


This is the code for the ICLR 2024 paper of ConsisGAD: Consistency Training with Learnable Data Augmentation for Graph Anomaly Detection with Limited Supervision.

In this work, we propose a novel framework, ConsisGAD, which is tailored for graph anomaly detection in scenarios characterized by limited supervision and is anchored in the principles of consistency training. Under limited supervision, ConsisGAD effectively leverages the abundance of unlabeled data for consistency training by incorporating a novel learnable data augmentation mechanism, thereby introducing controlled noise into the dataset. Moreover, ConsisGAD takes advantage of the variance in homophily distribution between normal and anomalous nodes to craft a simplified GNN backbone, enhancing its capability to effectively distinguish between these two classes. A brief overview of our framework is illustrated in the following picture.

<p align="center"> <img src="framework.png" alt="Overall framework of ConsisGAD."> </p>

This repository contains the source code for our Graph Neural Network (GNN) backbone, consistency training procedure, and learnable data augmentation module. Below is an overview of the key components and their locations within the repository:

Directory Structure

The repository is organized into several directories, each serving a specific purpose:




If you find our work useful, please cite:

title={Consistency Training with Learnable Data Augmentation for Graph Anomaly Detection with Limited Supervision},
author={Nan Chen and Zemin Liu and Bryan Hooi and Bingsheng He and Rizal Fathony and Jun Hu and Jia Chen},
booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},

Feel free to contact nanchansysu@gmail.com if you have any questions.