


An implementation of some data structures described in Okasaki's book "Purely Functional Data Structures".

I'm trying to follow almost directly the ML implementations using some sugar on David Nolen's [core.match] (https://github.com/clojure/core.match) library.

This sugar is defined in namespace datatype.core.


A datatype contains an object to name it, and a group of constructors with or without parameters.

For instance, a datatype for unbalanced binary search trees can be defined as:

  (Node left root right)) 

Two kinds of constructors are possible:


We can now define functions using pairs of patterns and actions:

(defun insert
    [x Empty] 
        (->Node Empty x Empty)
    [x [Node a y b]]
            (< x y) (->Node (insert x a) y b)
            (< y x) (->Node a y (insert x b))
            :else    t))

(defun member
    [_ Empty]
    [x [Node a y b]]
            (< x y) (recur x a)
            (< y x) (recur x b)
            :else   true))

As factory constructors are defined as records, we can use ->Node, :node-left, :node-root, :node-right on the actions.


A special as-pattern allows capturing the whole value of a parameter besides its parts. For instance:

(defun insert
    [x Empty] 
        (->Node Empty x Empty)
    [x ([Node a y b] :as t)]
            (< x y) (->Node (insert x a) y b)
            (< y x) (->Node a y (insert x b))
            :else  t))


We can define or-patterns to group conditions that correspond to the same action. They only work at the topmost level of a condition. For instance:

(defun ^:private balance
    (:or [Black [Node Red [Node Red a x b] y c] z d] 
         [Black [Node Red a x [Node Red b y c]] z d] 
         [Black a x [Node Red [Node Red b y c] z d]] 
         [Black a x [Node Red b y [Node Red c z d]]]) 
              (->Node Red (->Node Black a x b) y (->Node Black c z d))
    [c a x b]                                         
              (->Node c a x b))


We can also define conditional code using patterns by means of the caseof macro:

(caseof [t]
    [Empty] true
    [[Node _ _ _]] false)


In chapter 4 of the book $-notation is presented to allow lazy-evaluation. We have defined symbol `$ with two complementary meanings, depending on the side of the rule where it appears:

For instance, we can define Streams as delayed StreamCells and define:

(defun s-drop_
    [0 s] s
    [n ($ Nil)] ($ Nil)
    [n ($ [Cons x s])] (recur (dec n) s))


In order to simplify the construction of lazy-functions (which return delayed objects) we have defined the equivalent macro using the definition given in the book:

fun lazy f p = e 

is equivalent to

fun f x = $case x of p => force e

For instance, we can define now:

(defunlazy s-append
   [($ Nil) t] t
   [($ [Cons x s]) t] ($ (->Cons x (s-append s t))))

and the streams are not evaluated when applied but when accessed.

Some simplifications

An alternartive to $-notation has been defined to simplify some lazy definitions and datatypes.

Lazy constructors

Some constructors can be lazy: they are evaluated only if needed.

To define a constructor as lazy, we associate the :lazy metadata as true with it.

For instance, we can define the Streams type as

   (^:datatype.core/lazy Cons elem stream))

which would define the Cons constructor to be lazy.

Using it we can define a function that returns the infinite stream of naturals

(defn nats
    ([]  (nats 0))
    ([n] (->Cons n (nats (inc n)))))


When we want to define all the constructors of a datatype as lazy, we can use deflazy as a shortcut.

    (Cons elem stream))

and now both constructors would be defined as lazy.

(c) Juan Manuel Gimeno Illa