


A PyTorch implementation for the CIKM 2020 paper below:
Enhancing Graph Neural Network-based Fraud Detectors against Camouflaged Fraudsters.
Yingtong Dou, Zhiwei Liu, Li Sun, Yutong Deng, Hao Peng, Philip S. Yu.
[Paper][Toolbox][DGL Example][Benchmark]

Bug Fixes and Update (06/2021)

Similarity score

The feature and label similarity scores presented in Table 2 of the paper are incorrect. The updated equations for calculating two similarity scores are shown below:

<p align="center"> <br> <a href="https://github.com/YingtongDou/CARE-GNN"> <img src="https://github.com/YingtongDou/CARE-GNN/blob/master/eq_simi.png" width="500"/> </a> <br> <p>

The code for calculating the similarity scores is in simi_comp.py.

The updated similarity scores for the two datasets are shown below. Note that we only compute the similarity scores for positive nodes to demonstrate the camouflage of fraudsters (positive nodes).

Avg. Feature Similarity0.9910.9880.9880.988
Avg. Label Similarity0.9090.1760.1860.184
Avg. Feature Similarity0.7110.6870.6970.687
Avg. Label Similarity0.1670.0560.0530.072

Relation weight in Figure 3

According to this issue, the weighted aggregation of CARE-Weight (a variant of CARE-GNN) has an error. After fixing it, the relation weight will not converge to the same value. Thus, the relation weight subfigure in Figure 3 and its associated conclusion are wrong.

Extended version CARE-GNN

Please check out RioGNN, a GNN model extended based on CARE-GNN with more reinforcement learning modules integrated. We are actively developing an efficient multi-layer version of CARE-GNN. Stay tuned.


<p align="center"> <br> <a href="https://github.com/YingtongDou/CARE-GNN"> <img src="https://github.com/YingtongDou/CARE-GNN/blob/master/model.png" width="900"/> </a> <br> <p>

CAmouflage-REsistant Graph Neural Network (CARE-GNN) is a GNN-based fraud detector based on a multi-relation graph equipped with three modules that enhance its performance against camouflaged fraudsters.

Three enhancement modules are:

CARE-GNN has following advantages:

We have integrated more than eight GNN-based fraud detectors as a TensorFlow toolbox.


You can download the project and install the required packages using the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/YingtongDou/CARE-GNN.git
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To run the code, you need to have at least Python 3.6 or later versions.


  1. In CARE-GNN directory, run unzip /data/Amazon.zip and unzip /data/YelpChi.zip to unzip the datasets;
  2. Run python data_process.py to generate adjacency lists used by CARE-GNN;
  3. Run python train.py to run CARE-GNN with default settings.

For other dataset and parameter settings, please refer to the arg parser in train.py. Our model supports both CPU and GPU mode.

Running on your datasets

To run CARE-GNN on your datasets, you need to prepare the following data:

Repo Structure

The repository is organized as follows:


If you use our code, please cite the paper below:

  title={Enhancing Graph Neural Network-based Fraud Detectors against Camouflaged Fraudsters},
  author={Dou, Yingtong and Liu, Zhiwei and Sun, Li and Deng, Yutong and Peng, Hao and Yu, Philip S},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'20)},