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A curated list of graph-based fraud, anomaly, and outlier detection papers & resources

Table of Content

GNN Papers

2024 [Back to Top]

2024Connecting the Dots: Graph Neural Networks for Auditing Accounting Journal EntriesSSRN 2024LinkLink
2024Dispelling the Fake: Social Bot Detection Based on Edge Confidence EvaluationIEEE TNNLS 2024LinkLink
2024Friend or Foe? Mining Suspicious Behavior via Graph Capsule Infomax Detector against FraudstersTheWebConf 2024LinkLink
2024Graph Anomaly Detection with Bi-level OptimizationTheWebConf 2024LinkLink
2024Heterogeneous Subgraph Transformer for Fake News DetectionTheWebConf 2024LinkLink
2024Guarding Graph Neural Networks for Unsupervised Graph Anomaly DetectionarXiv 2024LinkLink
2024Improving Robustness of GNN-based Anomaly Detection by Graph Adversarial TrainingLREC-COLING 2024LinkLink
2024Multi-task Contrastive Learning for Anomaly Detection on Attributed NetworksPAKDD 2024LinkLink
2024TCGNN: Text-Clustering Graph Neural Networks for Fake News Detection on Social MediaPAKDD 2024LinkLink
2024Generation is better than Modification: Combating High Class Homophily Variance in Graph Anomaly DetectionarXiv 2024LinkLink
2024Revisiting Attack-caused Structural Distribution Shift in Graph Anomaly DetectionIEEE TKDE 2024LinkLink
2024F2GNN: An Adaptive Filter with Feature Segmentation for Graph-Based Fraud DetectionICASSP 2024LinkLink
2024RAGFormer: Learning Semantic Attributes and Topological Structure for Fraud DetectionarXiv 2024LinkLink
2024CaT-GNN: Enhancing Credit Card Fraud Detection via Causal Temporal Graph Neural NetworksarXiv 2024LinkLink
2024Generative Semi-supervised Graph Anomaly DetectionarXiv 2024LinkLink
2024Multitask Active Learning for Graph Anomaly DetectionarXiv 2024LinkLink
2024Provably Powerful Graph Neural Networks for Directed MultigraphsAAAI 2024LinkLink
2024Propagation Tree Is Not Deep: Adaptive Graph Contrastive Learning Approach for Rumor DetectionAAAI 2024LinkLink
2024Barely Supervised Learning for Graph-Based Fraud DetectionAAAI 2024LinkLink
2024ADA-GAD: Anomaly-Denoised Autoencoders for Graph Anomaly DetectionAAAI 2024LinkLink
2024Pre-trained Online Contrastive Learning for Insurance Fraud DetectionAAAI 2024LinkLink
2024Towards Robust Rumor Detection with Graph Contrastive and Curriculum LearningACM TKDD 2024LinkLink
2024Partitioning Message Passing for Graph Fraud DetectionICLR 2024LinkLink
2024Consistency Training with Learnable Data Augmentation for Graph Anomaly Detection with Limited SupervisionICLR 2024LinkLink
2024Boosting Graph Anomaly Detection with Adaptive Message PassingICLR 2024LinkLink
2024Rayleigh Quotient Graph Neural Networks for Graph-level Anomaly DetectionICLR 2024LinkLink
2024PhoGAD: Graph-based Anomaly Behavior Detection with Persistent Homology OptimizationWSDM 2024LinkLink
2024SCALA: Sparsification-based Contrastive Learning for Anomaly Detection on Attributed NetworksarXiv 2024LinkLink

2023 [Back to Top]

