManuelPeinado/QuickReturnHeaderA ListView/ScrollView header that hides when scrolling down and reappears immediately when scrolling up, regardless of how far down the list we've gone. Like the one from the Google Keep app.
317@txusballesteros/AutosizeEditTextAutosizeEditText for Android is an extension of native EditText that offer a smooth auto scale text size.
317@javiersantos/BottomDialogsAn Android library that shows a customizable Material-based bottom sheet. API 11+ required.
299@txusballesteros/Android-Clean-Testin…Android Testing Sample Project
282@antoniolg/DaggerExampleAndroid project using Dagger library
255@javiersantos/MLManagerA modern, easy and customizable app manager for Android with Material Design:arrow_upper_right:
247@ManuelPeinado/NumericPageIndicatorAndroid - A ViewPager page indicator that displays the current page number and (optionally) the page count
239@txusballesteros/snakeSnake View is a simple and animated linear chart for Android.
211@glomadrian/Android-Material-cir…Animated Material circular button
209@txusballesteros/android-transformerAn Android library to manage your data transformations between your POJO objects.
200@VictorAlbertos/RxSocialConnect-Andr…OAuth RxJava extension for Android.
196@VictorAlbertos/RxActivityResultA reactive-tiny-badass-vindictive library to break with the OnActivityResult implementation as it breaks the observables chain.
144@javiersantos/WhatsAppBetaUpdaterAn app to update WhatsApp to the latest beta version available on Android. Based on Material Design.
95@VictorAlbertos/RxGcm[DEPRECATED] RxJava extension for Android Google Cloud Messaging (aka gcm).
92@trishagee/senseDemo app that subscribes to Twitter and publishes it via websockets
82@antoniolg/LimeAppOpen source Application based on the tutorials written in http://www.limecreativelabs.com. The best way to quickly test tutorial result.
74@alorma/GithubContributorsLi…A library to easily show open source (Github) project contributors
73@ManuelPeinado/FadingActionBar-Nati…Android - A version of FadingActionBar that works with the native action bar.
62@VictorAlbertos/MockeryAndroid and Java library for mocking and testing networking layers with built-in support for Retrofit.
61@Sefford/korA clean architecture implementation
60@ManuelPeinado/RefreshActionItem-Na…Android - A version of RefreshActionItem that works with the native action bar
58@txusballesteros/maraMara is a library to provide traits or composition capabilities to your Android or Java projects.
53@javiersantos/MoticonsMoticons is a simple, easy and modern app to manage and use Japanese Emoticons with Material Design:arrow_upper_right:
51@txusballesteros/android-bindThis library helps you on the data binds between your model entities and your application UI.
47@carlossg/glacier-cliAmazon AWS Glacier command line interface
46@javiersantos/AdBlockerAdviseAndroid Library that checks if there is an Ad Blocker enabled and shows a customizable dialog. API 8+ required.
44@Sloy/gallegoLightweight Optionals for Java 7
44@antoniolg/BrandedLaunchScreenAn example on how to implement a Branded Launch Screen in Android
37@Sefford/BeAuthenticAuthentication Demo repository
36@VictorAlbertos/RestAPIParseAuthClea…An android implementation of an authentication system based on the Parse Api using the design patters suggested by Robert C. Martin (aka Uncle Bob) on his “clean architecture”.
30@Sloy/okresponsefakerOkHttp response faker. Provide "fire and forget" fake responses to OkHttp through interceptors.
27@jperedadnr/Game2048FXGame 2048FX v1.0.4 released for Desktop, Android and iOS
26@alorma/capsulecorpCapsuleCorp library provides easy way to display images text and colors in a square view
22@VictorAlbertos/RxFcmRxJava extension for Android Firebase Cloud Messaging (aka fcm).
22@txusballesteros/PasswordEditTextReveal Password EditText for Android
22@dexafree/SeriesCountdownSeriesCountdown is an Open Source Android application that allows you to check when will the next episode of your favorite series be available.
21@VictorAlbertos/JolyglotAgnostic Json abstraction to perform data binding operations for Android and Java.
20@VictorAlbertos/RxCacheSamplesHow to use RxCache for both Android and Java projects
18@jlmd/SimpleNeuralNetworkSimple neural network implementation in Java
17@txusballesteros/crazy-image-viewCrazyImageView for Android
17@nhpatt/RxInPracticeRepository for a workshop about RxJava and RxAndroid
16@Sefford/brenderImplementation of a Renderer pattern for Android
15@ManuelPeinado/GoogleDirectionsClie…An Android client for the Google Directions API
14@antoniolg/tutorialsCode for tutorials on http://www.limecreativelabs.com
14@glomadrian/transmutationA simple, easy and usable java model mapper
13@Sefford/material-in-30-minut…Sample app for Material in 30 minutes talk
13@trishagee/mongodb-getting-star…Some examples of how to use the MongoDB Java driver, via unit tests.
10@glomadrian/wallapop-code-testWallapop code test for Android Developer
9@Sloy/Jelly-Bean-Notificat…Application with examples of the new kinds of notifications introduced in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
9@antoniolg/Voice-Search-ExampleAn quick example on how to integrate our App with Google Now by using Voice Search
9@carlossg/jenkins-kubernetes-p…MOVED TO jenkinsci:arrow_upper_right:
9@alorma/expenses<githubroot>App to manage your daily expenses</githubroot>
8@Sloy/SeviBusSource of the current version of SeviBus for Android
8@ManuelPeinado/TwelveRulesAndroid - a library that makes it easier and safe to work with SQLite databases
8@Sefford/fraggleA wrapper for Fragment Manager that streamlines some common operations over Fragments
8@ManuelPeinado/LocationServiceAndroid library that simplifies working with the new fused location provider
7@alorma/SharingAccountsExample of how android share accounts
7@ManuelPeinado/GeocodingTaskClasses to perform direct and reverse geocoding tasks in the background
6@Sloy/redbooth-android-dem…This is a simple project demonstrating the use of Redbooth's API
6@VictorAlbertos/RestAPIParseAuthAndr…JSON Web Token Authentication for Android using Parse's API Rest
6@VictorAlbertos/EventBus-SamplesA simple demonstration about how to use EventBus with Activities, Fragments and Services on Android.
6@iblancasa/ComedoresUGRAplicación Android para los comedores de la UGR
6@alorma/GitDiffTextViewWith this android library you are able to display DIFF in a TextView.
6@ManuelPeinado/EasyFacebookConnectEasy integration with Facebook for User authenticate purpose, in Android
6@jperedadnr/Leap3DFX3D modelling with JavaFX (JDK8) and Leap Motion controller
5@jperedadnr/SMSTrackerJavaFX for Android project to send, read and receive SMS using JavaFXPorts
5@carlossg/appfuse-seleniumSelenium test environment for Appfuse
5@glomadrian/cover_finderSearch covers in various services
5@Sefford/Kor-SampleExamples for Kor Arch
4@jperedadnr/HelloCharmHelloWorld sample to introduce Gluon Charm capabilities
4@txusballesteros/IoCFrom OldSchool to IoC
4@jperedadnr/RubikFXA JavaFX based application for playing with a 3D model of the Rubik's Cube
4@JMPergar/HexagonalEverywhereA simple example of implementation of Hexagonal Architecture on Android App.
4@ManuelPeinado/MinionAndroidHttpAn Asynchronous OkHttp Library for Android
3@trishagee/mongodb-java-tutoria…Tutorial materials for the new Java API for the MongoDB Java driver
3@jperedadnr/LiteRubikFXA simple- JavaFX based application for playing with a 3D model of the Rubik's Cube by rotating layers or the whole cube
3@Sloy/SeviBus-ExperimentsSeviBus - version 4 (under development) - Now with Open Source! :D
3@glomadrian/adrMusicSelect over more than 30 music streaming channels of rock, search cover on services and show in notifications
3@carlossg/jroller-exportSimple code to export JRoller blog entries, for instance to migrate to Wordpress:arrow_upper_right:
2@Sefford/fraggle-sampleA demonstration of Fraggle capabilities
2@jperedadnr/NXTBeeFXJavaFX based application for Raspberry Pi, to control remotely a Lego Mindstorm NXT via XBee
2@nhpatt/hibernateCurso de Hibernate realizado en Luce desde 2013-06-13
2@Sloy/PhotoWidgetWidget de fotos para Android
2@nhpatt/ScreensApplicationThis example Android app uses Liferay Screens and uses several screenlets.
2@nhpatt/CheckoutLean Code Challenge by @chrismdp
2@trishagee/simple-twitter-conne…The most simple Java code I could write to connect to the Twitter sample API.
2@jperedadnr/LeapV2JavaFX 3D POC application with skeletal tracking model from Leap Motion v2
2@Sloy/TicTacDroide-SourceSource of TicTacDroide, the Android game
2@danielfernandez/ncomploPet project for keeping a league based on guessing match results in a sports championship.
2@nhpatt/Curso-de-AndroidEjercicios realizados para un Curso de Android impartido la semana del 26/09 - 30/09.:arrow_upper_right:
2@twinone/rubik-robotRubik's Cube solver robot
2@javiersantos/GoogleIOCountdownCountdown app for the next Google I/O event.
2@javiersantos/FP1415Trabajo Práctico de la asignatura "Fundamentos de Programación" - ETSII


