Unsupervised Graph Outlier Detection: Problem Revisit, New Insight, and Superior Method
This is the source code of paper ”Unsupervised Graph Outlier Detection: Problem Revisit, New Insight, and Superior Method“ (
This paper has been accepted by ICDE 2023.
The previous title of paper is "Are we really making much progress in unsupervised graph outlier detection? Revisiting the problem with new insight and method".
This code requires the following:
- Python>=3.7
- PyTorch>=1.12.1
- Numpy>=1.19.2
- Scipy>=1.6.2
- Scikit-learn>=0.24.1
- PyG >= 2.1.0 && PyG <= 2.4.0
Running the experiments
UNOD experiment
step 1: inject outlier
This is a pre-processing step which injects outliers into the original clean datasets. Take Cora dataset as an example:
python --dataset cora
After outlier injection, the disturbed datasets are saved into "data" folder
step 2: outlier detection
This step is to run the VGOD framework to detect outliers in the network datasets. Take Cora dataset as an example:
python --data cora
Structural outlier detection experiment under different injection parameters
step 1: inject outliers
This is a pre-processing step which injects outliers into the original clean datasets.
After outlier injection, the disturbed datasets are saved into "struct_datasets" folder
step 2: outlier detection
This step is to run the VBM to detect outliers in the network datasets.
python --data Cora
python --data Citeseer
python --data PubMed
python --data Flickr
Structural outlier detection experiment under a new injection approach
Since the current injection approach will cause a serious data leakage issue as mentioned in our paper, we devise a new structural outlier injection approach to avoid the data leakage issue. More details can be found in our paper.
step 1: inject outliers
This is a pre-processing step which injects outliers into the original clean datasets.
After outlier injection, the disturbed datasets are saved into "NovelStr_datasets" folder
step 2: outlier detection
This step is to run the VBM to detect outliers in the network datasets.