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A list of neat projects made in Finland



11711@petkaantonov/bluebird:bird: :zap: Bluebird is a full featured promise library with unmatched performance.:arrow_upper_right:
6607@niklasvh/html2canvasScreenshots with JavaScript:arrow_upper_right:
3618@bebraw/jswikiJavaScript wiki. Focuses mainly on JS/HTML5/WebGL related tech.:arrow_upper_right:
3066@epeli/underscore.stringString manipulation helpers for javascript:arrow_upper_right:
1912@pakastin/deck-of-cardsHTML5 Deck of Cards:arrow_upper_right:
1478@jaukia/zoomoozAn easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making zooming web pages.:arrow_upper_right:
1012@SC5/sc5-styleguideHandy little tool that helps you generate good looking styleguides from stylesheets using KSS notation:arrow_upper_right:
587@niklasvh/feedback.jsFeedback form with screenshot:arrow_upper_right:
495@ekelokorpi/panda.js-enginePanda Engine: 2D HTML5 game engine for mobile and desktop:arrow_upper_right:
420@bebraw/colorjoeScaleable color picker with touch and AMD support (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
320@petkaantonov/dequeExtremely fast double-ended queue implementation
293@pakastin/nodegardenHTML5 Node Garden:arrow_upper_right:
246@epeli/node-hbsfyHandlebars precompiler plugin for Browserify:arrow_upper_right:
246@olegp/common-nodeSynchronous CommonJS compatibility layer using node-fibers:arrow_upper_right:
215@pakastin/frzrTurboboosted 2 KB view library for browser & node.js:arrow_upper_right:
175@petkaantonov/urlparserFast url parser
172@tarlepp/Taskboarda Sails application to mimic "scrum-ban" taskboard.:arrow_upper_right:
164@niklasvh/WebGL-GTAJavaScript implementation of GTA
122@bebraw/Chart.js.legendLegend plugin for Chart.js (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
100@jaukia/easieCss3 like easing functions for jQuery — tweakable and fast.
88@petkaantonov/nodeperfLike a profiler but actually useful in improving performance
85@bebraw/react-pagifySimple pagination for React (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
80@bebraw/grunt-umdSurrounds code with the universal module definition (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
76@nassor/mongoose-historyKeeps a history of all changes of a document.
76@epeli/browserify-externali…Create external Browserify bundles for lazy asynchronous loading:arrow_upper_right:
76@jareware/flotateA portmanteau of flow and annotate, allows using the Flow type checker with standard JavaScript syntax, through inline annotation comments.
70@epeli/requirejs-hbsSimple Handlebars loader plugin for RequireJS
58@olegp/mcmsMinimal CMS in server side JavaScript
56@epeli/backbone.viewmasterFew tested opinions on how to handle deeply nested views in Backbone.js focusing on modularity.:arrow_upper_right:
54@olegp/mongo-syncSynchronous MongoDB driver for Common Node
54@epeli/angry-caching-proxyMake package downloads lightning fast!:arrow_upper_right:
53@jareware/css-nsDead-simple CSS namespaces:arrow_upper_right:
51@pakastin/chat-exampleexpress.js ♥︎ socket.io ♥︎ VanillaJS:arrow_upper_right:
46@bebraw/setjsSet data structure for JavaScript (MIT)
39@raimohanska/Bacon.UI.jsUI helpers for Bacon.js and jQuery
38@niklasvh/base64-arraybufferEncode/decode base64 data into ArrayBuffers
38@petkaantonov/apply-prCommand line tool for applying GitHub Pull Requests
37@kristerkari/stylelint-scssA collection of SCSS specific linting rules for stylelint
35@raimohanska/worzoneGame programming experiment with Bacon.js (no more RxJs):arrow_upper_right:
34@niklasvh/WebGL-CSS-ShadersCSS Shaders through WebGL
33@niklasvh/jquery.plugin.clipbo…jQuery plugin to modify the contents copied to clipboard:arrow_upper_right:
32@epeli/node-promisepipeSafely pipe node.js streams while capturing all errors to a single promise:arrow_upper_right:
32@raimohanska/bacon-devday-codeThe assignment for the upcoming Bacon.js hands-on session at ReaktorDevDay
31@pakastin/rzrTurboboosted 2 KB virtual dom view library for browser & node.js
30@bebraw/node-configuration-p…Node.js configuration patterns (MIT)
28@niklasvh/click-heatmapClick heatmaps with Google Analytics
25@epeli/carcounterAsynchronous module loading example with Browserify:arrow_upper_right:
24@jareware/pointing-fingersSimple tool for tracking changes to an upstream API as part of your test suite
23@petkaantonov/core-error-predicate…Error predicate functions for operational errors thrown by node core.
23@bebraw/react-ellipsifyEllipsify content (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
22@bungle/irestyOpenResty Conference 2015 Demo Application (a Chat) and The Presentation
21@kpuputti/JSONCacheHTML5's localStorage caching layer for fetching JSON data with jQuery.
