Dexter helps you organize your tv series with well, you know... Dexterity}
It automatically detects all video files that seem like a series and moves them into an appropriate path.
Currently in hard alpha but functional.
$ dexter
It organizes all the files within the current directory and its subdirectories and places them into appropriate folders
$ dexter --input <input> --output <output>
Checks all the directories and subdirectories in <input> and creates a folder structure moving the files in <output>
$ dexter --format ":name/S:season/:name S:seasonE:episode.:extension"
Moves the files using the format specified.
$ dexter --verbose false
Removes all output
Running the tests - development only
Dexter is tested with RSpec and cucumber.
$ bundle exec rspec spec
Runs the functional tests
$ bundle exec cucumber features
Runs the integration tests