

Deprecated Repo

I have stopped development on this library due to lack of interest and time.

Peter Melnichenko has graciously taken over development. His work can be seen on here:

I have also transfered my Luarocks rights for sha1 to him, and he'll be the one publishing them from now on.

This repo will remain on github for historical purposes.


This pure-Lua module computes SHA-1 and HMAC-SHA1 signature computations in Lua 5.1.


local sha1 = require 'sha1'

local hash_as_hex   = sha1(message)            -- returns a hex string
local hash_as_data  = sha1.binary(message)     -- returns raw bytes

local hmac_as_hex   = sha1.hmac(key, message)        -- hex string
local hmac_as_data  = sha1.hmac_binary(key, message) -- raw bytes


This is a cleanup of an implementation by Eike Decker - http://cube3d.de/uploads/Main/sha1.txt,

Which in turn was based on an original implementation by Jeffrey Friedl - http://regex.info/blog/lua/sha1

The original algorithm is http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip180-1.htm


This version, as well as all the previous ones in which is based, are implemented under the MIT license (See license file for details).


The specs for this library are implemented with busted. In order to run them, install busted and then:

cd path/to/where/the/spec/folder/is