21@ekelokorpi/panda.js-engine-plug…Panda Engine plugins:arrow_upper_right:
20@petkaantonov/querystringparserExtremely fast querystring parser for Javascript
20@lhartikk/ChessOpeningsVisualizing chess openings:arrow_upper_right:
19@tipiirai/cloudpanicAn intensive (but closed) blog about technology.:arrow_upper_right:
18@petkaantonov/fast-strftimeExtremely fast implementation of the node strftime module
18@kpuputti/perkele.jsYet another JavaScript slide framework.
16@epeli/geekslidesRemote controllable Node.js introduction slides:arrow_upper_right:
16@bebraw/colorjsColor lib for JS (supports rgba, hsva, hsla via a simple API) (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
16@niklasvh/CSS3-ShapesCSS3 shape editor:arrow_upper_right:
16@bebraw/swagger-todoMinimal Todo API example using Swagger on top of Node.js (Express+Sequelize+swagger-tools+jwt) (MIT)
16@bebraw/yeswejekyllYes We Jekyll. Or if we don't yet, we will after reading this guide. Read on.:arrow_upper_right:
15@pakastin/cursorsSee other peoples' cursors in real time!
15@tarlepp/angular-sailsjs-boil…Backend side for angular-sailsjs-boilerplate
15@wolverian/jenkyJenky is a beautiful radiator for your Jenkins CI server.:arrow_upper_right:
14@olegp/tokenizeAn open implementation of the Parse.com REST server
14@epeli/node-climConsole.Log IMproved for Node.js:arrow_upper_right:
14@pakastin/docker-boilerplateThis is how I roll..
14@bebraw/jquery.ellipsisEllipsis plugin for jQuery (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
13@bebraw/segmentizeSimple segmentation useful for pagination (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
13@rap1ds/dippaDippa Editor – A web-based LaTeX editor:arrow_upper_right:
13@petkaantonov/HTML-Music-PlayerHTML/Javascript based online music player with rich features:arrow_upper_right:
12@bebraw/highlight-loaderApplies highlight.js to given HTML (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
12@kristerkari/jQuery-GeolocatorA Geolocation API plugin for jQuery or Zepto:arrow_upper_right:
12@bebraw/blogger2ghostBlogspot JSON migrator plugin for Ghost (MIT)
12@jhartikainen/react-chat-appSource code for an article series on building a React-based chat app
12@ekelokorpi/panda.js-engine-game…Panda Engine example games:arrow_upper_right:
12@petkaantonov/bluebird-qDrop-in replacement for Q v1 that delegates to bluebird
11@olegp/overrideGeneral purpose middleware framework for Node letting you override & extend built in functionality
11@petkaantonov/cookieparserFast cookie parser for node
11@bebraw/png2icoConverts pngs to icos (MIT)
11@tarlepp/angular-sailsjs-boil…Frontend side for angular-sailsjs-boilerplate
11@kristerkari/karma-bdd-usingDRY your Karma + Jasmine or Mocha tests using the data provider pattern
10@rap1ds/patPattern matching in JavaScript
10@lhartikk/BtcTxMatrixShow newest bitcoin transactions using "matrix-rain-style":arrow_upper_right:
9@bebraw/generate-invoiceGenerates PDF invoices (MIT)
9@bebraw/pingdom-apiPingdom API client for Node.js (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
9@petkaantonov/FastEmitterFast event emitter
9@niklasvh/webdriver.jsjQuery styled WebDriver bindings for node.js
9@petkaantonov/DataStructures.jsabstract data structures for js with unified api
9@kristerkari/HTML-newsletter-buil…A command line tool to help build and preprocess email newsletters
8@bebraw/react-crm-frontendFrontend for CRM (MIT)
8@petkaantonov/attemplate.jsLight noise, full control templating for javascript
8@epeli/ProjectwatchWatch file changes and run multiple css/js pre-processors from one watcher
8@epeli/jquery.panfullsizejQuery plugin for panning large images:arrow_upper_right:
8@olegp/common-utilsA collection of pure JavaScript utility modules in CommonJS format for server and client side use:arrow_upper_right:
8@tuhoojabotti/NodePieSpyPieSpy clone with Node.js:arrow_upper_right:
8@olegp/notesCommon Node example using Stick and Mongo Sync
8@bebraw/dragjsSimple utility to make it easier to implement drag based things (ie. sliders and such) (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
8@bebraw/jquery.caroSimple, scaleable carousels for jQuery (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
8@olegp/restwrapperA library for creating JavaScript proxy objects to JSON REST APIs
8@niklasvh/mongoose-validatorsValidators for Mongoose schemas with validator.js
8@raimohanska/rxjs-extensionsSome extensions to Reactive Extensions for Javascript
7@olegp/bootstrap1% of what a mature configuration management tool does, written in bash
7@ekelokorpi/panda.js-toolkitPanda Toolkit: Command-line interface for Panda projects:arrow_upper_right:
7@raimohanska/MonadsHaskell monads for learning purposes
7@bebraw/funkitVarious utilities (MIT)
7@bebraw/react-crm-backendBackend for CRM (MIT)
7@jareware/el-jsUtility function for generating HTML/XML DOM trees in the browser.