153@pruiz/WkHtmlToXSharpC# wrapper wrapper (using P/Invoke) for the excelent Html to PDF conversion library wkhtmltopdf library.
139@mgp25/Chat-API-NETThe .NET WhatsApp library
126@mgp25/WARTWhatsApp Registration Tool
74@SuperJMN/OmniXAMLThe freakin' awesome Cross-platform XAML Framework
67@soywiz/cspspemuC# PSP Emulator (.NET 4.5):arrow_upper_right:
41@cmendible/netDumbsternetDumbster is a .Net Fake SMTP Server clone of the popular Dumbster (http://quintanasoft.com/dumbster/)
33@pleonex/tinkeViewer and editor for files of NDS games
26@pruiz/LumiSoft.NetLumiSoft.Net clone repo with mainly mono (and other minor issues) bug fixes. (Original project's url: http://www.lumisoft.ee)
23@pruiz/Topshelf.LinuxTopshelf extensions allowing compatibility with mono/linux.
17@gjulianm/OcellA Twitter Client for Windows Phone.:arrow_upper_right:
16@soywiz/ilccC compiler that generates .NET IL made in C#
15@cmendible/Hexa.CoreHexa.Core is HexaSystems implementation of the Domain Driven Design Architecture. Also providing a set of helper classes for ASP.Net and WCF development.
11@slluis/cydinAdd-in repository for Mono.Addins based applications
11@SuperJMN/VisualDesignerVisual Designer
10@mcliment/miniprofiler-glimpse…A Glimpse Plugin to integrate MiniProfiler results
10@pruiz/AberrantSMPPAn SMPP client library for Mono/.Net (Based originally on RoamingSMPP, which is not maintained anymore)
10@SuperJMN/ReactiveUI-BingSearc…Using ReactiveUI and Reactive Extensions to serach with Bing
9@soywiz/csharputilsA big set of useful C# 4.0 utilities and extensions in a single DLL.
9@mgp25/WA-password-extracto…Extract WhatsApp password and identity from your device [iPhone only]
7@pruiz/EPPlusEPPlus fork fixing mono problems.
7@pleonex/NitroDebuggerRemote debugger for Nintendo DS games
7@davidjrh/dnn.rediscachingprov…This caching provider allows to use a Redis cache server or cluster within DNN
6@davidjrh/dnn.azureadproviderThe DNN Azure Active Directory Provider is an Authentication provider for DNN Platform that uses Azure Active Directory OAuth2 authentication to authenticate users.
6@sgolivernet/nrtftree.NET class library for RTF processing
6@soywiz/NodeNetAsyncA .NET 4.5 project similar to Node.JS
5@soywiz/SafeILGeneratorSafe ILGenerator
5@cmendible/nFacturaenFacturae is a .Net library wich provides a set of helper classes to work with Facturae (Spains's electronic invoice format)
4@pleonex/xdelta-sharpXDELTA3 port to C#
4@cmendible/AzureBusInspired by the simple EasyNetQ API, this library helps you get started with Microsoft Azure Service Bus or Service Bus 1.1 for Windows Server pub/sub and queues!
4@davidjrh/dnn.appinsightsA module to use Visual Studio Application Insights with the DNN Platform CMS
4@soywiz/llvm-to-msilConverts LLVM Bytecode to MSIL
4@FranLsz/RepositoryPatternGen…Visual Studio extension to generate repository pattern code from an EF6 data model.:arrow_upper_right:
3@SuperJMN/DynamicDataToyAppsSet of basic samples to start with Dynamic Data by Rolad Pheasant
3@mcliment/neo4jclient-glimpse-…A simple Glimpse plugin for Neo4jClient
3@slluis/ShowInGithubAdd-in for MonoDevelop which can be used to jump to a source code line in Github
3@pleonex/libgameLibrary to easy open, extract and import videogame file formats
3@pleonex/ArduimmerICSP Arduino Programmer
3@soywiz/smrr-serverSimple Massive Realtime Ranking Server made in C# (originally D):arrow_upper_right:
2@SuperJMN/GlassGlass Library that covers mostly all my findings during my career that solve common problems and deserve to be shared.
2@SuperJMN/XAMLPagingControlA control for WPF (and other XAML-based frameworks) to provide paging and sorting for your data!
2@pruiz/BasicAuthDotNetA simple HTTP Basic authentication module (IHttpModule) for ASP.NET/Mono.
2@cmendible/Hexa.xTextHexa.xText is a .Net command line tool to extract text from source files for later translation, just like the GNU xgettext does.
2@davidjrh/dnntodolistA simple TodoList sample module for DNN Platform
2@mgp25/classesMD5-64Extract classes.dex from apk and returns base64 MD5 raw encoded
2@gjulianm/BufferAPIC# API for Buffer.
2@cerberillo/AdSwitcherAdSwitcher for Windows Phone 7 (Silverlight or XNA)
2@mrmans0n/PerrySubSubtitle editor in Spanish
2@soywiz/nvorbisPort of the Jorbis library to decode OGG files on .NET without any dependency (compatible with silverlight, xna, xbox 360 and windows phone)
2@pablovargan/winforms-ooh4riaDesktop application using Model-Driven-Development:arrow_upper_right:
2@nesteruk/NavigatorFast pop-up folder/directory navigation for Windows
2@soywiz/opentkA git fork of the project in order to be able to import it as a Git submodule.:arrow_upper_right:


13@marcoscv-work/experimental-liferay…Free Liferay themes
2@aluzardo/aluzardo.github.ioMy porfolio and cv online:arrow_upper_right:


134@slp/Telegram-FOSSUnofficial, FOSS friendly fork of the original Telegram client for Android
61@gallir/concurrenciaCódigos fuente del libro "Principios y algoritmos de concurrencia":arrow_upper_right:
49@waninkoko/wad-managerWAD installer/uninstaller.:arrow_upper_right:
28@Piker-Alpha/AppleIntelInfoReplacement for AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementInfo.kext
22@gallir/SpokenPicThis is the Android source code of the SpokenPic project (http://spokenpic.com). Author: Ricardo Galli. Source code is under GPL3 (see LICENSE) Graphics are under CC-SA (see res/LICENSE)
17@waninkoko/sd-usb-loaderSD/USB Backup Loader for Wii.:arrow_upper_right:
16@Piker-Alpha/LZVNC-Style conversion of lzvn_decode
14@waninkoko/menu-patcherMenu Patcher for System Menu.:arrow_upper_right:
14@Piker-Alpha/csrstatCommand line tool for El Capitan to get the active SIP status
12@waninkoko/firmware-downgraderWii Firmware Downgrader.:arrow_upper_right:
10@jpenalbae/hackrf_tcpI/Q spectrum server for hackrf
9@waninkoko/nand-loaderCustom NAND Loader for Wii Channels.:arrow_upper_right:
8@waninkoko/savegame-managerSavegame Manager.:arrow_upper_right:
8@waninkoko/multigame-loaderMultigame disc loader for Wii.:arrow_upper_right:
7@waninkoko/duplicated-channel-r…Wii Duplicated Channel Remover.:arrow_upper_right:
7@waninkoko/ps3mlibPS3 Library for easy application development:arrow_upper_right:
7@waninkoko/dip-pluginDIP plugin for Custom IOS
6@waninkoko/sdhc-moduleSD/SDHC module for IOS:arrow_upper_right:
6@slp/mkunityOSFmk, MkLinux and The Hurd
5@waninkoko/fat-moduleFAT module for IOS:arrow_upper_right:
5@waninkoko/ffs-pluginFFS plugin for Custom IOS
5@Piker-Alpha/stripSignatureTool to strip CodeSignature's from MachO binaries
4@waninkoko/ehci-moduleEHCI module for IOS (based on kwiirk's module):arrow_upper_right:
4@waninkoko/usb-moduleUSB module for IOS
4@Eskuero/android_device_samsu…Device configuration for Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini
4@Al3XKOoL/WR2-KernelWiko Rainbow/MMX A120 Custom Kernel (3.4.107):arrow_upper_right:
3@Al3XKOoL/android_kernel_wiko_…Wiko Rainbow Custom kernel for CM11 - WR2-Kernel based
3@rochoa/obdgpsloggerOBD GPS Logger
3@waninkoko/mload-moduleMLOAD module for IOS:arrow_upper_right:
2@Eskuero/android_kernel_samsu…Kernel source code for Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini
2@Piker-Alpha/findSymbolCommand line tool to get symbol offset/address/data
2@waninkoko/es-pluginES plugin for Custom IOS:arrow_upper_right:
2@Kra1o5/android_kernel_huawe…Huawei MSM8x25 common kernel tree.
2@Jesus89/picorv32-c-examplesC examples for picorv32 CPU
2@waninkoko/hero-kernel-2.6.35Linux kernel for the HTC Wildfire


378@raulmur/ORB_SLAM2Real-Time SLAM for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras, with Loop Detection and Relocalization Capabilities
334@iryoku/smaaSMAA is a very efficient GPU-based MLAA implementation (DX9, DX10, DX11 and OpenGL), capable of handling subpixel features seamlessly, and featuring an improved and advanced pattern detection & handling mechanism.:arrow_upper_right:
329@raulmur/ORB_SLAMA Versatile and Accurate Monocular SLAM:arrow_upper_right:
214@iryoku/separable-sssSeparable Subsurface Scattering is a technique that allows to efficiently perform subsurface scattering calculations in screen space in just two passes.:arrow_upper_right:
196@jlblancoc/nanoflannnanoflann: a C++ header-only library for Nearest Neighbor (NN) search wih KD-trees
93@jesusgollonet/ofpennereasinga port of penner's easing equations to c++, with an openframeworks usage example
83@jesusgollonet/ofxGifEncoderopenframeworks addon to export animated gifs
21@pauek/norvig-sudokuNorvig's Sudoku solver in C++
20@fincs/picassoHomebrew PICA200 shader assembler
20@jesusgollonet/ofxGifDecoderopenframeworks addon to import animated gifs
13@skyrpex/RichTextRich text class for SFML2. Allows the user to draw lines of text with different styles and colors.
11@raulmur/BagFromImagesCreate a rosbag from a collection of images
11@pauek/MiniWinMini-conjunto de funciones GUI
10@jesusgollonet/ofxHalftonerDithering patterns for openframeworks
10@wagerlabs/seaforth24Mac OSX driver for the IntellaSys FORTHdrive device (SeaForth24 ) implementing SCSI pass-through:arrow_upper_right:
9@drhelius/GeardriveSega Mega Drive / Genesis emulator for iOS, Mac, Raspberry Pi, Windows and Linux:arrow_upper_right:
7@NCordon/C-indentatorA simple C/C++ code indentator. UGR, Granada
7@demiurgosoft/dont-crush-my-castleNext-gen open-source tower defense:arrow_upper_right:
6@drodri/MRCoreMobile Robotics development toolkit, in C++
6@skyrpex/psimplGeneric n-dimensional polyline simplification:arrow_upper_right:
6@alexandernst/memory-dumperA tool for dumping files from processes memory
5@pauek/ccjsA C++ mini-compiler in Javascript
4@albertnez/SFML-templateSimple template for a SFML game.
4@fincs/NitroTracker-FeOSFeOS port of NitroTracker, a FastTracker II style tracker for the Nintendo DS
4@davidgasquez/opengl-test:tea: Learning OpenGL
4@pauek/miniccMiniC++, intérprete de C++ pedagógico
4@NCordon/ion-algorithmReal coding metaheuristic modification for the subject Metaheuristicas, UGR, Granada
3@skyrpex/QxTimeLineEditorSimple generic timeline editor for Qt
3@alexandernst/headless_browserHeadless browser based on WebKit
3@edulix/text2screenShows a text file in fullscreen and with automatic scrolling, ideal for giving a speech
3@luisivan/QtOctaveA front-end for Octave
3@Dirbaio/Durum-LareOur game for Ludum Dare...
3@davidgasquez/steganography:mag_right: A simple tool for text codification on PGM/PPM images
3@davidgasquez/loto:game_die: Yet another Tower Defense game.
3@davidgasquez/qap:briefcase: Approach to the Quadratic Assignment Problem in C++ using memetic algorithms and tabu search.
3@drhelius/bstone-iosBlake Stone: Planet Strike source port for iOS:arrow_upper_right:
3@fincs/midi2sseqMIDI to SSEQ converter
3@softwarejimenez/practicas-Sistemas-c…Conjunto de programas de las practicas de Sistemas concurrentes y distribuidos de la universidad de granada
2@davidgasquez/patrol-bot:police_car: Small bot with the ability to patrol around a fixed map.
2@felixcarmona/deephpphp extension that allows the php abstraction of low-level instructions (direct control with memory...)
2@jesusgollonet/ofxCvWatershedproof of concept addon for using opencv's watershed segmentation inside openframeworks
2@drhelius/NVMeshMenderThe nVidia NVMeshMender library is designed to prepare meshes for per-pixel lighting, by generating normals, tangents and binormals.
2@fincs/b0rkshellOfficial FeOS GUI
2@Dirbaio/FireAttackA weird shooter game full of particles!
2@pauek/netsImplementation of various complex network statistics on graphs
2@pauek/edooApunts EDOO:arrow_upper_right:
2@pauek/mecano-lispA toy language
2@divan/qechoprintQt-based music identify app powered by EchoNest
2@edulix/gsocThe repository in which I'll do my GSoC tests. I use this mainly to sync my two laptops
2@drodri/opencv-getting-start…Two simple examples, for a quick start in any system (Win, Linux, Mac) using biicode C/C++ deps manager
2@demiurgosoft/open-hanafudaGame based on classic japanese deck hanafuda to play Koi-Koi. Programmed using C++,Allegro 5 and decksim
2@David-Estevez/geckoGesture Control via webcam
2@drodri/opencv-biicodeBiicode hooks for opencv, both 2.4 and 3.0 beta. Simple getting started for opencv in C/C++