2023Three Revisits to Node-Level Graph Anomaly Detection: Outliers, Message Passing and Hyperbolic Neural NetworksLoG 2023LinkLink
2023Data Augmentation for Supervised Graph Outlier Detection with Latent Diffusion ModelsarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023GAD-NR: Graph Anomaly Detection via Neighborhood ReconstructionWSDM 2024LinkLink
2023DGA-GNN: Dynamic Grouping Aggregation GNN for Fraud DetectionAAAI 2024LinkLink
2023DiG-In-GNN: Discriminative Feature Guided GNN-Based Fraud Detector against Inconsistencies in Multi-Relation Fraud GraphAAAI 2024LinkLink
2023GAMC: An Unsupervised Method for Fake News Detection using Graph Autoencoder with MaskingAAAI 2024LinkLink
2023Revisiting Graph-based Fraud Detection in Sight of Heterophily and SpectrumAAAI 2024LinkLink
2023GADY: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection on Dynamic GraphsAAAI 2024LinkLink
2023Realistic Synthetic Financial Transactions for Anti-Money Laundering ModelsNeurIPS 2023LinkLink
2023GADBench: Revisiting and Benchmarking Supervised Graph Anomaly DetectionNeurIPS 2023LinkLink
2023GAD-EBM: Graph Anomaly Detection using Energy-Based ModelsNeurIPS 2023 (GLFrontiers Workshop)LinkLink
2023Towards Self-Interpretable Graph-Level Anomaly DetectionNeurIPS 2023LinkLink
2023Truncated Affinity Maximization: One-class Homophily Modeling for Graph Anomaly DetectionNeurIPS 2023LinkLink
2023Dynamic Relation-Attentive Graph Neural Networks for Fraud DetectionICDM 2023 WorkshopsLinkLink
2023Reinforcement Neighborhood Selection for Unsupervised Graph Anomaly DetectionICDM 2023LinkLink
2023RHGNN: Fake reviewer detection based on reinforced heterogeneous graph neural networksKnowledge-Based Systems 2023LinkLink
2023Few-shot Message-Enhanced Contrastive Learning for Graph Anomaly DetectionarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023GoSage: Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network Using Hierarchical Attention for Collusion Fraud DetectionACM ICAIF 2023LinkLink
2023ADAMM: Anomaly Detection of Attributed Multi-graphs with Metadata: A Unified Neural Network ApproachIEEE Bigdata 2023LinkLink
2023SplitGNN: Spectral Graph Neural Network for Fraud Detection against HeterophilyCIKM 2023LinkLink
2023THGNN: An Embedding-based Model for Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Heterogeneous Social NetworksCIKM 2023LinkLink
2023Voucher Abuse Detection with Prompt-based Fine-tuning on Graph Neural NetworksCIKM 2023LinkLink
2023Class Label-aware Graph Anomaly DetectionCIKM 2023LinkLink
2023Generative Graph Augmentation for Minority Class in Fraud DetectionCIKM 2023LinkLink
2023GraphFC: Customs Fraud Detection with Label ScarcityCIKM 2023LinkLink
2023Learning Node Abnormality with Weak SupervisionCIKM 2023LinkLink
2023Collaborative Fraud Detection: How Collaboration Impacts Fraud DetectionACM MM 2023LinkLink
2023Multi-modal Social Bot Detection: Learning Homophilic and Heterophilic Connections AdaptivelyACM MM 2023LinkLink
2023Open-Set Graph Anomaly Detection via Normal Structure RegularisationarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023Few-shot Message-Enhanced Contrastive Learning for Graph Anomaly DetectionarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023ASA-GNN: Adaptive Sampling and Aggregation-Based Graph Neural Network for Transaction Fraud DetectionIEEE TCSS 2023LinkLink
2023Joint Credibility Estimation of News, User, and Publisher via Role-relational Graph Convolutional NetworksACM TWEB 2023LinkLink
2023GLAD: Content-aware Dynamic Graphs For Log Anomaly DetectionIEEE ICKG 2023LinkLink
2023FIW-GNN: A Heterogeneous Graph-Based Learning Model for Credit Card Fraud DetectionIEEE DSAA 2023LinkLink
2023Enabling Graph Neural Networks for Semi-Supervised Risk Prediction in Online Credit Loan ServicesACM TIST 2023LinkLink
2023Effective Multi-Graph Neural Networks for Illicit Account Detection on Cryptocurrency Transaction NetworksarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023HRGCN: Heterogeneous Graph-level Anomaly Detection with Hierarchical Relation-augmented Graph Neural NetworksIEEE DSAA 2023LinkLink
2023SAD: Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection on Dynamic GraphsIJCAI 2023LinkLink
2023Robust Graph Anomaly Detection via Neural SparsificationIJCAI 2023LinkLink
2023Don’t Ignore Alienation and Marginalization: Correlating Fraud DetectionIJCAI 2023LinkLink
2023Preventing Attacks in Interbank Credit Rating with Selective-aware Graph Neural NetworkIJCAI 2023LinkLink
2023Fighting against Organized Fraudsters Using Risk Diffusion-based Parallel Graph Neural NetworkIJCAI 2023LinkLink
