

<p align="center"> <img height="100" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DGraphXinye/dgraph_theme/main/img/DGraph_log.svg" /> </p>

Pytorch Geometric Loader

Pytorch Geometric (>=2.2.0) provides an easy-to-use dataset loader for DGraphFin. Below is an example in Pytorch Geometric with only a few lines of code to load DGraphFin and get the train/valid/test mask.

import torch_geometric

# check your torch_geometric version and make sure it is not lower than 2.2.0
>>> '2.2.0'

# Please download DGraphFin dataset file 'DGraphFin.zip' on our website 'https://dgraph.xinye.com' and place it under directory './dataset/raw'
# Otherwise an error would pop out "Dataset not found. Please download 'DGraphFin.zip' from 'https://dgraph.xinye.com' and move it to './raw' "
from torch_geometric.datasets import DGraphFin

dataset = DGraphFin(root='./dataset')
data = dataset[0]

>>> Data(x=[3700550, 17], edge_index=[2, 4300999], y=[3700550], edge_type=[4300999], edge_time=[4300999], train_mask=[3700550], val_mask=[3700550], test_mask=[3700550])

Note: Please download DGraphFin dataset file 'DGraphFin.zip' on our website 'https://dgraph.xinye.com' and place it under directory './dataset/raw' before running the example, otherwise an error would pop out "Dataset not found. Please download 'DGraphFin.zip' from 'https://dgraph.xinye.com' and move it to './raw' "


This repo provides a collection of baselines of DGraphFin. Please download the dataset file on our website and place it under the folder './dataset/DGraphFin/raw'.


Implementing environment:


To get the performance for each model, simply run the following lines of code:

python gnn.py --model mlp --dataset DGraphFin --epochs 200 --runs 10 --device 0
python gnn.py --model gcn --dataset DGraphFin --epochs 200 --runs 10 --device 0
python gnn.py --model sage --dataset DGraphFin --epochs 200 --runs 10 --device 0
python gnn_mini_batch.py --model sage_neighsampler --dataset DGraphFin --epochs 200 --runs 10 --device 0
python gnn_mini_batch.py --model gat_neighsampler --dataset DGraphFin --epochs 200 --runs 10 --device 0
python gnn_mini_batch.py --model gatv2_neighsampler --dataset DGraphFin --epochs 200 --runs 10 --device 0


Below are the performances on DGraphFin(10 runs):

MethodsTrain AUCValid AUCTest AUC
MLP0.7221 ± 0.00140.7135 ± 0.00100.7192 ± 0.0009
GCN0.7108 ± 0.00270.7078 ± 0.00270.7078 ± 0.0023
GraphSAGE0.7682 ± 0.00140.7548 ± 0.00130.7621 ± 0.0017
GraphSAGE (NeighborSampler)0.7845 ± 0.00130.7674 ± 0.00050.7761 ± 0.0018
GAT (NeighborSampler)0.7396 ± 0.00180.7233 ± 0.00120.7333 ± 0.0024
GATv2 (NeighborSampler)0.7698 ± 0.00830.7526 ± 0.00890.7624 ± 0.0081