15@moebiuz/Starling-Extension-P…Starling custom Sprite to create Parallax Scrolling layers
6@ManfredKarrer/nucleo.ionucleo.io is an ActionScript / Flex Library containing a scheduler micro-framework for easily configuring tasks to be executed in sequence, parallel or based on their data dependencies.:arrow_upper_right:


75@jmgimeno/okasaki-clojureClojure implementation of some data structures described in Okasaki's book
4@jmgimeno/clojure-pongThe game of Pong in Clojure
3@jmgimeno/om-snakeThe game of Snake using om.
2@jmgimeno/y-combinatorCode of the presentation "Y-Not? Adventures in Functional Programming" by Jim Weirich


12@alvaro-cuesta/nerdobotIRC bot for #mv.nerd built with CoffeeScript + NodeJS
5@fmartingr/pjaxifyUse pjax on your links using only data tags


2@zgiber/gearsContext aware, chainable, composable minimal http middleware.
2@ernestoalejo/cbClient Builder
2@ernestoalejo/nff404 Not Found finder (NFF)
2@ernestoalejo/validationsGo validations:arrow_upper_right:


17@samplecount/shake-language-cCross-compilation framework based on the Shake Haskell library.:arrow_upper_right:
17@pepeiborra/control-monad-except…Explicitly Typed exceptions as a library:arrow_upper_right:
7@pepeiborra/monadlocA class for monads which can keep a stack trace:arrow_upper_right:
6@zhensydow/ptraderPersonal Trader Toolbox
5@meteogrid/sigym4-geometry-pers…Interoperatibility with postgis geometry columns for persistent-postgresql
5@samplecount/shake-cabal-buildScript for running Shake build systems using the Cabal infrastructure (deprecated)
5@pepeiborra/control-monad-freeFree monads and monad transformers
4@pepeiborra/termTerm Rewriting Systems
4@pepeiborra/control-monad-failur…A class of monads which can fail with an error:arrow_upper_right:
4@pepeiborra/prologProlog parser, pretty printer and evaluator in Haskell
3@zhensydow/zdcpu16Zhen DCPU-16 emulator
3@pepeiborra/safe-failureFork of Neil Mitchell's Safe library, modified to fail in a MonadFailure monad:arrow_upper_right:
3@pepeiborra/trsA library for working with Term Rewriting Systems:arrow_upper_right:
3@pepeiborra/narradarAn automatic prover of termination of logic programs and narrowing:arrow_upper_right:
3@pepeiborra/prolog-toolsSome small tools, including a simple sharing analysis:arrow_upper_right:
3@pepeiborra/trsparserA parser for the TPDB format for describing TRSs:arrow_upper_right:
2@pepeiborra/yicesfork of Ki Yung Ahn's yices Haskell package
2@pepeiborra/muterm-frameworkA kernel for a Dependency Pairs termination tool
2@pepeiborra/monadloc-ppA preprocessor for the monadloc package
2@pepeiborra/alacarteAn implementation of Wouter Swierstra "Data Types a la Carte" open types, with some custom instances for the injection type class:arrow_upper_right:
2@Capelare/ejercicios-haskellEjercicios en Haskell para la asignatura Programación Declarativa.
2@pepeiborra/fetchrulesUtilities for automatic parsing and conversion of TRSs in several formats:arrow_upper_right:


702@kikito/middleclassObject-orientation for Lua:arrow_upper_right:
305@kikito/inspect.luaHuman-readable representation of Lua tables:arrow_upper_right:
233@kikito/bump.luaA collision detection library for Lua
205@kikito/tween.luaTweening/Easing/Interpolating functions for lua. Inspired on jQuery's animate method.
200@kikito/lua_missionsLua Koans, minus the Zen stuff:arrow_upper_right:
162@kikito/love-tile-tutorialA tutorial for making tile-based games with LÖVE:arrow_upper_right:
161@kikito/anim8An animation library for LÖVE
87@kikito/stateful.luaStateful classes for Lua
76@kikito/md5.luaMD5 sum in pure Lua, with no C and no external dependencies
73@kikito/cron.luaTime-related functions for Lua, inspired in javascript's setTimeout and setInterval
69@kikito/gameraA camera system for LÖVE
63@kikito/love-loaderThreaded resource loading for LÖVE:arrow_upper_right:
60@Josepdal/DBTeamAn administration and multi-language bot based on yagop/telegram-bot -->:arrow_upper_right:
59@javieryanez/nodemcu-modulesModules for nodeMcu (LUA intepreter for ESP8266)
51@kikito/i18n.luaA very complete i18n lib for Lua
40@kikito/beholder.luaMinimal observer pattern for Lua, with a couple twists
37@kikito/sha1.luaSHA-1 secure hash computation, and HMAC-SHA1 signature computation in Lua (5.1)
30@kikito/passionAn object-oriented LÖVE game engine
29@kikito/memoize.luamemoized functions in lua:arrow_upper_right:
27@kikito/middleclass-extrasA set of middleclass add-ons that make it easier to use in some cases
23@kikito/semver.luaSemantic versioning for Lua:arrow_upper_right:
12@kikito/pulsar.luaA-star algorithm implementation in Lua
8@kikito/middleclass-commonsInterface between middleclass and Class-Commons
5@kikito/pew-pew-boomExplosions in 2D space. Ussing PÄSSION and LÖVE
5@kikito/ekrixionsimple game in LÖVE
4@kikito/fayA small game for LÖVE, made for Ludum Dare #25
4@kikito/middleclass-specsSpecs for testing middleclass
3@kikito/passion-demosseveral demos of the PÄSSION game engine
3@kikito/ld-30LD 30 - Earth, Hell & Space:arrow_upper_right:
3@eipporko/ShootEmAllPrototype for löve 2d 0.10.0:arrow_upper_right:
2@kikito/modis.luaLua implementation of MongoDB query language over redis.


5@spatUV/SART3DmasterMaster repository for 3D Spatial Audio Reproduction Toolbox
5@4rtur1t0/ARTEARTE (A Robotics Toolbox for Education):arrow_upper_right:
4@IPL-UV/altoolboxMATLAB Active Learning Toolbox for Remote Sensing
2@lucbpz/DUET-MATLABDUET Algorithm on MATLAB. Blind Source Separation.