7@endor/karhuProducts data management as HTML5 Web App
7@niklasvh/html5-parserhtml5 parser for node.js and browsers
7@epeli/yalrYALR - Yet Another Live Reload:arrow_upper_right:
7@endor/siiliGo Game Client/Server in jQuery and Express.js
7@bebraw/mocssCSS preprocessor written in Node. Beta quality, wrote this originally for a blogpost. (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
7@niklasvh/jquery.plugin.placeh…Add placeholder functionality to non-HTML5 browsers:arrow_upper_right:
6@kpuputti/halDIY HAL 9000
6@bebraw/bunit.jsSimple testing lib for JS (MIT)
6@bebraw/yabox.jsYet another lightbox clone. Very light one this time. (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
6@ekelokorpi/panda.js-editorPanda Editor: Code editor for Panda game development:arrow_upper_right:
6@epeli/node-tftpStreaming TFTP Server for node.js
5@olegp/pg-mongoMongoDB interface to PostgreSQL for Node.js
5@olegp/opshellNode.js PaaS using Docker and CoreOS
5@petkaantonov/jQuery-autogrowjQuery plugin for automatic textarea growing and shrinking
5@epeli/react-starterMakefile React.js starter kit
5@bebraw/libumdWraps given JavaScript code with UMD (MIT)
5@jhartikainen/dompathA JS library which generates CSS selectors for DOM nodes
5@jhartikainen/JavaScript-Bayeux-se…JavaScript implementation of the Bayeux protocol server, primarily for Opera Unite applications:arrow_upper_right:
4@tuhoojabotti/Chromerly-URL-shorte…Chrome Extension to shorten your lengthy urls.:arrow_upper_right:
4@endor/platformsbasic skeleton for a webapp based on node.js with plat_forms contest in mind
4@bebraw/lte-scraperScrapes LTE data from Apple and Wikipedia and then joins them (MIT)
4@olegp/assetoneAssetOne packages up resources as CommonJS modules for the browser.
4@rap1ds/angular-baconAn example project that aims reduce the need to use mutable variables in AngularJS with the help of some delicious Bacon
4@kpuputti/quickchatReal-time HTML5 Chat demo with Node.js, Socket.IO, and Express.
4@jaukia/unmeaterA bookmarklet for removing text and images on a web page
4@jannehietamaki/jquery-fpJQuery plugin for functional programming style list processing
4@jsalonen/yle-apiUnofficial Node.js SDK for Yle API
4@niklasvh/webidl.jsWebIDL parser for JavaScript
4@raimohanska/bacon.js-slidesConverted my rxjs slides to baconjs, as a proof of concept
4@kpuputti/flow-and-static-type…Presentation: Flow and static types for JavaScript
4@tarlepp/Angular-Firebase-Mat…Just a small demo to show how to use Angular + Firebase + Google Material Design together.
4@tuhoojabotti/NodeJS-ohjelmointipr…Node.js on JavaScript-sovellusalusta, jolla on helppo kehittää nopeita, helposti skaalattavia verkkosovelluksia. Toteuta omasi yksin tai ryhmässä!
4@bebraw/mojsJS preprocessor (adds some extra syntax) (MIT)
4@epeli/source-map-peekPeek into original source via source maps from the command line when devtools fail.:arrow_upper_right:
4@bebraw/qdemoDemonstration generator for jQuery plugins (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
3@raimohanska/bacon-mlocMy Bacon.js presentation for mloc-js
3@olegp/ringo-mavenExample of a webapp built with Maven using RingoJS as a dependency
3@tipiirai/tipiirai.github.comCloudpanic website. Generated files.:arrow_upper_right:
3@bungle/betzTournament Betting Web Application.