2023Diga: Guided Diffusion Model for Graph Recovery in Anti-Money LaunderingKDD 2023LinkLink
2023DECOR: Degree-Corrected Social Graph Refinement for Fake News DetectionKDD 2023LinkLink
2023Towards Graph-level Anomaly Detection via Deep Evolutionary MappingKDD 2023LinkLink
2023Towards Reliable Rare Category Analysis on Graphs via Individual CalibrationKDD 2023LinkLink
2023Evolve Path Tracer: Early Detection of Malicious Addresses in CryptocurrencyKDD 2023LinkLink
2023Removing Camouflage and Revealing Collusion: Leveraging Gang-crime Pattern in Fraudster DetectionKDD 2023LinkLink
2023Group-based Fraud Detection Network on e-Commerce PlatformsKDD 2023LinkLink
2023MIDLG: Mutual Information based Dual Level GNN for Transaction Fraud Complaint VerificationKDD 2023LinkLink
2023Dynamic graph neural network-based fraud detectors against collaborative fraudstersKnowledge-Based Systems 2023LinkLink
2023Crowdsourcing Fraud Detection over Heterogeneous Temporal MMMA GrapharXiv 2023LinkLink
2023Graph Anomaly Detection at Group Level: A Topology Pattern Enhanced Unsupervised ApproacharXiv 2023LinkLink
2023Transaction Fraud Detection via Spatial-Temporal-Aware Graph TransformerarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023Transaction Fraud Detection via an Adaptive Graph Neural NetworkarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023Heuristic Heterogeneous Graph Reasoning Networks for Fact VerificationIEEE TNNLS 2023LinkLink
2023Anomaly Detection in Networks via Score-Based Generative ModelsICML 2023 WorkshopsLinkLink
2023Interaction-Focused Anomaly Detection on Bipartite Node-and-Edge-Attributed GraphsIJCNN 2023LinkLink
2023ConsE: Consistency Exploitation for Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection in GraphsIJCNN 2023LinkLink
2023Anti-Money Laundering in Cryptocurrency via Multi-Relational Graph Neural NetworkPAKDD 2023LinkLink
2023MetaGAD: Learning to Meta Transfer for Few-shot Graph Anomaly DetectionarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023Graph Contrastive Learning With Feature Augmentation for Rumor DetectionIEEE TCSS 2023LinkLink
2023Fraud detection on multi-relation graphs via imbalanced and interactive learningInformation SciencesLinkLink
2023Anti-Money Laundering by Group-Aware Deep Graph LearningIEEE TKDELinkLink
2023Subgraph Centralization: A Necessary Step for Graph Anomaly DetectionSDM 2023LinkLink
2023Abnormal Event Detection via Hypergraph Contrastive LearningSDM 2023LinkLink
2023Semi-Supervised Credit Card Fraud Detection via Attribute-Driven Graph RepresentationAAAI 2023Linklink
2023TUAF: Triple-Unit-Based Graph-Level Anomaly Detection with Adaptive Fusion ReadoutDASFAA 2023LinkLink
2023DualFraud: Dual-Target Fraud Detection and Explanation in Supply Chain Finance Across Heterogeneous GraphsDASFAA 2023LinkLink
2023GAT-COBO: Cost-Sensitive Graph Neural Network for Telecom Fraud DetectionarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023Cost Sensitive GNN-based Imbalanced Learning for Mobile Social Network Fraud DetectionarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023DEDGAT: Dual Embedding of Directed Graph Attention Networks for Detecting Financial RiskarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023Towards Improved Illicit Node Detection with Positive-Unlabelled LearningIEEE ICBC 2023LinkLink
2023Counterfactual Graph Learning for Anomaly Detection on Attributed NetworksIEEE TKDELinkLink
2023Catch Me If You Can: Semi-supervised Graph Learning for Spotting Money LaunderingarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023Energy-based Out-of-Distribution Detection for Graph Neural NetworksICLR 2023LinkLink
2023A Differential Geometric View and Explainability of GNN on Evolving GraphsICLR 2023LinkLink
2023Attacking Fake News Detectors via Manipulating News Social EngagementTheWebConf 2023LinkLink
2023Label Information Enhanced Fraud Detection against Low Homophily in GraphsTheWebConf 2023LinkLink
2023Addressing Heterophily in Graph Anomaly Detection: A Perspective of Graph SpectrumTheWebConf 2023LinkLink
2023LGM-GNN: A Local and Global Aware Memory-Based Graph Neural Network for Fraud DetectionIEEE TBDLinkLink
2023Multi-view co-attention network for fake news detection by modeling topic-specific user and news source credibilityInformation Processing & ManagementLinkLink
2023Temporal Motifs for Financial Networks: A Study on Mercari, JPMC, and Venmo PlatformsarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023Evolve Path Tracer: Early Detection of Malicious Addresses in CryptocurrencyarXiv 2023LinkLink
2023RiskProp: Account Risk Rating on Ethereum via De-anonymous Score and Network PropagationarXiv 2023LinkLink

