


This Symfony plugin enables easy to use integration with the Flattr service. Specifically, it provides a helper function to create Flattr buttons.


I recommend installing the plugin as a Git submodule:

$ git submodule add plugins/sfFlattrPlugin http://github.com/tobiassjosten/sfFlattrPlugin.git

Then you add it to your list of enabled plugins:

// config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
  public function setup()

And finally you add it you you filter chain:

# apps/frontend/config/filters.yml
rendering: ~
security:  ~
  class: sfFlattrFilter
cache:     ~
execution: ~


There are three ways to configure your Flattr buttons. You can either do it in app.yml, when you create buttons or a mix of the two.

These are the settings you can use in your app.yml:

    # Required
    uid:         User ID on Flattr.
    title:       The title of your item.
    description: A description of your item.
    category:    text, images, video, audio, software or rest
    # Optional
    language:    Language of the item, using syntax 'en_GB'.
    tags:        Comma seperated,list of,tags
    button:      normal (default) or compact
    hidden:      1 to hide, 0 (default) to show on Flattr.com listing
    html5:       false


Creating a Flattr buttons involves first including the helper. Either in your settings.yml:

# apps/frontend/config/settings.yml
      - Flattr

... or directly in your view:

<?php use_helper('Flattr') ?>

And then you may use the helper. Here is an example with most of the configuration options either instead of or to override settings in app.yml:

flattr_button(url_for('my_route', $item, true), array(
  'uid' => 'tobiassjosten',
  'title' => 'Example title',
  'description' => 'A very descriptive text',
  'category' => 'text',
  'button' => 'compact',
  'html5' => false,
  'data' => array('button' => 'compact'),