

Backbone.js APP for Betabeers

This project consists of a Backbone.js application for building real-time collaborative movie listings using Node.js,Express, Jade, Stylus, Backbone.js, Socket.io and MongoDB. When a user connect to the site, he can create, edit, vote, or delete movies. All connected users will see the changes in real-time. The project consists of two main components: the application and a RESTful API.

The application

The application has been built using Backbone.js and you can see it deployed in Nodester here. It has two views: the movie list and the detail of a movie. In the first, there is a field to create movies and in the latter, each field can be edited by double clicking on it. There are two versions:


The API has been built using Express for handling requests, and MongoDB with Mongoose ODM for storing and retrieving data. It has been built as a RESTful API so that it can integrate properly with Backbone.js on the client side. The schema defined for each film has as attributes: ID, title, director and synopsis. The API has the following methods for interacting with films, other requests will result an error:


In order to improve the dynamism of the workshop, I've used socket.io as mentioned above, so when a client connects, an event is broadcasted to all the other clients. Each time the list changes (POST/PUT/DELETE request), an event is also broadcasted and the clients can update the models in real time.


If you want to install the server to try it localy, you just have to clone the repo and run the following commands:

npm install
node server.js

If you wanna use your own DB instead of the one I've created to the workshop, you can do it at MongoLab. The config can be found in config.js so you can easily change the URL to yours.


This project has been developed for supporting my Backbone.js workshop at Betabbers meeting in Córdoba (October 18th, 2012). You can find the slides in Betabeers website and the skeleton for completing the app on your own here.