<h1>Multicart for codeigniter</h1>This library needs to use the php native sessions, including My_Session.php file in the folder and they are extended libraries correctly. Using sessions remains exactly the same as with native codeigniter.
<h2>Installation</h2>Download files hosted on libraries folder and place them in the libraries folder of your project.
<h1>Example Usage MultiCart</h1> <h2>Create instances</h2> ```php $this->load->library("udp_cart");//load library $this->shop1 = new Udp_cart("shop1");//cart1 $this->shop2 = new Udp_cart("shop2");//cart2 $this->shop3 = new Udp_cart("shop3");//cart3 ``` <h3>Insert a product</h3> ```php $article = array("id" => rand(1,10),"qty" => mt_rand(1,10),"name" => "shoes","price" => "10"); $article["options"] = array("color" => "black", "size" => "4");$this->shop1->insert($article);
<h3>Update product with options and id 7</h3>
$article = array("id" => 7, "qty" => 1, "name" => "shoes", "price" => 2);
$article["options"] = array("color" => "black", "size" => "4");
<h3>Remove a product by rowid</h3>
<p>You just need to pass a rowid that there</p>
<h3>Get cart content</h3>
<h3>Get total cost</h3>
<h3>Get total items</h3>
<h3>Destroy shop1 instance cart</h3>
<h1>Complete example usage</h1>
class Multi extends CI_Controller
//load library and create new instances
public function __construct()
$this->load->library("udp_cart");//load library
$this->shop1 = new Udp_cart("shop1");//cart1
$this->shop2 = new Udp_cart("shop2");//cart2
$this->shop3 = new Udp_cart("shop3");//cart3
//remove instance shopping cart
public function destroy()
echo "<br />";
echo "The shopping cart was succesful deleted";
//send an instance to a view
public function toView()
$data["shop2"] = $this->shop2;
$this->load->view("toview", $data);
//would see instance name shopping cart?
public function name_instance()
echo $this->shop2->instance_name();
//delete a product by rowid
public function remove_producto()
echo "<br />";
echo "The product was succesful deleted";
public function index()
echo "<pre>";
if($cart = $this->shop1->get_content())
foreach($cart as $product)
echo "<h2>Article</h2>" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Id product: " . $product["id"] . PHP_EOL;
echo "Unique ID product: " . $product["rowid"] . PHP_EOL;
echo "Qty product: " . $product["qty"] . PHP_EOL;
echo "Price product: " . $product["price"] . PHP_EOL;
echo "Product name: " . $product["name"] . PHP_EOL;
//if shopping cart has options... loop
foreach($product["options"] as $key => $val)
echo $key . ": " . $val . PHP_EOL;
echo "Sin opciones" . PHP_EOL;
//total price sum this articles
echo "Sum articles: " . $product["total"] . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo "<h1>Total price and articles</h1>" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Total price: " . $this->shop1->total_cart() . PHP_EOL;
echo "Total articles: " . $this->shop1->total_articles() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
//articles number shopping cart
echo $this->shop1->total_articles() . PHP_EOL;
//total price shopping cart
echo $this->shop1->total_cart() . PHP_EOL;;
public function show_carts()
echo "<br /><br />";
echo $this->shop1->total_articles() . PHP_EOL;
echo $this->shop1->total_cart() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo "<br /><br />";
//nueva instancia
echo "<br /><br />";
echo $this->shop2->total_articles() . PHP_EOL;
echo $this->shop2->total_cart();
echo "<br /><br />";
echo "<br /><br />";
echo $this->shop3->total_articles() . PHP_EOL;
echo $this->shop3->total_cart() . PHP_EOL;
private function insert()
$article = array("id" => rand(1,10), "qty" => mt_rand(1,10), "name" => "shoes", "price" => "10");
$article["options"] = array("color" => "black", "size" => "4");
return $article;
public function update()
$article = array("id" => 7, "qty" => 1, "name" => "shoes", "price" => 2);
$article["options"] = array("color" => "black", "size" => "4");
//if cart is updated show info
echo $this->shop1->total_articles();
echo "<br />";
echo $this->shop1->total_cart();
echo "<br /><br />";
echo "The product was succesful updated";
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