3@raimohanska/rxjs-presentationMy interactive presentation on RxJs
3@epeli/ircshareSimple service for sharing your pictures on IRC:arrow_upper_right:
3@epeli/qdomainPromises from domains:arrow_upper_right:
3@pakastin/frzr-domrender FRZR on server side:arrow_upper_right:
3@kpuputti/DroidGeoBrowserGeoNames place browser for Android
3@tuhoojabotti/tuhBotThis project has moved to a new organization:arrow_upper_right:
3@pakastin/2016-04-21Live coding from HelsinkiJS & Frontend Finland at Alma Media Mega Meetup:arrow_upper_right:
3@jhartikainen/TankWarTankWar, a worms/scorched earth style Opera Unite application

Install as Unite app: drag config.xml to Opera Non-Unite install: Copy templates/tankwar.html to public_html. Open copied file in any browser which supports canvas | :arrow_upper_right: 2 | @jareware/gdoc-tex-utils | Collection of small utils for wrangling Google Docs (text) documents into LaTeX ones | 2 | @petkaantonov/ArgumentsHook | Small JavaScript library to make enhanced arguments object available inside function calls. Also includes method overloading and contracts. | :arrow_upper_right: 2 | @pakastin/clocktick | Clock-accurate timeout for Node.js and browser | :arrow_upper_right: 2 | @petkaantonov/chromebeautify | adds js beautify context menu for selection to in-place beautify js | 2 | @seece/demodocs | Selitystä demoskenestä | 2 | @epeli/node-handlebars-runt… | Handlebars runtime only | :arrow_upper_right: 2 | @pakastin/frzr-calendar | FRZR calendar example | :arrow_upper_right: 2 | @niklasvh/css-values | | 2 | @kristerkari/travis-chrome | An example repo to show how to run tests with Karma runner using Chrome browser (with Xvfb) in Travis CI | :arrow_upper_right: 2 | @niklasvh/reactive-templates | | 2 | @niklasvh/3d-dom | http://blog.hertzen.com/post/68191200228… | :arrow_upper_right: 2 | @kpuputti/firebug-logger | Simple log4j-insired logger for Firebug's console. | 2 | @kristerkari/u-agent | Modular web browser user agent matcher | 2 | @kpuputti/cordova-camera-examp… | | 2 | @olegp/ringo-sunserver | JSGI server for RingoJS using Sun's HTTP server | 2 | @raimohanska/partyblastr | Partyblastr repo | :arrow_upper_right: 2 | @olegp/ak-httpclient | CommonJS compatible HttpClient for Akshell - available as a library at olegp/httpclient | 2 | @epeli/flips.io | | 2 | @rap1ds/keyword | Keyword-driven testing library | 2 | @petkaantonov/jQuery-mousesettle | jQuery hover intent plugin that uses events | 2 | @rap1ds/latex-parser.js | Simple LaTeX parser for JavaScript | :arrow_upper_right: 2 | @tuhoojabotti/Assembly-PlaceMap | Map of computer places on the yearly ASSEMBLY Summer event. | 2 | @kristerkari/placekeeper | Placekeeper is a HTML5 placeholder attribute polyfill for old browsers that lack support for it. | 2 | @petkaantonov/multicast.js | | 2 | @jhartikainen/grunt-inline2js | Inline file content (eg. HTML, CSS, or even other JS files) into JS files with Grunt. | 2 | @seece/cerho | | 2 | @raimohanska/bacon-mloc-code | Workshop codebase for mloc-js | 2 | @kpuputti/twittericsson | Twitter client | 2 | @raimohanska/enocean-keen | | 2 | @jhartikainen/planetside2-map-api | | |


12623@iluwatar/java-design-patternsDesign patterns implemented in Java:arrow_upper_right:
3759@roughike/BottomBarA custom view component that mimics the new Material Design Bottom Navigation pattern.
2485@orfjackal/retrolambdaBackport of Java 8's lambda expressions to Java 7, 6 and 5
621@roughike/SwipeSelectorA nicer-looking, more intuitive and highly customizable alternative for radio buttons and dropdowns for Android.
202@peholmst/vaadin4springVaadin integration for Spring and Spring Boot
186@orfjackal/tdd-tetris-tutorialTutorial for learning TDD. You make a Tetris game by writing code to pass the test cases. See README for instructions.:arrow_upper_right:
175@orfjackal/idea-sbt-pluginIntelliJ IDEA plugin for integration with SBT (Simple Build Tool) in order to compile Scala projects easily and quickly.:arrow_upper_right:
65@pkainulainen/ExamplesA repository for the code examples of my blog:arrow_upper_right:
61@orfjackal/jumiCommon test runner for the JVM. Natively supports running tests in parallel. Full stack from UI to class loading. Overcomes a bunch of limitations in JUnit's test runner, IDEs and build tools.:arrow_upper_right:
54@orfjackal/jumi-actorsActor library for Java to support concurrency and asynchronous event-driven programming.:arrow_upper_right:
37@jouni/bootstrap-for-vaadinIntegrating Bootstrap CSS with Vaadin (proof-of-concept):arrow_upper_right:
33@orfjackal/dimdwarfDistributed application server for Java. You write single-threaded, event-driven POJO code - the server makes it multi-threaded, persisted and transactional. Designed for the needs of online games. Compatible with Project Darkstar (now RedDwarf). [INACTIVE]
33@tehapo/ClaraDeclarative UI and bindings for Vaadin Framework
31@peholmst/VaadinActivitiDemoNOTE! THIS IS NOT THE APPLICATION WE DEMONSTRATED AT DEVOXX 2011!! An example Vaadin application built on top of the Activiti BPM platform.
31@mstahv/v-leafletLeaflet add-on for Vaadin
28@mstahv/spring-data-vaadin-c…A super simple single table CRUD example with Spring Data JPA and Vaadin.
