

Awesome-SLAM Awesome

A curated list of SLAM resources

Stay Tuned for Constant Updates

Last updated: Mar. 14th, 2021.

The repo is maintained by Youjie Xia. The repo mainly summarizes the awesome repositories relevant to SLAM/VO on GitHub, including those on the PC end, the mobile end and some learner-friendly tutorials.

Regrading awesome SLAM papers, please refer to Awesome-SLAM-Papers.

If you want to know more about dependencies/packages of SLAM systems, please refer to Installing Dependencies on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS towards SLAM Projects (Updating).

If you think this repo is useful, please watchstar or fork it!

Welcome to contribute to this repo, if you are interested in SLAM! Feel free to creat a pull request or contact me.

Note: Name Format - repository name: one-sentence introduction (with link to the corresponding repo)

Table of Contents

<a name="HotRepos"></a>

1. Hot SLAM Repos on GitHub

<a name="VSLAM"></a>

2. Visual SLAM

<a name="VFramework"></a>

2.1 Framework

<a name="VMono"></a>

2.2 Monocular

<a name="VStereo"></a>

2.3 Stereo

<a name="VRGBD"></a>

2.4 RGBD

<a name="VOthers"></a>

2.5 Others

<a name="VISLAM"></a>

3. Visual Inertial SLAM

<a name="VIFramework"></a>

3.1 Framework

<a name="VIMono"></a>

3.2 Monocular

<a name="VIStereo"></a>

3.3 Stereo

<a name="VIRGBD"></a>

3.4 RGBD

<a name="VIOthers"></a>

3.5 Others

<a name="LIDARSLAM"></a>

4. LIDAR based SLAM

<a name="LFramework"></a>

4.1 Framework

<a name="LOthers"></a>

4.2 Others

<a name="LSLAM"></a>

5. Learning based SLAM

The SLAM algorithms using conventional methods are listed above by default. The section is to list SLAM algos using learning based methods.

<a name="LSurvey"></a>

5.1 Survey

<a name="LOthers5"></a>

5.2 Others

<a name="DeepFeat"></a>

5.3 Deep Features

<a name="Semantic"></a>

5.4 Semantic SLAM

<a name="MobileSLAM"></a>

6. Mobile End SLAM

The SLAM algorithms running on PC end are listed above by default. The section is to list references and resources for SLAM algo dev on mobile end.

<a name="MV"></a>

6.1 Visual SLAM

<a name="MVI"></a>

6.2 Visual Inertial SLAM

<a name="MAR"></a>

6.3 Augmented Reality

6.3.1 Depth Image API with iPhone 7 Plus (or newer)

<a name="MOthers"></a>

6.4 Others

<a name="Datasets"></a>

7. Datasets

<a name="Tutorials"></a>

8. Tutorials

<a name="3DVision"></a>

8.1 3D Vision

8.1.1 Libs

<a name="Robotics"></a>

8.2 Robotics

<a name="Lie"></a>

8.3 Lie Algebra and Lie Groups

8.3.1 Libs

<a name="Opt"></a>

8.4 Optimization Techniques

8.4.1 Libs

<a name="Calibr"></a>

8.5 Calibration

8.5.1 Libs

<a name="RANSAC"></a>


<a name="Blogs"></a>

9. Selected Blogs

<a name="Groups"></a>

10. Research Groups


<a name="Community"></a>

11. Community