755@AlvaroFranco/AFSoundManageriOS audio playing (both local and streaming) and recording made easy
666@AlvaroFranco/AFDropdownNotificati…Dropdown notification view for iOS
548@jberlana/JBParallaxCellThis project provides a parallax effect on a UIImageView on a UITAbleViewCell when the table scrolls.
504@jberlana/JBKenBurnsKen Burns effect for iOS. The feature enables a widely used technique of embedding still photographs in motion pictures, displayed with slow zooming and panning effects, and fading transitions between frames.
426@AlvaroFranco/AFBlurSegueCustom UIStoryboardSegue implementation for blurring the background of a modal view controller
410@gonzalezreal/GrootFrom JSON to Core Data and back.
350@tapsandswipes/InterAppCommunicatio…x-callback-url made easy
346@gonzalezreal/VertigoSimple full screen image viewer with image zoom custom view controller transition
333@jberlana/JBCroppableViewJBCroppableView is a subclass of UIView built with UIKit and CoreGraphics that adds n points on an UIImageView allowing to modify them by drag & drop to trim the extra space of an image.
323@ajerez/AJNotificationViewNotice component for iOS
274@alexruperez/UIUserNotificationSe…Helper methods that will make you much easier to handle #Interactive #Notifications.
247@alexruperez/ARAutocompleteTextVi…ARAutocompleteTextView is a subclass of UITextView that automatically displays text suggestions in real-time. This is perfect for automatically suggesting the domain as a user types an email address, #hashtag or @alexruperez.:arrow_upper_right:
242@tapsandswipes/iphone-pie-menuA pie menu implementation specially designed for iPhone and iPod touch:arrow_upper_right:
208@AlvaroFranco/AFPopupViewA simple to use and functional popup view for iOS
193@AlvaroFranco/AFSQLManagerSQL and SQLite manager for iOS
188@izqui/SHSidebarControllerSidebar with folding effect for iOS
185@luisrecuenco/LRScrollingSidebarCo…A scrolling based sidebar controller
146@gblancogarcia/GBInfiniteScrollViewGBInfiniteScrollView class provides an endlessly scroll view organized in pages. It is a subclass of UIScrollView, which allows users to scroll infinitely in the horizontal direction. GBInfiniteScrollView also provides automatic scrolling feature.
145@alexruperez/UILabel-AutomaticWri…UILabel category with automatic writing (type out) animation.
143@luisrecuenco/LRImageManagerObjective-C simple image manager with memory and disk cache support
103@jberlana/JBWhatsAppActivityJBWhatsAppActivity is a UIActivity subclass that provides an “Share in WhatsApp" action to a UIActivityViewController.
101@endSly/Log4CocoaLog4Cocoa is a Log4j port for iOS and Mac OS X:arrow_upper_right:
90@AlvaroFranco/AFWeatherGetting the weather forecast never has been so easy
88@endSly/GSIndeterminateProgr…iOS control that acts like indeterminate progress bar
88@gonzalezreal/ReadingListAn example on using the Mantle Modeling Framework with Overcoat AFNetworking extension.
82@AlvaroFranco/AFFeedsReaderSimple feed reader and parser example project for iOS
80@alexruperez/ARHomeScreenShortcut…Installs home screen shortcuts to features of your app.
80@manucorporat/AWTextureFilterApply a gaussian blur filter to your textures in cocos2D:arrow_upper_right:
71@DigitalLeaves/ParallaxBackgroundParallax Background in SpriteKit made simple.
66@jcesarmobile/PhonegapOCRPluginocr plugin for phonegap using tesseract
65@luisrecuenco/LRNotificationObserv…A smarter, simpler and better way to use NSNotificationCenter with RAII
64@patoroco/UIViewController-Blo…Category which allows to use a block to prepare segue instead of ugly -prepareForSegue method
59@manucorporat/CCNotificationsNotifications system in OpenGl for cocos2d:arrow_upper_right:
57@alexruperez/ARSafariActivityA UIActivity subclass that opens URLs in Safari:arrow_upper_right:
56@djromero/PopoverMenuletMac test app with status bar menulet and an attached popover using NSPopOver class.
55@tapsandswipes/iphone-accelerometer…Add support for device gestures to any application:arrow_upper_right:
51@j4n0/calloutMKAnnotation callout with a custom XIB
50@alexruperez/NSDate-ExtensionUse NSDate-Extension to handle NSDate objects easily. Syntactic sugar. #DSL Style:arrow_upper_right:
49@alexruperez/FSNetworkingSearchCo…Search controller with suggest completion using Foursquare API following Instagram design.
48@alexruperez/ARDetectorCIDetector, AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMetadataOutput categories. With face, rectangle, QR Code and TEXT CIDetector and blocks for AVCaptureOutput handling.
47@lupidan/UIKeyboardCoViewA UIView to appear along the iOS default keyboard
47@ajerez/AJProgressPanelAnimated progress panel
40@alexruperez/ARWebServerActivityA UIActivity subclass that share files via GCDWebServer with Twitter Bootstrap UI.:arrow_upper_right:
37@AlvaroFranco/AFWunderlistA Wunderlist API wrapper for Objective-C
34@luisrecuenco/LRRepositoryPatternAn iOS example app based on the repository pattern and Typhoon DI framework
34@alexruperez/ARObjectCollectionVi…UIViewController that can present a JSON NSString, JSON NSData, JSON URL, XML NSData, XML URL, RSS NSData, RSS URL, NSDictionary, NSArray, NSSet, UIImage EXIF Metadata...:arrow_upper_right:
33@jberlana/JBCountdownLabelA simple UILabel subclass that displays a countdown.
31@alexruperez/PFLinkedInUtilsThe #PFLinkedInUtils class provides utility functions for working with #LinkedIn in a #Parse application.
30@alexruperez/ARSpeechActivityARSpeechActivity is a UIActivity subclass that uses AVSpeechUtterance to read aloud the shared NSString:arrow_upper_right:
28@drodriguez/globradioiPhone MP3/Shoutcast radio client code
26@alexruperez/ARAutocompleteSearch…ARAutocompleteSearchBar is a subclass of UISearchBar that automatically displays text suggestions in real-time.
26@patoroco/UIView-JMFrameUIView category to help the handling of view frames.
26@j4n0/ARtrivial augmented reality (GPS based)
24@luisrecuenco/LRVariadicPerformSel…Simple NSObject category to perform selectors with variadic arguments
23@luisrecuenco/LRTVDBAPIClientObjective-C wrapper for TheTVDB
22@DigitalLeaves/SocialLoginForiOSA Social Login Framework for iOS with frontend and backend (in Slim) to integrate Social Login OAuth authentication in your own RESTful API.
22@alexruperez/ARAlertControllerUIAlertController compatible iOS >= 5.0
21@drodriguez/reversegeocodingOffline reverse geocoding library and scripts for the iPhone.
19@gonzalezreal/GigA great Twitter API client for Objective-C
18@endSly/NullObjectsA library for building Null Objects in Objective-C. (Inspired in avdi's naught)
18@gonzalezreal/TGRDataSourceConvenience UITableView and UICollectionView data sources
17@jcesarmobile/IDFVPluginIdentifier For Vendor Plugin
16@patoroco/ModalyConfigure size of modal panels from storyboard with a custom segue
15@j4n0/jobsketJobsket Mobile is a Jobsket client for your iPhone.:arrow_upper_right:
15@gblancogarcia/GBGradientViewGBGradientView class provides an animated gradient view.
15@patoroco/LoctiteConnect different storyboards without write code, all from Interface Builder
12@jcesarmobile/FilePicker-Phonegap-…This plugin makes possible to pick files from iCloud or other document providers
12@AlvaroFranco/AFScrollViewA lightweight UIScrollView block-driven subclass for easily create multiple pages with embeeded UIViews in Objective-C
12@gblancogarcia/GBBlurViewThe GBBlurView class takes advantage of the new iOS 7 snapshot API to create a blur view. It is based on Apple sample code from “Implementing Engaging UI on iOS” WWDC 2013 session.
11@jcesarmobile/GameCenterOnlinePlug…Phonegap iOS plugin for online gaming using Game Center
11@AlvaroFranco/AFSpritzA complete, lightweight Spritz SDK for iOS
11@gradha/ELHASO-iOS-snippetsElectric Hands Software iOS code snippets:arrow_upper_right:
11@alexruperez/iOS-Coding-Best-Prac…iOS Coding Best Practices:arrow_upper_right:
10@jcesarmobile/my-phonegap-pluginshere I will upload all the phonegap plugins I develop
10@izqui/ADNPebbleAppA small app.net client for the Pebble
10@alexruperez/ARFacebookShareKitAc…Launch FBSDKShareKit from UIActivityViewController instead of the default Facebook share sheet.
10@luisrecuenco/LROptionalA simple NSObject category to simplify sending optional messages to objects
9@jcesarmobile/faceDetectphonegap plugin to detect faces on pictures
8@djromero/iDiffMinimal image difference command line tool using "Google Toolbox for Mac". For Mac OSX.
8@alexruperez/NSDictionary-Verifie…NSDictionary+Verified checks NSNull (aka kCFNull) objects and it changes to nil
8@drodriguez/DRTPFObjectDynamicPr…Easy Parse PFObject subclassing with automagic property implementations.
7@koke/inoiseAudio generation experiments for iPhone and iPad:arrow_upper_right:
7@izqui/TheList-iOSiOS Client for The List (http://thelist.io)
6@j4n0/trie-suggestTernary Search Trie + 125,000 english words.
6@j4n0/mapkit-clustersClustering for MKAnnotationView.
5@patoroco/Codemotion-2014-Mult…Examples from my presentation at Codemotion 2014 about Multipeer Connectivity:arrow_upper_right:
5@gonzalezreal/ComicSearchiOS Superpowers Training Source Code
5@j4n0/xcode4My templates and color scheme for XCode 4.
5@j4n0/table-pull2refreshTable with pull to refresh and folding.
5@j4n0/table-stretchedRotat…Stretched Rotation technique from WWDC 2012 Session 240 - Polishing Your Interface Rotations
4@patoroco/react-native-worksho…Demos to start to play with React Native
4@izqui/MagicRemoteHelperMac companion app for MagicRemote:arrow_upper_right:
4@koke/NSURL-GuessAutocorrect common typos in urls
4@alexruperez/ARButtonBlockUIButton subclass with touchUpInside as block helper.:arrow_upper_right:
4@AlvaroFranco/NSDogeNSDoge turns a simply and tasteless array into a doge-ready array
4@endSly/NavigationTabBarUINavigationBar clone that shows scrolling tabs
4@izqui/ArduinoiOSIntegratio…Controlling a LED intensity from an iOS app
4@josealobato/FoldingTabsFolding Tabs
3@drodriguez/CodingDojoJun2011Coding Dojo done by the members of NSCoderNight Madrid on June 2011
3@tapsandswipes/SmartPageControlUIPageControl with smart functionality
3@fillito/SystemSoundsDemoThis is just a demo of how to use iOS AudioServices API to play a system sound
3@gblancogarcia/GBMetadataFetcherGBMetadataFetcher library provides an API to retrieve TV Series metadata from Internet sources.
3@DigitalLeaves/SocialManagersForMacSocial Managers for Mac is an attempt to build a collection of Social Managers for Mac including iOS7 like post dialogs. For those who want more control over the sharing funcionality of Mac than the one provided by the NSSharingServicePicker class, including iOS7 like dialogs for sharing for a more modern look in your apps.
3@DigitalLeaves/NearbyFlickrPhotosiOS App that retrieve Flickr photos near the user, showing them on a map and allowing the user to navigate through the map
3@endSly/TenzingCoreSome utilities for iOS.
3@alexruperez/ImageFromWebViewCaptures an image of a UIWebView, makes an UIImage, shows on an UIImageView and saves it into the gallery.:arrow_upper_right:
2@gonzalezreal/TwitterTimelineSource code for my article 'Implementando una timeline de Twitter con Core Data'
2@lupidan/UILazyImageViewA simple override of the normal UIImageView to load and image asynchronously with a progress bar
2@gradha/EHReachabilityApple's reachability class
2@djromero/recallDon't loose your line of thought while sleeping.
2@DigitalLeaves/NSURLEqualityUseful categories to deal with NSURL comparison, equality and equivalency between files and web resources
2@carltongibson/CouchDBX-ReduxWork in progress repo for resurrection of CouchDBX — A Mac OS X wrapper for CouchDBX
2@j4n0/sketchStupid sketch app for Quora answer http://www.quora.com/Objective-C-program…
2@alexruperez/Fyber-Mobile-SDKFyber's Mobile SDK. Fyber (formerly SponsorPay) is a leading advertising technology company that empowers app developers to execute smart ad monetization strategies across all connected devices through a unified mobile supply side platform.:arrow_upper_right:
2@koke/appstatus-iphoneiPhone app status report controller:arrow_upper_right:


127@JJ/hoborgA dieselpunk novel with Spanish-created robot hobos in a balcanized America at the beginning of the XX century
34@diegok/resque-perlPerl port of the original Ruby library. It's intended to work using the same backend to share tasks and be able to manage the system using ruby's resque-server webapp. Resque is a Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
20@salva/p5-Net-OpenSSHPerl SSH client built on top of OpenSSH
12@clintongormley/Elastic-ModelUse ElasticSearch as a NoSQL database in Perl
10@diegok/GardelGardel is a very simple perl web framework that also has a hat. ( Inspired on sinatra.rb )
9@clintongormley/ElasticSearch-Search…A compact Perlish way to build queries and filters for ElasticSearch
8@salva/p5-AnyEvent-PgAsynchronous access to PostgreSQL databases with AnyEvent
8@clintongormley/ElasticSearchX-Autoc…ElasticSearchX::Autocomplete is a Perl module which gives you frequency (and optionally geolocation)-sensitive autocomplete suggestions based on your data
7@salva/p5-Net-SFTP-ForeignPerl SFTP client
6@clintongormley/ConfigMergeLoad a configuration directory tree containing YAML, JSON, XML, Perl, INI or Config::General files
6@ebox/eboxeBox platform - just testing git, visit http://trac.ebox-platform.com/wiki/Docum… for actual repository:arrow_upper_right:
5@diegok/Postfix-AdminA drop in replacement for Postfix Admin (php) build on Catalyst.
5@clintongormley/ElasticSearchX-Autoc…Geolocation autocomplete using GeoNames data hosted in ElasticSearch
5@salva/p5-Net-OpenSSH-Gatew…open SSH connections through gateways and proxies
5@diegok/TwitircIRC/twitter bot that can speak both ways
5@oslugr/datos-ugrDatos publicados en opendata.ugr.es
4@salva/p5-Math-Vector-Realmanipulate real vectors of any dimension in Perl
4@JJ/Test-TextA module for testing and doing metrics on normal text. As in books or novels.
4@JJ/wiki2fb2Translation of wikis to FictionBook
4@JJ/perl-modernoUna introducción corta a Perl moderno
4@oslugr/yapc-euProposal fof YAPC-EU 2015:arrow_upper_right:
3@salva/p5-Class-StateMachin…Build Perl state machine classes declaratively
3@salva/p5-Math-Vector-Real-…Find nearest neighbours for a set of vectors
3@salva/p5-Net-SSH-AnyCompatibility layer for common Perl SSH client modules
3@salva/p5-Math-Vector-Real-…Generate random real vectors
3@ebox/ansteAdvanced Network Service Testing Environment (git mirror):arrow_upper_right:
2@salva/p5-Net-OpenSSH-Compa…Compatibility modules for Net::OpenSSH
2@JJ/Algorithm-Evolutiona…Algorithm::Evolutionary, Perl module for evolutionary algorithms
2@JJ/euro-2008Passes Network in Euro 2008
2@JJ/la-venganza-de-don-m…Módulo Perl para esta parodia de tragedia
2@salva/p5-Math-Vector-Real-…Find the two farthest vectors in a set
2@diegok/app.curs.barcelona.p…Example catalyst app for curs.perl.cat:arrow_upper_right:
2@diegok/WWW--TwitpicA perl interface to Twitpic.com public API.
2@diegok/Business-InvoicePerl module for invoicing
2@salva/p5-Convex-HullCalculate convex hull of a set of points
2@clintongormley/Plack-Middleware-Cer…Plack::Middleware to add App::Cerberus metadata to all requests
2@salva/ps-perl-y-geometriaPerl, vectores, geometría, problemas, algoritmos y arte
2@clintongormley/I18N-StringDelayed I18N translation of strings
2@salva/p5-Net-OpenSSH-Stati…Static builds of OpenSSH binaries for common platforms
2@clintongormley/App-Cerberus-ClientA client to speak to an App::Cerberus server
2@salva/p5-Config-PropertiesRelease history of Config-Properties:arrow_upper_right:
2@clintongormley/App-CerberusA pluggable Perl web service to preprocess web requests. Plugins can add geo, timezone and browser metadata, and throttle request rate
2@salva/p5-Math-Vector-Real-…kd-Trees in Perl


1114@javiereguiluz/EasyAdminBundleThe new (and simple) admin generator for Symfony applications.
378@raulfraile/ladybugPHP 5.3+ Extensible Dumper
334@raulfraile/LadybugBundleSymfony2 bundle for Ladybug library, the Simple and Extensible PHP Dumper
310@javiereguiluz/CuponAplicación de prueba para aprender a programar con Symfony2
261@kbsali/php-redmine-apiA simple PHP Redmine API client, Object Oriented
201@raulfraile/distillSmart compressed files extractor for PHP
141@ronnylt/redlock-phpRedis distributed locks in PHP
132@tonydspaniard/Yii-extensionsMy small contribution to the Yii framework community
100@Maks3w/FR3DLdapBundleThis bundle integrates LDAP Authentication with any user manager (Ex: FOSUserBundle)
86@desarrolla2/CacheA simple cache library. Implements different adapters that you can use and change easily by a manager or similar.:arrow_upper_right:
67@carlosbuenosvinos/opcache-dashboardSet up properly and monitor your Zend OPcache with this dashboard that will help you checking memory, hits and status, configuring for optimal performance (warning you when cache full, validation, etc.) and reseting one or all scripts with one click.
67@tonydspaniard/yiinitializr-advance…Yii Framework project structure boilerplate for advanced application requirements
58@josereyero/telegramPHP Wrapper and Drupal module using Telegram CLI
53@jameswatts/cake-toolkitThe Cake Toolkit (CTK) is a CakePHP plugin which allows you to define your View as a class, providing a powerful object-oriented factory interface to dynamically build your application's UI with configurable objects.
46@Maks3w/SwaggerAssertionsTest your API requests and responses matches with your swagger definition
45@josereyero/i18nDrupal Internationalization package (Not up to date, Active development is on drupal.org):arrow_upper_right:
38@desarrolla2/RSSClientService for provide RSS client in your website
36@javiereguiluz/EasySluggerA fast and easy to use slugger with full UTF-8 support
36@itrascastro/Symfony-3-Base-Proje…Symfony 3 base project with already installed common bundles and other stuff
35@javiereguiluz/easy-admin-demoA demo application to showcase EasyAdmin features
35@carlosbuenosvinos/php-geckoboard-apiA PHP library for pushing data into Geckoboard custom widgets:arrow_upper_right:
35@carlosbuenosvinos/php-kataPHP skeleton for doing coding katas (PHPUnit, mockery, phpspec and prophecy):arrow_upper_right:
34@AD7six/cakephp-shadow-trans…A 3.x+ CakePHP plugin for efficiently managing data translations
33@Maks3w/xmldsigPHP Implementation of XML Digital Signature recomendation
30@tobiassjosten/FacebookServiceProvi…Extension for injecting the Facebook SDK into a Silex application
27@AD7six/php-cli-progress-barA PHP class for generating cli progress bars
26@carlosbuenosvinos/compifyCompify is a tool to save disk usage and bandwith in your composer vendor folder. Maybe you haven't noticed, but if you take a look to your vendor folder after doing a "php composer.phar install" there are so much useless information like tests, ".travis.yml" like files that you just don't need in production.
26@tobiassjosten/boris-loaderLoads project specific contexts into d11wtq/boris
26@jameswatts/cake-jsonrpcThe Jsonrpc plugin for CakePHP provides both server and client implementations of JSON-RPC as components.
25@phproberto/plg_sys_mootableJoomla Plugin to Enable/Disable Mootools per menu item
25@jleyva/moodle-local_ltiprov…This is a local plugin for making Moodle a LTI provider tool
23@tonydspaniard/yiinitializr-interme…Yii Framework project structure boilerplate for basic to intermediate application requirements
23@carlosbuenosvinos/php-jenkins-apiCarlosIO\Jenkins is a Jenkins API written in PHP for PHP 5.3+. It has been born for Dashboard and extreme feedback purposes.
23@desarrolla2/BlogBundleThis is the most complete bundle you can find to start creating your blog, actualy this blogBundle is running on Symfony2.3:arrow_upper_right:
19@Maks3w/Psr7AssertionsTest your library conformance with PSR-7
16@uno-de-piera/angularjs-phalconCombinar angularjs y phalconphp
15@tonydspaniard/YiiBootstrapThis is a clone of https://bitbucket.org/Crisu83/yii-bootst… from Chris. More information at http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/bo…
15@uno-de-piera/phalcon_cartA shopping cart that allows multiple instances to work with PHP Phalcon
14@mcuadros/php-cayleyPHP wrapper of the Google's Cayley graph database REST interface
14@phproberto/lib_sampleSample Joomla! Library to use as reference
13@itrascastro/TrascastroACLEasy ACL. Avoid handwriting ACL permissions in Zend Framework
13@uno-de-piera/bootstrap-calendarImplementación de bootstrap calendar con php/codeigniter
13@jameswatts/cake-dependencyThe Dependency plugin for CakePHP provides a dependency injection container and service registry/locator.
12@jameswatts/cake-markup-languageThe Cake Markup Language (CakeML) is a CakePHP plugin which provides further abstraction of the View layer by replacing the procedural PHP code with an XML based markup.
12@AD7six/cakephp-completionGot tab?
11@javiereguiluz/easybook-examplesShowcase of the books and documents that you can create with easybook:arrow_upper_right:
11@carlosbuenosvinos/elige-tu-propia-aven…My DDD Lab: Choose your own adventure online game
10@mcuadros/currency-detectorClass to detect the currency from any string
10@kbsali/sf2-icuSet of compiled icu files for Symfony2.* framework
10@desarrolla2/RSSClientBundleService for provide RSS client in your website.
9@jameswatts/cake-factoryCake is a factory for the Cake Toolkit (CTK), which provides configurable objects for the core helpers in CakePHP.
9@emilio/php-routerSimple PHP router
8@mcuadros/silex-hateoasA RESTful example based on Hateoas and Silex
8@desarrolla2/PollBundlepoll Bundle for symfony 2
8@AD7six/php-dsnA utility for parsing and generating service DSNs
8@raulfraile/cryptosymfonySimple cryptovirus for Symfony2 apps
7@phproberto/plg_content_showtagsJoomla Content Plugin to show tag list before / after articles
7@josereyero/oauth_googleOAuth client for Google Data API
7@josereyero/messaging_sendgridDrupal Messaging wrapper for Sendgrid:arrow_upper_right:
7@itrascastro/BookmarksAdvanced Tutorial ZF2 Application
7@javiereguiluz/desymfony-twigEjemplos utilizados en la ponencia sobre Twig de la conferencia deSymfony 2012
6@raulfraile/steganography_talkDemos and examples for the talk about Steganography with PHP
6@jleyva/moodle-local_dsubscr…Local plugin for allowing email subscription to discussions (threads) and not the whole forum.
6@jleyva/moodle-block_jmailInternal mail tool for Moodle 2
6@josereyero/gdataGoogle Data API
6@emilio/php-cacheCaché simple basada en archivos para PHPSimple PHP file cache
6@carlosbuenosvinos/php-pingdom-apiCarlosIO\Pingdom is a Pingdom API Client written in PHP with multiaccount support:arrow_upper_right:
5@penyaskito/drush_releaseDrush release.
5@uno-de-piera/mvc-phpMVC Example with PHP
5@kbsali/php-gsm-apiA simple PHP5 Object Oriented wrapper for GlobalSportsMedia (GSM) XML API
5@carlosbuenosvinos/phparchitect-hexagon…Hexagonal Architecture with PHP:arrow_upper_right:
4@phproberto/mod_phproberto_ghcar…Github card module for Joomla websites
4@uno-de-piera/shop-phalconFull example phalcon cart
4@jleyva/moodle-local_anonymo…Local plugin for allowing anonymous posting in Moodle forums.:arrow_upper_right:
4@raulfraile/internals-desymfony2…Demo project for Symfony2 internals talk
4@raulfraile/distill-cliCommand line tool to extract files from compressed archives
4@mcuadros/pimple-hackA Pimple version in Hack/HHVM, just for fun!
4@josereyero/variableDrupal Variable module:arrow_upper_right:
4@uno-de-piera/angular-2-laravel-5Starter project with Angular 2 and Laravel 5
4@germaaan/PRACTICA_01Practica 1 de Infraestructura Virtual 2013/2014
4@emilio/php-easy-image-manag…Simple image manager for PHP: Create, resize, save and output your images easily
3@raulfraile/ladybug-installerUnified installer for ladybug addons
3@kbsali/mpRealityAdminPluginThe mpRealityAdminPlugin provides a new admin generator theme with some additions.:arrow_upper_right:
3@mcuadros/ansi-slidesSlide with ANSI style!
3@raulfraile/idathaData structures library for PHP
3@conejoninja/antitroll-pluginAnti troll plugin for Osclass
3@raulfraile/apijokesDemo project for deSymfony 2013
3@jleyva/moodle-report_config…Configurable reports plugin for Moodle 2.3 and onwards:arrow_upper_right:
3@penyaskito/Ubercart-Cart-Login-…Ubercart default cart behavior is merging the anonymous cart and the existing user cart once the user logs in. This can be confusing for the user because his cart could have some products added long ago, and when he logs in the existing cart and the new anonymous cart are merged. This module provides another workflow: If the user logs in a block at the checkout page, or when the destination is set to the checkout page, the existing cart for the user is discarded, and the cart that has been created while being an anonymous user is the cart that will be checked out. In other case, we discard the anonymous card and recover the existing cart associated with this user.:arrow_upper_right:
3@uno-de-piera/multi_cart_ciLibrary for multiple cart instances in codeigniter
3@uno-de-piera/consultas_eloquentEl ORM eloquent en laravel 4
3@uno-de-piera/angular-2-codeignite…Combining Angular 2 and Codeigniter 3
3@desarrolla2/MailExceptionBundleEmail you when Symfony2 Exceptions occurs with some information.
3@tonydspaniard/Yii-ENexmoYii Framework Library to interact with Nexmo Mobile Message Provider's Restful API
3@itrascastro/Symfony-ClassroomSymfony Course
3@damiles/ACMSAnother Content Management System
2@josereyero/google_hybridImplements Google Hybrid authentication (OpenID + OAuth)
2@desarrolla2/TimerThis script works as simple timer control to your app
2@desarrolla2/FileProvide simple api to read and write files
2@uno-de-piera/crud_phalconSimple crud with phalcon, bootstrap and jQuery
2@uno-de-piera/ajax_laravelAjax en laravel 4
2@tobiassjosten/reactionsDrupal module to harvest reactions (blog posts, comments, tweets, etc) to content on your site:arrow_upper_right:
2@jleyva/moodle-mftpdFTP server that exposes the Moodle file system
2@penyaskito/customsliderTHIS MODULE IS NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION (and there is no way you want to use it). It's just an example about how to make your own entities, fields and config translatable in Drupal 8. This is done step by step, so check the history of the repo for best comprehension.
2@phproberto/plg_system_codeprett…Code highlighting for Joomla! based on Google Code Prettify library
2@aesedepece/sohoposHTML5 Point of Sale
2@carlosbuenosvinos/php-ports-and-adapte…PHP package for making easy to use Hexagonal Architecture (Ports and Adapters)
2@uno-de-piera/hmvcci3Hmvc project with codeigniter 3.