28@mstahv/jpa-invoicerJava EE, JPA, Vaadin example app:arrow_upper_right:
22@tehapo/WizardsForVaadinWizards for Vaadin add-on
20@peholmst/MVP4VaadinA small Model-View-Presenter addon for Vaadin applications
16@mikakoivisto/liferay-maven-incuba…LEGACY Liferay Maven Incubation Project. http://github.com/liferay/liferay-maven-… is now the official project. No more development will be done on this project.
16@peholmst/ActivitiVaadinDevoxx…Example Activiti+Vaadin application to be demonstrated at Devoxx 2011
16@huberflores/XMPPNotificationServ…Interoperable notification solution for smartphones
15@peholmst/SpringSecurityDemoAn example application demonstrating how to use Spring Security in a Vaadin application
15@orfjackal/specsyBDD-style unit-level testing framework for Scala. Safely isolates mutable state. Supports writing self-documenting tests/specifications.:arrow_upper_right:
14@mstahv/consuming-rest-apisA simple JAX-RS Client usage example. Fetches weather data from a openweathermap.org and displays that on a simple Vaadin UI.
14@samie/VaadinTetrisVaadin + HTML 5 Demo for JavaDay Riga 2011
12@mstahv/jpa-helper-librariesExample project for various JPA helper libraries
11@huberflores/XMPPNotificationClie…Android Client for XMPP-based Notification Service
11@mstahv/g-leafletSimple javascript overlay based GWT API for Leaflet
10@peholmst/I18N4VaadinA small I18N addon for Vaadin applications
10@samie/Vaadin-ConfirmDialogConfirmDialog Add-on for the Vaadin Framework:arrow_upper_right:
10@peholmst/vaadin-spring-webina…Example code for the Spring + Vaadin webinar
10@mstahv/jpa-addressbookThis is a simple example application about creating JPA backed Java EE application with rich Vaadin based UI.
9@jouni/AnimatorGeneral purpose animation add-on for Vaadin. Animate any component directly from the server side.:arrow_upper_right:
9@peholmst/Neo4jVaadinDemoA project that demonstrates how to build Vaadin applications that use the Neo4j graph database
8@orfjackal/extformatterExternal Code Formatter, an IntelliJ IDEA plugin. [UNMAINTAINED]:arrow_upper_right:
8@mstahv/bootiful-neo4j-with-…Example/learning project for neo4j + spring-data + vaadin integration
8@mstahv/ejb-swing-vaadin-cru…An example application that shows how Swing and Vaadin based apps can share the most essential parts of the application.:arrow_upper_right:
8@vschafer/ssl-extractorA simple Java application which connects to an SSL/TLS port and extracts all certificates presented by the server to PEM formatted files.
7@mstahv/vaadin-in-akkaAkka Reactive Stocks example with Vaadin UI
6@DrJukka/MyWifiMeshWifi direct test app, using Group AP to connect without any UX required
6@orfjackal/visualvm4ideaVisualVM Profiler, an IntelliJ IDEA plugin. [UNMAINTAINED]:arrow_upper_right:
6@mstahv/tindratrackerA simple mobile oriented Vaadin web app that can track devices carrying small GPS-GSM dongles.
6@mstahv/vleafletexampleExample project that uses v-leaflet to edit JPA entities in a basic Vaadin app
6@mstahv/vodatimeVaadin add-on supporting JodaTime as an example of perfect add-on build
5@huberflores/CodeOffloadingAnnota…Framework that implements code offloading with annotations based on Android
5@jouni/SnappyClient/browser-only actions/events for Vaadin:arrow_upper_right:
5@jouni/DashLayoutFlexible and efficient layouts for Vaadin:arrow_upper_right:
5@jouni/CSSInjectDynamic CSS injection add-on for Vaadin:arrow_upper_right:
5@ThibWeb/d4D4 is a Datalift module to visualize RDF DataCube data. Built with Bootstrap, D3 and CoffeeScript.
4@orfjackal/puzzle-warriorHyper Puzzle Warrior XVII Ultra - a "Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo" clone. [DRAFT]
4@tehapo/JsonContainerJsonContainer for Vaadin:arrow_upper_right:
4@mstahv/cdi-helpersA library containing handy helpers for Vaadin CDI applications.
4@mstahv/v-leaflet-shramov-pa…Vaadin&GWT wrappers for "shramov" leaflet plugins
4@mstahv/easyuploadsVaadin 7 compatible version of EasyUploads Add-On
4@mstahv/java-ee7-app-stubLightweight Java EE apps stub using Vaadin CDI
4@vschafer/spring-security-saml…Project enables deployment of Spring SAML applications in Google Application Engine.