2022 [Back to Top]

2022Mining User-aware Multi-relations for Fake News Detection in Large Scale Online Social NetworksWSDM 2023LinkLink
2022Alleviating Structural Distribution Shift in Graph Anomaly DetectionWSDM 2023LinkLink
2022Cross-Domain Graph Anomaly Detection via Anomaly-aware Contrastive AlignmentAAAI 2023LinkLink
2022Towards Learning to Discover Money Laundering Sub-network in Massive Transaction NetworkAAAI 2023LinkLink
2022Nothing Stands Alone: Relational Fake News Detection with Hypergraph Neural NetworksIEEE BigData 2022LinkLink
2022Demystifying Bitcoin Address Behavior via Graph Neural NetworksICDE 2023LinkLink
2022Anomaly Detection in Multiplex Dynamic Networks: from Blockchain Security to Brain Disease PredictionNeurIPS 2022 WorkshopsLinkLink
2022EvAnGCN: Evolving Graph Deep Neural Network Based Anomaly Detection in BlockchainADMA 2022LinkLink
2022Dual-discriminative Graph Neural Network for Imbalanced Graph-level Anomaly DetectionNeurIPS 2022LinkLink
2022Unsupervised Graph Outlier Detection: Problem Revisit, New Insight, and Superior MethodICDE 2023LinkLink
2022SybilFlyover: Heterogeneous graph-based fake account detection model on social networksKnowledge-Based SystemsLinkLink
2022Guided Self-Training based Semi-Supervised Learning for Fraud DetectionACM ICAIF 2022LinkLink
2022LaundroGraph: Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning for Anti-Money LaunderingACM ICAIF 2022LinkLink
2022The Devil is in the Conflict: Disentangled Information Graph Neural Networks for Fraud DetectionICDM 2022LinkLink
2022GraphBERT: Bridging Graph and Text for Malicious Behavior Detection on Social MediaICDM 2022LinkLink
2022DAGAD: Data Augmentation for Graph Anomaly DetectionICDM 2022LinkLink
2022Graph Anomaly Detection with Unsupervised GNNsICDM 2022LinkLink
2022A Unified Propagation Forest-based Framework for Fake News DetectionCOLING 2022LinkLink
2022Adversarial Contrastive Learning for Evidence-aware Fake News Detection with Graph Neural NetworksarXiv 2022LinkLink
2022BOND: Benchmarking Unsupervised Outlier Node Detection on Static Attributed GraphsNeurIPS 2022LinkLink
2022DGraph: A Large-Scale Financial Dataset for Graph Anomaly DetectionNeurIPS 2022LinkLink
2022Dual-Augment Graph Neural Network for Fraud DetectionCIKM 2022LinkLink
2022Explainable Graph-based Fraud Detection via Neural Meta-graph SearchCIKM 2022LinkLink
2022Domain-Aware Federated Social Bot Detection with Multi-Relational Graph Neural NetworksIJCNN 2022LinkLink
2022GCCAD: Graph Contrastive Coding for Anomaly DetectionIEEE TKDE 2022LinkLink
2022Graph Neural Network for Fraud Detection via Spatial-Temporal AttentionIEEE TKDE 2022LinkLink
2022Reinforcement Subgraph Reasoning for Fake News DetectionKDD 2022LinkLink
2022ROLAND: Graph Learning Framework for Dynamic GraphsKDD 2022LinkLink
2022Hierarchical Multi-Modal Fusion on Dynamic Heterogeneous Graph for Health Insurance Fraud DetectionIEEE ICME 2022LinkLink
2022Graph-Aware Deep Fusion Networks for Online Spam Review DetectionIEEE TCSS 2022LinkLink
2022Modeling User Behavior With Interaction Networks for Spam DetectionSIGIR 2022LinkLink
2022Table2Graph: Transforming Tabular Data to Unified Weighted GraphIJCAI 2022LinkLink
2022RoSGAS: Adaptive Social Bot Detection with Reinforced Self-Supervised GNN Architecture SearcharXiv 2022LinkLink
2022Rethinking Graph Neural Networks for Anomaly DetectionICML 2022LinkLink
2022Can Abnormality be Detected by Graph Neural Networks?IJCAI 2022LinkLink
2022Modelling graph dynamics in fraud detection with "Attention"PreprintLinkLink
2022ALLIE: Active Learning on Large-scale Imbalanced GraphsWWW 2022LinkLink
2022H2-FDetector: A GNN-based Fraud Detector with Homophilic and Heterophilic ConnectionsWWW 2022LinkLink
2022Prohibited Item Detection via Risk Graph Structure LearningWWW 2022LinkLink
2022TTAGN: Temporal Transaction Aggregation Graph Network For Ethereum Phishing Scams DetectionWWW 2022LinkLink
2022AUC-oriented Graph Neural Network for Fraud DetectionWWW 2022LinkLink
2022Bi-Level Selection via Meta Gradient for Graph-based Fraud DetectionDASFAA 2022LinkLink
2022Nowhere to Hide: Online Rumor Detection Based on Retweeting Graph Neural NetworksIEEE TNNLS 2022LinkLink
2022Improved Aggregating and Accelerating Training Methods for Spatial Graph Neural Networks on Fraud DetectionarXiv 2022LinkLink
2022BotSpot++: A Hierarchical Deep Ensemble Model for Bots Install Fraud Detection in Mobile AdvertisingACM TOIS 2022LinkLink
2022Inductive Graph Representation Learning for fraud detectionExpert Systems with Applications 2022LinkLink
2022Improving Fraud Detection via Hierarchical Attention-based Graph Neural NetworkarXiv 2022LinkLink
2022Markov-Driven Graph Convolutional Networks for Social Spammer DetectionIEEE TKDE 2022LinkLink
2022Deep Graph Learning for Anomalous Citation DetectionIEEE TNNLS 2022LinkLink
2022Towards Fine-Grained Reasoning for Fake News DetectionAAAI 2022LinkLink

2021 [Back to Top]

2021eFraudCom: An E-commerce Fraud Detection System via Competitive Graph Neural NetworksACM TOIS 2021LinkLink
2021MAFI: GNN-based Multiple Aggregators and Feature Interactions Network for Fraud Detection over Heterogeneous GraphIEEE TBD 2021LinkLink
2021FRAUDRE: Fraud Detection Dual-Resistant to Graph Inconsistency and ImbalanceICDM 2021LinkLink
2021Fake Reviewer Group Detection in Online Review SystemsICDM 2021 WorkshopLinkLink
2021Temporal Graph Representation Learning for Detecting Anomalies in E-payment SystemsICDM 2021 WorkshopLinkLink
2021Know-GNN: An Explainable Knowledge-Guided Graph Neural Network for Fraud DetectionICONIP 2021LinkLink
2021TEGDetector: A Phishing Detector that Knows Evolving Transaction BehaviorsarXiv 2021LinkLink
2021Knowledge-Guided Fraud Detection Using Semi-supervised Graph Neural NetworkWISE 2021LinkLink
2021Deep Fraud Detection on Non-attributed GraphIEEE BigData 2021LinkLink
2021Distilling Meta Knowledge on Heterogeneous Graph for Illicit Drug Trafficker Detection on Social MediaNeurIPS 2021LinkLink
2021ANEMONE: Graph Anomaly Detection with Multi-Scale Contrastive LearningCIKM 2021LinkLink
2021Prohibited Item Detection on Heterogeneous Risk GraphsCIKM 2021LinkLink
2021Modeling Heterogeneous Graph Network on Fraud Detection: A Community-based Framework with Attention MechanismCIKM 2021LinkLink
2021Structural Temporal Graph Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection in Dynamic GraphsCIKM 2021LinkLink
2021Action Sequence Augmentation for Early Graph-based Anomaly DetectionCIKM 2021LinkLink
2021Towards Anomaly-resistant Graph Neural Networks via Reinforcement LearningCIKM 2021LinkLink
2021Hetero-SCAN: Towards Social Context Aware Fake News Detection via Heterogeneous Graph Neural NetworkarXiv 2021LinkLink
2021A Synergistic Approach for Graph Anomaly Detection With Pattern Mining and Feature LearningIEEE TNNLS 2021LinkLink
2021Cross-domain Graph Anomaly DetectionIEEE TNNLS 2021LinkLink
2021Recurrent Graph Neural Networks for Rumor Detection in Online ForumsKDD 2021 WorkshopLinkLink
2021Heterogeneous Temporal Graph Transformer: An Intelligent System for Evolving Android Malware DetectionKDD 2021LinkLink
2021Intention-aware Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks for Fraud Transactions DetectionKDD 2021LinkLink
2021Live-Streaming Fraud Detection: A Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network ApproachKDD 2021LinkLink
2021Bipartite Dynamic Representations for Abuse DetectionKDD 2021LinkLink
2021Relational Graph Neural Networks for Fraud Detection in a Super-App environmentKDD 2021 WorkshopLinkLink
2021Compare to The Knowledge: Graph Neural Fake News Detection with External KnowledgeACL 2021LinkLink
2021Towards Propagation Uncertainty: Edge-enhanced Bayesian Graph Convolutional Networks for Rumor DetectionACL 2021LinkLink
2021Catch me if you can: A participant-level rumor detection framework via fine-grained user representation learningInformation Processing & Management 2021LinkLink
2021Decoupling Representation Learning and Classification for GNN-based Anomaly DetectionSIGIR 2021LinkLink
2021Improving fake news detection with domain-adversarial and graph-attention neural networkDecision Support SystemsLinkLink
2021Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graphs via TransformerarXiv 2021LinkLink
2021HIN-RNN: A Graph Representation Learning Neural Network for Fraudster Group Detection With No Handcrafted FeaturesarXiv 2021LinkLink
2021Fraud Detection in Online Product Review Systems via Heterogeneous Graph TransformerIEEE AccessLinkLink
2021User Preference-aware Fake News DetectionSIGIR 2021LinkLink
2021Temporal-Aware Graph Neural Network for Credit Risk PredictionSDM 2021LinkLink
2021IFSpard: An Information Fusion-based Framework for Spam Review DetectionWWW 2021LinkLink
2021Improving Cyberbullying Detection with User InteractionWWW 2021LinkLink
2021Pick and Choose: A GNN-based Imbalanced Learning Approach for Fraud DetectionWWW 2021LinkLink
2021Credit Risk and Limits Forecasting in E-Commerce Consumer Lending Service via Multi-view-aware Mixture-of-experts NetsWSDM 2021LinkLink
2021DeepIS: Susceptibility Estimation on Social NetworksWSDM 2021LinkLink
2021Few-shot Network Anomaly Detection via Cross-network Meta-learningWWW 2021LinkLink
2021Towards Consumer Loan Fraud Detection: Graph Neural Networks with Role-Constrained Conditional Random FieldAAAI 2021LinkLink

2020 [Back to Top]

