


Examples: hertzen.com | html2canvas.hertzen.com

Click heatmap from Google Analytics. This repo only illustrates an example of setting up Google service accounts to retrieve data from Google Analytics API and converting the data into a heatmap with canvas. To actually gather click tracking data, you need to setup some custom events in your Google analytics.

Getting Started


Install dependencies

npm install

Set the SERVICE_ACCOUNT environment variable to point to your Google service account that has access to the target Google analytics account. For more information on service accounts, check the documentation for them at developers.google.com.

Heroku setup

Create a new Heroku application.

Set the following environment variable: heroku config:set SERVICE_ACCOUNT=[Your Google service account id] --app [Your Heroku application name]

Define your Google accountId, host names to be used, and optionally if you want to setup path's to crawl.

Examples for creating heatmaps can be found under assets/drawing.js, index.html and html2canvas.html.


Copyright (c) 2013 Niklas von Hertzen
Licensed under the MIT license.