

OpenHabAI pipeline status <br>

Automate your home using Neuronal networks. <br> OpenHabAI provides a fast c++ backend (mxnet is used for computation) and frontend that run in browser.

To see api documentation look at: catflow/README.md


Download install-packages from artifacts. Extract it and install the .deb package.

cd build/pack
dpkg --install OpenHabAI-0.0.0-Linux.deb
# resolve deps 
apt-get install -f                          

Build from Source

First install these packages:

Execute build command:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

The compiled trainSever executable can be found in build/bin. <br> To run frontend: make frontendRun or see in README of frontend


To use the Websocket Api see backend-frontend protocol definition.

Report Bugs and Improvements

If you found a bug or have a good idea for new a feature just open a new issue at gitlab.