

Awesome MXNet Awesome

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A curated list of MXNet examples, tutorials, papers, conferences and blogs.

<a name="Contributing"></a>Contributing

If you want to contribute to this list and the examples, please open a new pull request.

Table of Contents

<a name="Tutorials and Resources"></a>1. Tutorials and Resources

<a name="Vision"></a>2. Vision

2.1 Image Classification

2.2 Object Detection

2.3 Image Segmentation

2.4 Video Recognition and Object Detection

2.5 Face Detection and Recognition

2.6 ReID

2.7 Human Analyzation and Activity Recognition

2.8 Image Enhancement

2.9 OCR

2.10 Point cloud & 3D

2.11 Images Generation

2.12 GAN

2.13 MRI & DTI

2.14 Misc

<a name="NLP"></a>3. NLP

<a name="Speech"></a>4. Speech

<a name="Time_series_forecasting"></a>5. Time series forecasting

<a name="Spatiotemporal"></a>6. Spatiotemporal

<a name="CTR"></a>7. CTR

<a name="DRL"></a>8. DRL

<a name="Neuro_evolution"></a>9. Neuro Evolution

<a name="One_class_learning"></a>10. One Class Learning

<a name="PPL"></a>11. Probabilistic Programming

<a name="TL"></a>12. Transfer Learning

<a name="Tools"></a>13. Tools

13.1 Converter

13.2 Language Bindings

13.3 Visualization

13.4 Parallel and Distributed computing

13.5 Productivity

13.6 Parameter optimizer

13.7 Deployment

13.8 Other Branches