4@orfjackal/sgs-serverProject Darkstar Server Core. Git mirror of sgs-server's SVN repository, trunk only. GPL 2.0 License.:arrow_upper_right:
3@huberflores/AndroidSensorSimulat…Some examples about how to use sensor simulator with Android emulator
3@peholmst/VaadinSpringSerializ…Spring-powered Vaadin application that supports session serialization without AspectJ
3@huberflores/GCMClientGoogle Cloud Messaging (GCM) client for Android
3@rase-/ohtu-miniprojektiBibTeX viitejärjestelmä
3@mikakoivisto/akismet-javaSimple java implementation of Akismet comment spam checking rest api
3@tehapo/webcamHTML5 Webcam for Vaadin
3@tehapo/SwitchSwitch Component for Vaadin
3@tehapo/GeolocationVaadin add-on for accessing the Geolocation API.:arrow_upper_right:
3@peholmst/ddd-webinarSample application for an upcoming Vaadin Webinar about DDD.
3@huberflores/MobileInteractionCol…Touch and gesture data collection application for measuring quality of experience of the mobile user
3@mstahv/diagram-builderVaadin Add-on built over ALLOYUI DiagramBuilder
3@mstahv/vaadinized-tomee-jee…An example how to switch a simple faces built UI into modern RIA UI using Vaadin
3@orfjackal/idea-configMy configs for IntelliJ IDEA (~/.IntelliJIdeaXX/config):arrow_upper_right:
3@mstahv/g-leaflet-drawJava (GWT) API for Leaflet.Draw
3@orfjackal/classmembersorterSorts Java's Method and Class objects according to their actual source code line numbers.
3@mstahv/v-quizA simple Quiz game implemented with Vaadin and Wildfly
3@jouni/DOMVaadin add-on for manipulating widget element attributes:arrow_upper_right:
3@samie/tinkerforgeSome IoT Dashboarding
3@jouni/ToolbarWindowToolbarWindow add-on for Vaadin. Allows placing of any Vaadin components in the sub-window header area.:arrow_upper_right:
3@samie/bluemix-mqtt-dashboa…MQTT dashboard example for IBM Bluemix
3@huberflores/MobileCloudMiddlewar…Service-oriented middleware for mobile task delegation
3@mstahv/rwdpjA Vaadin example project that presents some "Responsive Web Design" implemented with human readable Java code instead of html and Css haxies.
2@orfjackal/pommacUtility for generating Maven POM files. [DRAFT]
2@tehapo/RatingStarsRatingStars add-on for Vaadin:arrow_upper_right:
2@DrJukka/BLETestStuffsome test stuff for BLE
2@DrJukka/WifiUPnPTestAppTest app for service advertisement & discovery utilizing the UPnP with Wifi Direct API on Android
2@tehapo/Geolocation-demoDemo application for the Geolocation add-on.:arrow_upper_right:
2@vpeurala/JRetrofitA pure Java library for adding interfaces to existing classes at runtime without bytecode manipulation:arrow_upper_right:
2@vpeurala/JReflectSimple and easy reflection API for Java.:arrow_upper_right:
2@peholmst/aphatosA glossary application designed to help people with aphasia to write texts on a computer. The software was originally written in 2009.:arrow_upper_right:
2@peholmst/Stuff4VaadinVarious utility classes that I use in my Vaadin addons. Several of them can be used outside of Vaadin as well.
2@orfjackal/reddwarf-serverGit mirror of reddwarf/sgs-server:arrow_upper_right:
2@peholmst/modularappexampleExample how to create a modular Vaadin application using either SPI or CDI
2@orfjackal/thematrixtimeSlows down or speeds up the system clock. [UNMAINTAINED]
2@peholmst/VerySimpleI18NExample of how I18N can be implemented in a Vaadin application without any third-party libraries.
2@peholmst/archetypesMaven archetypes for my most common project setups
2@samie/vaadin-ga-trackerVaadin Google Analytics Tracker
2@huberflores/MobileFuzzyModelOffloading engine based on Fuzzy logic
2@samie/runnable-jar-vaadinRunnable, single-jar Vaadin application
2@huberflores/GCMServerGoogle Cloud Messaging (GCM) Web server side
2@orfjackal/weenyconsoleCommand line interface which executes methods on a POJO.
2@huberflores/MeshOffloadingCode offloading for graphics
2@orfjackal/misc-toolsChaotic pile of small utility classes and experiments.
2@jouni/vaadin-theme-trainin…A simple Twitter search client for theme training purposes
2@jouni/SimpleLayoutSimple and designer friendly layout add-on for Vaadin
2@mstahv/watson-java-apiThis project provides a clean Java API to Watson. Example project uses Vaadin UI.
2@jouni/CSS-ToolsCSS and style utilities for client side (GWT) widget development
2@jouni/GWT.create-workshopSource code for the Responsive Layouts with Vaadin and Sass workshop
2@mstahv/v-leaflet-drawLeaflet.Draw wrapper for Vaadin
2@orfjackal/text-adventureSmall example application, a typical homework assignment. Coding this app has been screencasted - see the below web site.:arrow_upper_right:
2@jouni/WeeLayoutWeeLayout add-on for Vaadin. Fast and flexible layouting.:arrow_upper_right:


236@JuhaKiili/RagePixel2D Pixelart Toolkit for Unity3D:arrow_upper_right:
11@JuhaKiili/FupixelCode-centric pixel framework for Unity.
