


Related Papers:

1. Installation

Please follow https://github.com/JakobEngel/dso.

2. Usage

  1. Modify the bash file

  2. For stereo:

    bash ./run.bash
  3. For mono:

    bash ./run_mono.bash
    transform matrix from right camera to left camera (4x4).
    transform matrix from left camera to imu (4x4).
    gyroscope noise density [ rad / s / sqrt(Hz) ] ( gyro "white noise" )
    accelerometer noise density [ m / s^2 / sqrt(Hz) ]   ( accel "white noise" )
    gyroscope random walk [ rad / s^2 / sqrt(Hz) ] ( gyro bias diffusion )
    accelerometer random walk [ m / s^3 / sqrt(Hz) ].  ( accel bias diffusion ) 


SE(3) Umeyama alignment:

weight 6,0.6,0.5MH01MH02MH03MH04MH05V101V102V103V201V202V203
ape rmse(m)0.03210.02880.07430.1190.0720.05990.1050.1680.08520.06670.211

No alignment(Initialization may have an impact on the results):

weight 6,0.6,0.5MH01MH02MH03MH04MH05V101V102V103V201V202V203
ape rmse(m)0.09930.05570.2340.1940.1110.2320.2020.27770.1020.1140.263

Apply First Estimates Jacobians to scale to maintain consistency.

EuRoC MH01:

green line: groundtruth, redline: VI-Stereo-DSO


This project aims at verifying the location performance of VI-Stero-DSO. The computational efficiency is to be improved. Actually in current code, many preintergration operations are redundant and can be simplified.