


1. Overview

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/muskie82/AR-Depth-cpp/blob/master/gif/file.gif" width="500" height="320"> </p>

This is a C++ implementation of Fast Depth Densification for Occlusion-aware Augmented Reality (SIGGRAPH ASIA2018) and its python implementation.

The code generates dense depth map from sparse depth points of visual SLAM by using variational method.

Sample data is from AR-Depth.

2. Installation

2.1 Dependencies

  1. OpenCV (>3.2)
  2. Eigen 3.3.5

2.3 Build

3 Usage

You can run sample program

	./AR_Depth /path/to/sample_data/frames /path/to/sample_data/reconsrtruction

4 Reference

5 License

GPLv3 license.