

Foxandxss.net Homepages CMS

In the beginning, this project was intended for my homepage. But now, is a CMS for homepages.

With this CMS you can create your own homepage without hassle.

You will be able to:

You can see an example (AKA my homepage)


First of all, you have to set your Rails server, in my case I have thin:

group :production do
    gem 'thin'

Then, you need to configure settings.

First, you need to edit config/settings.yml (would be better if you create a config/settings.local.yml):

site_title: MySite

That's is the title that ActiveAdmin will show in the header.

Then, you have config/settings/production.yml (again, is better to create a config/settings/production.local.yml):

  address: smtp.example.com
  port: 111
  domain: example.com
  user_name: mail@example.com
  password: secret
  authentication: plain
  enable_starttls_auto: false

host: example.com
mailer_sender: mail@example.com

Here you have the email configuration, the host (so when you create an email, the host is appended to the url) and the mail you will use as a sender.

If you want to try the app in development mode, you have to configure config/settings/development.yml)

When you migrate your database, a admin user will be created with this credentials:

Username: admin@example.com
Password: password

If you are not logged in, you have to manually access the admin part: yourdomain.com/admin. Then, you will have a link to the admin if you are logged in.

Finally, you need to run rake db:seed to create some default options for your app (being able to create a header and footer).

Then, just deploy, compile your assets and have fun.


There is a lot of stuff in my TODO's list: