

AutoAudit: Mining Accounting and Time-Evolving Graphs

Lee, MC., Zhao, Y., Wang, A., Liang, P.J., Akoglu, L., Tseng, V.S., and Faloutsos, C., AutoAudit: Mining Accounting and Time-Evolving Graphs. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2020.


Please cite the paper as:

  title={{AutoAudit:} Mining Accounting and Time-Evolving Graphs},
  author={Lee, Meng-Chieh and Zhao, Yue and Wang, Aluna and Liang, Pierre Jinghong and Akoglu, Leman and Tseng, Vincent S. and Faloutsos, Christos},
  booktitle={2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)},


In this paper we propose AutoAudit, a systematic method for handling anomaly detection problems not only in accounting datasets, but also in other real-world datasets. It consists four major components:

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Installation and Dependency

The experiment code is writen in Python 3 and built on a number of Python packages:

<!-- Batch installation is possible using the supplied "requirements.txt": ````cmd pip install -r requirements.txt ```` -->


Three datasets are used (see dataset folder):

DatasetsNodesEdgesTime Span
Accounting254285,29801/01/2016 to 02/06/2017
Czech Financial11,374273,50801/05/1993 to 12/14/1998
Enron Email16,7711,487,86301/01/2001 to 12/31/2001

Usage and Sample Output

Experiments could be reproduced by running the code directly. You could simply download/clone the entire repository and execute the code by

python AA-Smurf.py
python AA-AR.py


In this work, we present AutoAudit, which addresses the anomaly detection problem on time-evolving accounting datasets. This kind of data is usually complicated and hard to organize. Our main purpose is to automatically spot anomalies, such as money laundering, providing huge convenience for auditors and risk management professionals. Our approach is also general enough to be easily modified to solve problems in different domains.