2442@maraujop/django-crispy-formsThe best way to have DRY Django forms. The app provides a tag and filter that lets you quickly render forms in a div format while providing an enormous amount of capability to configure and control the rendered HTML.:arrow_upper_right:
622@niwinz/django-redisFull featured redis cache backend for Django.:arrow_upper_right:
221@niwinz/django-jinjaSimple and nonobstructive jinja2 integration with Django.:arrow_upper_right:
208@niwinz/django-sseHTML5 Server-Sent Events integration for Django
196@maraujop/requests-oauthPython's Requests OAuth (Open Authentication) plugin
188@MarioVilas/googleGoogle search from Python.
160@jaimegildesagredo/boobyData modeling and validation Python library:arrow_upper_right:
147@maraujop/django-rulesFlexible and scalable Django authorization backend for unified per object permission management:arrow_upper_right:
126@niwinz/djorm-pgarrayPostgreSQL array field for Django.:arrow_upper_right:
108@jaimegildesagredo/finchAsynchronous RESTful API consumer for Python
89@maraujop/requests-oauth2Python's Requests OAuth2 (Open Authentication) plugin
68@fjavieralba/basic_sentiment_anal…Code of the blog post: http://fjavieralba.com/basic-sentiment-a…
66@anler/progressbarAn utility module to represent progress in the form of a progress bar.
63@MarioVilas/winappdbgWinAppDbg Debugger
55@niwinz/djorm-ext-expression…Expressions module of django orm extensions package (collection of third party plugins build in one unified package):arrow_upper_right:
52@niwinz/sseServer Sent Events protocol implemetation on python2/3
51@jaimegildesagredo/expectsExpects is an expressive and extensible TDD/BDD assertion library for Python.:arrow_upper_right:
46@niwinz/djangorestframework-…A simple way to define complex permissions for django-rest-framework
46@superalex/py-wetransferPython script for downloading wetransfer files (https://www.wetransfer.com/) in command line mode
28@niwinz/djorm-ext-coreCore module of django orm extensions package. (Collection of third party plugins build in one unified package)
27@niwinz/cobrascriptPython syntax translator to Javascript.
27@joedicastro/lftp-mirrorIt's a python script that allow us to synchronize a directory on a remote server with a local directory via FTP in both directions.
24@jespino/django-lotDjango Login over Token
24@niwinz/django-greenqueueAsynchronous task task/job queue based on distributed message passing.
22@joedicastro/python-recipesA set of various classes, modules, templates... like a bunch of recipes or ingredients to cook bigger python apps.
22@laughedelic/LoadFileToReplProvides a convenient command to load current source file into SublimeREPL:arrow_upper_right:
19@niwinz/tornado-webtoolsMicroframework for python 3 based on tornado, jinja2 and sqlalchemy.
19@joedicastro/img4webThis Script optimizes .jpg and .png images for the web. This follows the "Yahoo Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site" about optimize images. http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/r…
18@fjavieralba/scraperConfigurable Python Web Scraper
15@niwinz/django-sitesAlternative implementation of django "sites" framework based on settings instead of models.:arrow_upper_right:
15@joedicastro/ted-talks-downloadA pair of scripts to download videos and subtitles for the TED Talks (http://www.ted.com)
15@niwinz/djorm-ext-pgjsonPostgreSQL native json field support for Django.
14@jespino/restshA client for test and access to REST services
13@MarioVilas/vuln_toolsTools to work with vulnerability standards.
12@leplatrem/django-sizefieldA model field to store a file size, whose edition and display shows units (KB, MB, ...)
12@anler/django-dev-commandsUseful commands for developing Django applications.:arrow_upper_right:
12@anler/working-with-unix-pr…Examples and source code from the book Working with Unix processes:arrow_upper_right:
12@niwinz/djorm-ext-pgbyteaDjango extension for postgresql bytea field and other usefull toos for dealing with binary data.
12@Obijuan/simplez-fpgaVerilog implementation of the educational "Simplez" processor
12@javierhonduco/pgheropghero python port
12@anler/django-test-client-e…Extensions to Django's built-in test client.
11@niwinz/pgbouncer-ngSimple connection pool for postgresql, written in python.
11@joedicastro/code_evalThis is my attempt to solve some problems of this project, http://codeeval.com, using the python language. The target is to solve as many as I can, and keep the time consumed by each script below 10 seconds.
11@leplatrem/florunAn editor for flow based programming !
10@vmayoral/basic_reinforcement_…An introduction series to Reinforcement Learning (RL) with comprehensive step-by-step tutorials.
10@anler/django-blackholeDjango application that let's you work in your templates apart from having or not the corresponding views created
10@jespino/anilloRing/compojure like nanoframework build on top of werkzoug
10@leplatrem/folder-theaterGenerates a fancy Web page from a folder with movies files.
9@Obijuan/frikiFreecad, RobotIcs and KInematics Library
9@jespino/django-tintDjango Transparent Image Neat Transformer (Based on mirumee/django-images)
9@Obijuan/pyoomlPython Object Oriented Mechanics library (OOML). Use python as a mechanical description language
9@laughedelic/sublime-idrisSublime Text plugin for Idris language. MOVED TO @idris-hackers:arrow_upper_right:
9@yagop/AGClientUC3M Moodle (AulaGlobal) from console
8@jespino/django-srDjango settings resolver
8@maraujop/TracMercurialChanges…Trac plugin that inserts Mercurial repository information into Trac's database, thus integrating Mercurial and Trac to a fuller extend than the default Trac support. It enables ticket search, ticket changelogs, etc. Compatible with TracMercurial plugin:arrow_upper_right:
8@niwinz/pyssh-ctypesIs a python, object oriented wrapper for libssh build with ctypes.:arrow_upper_right:
8@niwinz/niwi-webSource code of www.niwi.be:arrow_upper_right:
8@jespino/cpython-very-bad-thi…A set of python script to do very bad things to the cpython interpreter.
7@jespino/django-rest-framewor…API documentation system for django-rest-framework
7@javierhonduco/tvvennSet operations – on twitter.
7@niwinz/djorm-ext-pguuidPostgreSQL native uuid field support for Django.
7@niwinz/django-rawincludeSmall module for django that gives the ease of loading templates in raw. This really is useful for embedding javascript templates with sintaxys similar to django.
7@MarioVilas/cve_wordpressA tool to enumerate CVEs to check based on the WordPress version.
7@jaimegildesagredo/cormoranA fast and lightweight persistence framework
7@anler/RockefellerLibrary for dealing with money and currency conversion in Python:arrow_upper_right:
6@fjavieralba/ruleparserPython Rule Parser. Allows to apply rules to tagged text. Results are NLTK Trees
6@jaimegildesagredo/doublex-expectsDoublex-expects is an Expects matchers library for Doublex test doubles assertions.:arrow_upper_right:
6@jespino/vim-rebtagsVim plugin for rebuild tags files with ctags
5@jaimegildesagredo/server-expectsServerspec-like Expects matchers library
5@mayhem/coverart_redirectURL redirect service for the coverartarchive.org:arrow_upper_right:
5@piranna/AntiORMSQL-to-function mapping
5@niwinz/djorm-ext-pggeomPostgreSQL native geometric types and fields extension for Django.
5@jespino/cdbookmarksBookmars for Linux Shell
5@anler/App-Engine-runserver…Safe defaults for working with google's app engine dev_appserver.py script.
5@maraujop/django-MultiWidgetLa…An enhanced class based on MultiWidget that lets you easily control the rendering using a layout
4@MarioVilas/url_shortener_utilsHaving fun with URL shorteners
4@MarioVilas/rtsp-fuzzerAn RTSP proxy I wrote in 2007, to be used in fuzzers.
4@vmayoral/bb_altimeterROS package for the BeagleBone that publishes the altimeter MPL3115A2 values to a Topic
4@leplatrem/nose-mocha-reporterNose plugin to mimic default Mocha tests reporter
4@niwinz/needlestackExperiment for make more low-level and python3 compatible modular search for Django (like haystack but with other philosophy)
4@anler/automatonGenerator of state machines that accept the same language of a given regular expression using derivatives method.
4@MarioVilas/network_toolsCollection of miscellaneous utilities and libraries written in Python, mostly centered around scripting Web services from Python.
4@niwinz/django-dbconfSimple helper for store some configuration to database and efficient access to this settings.
3@fjavieralba/rst_gistrst directive to embed github gist snippets
3@anler/HTML-Ipsum-Alfred-pl…Dummy text generator plugin for Alfred app.
3@joedicastro/i8kfansAdjust the fans speed in various Dell laptops (with a nvidia graphics card) to maintain the right temperatures. This affect both fans, the cpu and the gpu fan.
3@MarioVilas/forensic_tools"Forensic" in this case is just a fancy word for "file parsers". Sounds a hell of a lot better, you know.
3@MarioVilas/vtrace-mirrorAutomatically exported from code.google.com/p/vtrace-mirror
3@MarioVilas/shellgenShellGen - Backed up from http://inguma.eu/project/shellgen
3@mvader/PyFiMPPTranspiler to python for the pony programming language FiM++. More info: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/10/ed…
3@jaimegildesagredo/cormoran-restExample project to show how to build a REST API with Tornado and Cormoran
3@jaimegildesagredo/tornado-expectsExpects matchers for Tornado request and response objects
3@leplatrem/kinto-telegram-wallPublish on a wall from a Telegram bot:arrow_upper_right:
3@Obijuan/tutorial-openscadEjemplos usados en los tutoriales de openscad
3@javierhonduco/emoji-mlemoji + machine learning = awesomeness
3@niwinz/django-jsgettextImprovement for a javascript gettext support in Django
3@javierhonduco/sptfy-toolsspotify hacks
3@niwinz/django-logstreamMultiprocess log collector for python/django-logging:arrow_upper_right:
3@jespino/python-master-keyThe python master key to open classes
3@niwinz/djcitiesA full database of contry/state/city/timezone for django.
2@piranna/PirannaFSModular and extensible general purpose filesystem using a SQLite database to manage metadata.:arrow_upper_right:
2@anler/mdblogSuper simple static-blog generator
2@abdonrd/appengine-flask-temp…A template for use Flask (a Python microframework) on Google App Engine.
2@anler/Django-mysql-utilsSome tweaks to improve speed in MySQL databases.
2@joedicastro/Project-EulerThis is my attempt to solve some problems of this project, http://projecteuler.net, using the python language. The target is to solve as many as I can, and keep the time consumed by each script below 30 second at a minimum and preferably below 10s.
2@vmayoral/bb_sharp_irBeagleBone Shark IR sensors ROS Package
2@anler/Fancy-UnittestExtension of python's built-in unittest module to colorize test output
2@leplatrem/django-geojson-fieldDjango GeoJSON fields with Leaflet
2@Obijuan/RoboDrawPrintable small scara robot for drawing
2@jespino/photoplexorPhoto procesing distributed system
2@mvader/follow_listFollow all users in a twitter list.
2@jespino/pydstoragesPython generic filesystem storage abstraction (Extracted from django)
2@mvader/tumblrpicRetrieve all the pictures of a tumblr directly from your command line!
2@jespino/jonathanSimple video server for local networks using web browser as clients
2@jespino/GalaxduSSpace Conquest Strategy Game
2@joedicastro/my-rawdog-planetIt is a customized rawdog to create a bilingual planet (Spanish & English) with news feeds in their respective languages. Both languages are updated at the same time.
2@niwinz/py-s3putScp like, amazon s3 backup tool.:arrow_upper_right:
2@jespino/sampledataSample Data generator for Python:arrow_upper_right:
2@niwinz/py-geventserverScript for launch any wsgi or django application over gevent wsgi server.:arrow_upper_right:
2@mayhem/statler-waldorfGrumpy meeting announcer for MusicBrainz.
2@maraujop/django-registrationMy personal fork of django-registration 0.8 alpha by James Bennett. Some hacks I've done to it. Read commits if you are curious.
2@niwinz/byteholdSimple backup tool written in python3, which helps not to repeat scripts.


