


Useful commands for developing Django applications.

Available commands

Getting help

Run: python manage.py <command> -h for getting help of a command.



List all loaded settings

python manage.py conf

Filter by setting name

The search is case insensitive and is treated as a regular expression.

python manage.py conf "debug$" "use_tz"


Run a python file

Run a python file within your Django environment:

python manage.py run path/to/my/script.py

You can also supply arguments to the file. sys.argv inside the script will be the same as if the script is executed directly:

python manage.py run path/to/my/script.py:"argument --another-argument=something"

Run multiple files

python manage.py run path/to/my/script_1.py path/to/my/script_2.py

Interrupting execution within the running file

You can raise within a CommandError exception within your script anytime you want to interrupt the execution. Is not necessary that you import such an exception since it is available automatically in the execution environment:

Let's say you have the following main.py script:

from django.conf import settings

if settings.DEBUG:
    raise CommandError("Can't run if DEBUG is True!")


Temporarily override a setting while running a command

Let's say you have the following main.py script:

from django.conf import settings

if settings.DEBUG:
    raise CommandError("Can't run if DEBUG is True!")

You can turn DEBUG off while running the run command with:

python manage.py settings DEBUG=False --exec "run path/to/main.py"

Very useful when running celery in my dev environment and I don't want any memory leak:

python manage.py settings DEBUG=False --exec "celeryd"

You can pass any valid python code as a setting####

python manage.py settings "DATABASES['default']['engine'] = 'django.db.backends.sqlite3'" --exec "runserver"


List the available commands of only auth and staticfiles:

python manage.py commands auth staticfiles


TODO: Add support for passing argument and keyword arguments via the command line.

Call a function a print its results

python manage.py call django.core.management.get_commands