2020Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks via Contrastive Self-Supervised LearningIEEE TNNLS 2020linklink
2020Suspicious Massive Registration Detection via Dynamic Heterogeneous Graph Neural NetworksAAAI 2021 WorkshopLinkLink
2020Phishing Scams Detection in Ethereum Transaction NetworkACM TOIT 2020LinkLink
2020APAN: Asynchronous Propagation Attention Network for Real-time Temporal Graph EmbeddingSIGMOD 2021LinkLink
2020Anomaly Detection on Dynamic Bipartite Graph with BurstinessICDM 2020LinkLink
2020Metagraph Aggregated Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Illicit Traded Product Identification in Underground MarketICDM 2020LinkLink
2020Adversarial Active Learning based Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Fake News DetectionICDM 2020LinkLink
2020Heterogeneous Mini-Graph Neural Network and Its Application to Fraud Invitation DetectionICDM 2020LinkLink
2020xFraud: Explainable Fraud Transaction Detection on Heterogeneous GraphsarXiv 2021LinkLink
2020BotSpot: A Hybrid Learning Framework to Uncover Bot Install Fraud in Mobile AdvertisingCIKM 2020LinkLink
2020Alike and Unlike: Resolving Class Imbalance Problem in Financial Credit Risk AssessmentCIKM 2020LinkLink
2020Early Anomaly Detection by Learning and Forecasting BehaviorarXivLinkLink
2020ResGCN: Attention-based Deep Residual Modeling for Anomaly Detection on Attributed NetworksarXiv 2021LinkLink
2020Multivariate Time-series Anomaly Detection via Graph Attention NetworkICDM 2020LinkLink
2020GFD: A Weighted Heterogeneous Graph Embedding Based Approach for Fraud Detection in Mobile AdvertisingSecurity and Communication Networks 2020LinkLink
2020Enhancing Graph Neural Network-based Fraud Detectors against Camouflaged FraudstersCIKM 2020LinkLink
2020Graph-based Modeling of Online Communities for Fake News DetectionarXiv 2021LinkLink
2020FANG: Leveraging Social Context for Fake News Detection Using Graph RepresentationCIKM 2020LinkLink
2020Loan Default Analysis with Multiplex Graph LearningCIKM 2020LinkLink
2020Error-Bounded Graph Anomaly Loss for GNNsCIKM 2020LinkLink
2020GCNEXT: graph convolutional network with expanded balance theory for fraudulent user detectionSocial Network Analysis and Mining 2020LinkLink
2020FauxWard: a graph neural network approach to fauxtography detection using social media commentsSocial Network Analysis and Mining 2020LinkLink
2020A Scalable Framework for Group Fraud Detection in Transaction using Deep Graph Neural NetworkKDD 2020 WorkshopLinkLink
2020Early Fraud Detection with Augmented Graph LearningKDD 2020 WorkshopLinkLink
2020TIES: Temporal Interaction Embeddings For Enhancing Social Media Integrity At FacebookKDD 2020LinkLink
2020DETERRENT: Knowledge Guided Graph Attention Network for Detecting Healthcare MisinformationKDD 2020LinkLink
2020Alleviating the Inconsistency Problem of Applying Graph Neural Network to Fraud DetectionSIGIR 2020LinkLink
2020GCAN: Graph-aware Co-Attention Networks for Explainable Fake News Detection on Social MediaACL 2020LinkLink
2020Camouflaged Chinese Spam Content Detection with Semi-supervised Generative Active LearningACL 2020LinkLink
2020DFraud3-Multi-Component Fraud Detection free of Cold-startarXiv 2021LinkLink
2020Financial Risk Analysis for SMEs with Graph-based Supply Chain MiningIJCAI 2020LinkLink
2020Rumor Detection on Social Media with Graph Structured Adversarial LearningIJCAI 2020LinkLink
2020GCN-Based User Representation Learning for Unifying Robust Recommendation and Fraudster DetectionSIGIR 2020LinkLink
2020ASA: Adversary Situation Awareness via Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional NetworksWWW 2020 WorkshopLinkLink
2020Graph Convolutional Networks with Markov Random Field Reasoning for Social Spammer DetectionAAAI 2020LinkLink
2020Interpretable Rumor Detection in Microblogs by Attending to User InteractionsAAAI 2020LinkLink
2020Rumor Detection on Social Media with Bi-Directional Graph Convolutional NetworksAAAI 2020LinkLink

Before 2020 [Back to Top]

2019A Dynamic Default Prediction Framework for Networked-guarantee LoansCIKM 2019LinkLink
2019Spam Review Detection with Graph Convolutional NetworksCIKM 2019LinkLink
2019A Semi-supervised Graph Attentive Network for Fraud DetectionICDM 2019LinkLink
2019Detect Camouflaged Spam Content via StoneSkipping: Graph and Text Joint Embedding for Chinese Character Variation RepresentationEMNLP 2019LinkLink
2019Anti-Money Laundering in Bitcoin: Experimenting with Graph Convolutional Networks for Financial ForensicsKDD 2019 WorkshopLinkLink
2019Uncovering Insurance Fraud Conspiracy with Network LearningSIGIR 2019LinkLink
2019Detect Me If You Can: Spam Bot Detection Using Inductive Representation LearningWWW 2019 WorkshopLinkLink
2019FdGars: Fraudster Detection via Graph Convolutional Networks in Online App Review SystemWWW 2019 WorkshopLinkLink
2019GeniePath: Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Receptive PathsAAAI 2019LinkLink
2018Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Malicious Account DetectionCIKM 2018LinkLink
2018GraphRAD: A Graph-based Risky Account Detection SystemKDD 2018 WorkshopLinkLink
2018Selective Graph Attention Networks for Account Takeover DetectionICDM 2018 WorkshopLinkLink

Non-GNN Papers since 2014 [Back to Top]