84@oscarperpinan/spacetime-visMethods to display time series, spatial and space-time data using R:arrow_upper_right:
65@manlius/muxVizAnalysis and Visualization of Interconnected Multilayer Networks:arrow_upper_right:
36@masalmon/monkeylearn:monkey: R package for text analysis with Monkeylearn :monkey:
22@oscarperpinan/rastervisThe raster package defines classes and methods for spatial raster data access and manipulation. The rasterVis package complements raster providing a set of methods for enhanced visualization and interaction.:arrow_upper_right:
18@oscarperpinan/meteoForecastA package to access outputs from Numerical Weather Prediction models both in raster format and as a time series for a location
15@rdiaz02/Adios_MendeleyMoving from Mendeley to Zotero
14@fcharte/ExploraVisualizaconRAnálisis exploratorio y visualización de datos con R
11@pedroj/bipartite_plotsR code for plotting bipartite networks.
8@oscarperpinan/solarSolar Radiation and Photovoltaic Systems with R:arrow_upper_right:
8@Pakillo/templateA template for research projects structured as R packages
7@fcharte/mldrR package for analyzing and manipulating multilabel datasets
6@BrunoVilela/letsRPackage letsR
5@fcharte/CursoCienciaDatosRMaterial de las sesiones de R del curso Ciencia de datos del Centro Mediterráneo (UGR)
4@rdiaz02/Zotero-to-RefereyConvert Zotero db to use Referey
2@pedroj/FRUBASEThis is the page for the FRUBASE database, a huge dataset of fleshy fruit traits compiled from bibliographic references and my own work. Data are provided for more than 1000 plant species from all around the world.
2@masalmon/usaqmindiaData from the U.S. Embassy and Consulate air quality monitors in India
2@sestelo/shiny_npregfastA shiny app for the npregfast package