9@tparvi/appsettingsHandle .NET .config files easily and type safely
7@JuhaKiili/RagePixel2Pixelart toolkit for Unity 4.3 and beyond
5@taimila/T4DtoBuilderT4 Template to generate DTO builders from existing DTO classes in Visual Studio.
4@JuhaKiili/RageEventWeakly typed event system for Unity
4@vgrem/Blog-contentSharePoint content from personal blog:arrow_upper_right:
4@Dextrey/natriumA high-level crypto library for .NET
4@isurakka/quadtreeQuadtree tree data structure in C#
4@Saulis/YouTrack.RestAnother .NET client for the YouTrack REST API
3@Dextrey/CrypeEncrypted Skype chat wrapper
3@ToniA/netduino-ir-receiverInfrared receiver for Netduino, decodes Panasonic air conditioner IR commands
3@taimila/EnterpriseApplicatio…Example project to illustrate how one can organize the .NET Solution of an enterprise application. This repository is related to the blog post found here that explains the reasoning and architecture in more detail.
2@tparvi/tomatouiUI for viewing bandwidth info from routers equipped with tomato firmware
2@ttu/Match-RateMatch rating web site and Windows Phone 7 application:arrow_upper_right:
2@ttu/Strategy-GameProject for learning game architecture:arrow_upper_right:
2@paavohuhtala/CCECities Compiler Extender. More APIs in scripting mods without using an external compiler.
2@am11/RectanglePackerFast Optimizing Rectangle Packing Algorithm for Building CSS Sprites
2@mikkopa/TaigarealXtend taiga branch


19@ohanhi/svg-css-backgroundsMulticolor SVGs as CSS backgrounds:arrow_upper_right:
6@ohanhi/minimoka-gnome-shellMinimalistic Gnome Shell Theme


2@romandunets/php-mvcSmall Customized PHP MVC-Framework


336@juhovh/shairplayApple airplay and raop protocol server
235@phadej/igbinaryIgbinary is a drop in replacement for the standard php serializer. Check https://github.com/igbinary/igbinary for the freshest version
166@mstorsjo/vlc-androidA personal repo for work on vlc-android (not official):arrow_upper_right:
81@PetteriAimonen/libfixmatrixC library for fixed point matrix, quaternion and vector calculations
78@vendu/OS-Zerooperating system project
64@PetteriAimonen/ED060SC4_driverDriver for the ED060SC4 E-ink display
44@penberg/hornetHornet, a JVM optimized for low-latency applications.
38@PetteriAimonen/QuadPawnPawn scripting language for the DSO Quad pocket oscilloscope.
34@mstorsjo/vo-aacencVisualOn AAC encoder from Android
30@PetteriAimonen/libfixmathCross Platform Fixed Point Maths Library:arrow_upper_right:
23@tuomasjjrasanen/libsuinputThin userspace library on top of Linux uinput kernel module.:arrow_upper_right:
20@PetteriAimonen/STM32_Trace_ExampleExample on using the ITM/ETM tracing on STM32 (and generally any Cortex-M3):arrow_upper_right:
19@penberg/pstorepstore, a high-performance, read-optimized database system.
18@PetteriAimonen/BaselibcSmall C library for microcontrollers. Code is based on klibc.
14@penberg/libpacketioHigh-performance packet I/O userspace library
13@PetteriAimonen/dso-quad-logicLogic analyzer for the DSO Quad
13@mstorsjo/vo-amrwbencVisualOn AMR-WB encoder from Android
11@rsaarelm/sodnaLightweight virtual console library for text mode games
10@tuomasjjrasanen/m210Device driver for Pegasus Tablet Mobile NoteTaker (M210) devices:arrow_upper_right:
10@tiagovignatti/gtk-shellGTK+ shell example for Wayland
9@mstorsjo/rtmpdumprtmpdump is a toolkit for RTMP streams.:arrow_upper_right:
9@PetteriAimonen/AlterBIOSExtensions and fixes for DSO Quad BIOS (SYS.HEX)
8@vendu/Resurrectiona simple toolkit for xlib with sample applications such as a window manager and terminal emulator.
7@jvirtanen/fieldsFast C library for reading CSV and other tabular text formats
7@JAORMX/Writing-Netfilter-Mo…This is the code for the tutorial/book named Writing Netfilter Modules
6@juhovh/spectrumZX Spectrum programming tutorial
5@penberg/duhviewANSI art viewer written in C and SDL
5@juhovh/libasflibasf ASF parsing library
4@penberg/wolfWolf, a raycasting engine for pseudo 3D games.