2024RUSH: Real-Time Burst Subgraph Detection in Dynamic GraphsVLDB 2024LinkLink
2024Spade+: A Generic Real-Time Fraud Detection Framework on Dynamic GraphsIEEE TKDE 2024LinkLink
2024MAD: Multi-Scale Anomaly Detection in Link StreamsWSDM 2024LinkLink
2023Online Corrupted User Detection and Regret MinimizationNeurIPS 2023LinkLink
2023CallMine: Fraud Detection and Visualization of Million-Scale Call GraphsCIKM 2023LinkLink
2023Preemptive Detection of Fake Accounts on Social Networks via Multi-Class Preferential Attachment ClassifiersKDD 2023LinkLink
2023Demystifying Fraudulent Transactions and Illicit Nodes in the Bitcoin Network for Financial ForensicsKDD 2023LinkLink
2023Sketch-Based Anomaly Detection in Streaming GraphsKDD 2023LinkLink
2023Pattern Mining for Anomaly Detection in Graphs: Application to Fraud in Public ProcurementECML-PKDD 2023LinkLink
2022Spade: A Real-Time Fraud Detection Framework on Evolving GraphsVLDB 2023LinkLink
2022Temporal burstiness and collaborative camouflage aware fraud detectionIPM 2023LinkLink
2022AntiBenford Subgraphs: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Financial NetworksKDD 2022LinkLink
2022Subset Node Anomaly Tracking over Large Dynamic GraphsKDD 2022LinkLink
2022Internet Financial Fraud Detection Based on Graph LearningIEEE TCSS 2022LinkLink
2022Exploiting Anomalous Structural Nodes in Dynamic Social NetworksWWW 2022 WorkshopLinkLink
2022Adaptive Label Propagation for Group Anomaly Detection in Large-scale NetworksIEEE TKDE 2022LinkLink
2022eRiskCom: an e-commerce risky community detection platformVLDB Journal 2022LinkLink
2022Knowledge Sharing via Domain Adaptation in Customs Fraud DetectionAAAI 2022LinkLink
2022Active Learning for Human-in-the-Loop Customs InspectionIEEE TKDE 2022LinkLink
2021Analytical Models for Motifs in Temporal Networks: Discovering Trends and AnomaliesarXiv 2021LinkLink
2021Customs Fraud Detection in the Presence of Concept DriftICDMW 2021LinkLink
2021GraphScope: A Unified Engine For Big Graph ProcessingVLDB 2021LinkLink
2021Certification and Trade-off of Multiple Fairness Criteria in Graph-based Spam DetectionCIKM 2021LinkLink
2021Unveiling Fake Accounts at the Time of Registration: An Unsupervised ApproachKDD 2021LinkLink
2021Mining Fraudsters and Fraudulent Strategies in Large-Scale Mobile Social NetworksIEEE TKDE 2021LinkLink
2021GuiltyWalker: Distance to illicit nodes in the Bitcoin networkKDD 2021 WorkshopLinkLink
2021Deep Entity Classification: Abusive Account Detection for Online Social NetworksUSENIX Security 2021LinkLink
2021EnsemFDet: An Ensemble Approach to Fraud Detection based on Bipartite GraphICDE 2021LinkLink
2021Network Inference from a Mixture of Diffusion Models for Fake News MitigationICWSM 2021LinkLink
2021Uncovering Coordinated Networks on Social MediaICWSM 2021LinkLink
2021F-FADE: Frequency Factorization for Anomaly Detection in Edge StreamsWSDM 2021LinkLink
2020Subgraph Anomaly Detection in Financial Transaction NetworksICAIF 2020LinkLink
2020AUTOAUDIT: Mining Accounting and Time-Evolving GraphsIEEE BigData 2020LinkLink
2020SpecGreedy: Unified Dense Subgraph DetectionECML-PKDD 2020LinkLink
2020Real-Time Streaming Anomaly Detection in Dynamic GraphsarXiv 2020LinkLink
2020Robust Spammer Detection by Nash Reinforcement LearningKDD 2020LinkLink
2020DATE: Dual Attentive Tree-aware Embedding for Customs Fraud DetectionKDD 2020LinkLink
2020KNH: Multi-View Modeling with K-Nearest Hyperplanes Graph for Misinformation DetectionKDD 2020 WorkshopLinkLink
2020Representing Fine-Grained Co-Occurrences for Behavior-Based Fraud Detection in Online Payment ServicesIEEE TDSC 2020LinkLink
2020Collaboration Based Multi-Label Propagation for Fraud DetectionIJCAI 2020LinkLink
2020Hierarchical Propagation Networks for Fake News Detection: Investigation and ExploitationICWSM 2020LinkLink
2020Friend or Faux: Graph-Based Early Detection of Fake Accounts on Social NetworksWWW 2020LinkLink
2020Financial Defaulter Detection on Online Credit Payment via Multi-view Attributed Heterogeneous Information NetworkWWW 2020LinkLink
2020MIDAS: Microcluster-Based Detector of Anomalies in Edge StreamsAAAI 2020LinkLink
2020FlowScope: Spotting Money Laundering Based on GraphsAAAI 2020LinkLink
2019A Dynamic Default Prediction Framework for Networked-guarantee LoansCIKM 2019LinkLink
2019Understanding Default Behavior in Online LendingCIKM 2019LinkLink
2019SliceNDice: Mining Suspicious Multi-attribute Entity Groups with Multi-view GraphsDSAA 2019LinkLink
2019From Anomaly Detection to Rumour Detection using Data Streams of Social PlatformsVLDB 2019LinkLink
2019TitAnt: Online Real-time Transaction Fraud Detection in Ant FinancialVLDB 2019LinkLink
2019Mining Fraudsters and Fraudulent Strategies in Large-Scale Mobile Social NetworksIEEE TKDELinkLink
2019Fraud Detection in Dynamic Interaction NetworkIEEE TKDELinkLink
2019Spotting Collective Behaviour of Online Frauds in Customer ReviewsIJCAI 2019LinkLink
2019Cash-Out User Detection Based on Attributed Heterogeneous Information Network with a Hierarchical Attention MechanismAAAI 2019LinkLink
2018Deep Structure Learning for Fraud DetectionICDM 2018LinkLink
2018FeatNet: Large-scale Fraud Device Detection by Network Representation Learning with Rich FeaturesAiSec 2018LinkLink
2018HGsuspector: Scalable Collective Fraud Detection in Heterogeneous GraphsKDD 2018 WorkshopLinkLink
2018Online E-Commerce Fraud: A Large-scale Detection and AnalysisICDE 2018LinkLink
2018FraudNE: a Joint Embedding Approach for Fraud DetectionIJCNN 2018LinkLink
2018Combating Crowdsourced Review Manipulators: A Neighborhood-Based ApproachWSDM 2018LinkLink
2018REV2: Fraudulent User Prediction in Rating PlatformsWSDM 2018LinkLink
2017ZooBP: Belief Propagation for Heterogeneous NetworksVLDB 2017LinkLink
2017HitFraud: A Broad Learning Approach for Collective Fraud Detection in Heterogeneous Information NetworksICDM 2017LinkLink
2017GANG: Detecting Fraudulent Users in Online Social Networks via Guilt-by-Association on Directed GraphICDM 2017LinkLink
2017The Many Faces of Link FraudICDM 2017LinkLink
2017HoloScope: Topology-and-Spike Aware Fraud DetectionCIKM 2017LinkLink
2017iBGP: A Bipartite Graph Propagation Approach for Mobile Advertising Fraud DetectionMobile Information Systems 2017LinkLink
2017Adaptive Spammer Detection with Sparse Group ModelingICWSM 2017LinkLink
2017NetSpam: A Network-Based Spam Detection Framework for Reviews in Online Social MediaIEEE TIFS 2017LinkLink
2016FRAUDAR: Bounding Graph Fraud in the Face of CamouflageKDD 2016LinkLink
2015AFRAID: Fraud detection via active inference in time-evolving social networksASONAM 2015LinkLink
2015Collective Opinion Spam Detection: Bridging Review Networks and MetadataKDD 2015LinkLink
2014Spotting Suspicious Link Behavior with fBox: An Adversarial PerspectiveICDM 2014LinkLink