1730@scambra/devise_invitableAn invitation strategy for devise
652@jaimeiniesta/metainspectorRuby gem for web scraping purposes. It scrapes a given URL, and returns you its title, meta description, meta keywords, an array with all the links, all the images in it, etc.:arrow_upper_right:
122@brianstorti/ruby-graph-algorithm…Ruby implementation of some famous graph algorithms
110@ixti/redmine_tagsRedmine plugin, that adds issues tagging support
101@bigardone/rails_and_reactSample application using Rails 4.2.0 beta and React.js:arrow_upper_right:
56@jaimeiniesta/rubymotion-nerdExamples from iOS Programming Big Nerd Ranch 3rd ed., implemented in RubyMotion
54@bomberstudios/sinatra_wikiAn ultralight, ultraminimal wiki thing with Markdown
38@bomberstudios/blikiA small blog + wiki engine built on Sinatra + Stone
37@jsierles/js_named_routesRails named routes in javascript
37@rubiojr/knife-esx@maintux's FORK IS NOW OFFICIAL: https://github.com/maintux/knife-esx:arrow_upper_right:
34@xuanxu/nimbusNimbus is a Ruby gem to implement Random Forest algorithms in a genomic selection context:arrow_upper_right:
31@flype/stats_for_alleasy to use, scalable and elegant tracking stats plugin for your rails models
29@bomberstudios/nanoc_extensionsTesting ground for nanoc filters, plugins and commands
26@jaimeiniesta/planetoidA lightweight planet, without steroids
25@juanje/cookbook-redmineChef's Cookbook for installing Redmine
25@rubiojr/esx@maintux's FORK IS NOW OFFICIAL:arrow_upper_right:
24@ixti/ixti.github.ioPrivate scratchpad with public access:arrow_upper_right:
22@flype/LetsDecideUSThe new way of voting in mailing lists.:arrow_upper_right:
22@bomberstudios/coding-designerMy stack to design in code, explained:arrow_upper_right:
22@jsierles/peepcode-chef-recipe…Chef recipes for Chef Peepcode
17@rubiojr/knife-kvmNO LONGER MAINTAINED - See https://github.com/chef/knife-kvm
16@dLobatog/Amazon-cloudstock-ha…Implementation of Amazon DynamoDB and S3 push and retrieval of data using Ruby and Rails and the AWS SDK for Ruby. Quite seamless if you know ActiveRecord!
14@rubiojr/howlingmine-server(NO LONGER MAINTAINED) Redmine plugin providing an HTTP interface to the Redmine issues
14@jaimeiniesta/rubymotion-todoA simple to-do list for the iPhone built with RubyMotion
13@ixti/bootstrap.scssSASS port of Twitter's Bootstrap CSS toolkit.
13@rubiojr/chef-knivesChef addons to become a cooking master!:arrow_upper_right:
13@rubiojr/pangea(NO LONGER MAINTAINED, use fog/xenserver provider) Xen API Ruby Implementation:arrow_upper_right:
13@brianstorti/rubygems_plugin_gene…A RubyGems plugin to generate RubyGems plugins
12@pantulis/devise-omniauth-only…Example project - authenticates only with Twitter via Omniauth on Devise
12@rubiojr/airvideo-server-uiAirVideo Server for Linux User Interface:arrow_upper_right:
11@pantulis/whoisbiggerA concoction mixing Sinatra with Yahoo Finance API:arrow_upper_right:
10@bomberstudios/psd-extract-font-inf…A quick Ruby script to extract font information from PSD files
10@pantulis/tacomaSimple wrapper for AWS credential key management
10@saimonmoore/dm-counter-cacheDataMapper::CounterCacheable allows you to transparently maintain counts on a collection association for a DataMapper::Resource object.:arrow_upper_right:
9@xuanxu/telegraphRuby gem to read and write Morse code
9@rgo/foreign_key_migratio…Plugin that automatically generates foreign keys when creating tables
8@rubiojr/EvertonThin wrapper around Evernote Ruby API (https://github.com/cgs/evernote)
8@rubiojr/cifradoOpenStack Swift client CLI with encryption support:arrow_upper_right:
8@brianstorti/vagalumeRead song's lyrics without leaving your beloved terminal
8@saimonmoore/backgroundjobBackgroundjob fork:arrow_upper_right:
8@rubiojr/homebrew-linux-formu…Hombrew Linux Formulas
7@josepjaume/dexterDexter is a command line file organizer for your TV series
7@scambra/dependent_protectAdds dependent protect option to rails associations
7@rubiojr/elfariAbiquo IRC Bot
7@antonio/docnmockDocument and mock your APIs
6@albertoperdomo/webchatDocumentation and samples on webchat platforms
6@rgo/dtcDesenchufa tu casa
6@bomberstudios/rack-footnotesRack middleware to insert text comments into pages. First created to be used with jlong's serve, but should work with pretty much every rack app
6@rafadc/rhythmicA command line interactive rhythm machine for Ruby
6@rubiojr/git-annex-watcherGit Annex Status Icon/AppIndicator
6@apardo/saharaAplicación para el envio de mensajes a europarlamentarios:arrow_upper_right:
6@fuzzyalej/thinking-sphinx-rspe…Shoulda matchers for Thinking Sphinx
5@juanje/chef-testingExample of how to write Chef recipes by testing first. My personal examples and notes of the process.
5@albertoperdomo/amqp_examplesExamples in Ruby/Rails using AMQP/Bunny/Warren + some documentation
5@bomberstudios/serve-livereloadA barebones @jlong/serve project including support for LiveReload (via rack-liverload and guard-livereload, so no browser extensions needed!)
5@saimonmoore/merb-sample-app-on-p…Just a very simple merb app with everything bundled running on passenger
5@pantulis/planet-chumboA small, no frills RSS feed aggregator for PlanetaMalaga.net:arrow_upper_right:
5@rubiojr/ohai-pluginsCustom ohai plugins
4@rubiojr/chef-rpms-builderChef RPMS build script
4@bomberstudios/flubyA simple command to create an empty ActionScript project for MTASC + SWFMILL + Rake
4@juanje/morteroPlace for testing LWRP for Chef
4@juanje/cookbook-buildbotInstall a master and slave Buildbot with the default configuration with Chef
4@rubiojr/knife-playgroundPlayground for various Opscode Chef Knife plugins
4@ixti/gnucash-invoiceEasy to use invoice printer for GnuCash.
4@ixti/blogPrivate scratchpad with public access
4@scambra/active_scaffold_depe…ActiveScaffold Bridge for dependent protect. Forbid destroy action when an association with dependent protect is not empty
4@rubiojr/bottlesTurn Your Web Apps into Real Linux Apps :)
4@rubiojr/filefmDead simple file uploads and downloads, with progressbar!
4@rubiojr/knife-brightboxOpscode Chef knife plug-in for Brightbox Cloud
4@xuanxu/random_sourcesRuby gem to generate random numbers from web providers of real randomness sources like radioactive decay or atmospheric noise.:arrow_upper_right:
4@bomberstudios/rack-smusherRack middleware to smush images
4@rubiojr/yumrepoLibrary to work with YUM repositories
4@flype/merb_markabythe merb_markaby fork
4@saimonmoore/skynetFork of skynet:arrow_upper_right:
3@rubiojr/swift-soloChef Cookbooks to install an OpenStack Swift cluster using knife-solo
3@rubiojr/webeeAbiquo API ruby client:arrow_upper_right:
3@rubiojr/iorbhttp://drop.io CLI interface:arrow_upper_right:
3@rubiojr/knockedSatec Gestion DNS command line interface
3@rubiojr/veewee-profilesUnofficial Veewee Profiles
3@bomberstudios/posterAn anonymous image hosting service, with a companion Fireworks plugin to upload images.
3@rubiojr/howlingmine-client(NO LONGER MAINTAINED) Howling Mine client library (See http://github.com/rubiojr/howlingmine-se…
3@coromoto/PruebasUnitariasPruebas Unitarias
3@juanje/rcalcA simple command line calculator
3@Foxandxss/foxandxss.netFoxandxss' home page
3@jsierles/kayakKayak, a sample Rails app for testing Chef recipes
3@flype/football-tablefootball table score keeper
3@brianstorti/gem-readmeYour gems' README, right in your terminal, because life is too short to be wasted in a browser.
3@flype/chef_solo_railsrumbl…Setup an Ubuntu VPS for RailsRumble:arrow_upper_right:
3@rubiojr/prowlmeProwl Sinatra App:arrow_upper_right:
3@rafadc/empty_rubyA sample empty project file for Ruby
2@flype/la-coctelera-paginat…Optimal pagination with WillPaginate:arrow_upper_right:
2@dLobatog/RRPDFPDF Renderer for Ruby on Rails 3+
2@dLobatog/FFMailEver wanted to send email directly from a form in Rails? Now you can, with validations, etc..
2@oriolgual/ruby-metaprogrammingExercises for the Ruby Metaprogramming course:arrow_upper_right:
2@oriolgual/silvia.catSilvia Bruja's web:arrow_upper_right:
2@dLobatog/DepotA quick example on how to build a RoR online shop
2@scambra/tuentiA non-official Ruby API for Tuenti
2@scambra/wiki_engineUnobtrusive wiki that can be easily integrated into existing application
2@micho/devsurfingHost developers, travel to other people's offices
2@pantulis/rubytutTutorial de Ruby
2@ixti/slocstarSLOC stats generator.:arrow_upper_right:
2@demimismo/maloshumosVisualizing air quality for fun:arrow_upper_right:
2@ixti/viberatorViberPC chat logs dumper
2@dLobatog/SQLTemplaterStore your templates in a SQL database and get them automatically cached
2@albertoperdomo/formtastic_addons_te…This is just a sample Rails 3 app to try out the different formtastic addons out there to see how they they work (and if they workproperly):arrow_upper_right:
2@rgo/juggernaut-sampleLittle rails application to demostrate how works juggernaut as irc server
2@jaimeiniesta/SRUG.orgSRUG.org website:arrow_upper_right:
2@apardo/smspatioSMS para movimientos sociales
2@saimonmoore/caleidoscopeA small shoes application for my daughter:arrow_upper_right:
2@jsierles/asterisk-cookbookA Chef cookbook for creating an Asterisk server
2@micho/json-pusherBridge from JS to Pusherapp, to broadcast JSON payloads to and from JS


9@algd/oauth2.0-scalaOAuth 2.0 authorization provider implementation for Akka-http
6@JSantosP/lolcode-dslActivator template for Lolcode DSL. This activator aims to use Scala as a powerfull tool for embedding domain specific languages.


40@aplatanado/yakuake-sessionA script to create new yakuake sessions from command-line or '.desktop' files. It allows yakuake to be a better replacement of konsole.
11@jorgemoralespou/docker-jboss-eapDocker images for JBoss EAP
9@jorgemoralespou/jboss-virtual-enviro…Vagrant machines for working with JBoss products
6@padajuan/ansible-demoAnsible/Ansible-Tower Demostration with HAproxy as LB and Jboss AS7
6@fermayo/ssh-tunnel-daemonForwards ports to remote hosts using SSH tunnels
5@aplatanado/FuseISOMenuFuseISOMenu is a simple front-end menu to "fuseiso", which must also be installed. It allows regular non-root users to easily mount and unmount CD/DVD ISO images of various formats. Currently supports plain ISO9660 Level 1 and 2, Rock Ridge, Joliet, zisofs. Supported image types: ISO, BIN (single track only), NRG, MDF, IMG (CCD). This is my own version of the script uploaded to http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Fus… by Jason Farrell farrellj@gmail.com
4@sjmudd/postfix-rpmPostfix RPMs for RedHat and Fedora distributions:arrow_upper_right:
4@jorgemoralespou/nexus-oseOSS Sonatype Nexus 2 running on OSE3
4@jorgemoralespou/docker-slidesVarious presentations around Docker
4@psicobyte/rankingfakerScript para ascender maliciosamente en el ranking de github
3@sjmudd/webscalesql-rpmRPM build script for WebScaleSQL
2@imobilis/swadInstallSetup scripts for e-Learning platform OpenSWAD:arrow_upper_right:
2@marioblas/dotfiles:computer: My macOS dotfiles
2@jorgemoralespou/docker-jboss-modclus…Dcoker image for JBoss modcluster


19@robertofrontado/RxSocialConnect-iOSOAuth RxSwift extension for iOS.


2@oxcar103/Benchmark-103Práctica sobre Benchmark de Ingeniería de Servidores(IS)

:question: Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. :rocket:

:yum: How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

:sparkling_heart: Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

Thanks! :heart:

:scroll: License

MIT © Ionică Bizău