4@rsaarelm/telosTurn-based wargame in C++11
3@jeeb/mpc-hcMPC-HC git svn clone
3@jeeb/mpc-bePersonal MPC-BE git svn clone
3@jeeb/mpegtssome herpy derpy mpeg-ts related code
3@rsaarelm/morlock-hunter7DRL 2014 contest entry
3@JAORMX/TweetRemoteControlTweeter App to control your computer from Twitter.
3@Deraen/frakkin-xkbWorkaround to set XKB options whenever a new input device is connected
3@jeeb/ffdshow-tryoutsffdshow-tryouts git svn clone
3@jvirtanen/dadaGenerate tabular text data
3@tuomasjjrasanen/evdaemonMonitor and modify Linux event device activity and behaviour.
2@jeeb/flacmy clone of http://git.xiph.org/?p=mirrors/flac.git;…
2@penberg/cqlperfcassandra-perf - a tool for measuring Cassandra query performance
2@tuomasjjrasanen/libm210This C library is now part of the M210 project:arrow_upper_right:
2@jeeb/randomAttempting science, for science. Nothing to see here.
2@chavezgu/kenA compiler for the object oriented programming language called ken.
2@PetteriAimonen/ebike-controllerChibios-based ebike controller


291@fador/mineserverCustom Minecraft server software written in C++ for Windows and Linux:arrow_upper_right:
168@scoopr/vectorialVector math library with NEON/SSE support
119@tonioni/WinUAEWinUAE Amiga emulator:arrow_upper_right:
99@giucam/orbitalA Wayland compositor based on Weston and Qt
29@jarikomppa/dxwrapperDirectX 1-7 wrapper project for making old games run on new hardware
24@ttlappalainen/NMEA2000NMEA2000 library for Arduino
24@kypeli/kQOAuthkQOAuth is a library written in C++ for Qt that implements the OAuth 1.0 authentication specification RFC 5849 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849). Greetings go to Dominik Kapusta for writing the original OAuth library using Qt, QOAuth (http://blog.ayoy.net/2009/6/24/oauth). However, I wanted to improve on the QOAuth’s approach in some ways. kQOAuth main features: Easy integrated solution for retrieving user authentication and access token. No external dependency to QCA. Convenient signals that can be used for easy OAuth authorization process handling. Access to request objects that will wrap request signing and network access, but still gives possibility for detailed control of the authentication process for easier integration to existing application logic.
21@rambo/I2CArduino I2C Master library (originally by Wayne Truchsess)
15@timowest/analogueVirtual Analogue synth in FAUST
15@scoopr/wtf8Small utility functions for handling utf8
13@cadaver/turso3dExperimental 3D / game engine
12@jarikomppa/escapiExtremely Simple Capture API (ESCAPI) - simple webcam API for windows
11@jarikomppa/img2specImage Spectrumizer - convert RGB images into zx spectrum -friendly data
10@jarikomppa/textglSoftware rendered GL subset for text mode demos
7@timowest/flute-lv2Waveguide based physical flute model
7@scoopr/specificMinimal C++ spec framework
7@rambo/SimpleFIFOArduino SimpleFIFO library, originally http://code.google.com/u/alexanderbrevig…
6@katajakasa/cbgpCode::blocks Git Plugin
6@noorus/nilGaming input library for Windows.
5@jarnoh/qmlmidiMIDI plugin for Qt Quick. Enables using MIDI input or output devices from declarative QML.
5@scoopr/auplayMinimalistic music/audio player for osx, using system decoding routines.
5@sisu/ssortstring sorting
5@scoopr/autobuildDead simple automation
3@rambo/pca9635Arduino library for controlling PCA9635 I2C LED drivers
3@Laizerox/TheLifeLearning Project
3@sisu/jytkyShoot 'em up for Android
3@kimmoli/tohkbd-archiveJolla TOH keyboard
2@sisu/lattyStarcraft AI
2@ReaverTeknoGods/TeknoBorgThis is all licensed under the GPLv3. No further development is planned.
2@rambo/i2c_sensor_libLooking into building a hierarchical library for i2c sensors (for Arduino)
2@rambo/mcp23017Arduino library for MCP23017 16bit I/O expander
2@ReaverTeknoGods/TeknoR6Vegas2This is all licensed under the GPLv3. No further development is planned.
2@noorus/glacier2Game engine rewrite.
2@noorus/xnlibA tiny library for low-level x86/PE mischief.
2@kimmoli/fmreceiverFM Receiver control application for Jolla FMTOH
2@ReaverTeknoGods/TeknoAVGNThis is all licensed under the GPLv3. No further development is planned.
2@jarikomppa/interjectorC code instrumenting tool
2@jarikomppa/tiefighter-ddwrapperDirectDraw wrapper for Star Wars - TIE Fighter (1998)
2@kimmoli/stm32-programmerSTM32 I2C Programmer for Jolla TOH
2@sisu/qsonosSonos desktop client using Qt

:question: Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. :rocket:

:yum: How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

:sparkling_heart: Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

Thanks! :heart:

:scroll: License

MIT © Ionică Bizău