Toolbox [Back to Top]

PyGOD: A Python Library for Graph Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection)

DGFraud-TF2: A Deep Graph-based Toolbox for Fraud Detection in TensorFlow 2.0

DGFraud: A Deep Graph-based Toolbox for Fraud Detection

UGFraud: An Unsupervised Graph-based Toolbox for Fraud Detection

GNN-based Fake News Detection

Realtime Fraud Detection with GNN on DGL

GraphScope: A One-Stop Large-Scale Graph Computing System from Alibaba

Dataset [Back to Top]

Node Outlier Detection Benchmark

Twitter Fake News Propagation Graph Dataset

Yelp & Amazon Fraud Graph Dataset

IBM Transactions for Anti Money Laundering (AML)

Financial Statement Fraud Dataset

Elliptic++ Dataset: A Graph Network of Bitcoin Blockchain Transactions and Wallet Addresses

GADBench: Revisiting and Benchmarking Supervised Graph Anomaly Detection

UTwitter: Unlabeled Twitter dataset for rumor detection

Risk Commodities Detection on Large-Scale E-commerce Graphs

Fraudster Nodes in Dynamic Financial Social Network

Anomalous Accounts in Transaction and Social Networks

Ethereum Fraud Detection Dataset

Ethereum Phishing Transaction Network

IEEE-CIS Fraud Detection Dataset

Outlier Detection DataSets (ODDS)

Graph Fraud Datasets from Prof. Srijan Kumar

Bitcoin Fraudulent Transaction Dataset

Mobile App Install Fraud Dataset

Survey Paper [Back to Top]

Fake News Detection Through Graph-based Neural Networks: A Survey

Graph Learning for Anomaly Analytics: Algorithms, Applications, and Challenges

A Comprehensive Survey of Graph-based Deep Learning Approaches for Anomaly Detection in Complex Distributed Systems

Intelligent financial fraud detection practices in post-pandemic era

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Anomaly Detection with Deep Learning

Anomaly Mining - Past, Present and Future

Graph Computing for Financial Crime and Fraud Detection: Trends, Challenges and Outlook

Graph-based anomaly detection and description: a survey

Adversarial Attack and Defense on Graph Data: A Survey

Suspicious behavior detection: Current trends and future directions

False information on web and social media: A survey

Misinformation in Social Media: Definition, Manipulation, and Detection

Mining Disinformation and Fake News: Concepts, Methods, and Recent Advancements

Other Resource [Back to Top]

[Thesis] Robust Graph Learning for Misbehavior Detection

[Blog] Graph Neural Network-based Graph Outlier Detection: A Brief Introduction

[Slides] Leveraging GNNs for Financial Fraud Detection: Practices and Challenges

[Slides] Graph Learning in Financial Networks by Jiaxuan You

[Blog] 伊利诺伊大学窦英通:基于图神经网络的欺诈检测

[Slides] Graph Neural Network-based Fraud Detection -- from Research to Application

[Video] Fraud Detection with Graph Neural Networks

[Video] Fake News Detection using Graphs with Pytorch Geometric

[Paper List] Graph Adversarial Learning Literature

[Paper List] Awesome Graph Anomaly Detection

[Paper List] Awesome Fraud Detection Research Papers

[Tutorial] Graph-Based User Behavior Modeling: From Prediction to Fraud Detection